Can India Compete With China?

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Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by Dagny Taggart - Monday, 11 January 2010, 03:40 PM

Can India compete with China?


Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by King Kong - Wednesday, 13 January 2010, 06:58 PM

In my view.. Yes India definitely has the potential to compete to China. However, the picture is not all rosy. India has its share of worries and shortcoming that it has to take care of in order to emerge ahead of China. On the plus side: India has increased its spending on infrastructure from 4.2% of GDP to 8.5% of GDP. Bulk of the recent growth in India's economy has come from manufacturing and other services On the negative Side: Our education system is behind china's and we need to catch up soon
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by Abhay Thakur - Thursday, 14 January 2010, 03:35 AM

According to me Yes India can compete with China,But in the long run,Say about 30 years from now.But for that to happen we have to change ourselves from now onwards.As compared to China we lag in technology,education,Urbanization,Defence and many other areas.One thing which we are competing with China at the moment is population,and soon we will hold the first position,which would on ly hamper our growth.So as to keep our population in check the Govt should take strict measures .If the measures are not taken at this time it will only cause a overburden on our limited resources in future.Our education system is way lacking behind China.The future of our country can only be changed by having a good education system.So the changes in the education systems have to be brought from now onwards and the Govt has realized it and giving free education upto 14 years as well as giving free meals in the schools so as to promote education is a good sign in this context.Many such measures should be taken by Govt from now onwards not only in one field but in all the fields ,then only an overall development of our country can take place and it can compete with China in future.
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by tarun kumar - Thursday, 14 January 2010, 09:20 AM

china has made shown its mettle in various sector like the grand Olympics by china,whereas India is struggling even to complete the infrastructure for commonwealth. In the long run we have to see that India is democratic which will help in installing the confidence in the global investor as compare to china Both have already shown their presence in the Global market where India is lagging behind China in term of GDP and Human development Index but considering new avenues of manufacturing sectors opening up in India and huge potential in service sector we can give a tough competition to china

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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by Sahil Khurana - Thursday, 14 January 2010, 05:26 PM

I would say Yes,but not at this point in time.India has a lot of potential and capabalities to move ahead of China,but we are not utilizing our resources to maximium potential.We have very good education system,we are about to become strongest economic power in the world,we have produced various doctors and engineers who are excelling in their fields but we are still way behind China in terms of Technology,Money(Recently World's Richest Banks includes names of China banks,overtaking Citibank and HSBC) and Power.We still think that China's army are more superior and well equiped with latest technology that Indian Army. We need to make sure following things if we want to compete and win over China : 1.) Make our education system more flexible so that people should go ahead and do PhD and become scientists and server our nation.There is very less PhD's in India and Govt of India should pro mote higher education.We see that Indians opt for PhD programmes from abroad and server nations other than India. 2.) Invest money in Indian Army and making Indian soldiers equiped with latest artilery and latest technology so that they can fight with China in case there is war scenario. 3.) Reducing the China's share in our electronic sector and every sector where they are trying to capture their base.This will hamper our economic growth if we do not do so.
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by Sahil Khurana - Thursday, 14 January 2010, 05:27 PM

I would say Yes,but not at this point in time.India has a lot of potential and capabalities to move ahead of China,but we are not utilizing our resources to maximium potential.We have very good education system,we are about to become strongest economic power in the world,we have produced various doctors and engineers who are excelling in their fields but we are still way behind China in terms of Technology,Money(Recently World's Richest Banks includes names of China banks,overtaking Citibank and HSBC) and Power.We still think that China's army are more superior and well equiped with latest technology that Indian Army. We need to make sure following things if we want to compete and win over China : 1.) Make our education system more flexible so that people should go ahead and do PhD and become scientists and serve our nation.There is very less PhD's in India and Govt of India should prom ote higher education.We see that Indians opt for PhD programmes from abroad and server nations other than India. 2.) Invest money in Indian Army and making Indian soldiers equiped with latest artilery and latest technology so that they can fight with China in case there is war scenario. 3.) Reducing the China's share in our electronic sector and every sector where they are trying to capture their base.This will hamper our economic growth if we do not do so.
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by Anu Abraham - Thursday, 14 January 2010, 06:30 PM

It is not just that India can compete with China but India will overcome China in almost all respects. Though India does not have flashy cities like Shanghai,the infrastructure in India is developing right from the remote villages unlike that of China.In China growth is focussed in the cities and it is hardly reaching its villages.And when considering the fact that the economical reforms in China started in 1979 while that of India in 1991.So the rate at which India is growing is faster than the rate with which China is growing. India has got the additional advantage that the growth happening is not at the c ost of its citizens and their human rights.So the foundation on which India is building its brand is strong while China is strongly lacking in that aspect.The latest example is the Google episode.

Apart from this facts like using an undervalued currency,growing unrest among people for lack of human rights etc will prove to be acting against China's interests in the long time to come. Again we cannot ignore the fact that the brain drain has started happening in reverse manner in China while this coninues to be very strong in India.If we cannot attract the young and talented to remain in our country with better oppertunities and infrastructure we will fall behind the rat race for sure.
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by King Kong - Thursday, 14 January 2010, 10:17 PM

Also, India has moved away from being just a call center nation or doing low profile software jobs to a R&D hub. Though it is a long way to go we already are being looked at as a destination for R&D. Here are some examples: Both the Palm Pre smart phone and the Amazon Kindle, two of the hottest consumer electronics devices on the market, have key components designed in India. Intel designed its six-core Xeon processor in India. IBM has over 100,000 employees in India. A large number of these are bui lding Big Blues most sophisticated software products. Cisco is developing cutting edge networking technologies for futuristic intelligent cities in Bangalore. Even in manufacturing we are marching ahead: Tata with its dirt cheap Nano car that the comp any is now positioning for a European market entry and Reva, which recently announced it was planning to build an electric car factory in New York state to address the U.S. market for electric vehicles.
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by umesh gupta - Thursday, 14 January 2010, 10:54 PM

no india can not compete with China,we in india see ourselves equal to china but my friends China 's view of the China-india hyphen is same as our view to India-Pakistan hyphen. the way china is making progress india wont be able to compete with China. :China has recently overtaken even USA to become the third largest trading partner of ASEAN. :even we have observed during in copenhagan climate meeting that China was having a upper hand as comapre to India. : China is more strict in implementing its policies as comapre to India thatswhy india is not able to run even a single successful policy may be it NREGA or any policy as above my friends already told that india is also lacking in education system and economic groth so on all these point we can say that india wont be able to compete with China.
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by Jim Braddock - Friday, 15 January 2010, 01:00 AM

One general pointer regarding GDP, one of the measure of economic growth:

Its final value of product, produced in the domestic environment (in the given country) for the given period of time. GDP = Consumption by households + Investment by Businesses + Government purchases, payment transfers etc. + Net Export So you can always talk about these four components while talking about GDP. One more point regarding India and China economy: As we can see from above equation, Indian economy is more driven by domestic consumption (around 62%, please confirm the figure) while Chinese economy has the major component as Export. In long run, It seems that Indian economy will have sustainable growth rate though it depends on other factors as well besides Consumption. I hope, it'll help. For further clarification, feel free to ask. Regards, Jim, IIMB - The place to 'B'
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by Jim Braddock - Friday, 15 January 2010, 02:25 PM

India & China Infrastructure: Regards, Jim

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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by King Kong - Friday, 15 January 2010, 08:37 PM

More link for this topic:

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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by Bruce Wayne - Wednesday, 27 January 2010, 01:39 AM

As far as the competition is concerned, India can compete with China, but whether it will win or lag behind is the main issue. Both the countries are similar in many ways, and dissimilar in others. Both have a large humar resource pool, diverse cultures and large geographic areas. India has a democratic government, and China has an authoritative leadership. Democracy does boosts investor's confidence but on the other hand politics in India is also obstrucing its growth, for example protests by political par ties against foreign investments. China, on the other hand makes it clear that it means business and goes out of the way to promote industrialisation. The educated mass in India is proficient in English which is a very big advantage when compared to China, but most of them are in the services/IT ES and support roles. We do have people who are doing excellent research and work, but their numbers is quite small. China, on the the other hand

boasts of a manufacturing industry unmatched by others. There also, most of the workers are in blue collar jobs, but there is one big difference related to "Can India compete with China". China is leaving no stone unturned to fill the gaps. They are learning English very fast (they are being taught English in Stadiums, and from nursery school), they are picking up in IT and Biotechnology Sector, they send the maximum PhD students to US and Europe, and so on. India, on the other hand, is not doing much to match China. Instead of opening more industries to create a bigger manu facturing base, it is plagued with protest, court cases and even violence as we have seen in the case of POSCO in Orissa and TATA in singur. We boast of a large number of engineers but everyone, no matter what they have studied in engineering, is working as a Software Engineer. Still 30% of people are below the poverty line. The infrastructure in India is pathetic, and corruption is widespread. These would make India lag behind in competition with China atleast for the next 10 to 15 years, but surely if India can overcome the hurdles, it can definitely compete with China and win.
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by Jim Braddock - Friday, 29 January 2010, 03:35 AM

One pointer I would like to share with you all is that please try to see things beyond IT/ ITes sector in India. Its true that India is pioneer in this sector however IT industry worldwide is not much big (both by revenue and human capital). In 2008-09, it had around $70 billion revenue with only 4-5% contribution in India's GDP. FYI: Tourism is the biggest service industry worldwide, followed by Logistics. Regards, Jim
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by sameer saxena - Sunday, 31 January 2010, 05:09 PM

dear all as a patriotic indian its good to envisage that india and china can be compared and are at par.but mere day dreaming will not change the ground realities.china and india are uncomparable in every dimensions...except for population in which india is going to surpass china. china is a communist state while india is a democracy(so called).in india politics is farce and complex.its sheer number game.we all know how our government and allied bodies work.lets not get into all that which is a truism.sorry for being cynical though. beijing 2008 olympics and delhi 2010 commonwealth games.we know the difference. how disrespectfully we treat our national players(barring cricket players who are satraps) including the sole olympic goldmedalist.why india a country of 1.2 bn ( and growing ) ppl has bagged only 1 gold med al till sure we ain't have dearth of talent.look at china's performance in olympics. indian defence and intelligence is of no match to china's defence and intelligence.china spends 150 bn usd per annum on defence and what about us?post 26/11 fiasco we are aware of our defence and homeland securtiy.we can take pride in our soldiers but now even they are indulging in scams and mudslinging.china manufactures lethal weapons and we import. china is a member of un security council and india is not.china i s in g-5 and can even reprimand THE it did laltely over U.S TAIWAN arms deal. india is soft on terrorism and china comes hard on them.they have no tolerance policy papers and rheoteric as in india.we know about india's adoption of kasab. and mind you not on

china is a hightech state.remeber chinese mobile without imei india we are sitting ducks as far as manufacturing is concerned.shanghai elecricals and dongfeng electricals are far ahead of our BHEL.infact private players like adani,gmr,reliance(both ambanis) etc.... are roping in chinese equipment maker and inking deals worth billions of dollars with them.indians are losing out in their own country.china can develop 100,000 MW in 1 year...india can develop it in 1 decade. china has world's fastest bullet train... 350kmph kind of rocking speed..and we bask about our delhi metro..and nou bombay ( err mumbai monorail...sorry to all marathi manoosh). thanx to british we were ahead of them in BPO sector...but acording to research reports india might lose this business to china and phillipines as chinese are hell bent on learning spoken eng ( uk accent). we are losing out on our bigest strenght...agriculture sector.....we have the habit of losing our strength...we could have been food bowl of world but thanx to red tape and antiquated laws..lack of technology and public investment we are witnessing steep price rise of food articles(no sugar) list is endless.............. we are excelliong in sofware sector with the likes of tcs,infosys,wipr o,mahindra satyam , hcl etc........we have world class entrepreneurs (apologies if i spelled it wrong).we have innovation with our iits and iims........ even with all its might china is an insecure nation....its a major force but we are also not a foetus........china is yet not sugar dady of this region. (for numerical data plz read newspaper per use)

regards all..
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by Ashish Khanna - Monday, 1 February 2010, 07:01 PM

can india compete with china? if by competing we mean india and china competing over natural resources then yes we can, if we mean competing over military power and global clout, then no I dont see that happening in conceivable future. Since global clout comes from economic prowess so I dont see that happenin g anytime soon. The reason is that China is far ahead of us in infrastructure and other leading idicators of economic progress like share in global trade. It is so far ahead of us that in these areas it can claim to be on the same pedestral as world's developed nations. We on the other are still grappling with the challenges of bringing millions of people out of poverty. A third of our population still survives on less than 2 dollars a day. As a nation our priority should be to give our citizens a decent standard of living. Competing with China should not be considered at the moment. In other words we should do something which China did in late seventies, that is instead of focussing on competition it quietly followed a path towards economic progress. We too should not waste time over talk of competiotn or the like but with single minded focus we should work towards

building world class infrastructure and uplifting millions out of proverty. Until we do that the talk of competing with China would be just hollow talk.
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Re: Week 4: GD Topic (India vs China)

by shashank kumar - Monday, 1 February 2010, 11:17 PM

India can definitely compete with China. Both of them are growing at such high rates, which very few countries in world have grown. But, the driving force behind both are completely different. China's growth has been fueled by Govt. policies, but in India by Private sector & entrepreneurship. China's growth till now has been possible due to huge trade imbalances, particularly with US, because of cheaper yuan, which is not going to continue too long. On other hand, India's growth happens mostly due to domestic consumption. Due to one child policy by China, its population is aging rapidly. On the contrary, in India, whose population is much younger & will remain for a long time. This will cause labour costs rise in China, eroding the cost effectiveness feature of Chinese goods. In order to sustain its price competency, chinese need to innovate & sustain tougher copyright violations laws. The largest gap between the two economies, is the way of governance. The growing prosperity in China is leading to much larger economic gap between the rich & the poor, challenging the very concept of socialist & communist nature of its government. India's democracy & capitalism provides much freedom on the hands of the people, leading to creative & harmonious growth. Moreover, reforms in China started way back from 1979, compared to that in India from 1991. Hence, comparing both at this point is illogical & needs requires 50 years more to bring them on same ground for comparing.

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