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Pope 1 Family Profile Section I (Standard 1b) Describe(elaborate) your selected childs: physical, social/emotional, and cognitive development

and how the childs abilities or performance relates to established milestones or benchmarks. Make sure you reference the milestone or benchmark source. Address a particular milestone that the child should have reached and can perform. Then give credit to the source of the information. Be sure and reference the location that you found the information. Example: (Berns 5). Discuss your childs needs and strengths in physical, social/emotional, and cognitive domains. Example: Johnny is underdeveloped physically and emotionally. Most children his age are at least 4 ft. Johnny is only 3 ft and emotionally immature. Section II (Standard 2a) Microsystems Discuss the childs closest family unit. Review definition of microsystem before you write this section. Then in individual paragraphs (4 or more) describe how the child interacts with his (1) family, (2) school, (3) peer groups, and (4) community. Family: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by family. School: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by school. Peer group: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by peer groups. Community: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by community. Mesosystems Discuss childs significant contexts of development that are linked to one another. In this section discussed how relationship/interactions impact childs physical, social/emotional, and cognitive development. Home and school: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell

Pope 2 how the childs development is impacted by their interaction between home and school. School and community: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by childs interaction with school and the community. Home and peers: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by interaction between home and peers. ** In this section exam all relationships /variables that impact childs domains. Exosystem Discuss the settings in which the child does not participate directly but which influence his or her development in one of their microsystem. Parents workplace/schedules: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by parents workplace. Parental social support networks: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by parental social support networks. Example: childs caregivers other than parents. Family friends that become play aunt/uncle. Discuss how their lifestyles, belief systems, and interaction times impact the child. Parental Income: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by parents socioeconomic standings. Example: Child lives in the projects because parents income is low. However, child does is not influenced to have bad behavior. Child is not able to by school photos because of limited funds. It embarrasses the child. Community resources: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by community resources. Example the childs neighborhood has a Boys and Girls facility. Therefore the child has some where to socialize with other children. School boards/city councils: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by school board decisions.

Pope 3 Example: School board determines certain text books will not be used. School board decides to fire the childs favorite teacher. Macrosystems Discuss the characteristics of the larger society that influences childs development. Religious impact: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by religious beliefs. Cultural impact: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by childs culture. Lifestyles impact: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by parents and their lifestyle. Patterns of social interaction: Write a well developed paragraph(s). Please refer to Berns text and discuss Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory in this section. Tell how the childs development is impacted by patterns of social interaction. **This section should include and life changes adopted by the childs nuclear or extended family Section III (Standard 2b) Write well developed paragraph(s) that discusses the strengths of the family. Tell how strengths contribute to childs continued growth and development. Write a well developed paragraph(s) describing how you as a teacher or caregiver of the child might establish a relationship with, communicate with, and provide support to this family. Section IV (Standard 2c) Suggestions ways to engage and involve family (provide a minimum of 5 suggestions. Use researched based methods (cite sources). Use Berns book and other references. Suggestion 1 Suggestion 2 Suggestion 3

Pope 4 Explain methods to encourage parents participation in childs educational program. Provide parents with suggestions or recommendations to better address childs strengths and needs addressed in a previous Section 1 of the paper (minimum of 6 recommendations). Use Berns book and other references. Recommendation 1 Recommendation 2 Recommendation 3

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