Tips MUET 1

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TASK A Each 2-min presentation should include 5 important elements: 1. Greetings 2. Repeat situation from the question 3.

State the point given to you 4. 3 pts with relevant explanation & examples 5. Conclusion Greetings 1. Good morning to everyone. 2. Good morning I bid to one and all. 3. Good morning to the examinerS and all candidateS. 4. A very good morning I wish to all examinerS and fellow candidateS Repeat Situation 1. Today we are talking about 2. The situation I have been given is 3. According to the situation 4. Based on the situation given State the point given 1. I would like to give 3 reasons for my point which is 2. There are 3 reasons to support my point which is 3. My point is ________ so to elaborate I would like to discuss 3 reasons. 4. I think that ____________ is the best idea. 3 Pts (Explanation & Examples) 1. Firstly, I think thatThis is because.. Moreover,... For example, 2. Secondly, another reason is In addition, For instance, 3. Finally, in my opinionFurthermore, A good example is... Conclusion 1. In conclusion, this is the best point because 2. To conclude, I still agree that 3. In a nutshell, I feel that 4. In short, my idea is the best because


Its ok if you dont speak on 3 points.No penalty as long as you develop even one point well with good elaboration and examples. The 3 points we stress on is just for dont have a conclusion.No penalty but if you manage to do a conclusion you will logically score higher because your presentation is more structured. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TALK NON-STOP FOR 2 MINS!!!! B

Task Agree I agree with you. (NOT: Im agree.) Thats a great idea! I see your point! Thats an interesting perspective. I like your suggestion. Indeed! I concur with your point of view.

Disagree Im sorry but I disagree.(NOT: Im not agree) Im afraid I have to disagree with your idea. I dont see eye to eye with you. Thats not a good idea/suggestion. I beg to differ Interrupting Excuse me, may I interrupt please. Id like to add something please. May I say something? Could you please hear me out. Pardon me but could I add something please. Questioning So what do you think, Candidate X? How about your point of view? Candidate X, would you like to give us your opinion? Does anyone agree with me? Why dont we consider the other points? I dont understand, can you please repeat? Any suggestions? Concluding In conclusion, ALL OF US agree that To conclude, MOST OF US agree that In a nutshell, SOME OF US agree thatwhile SOME OF US prefer As time is running out, it seems that ALL OF US CANT AGREE on which option is the best because each point has many advantages and disadvantages. Just for you :) 8 Smart Tips for Scoring in Speaking

1. Memorisation Technique: First understand then learn all the multipurpose phrases introduced here because they work in all situations. 2.Fishing Technique: Read the situation carefully then ask the examiners what it means (even if you are sure you understand because they could give you extra points or vocabulary 3. Parroting Technique: If you really go blank, dont worry. Just say you agree then repeat everything your friend just said. Youll still get marks for participation. 4. Bimbo Technique: If you have absolutely nothing to say, repeat this sentence: Im sorry, I dont understand your point. Can you please explain it again? 5. Cooperative Technique:

If your friend cant remember a word/phrase or has trouble explaining their ideas, you MUST help him/her by suggesting other words/phrases/ideas. You will get points for teamwork. 6. Equal Opportunity Technique: Never control a conversation by wanting to talk all the time and never giving others a chance. Instead, always ask other candidates their opinion. Encourage the quiet ones to speak up and you will get higher marks. 7. Anti-Donkey Technique: Pay attention to the time and when it gets closer to the end of 10 mins, just try and agree with one person (even if you really dont think so in real life! No point being stubborn in the test.)

8. Concluding Technique: Make sure you agree BEFORE going into the exam room who will be doing the conclusion. Pay close attention to the time and steer everyone to making the right conclusion. P/S:Its ok ifall of you CANT AGREE on a single should be able to decide on a single point within 10 mins of discussing, but if you dont there is no penalty. your group doesnt have a conclusion.No penalty but if you manage to do a conclusion you will logically score higher because your discussion is more structured.ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS DISCUSS ACTIVELY 10 MINS!!!!! FinallyDont panic if you didntdo well in Task 1.You can still pass if you participate actively in Task 2.

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