A. Valoare de Verb

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Gerunziul este o forma verbala cu valoare de substantiv, prin urmare, va avea atat caracteristice verbului cat si pe cele ale substantivului.

A. Valoare de verb: 1. are forme diferite in functie de timp si diateza: I dont mind her seeing me. (prezent activ) I dont mind her having seen me. (perfect activ) I dont mind beeing seen by her. (prezent pasiv) I dont mind having been seen by her. (perfect pasiv) 2. poate avea un complement direct: Singing folk-songs is her greatest accomplishment. 3. poate fi caracterizat de un adverb: This is worth doing well. B. Valoare de substantiv: 1. are functie de subiect, nume predicativ, sau complement direct: Her being young was an asset. (subiect) Seeing is believing. (nume predicativ) She enjoys smoking a cigarette after breakfast. (complement direct) 2. poate fi insotit de adjective: Some of the books were hard reading. 3. poate fi precedat de un adjectiv posesiv sau de un substantiv in cazul posesiv: His playing the piano after Janes performing on the violin added interest to the programme.

C. Alte intrebuintari: 1. gerunziul se mai foloseste dupa o prepozitie: I am tired of singing. On leaving the house, I looked around. He was punished for being late. That goes without saying. 2. gerunziul se mai foloseste dupa unele verbe: She enjoys teasing me. I have finished writing my letter. Lista verbe: admit, advise, avoid, bear, begin, cease, consider, continue, decline, delay, deny, detest, endure, enjoy, escape, finish, forget, go on, give up, hate, keep, love, mind, miss, neglect, need, omit, prefer, regret, remember, spend, start, stop, try, understand, want, etc. 3. dupa unele cuvinte si expresii: I dont feel like going out tonight. She looks near crying. Lista: busy, like, near, worth, that is, there is, there is little, there is much, there is no, there was, it is no good, no use, it is useless, etc. Functii sintactice: Gerunziul poate fi: a. subiect: Kiking is his best relaxation. b. nume predicativ: Her greatest pleasure is going to concerts. c. complement direct: Have you given up smoking? d. complement indirect: Do you feel like going anywhere for the weekend? e. atribut: I dont like his way of living. f. complement prepozitional: We went in without ringing the bell.

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