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2012 New England Region

Draft Itinerary

Monday, April 23rd
Arrive Lohamei Hagetaot (Ghetto Fighters Kibbutz & Museum) ON: TBA - Near Akko

Tuesday, April 24th

Lohamei Hagetaot (Ghetto Fighters Kibbutz & Museum) Haifa Yom Hazikaron at Gan Ner ON: TBA - Near Beit Shean or Mayan Harod

Wednesday, April 25th

Biking.Rapelling or Jeep Tour in Gilboa Volunteering at Emunah Center for at Risk Youth Erev Yom Haatzmaut Boat Cruise in Tiberias ON: TBA - Near Beit Shean or Mayan Harod

Thursday, April 26th

March of the Living in Jerusalem Mega Event ON: TBA - Jerusalem

Friday, April 27th

Tayetlet/Haas Promenade Kotel/Western Wall Old City Jerusalem ON: TBA - Jerusalem

Saturday, April 28th

Shabbat After Shabbat - Ben Yehudah Street ON: TBA - Jerusalem

Sunday, April 29th

Ayalon Institute Tel Aviv Midnight Departure for Home

Monday, April 30th

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