AI Mid-Term Guidline

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Contents that we learned in the class 1-7

- What is the intelligence?

- What is the goal of AI?
- History of AI.
- What is the knowledge?
- Types of knowledge?
- Knowledge System Components?
o Knowledge Representation
o Knowledge Organization
o Knowledge Manipulation
o Knowledge Acquisition
- Knowledge Technique?
o Rule-based Expert System
ƒ What is the characteristics of Rule-based
ƒ Components:
IF antecedent
THEN consequence
[And special case for multiple antecedents]
ƒ Implementing rule-based
ƒ Inference chaining [Forward/Backward chaining]
ƒ Rule-based conflict solution
- Searching Techniques
o Binary Search
o Depth First Search
o Breath First Search
o Generate and Test
o Hill Climbing
o Best First Search
o A* Search
- Problem Reduction Method
o AND/OR Graph
- What is an uncertainty?
- Probability, Conditional Probability, Joint Probability and Relationship among
these [There are some equations]
- Uncertainty + Ruled-based Î Bayesian Reasoning
o Bayesian Rule-based [Practice a lot until you find the pattern that in
that state you should use which numbers and remember the step of do
Bayesian rules]
o Certainty factor [Practice and find the difference of processes with
Bayesian Rule-based]
- Frame-based System
o Object-Oriented Decomposition Diagram
o Relationships among objects
o 7 steps for frame-based system development

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