C Debug

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1. Write a c program to find the biggest among two numbers without using any loop statements? Ans: a=?

b=? c=a?:b; printf(%d,c); 2. Write a C program to to display Hello World without the use of semi colon? Ans: Void main() { if(printf(Hello World)) } 3.PREDICT THE OUTPUT: struct stud { Int mark; Char name[20]; Float avg; }s; Union stud1 { Int mark; Char name[20]; Float avg; }s1; Void main() { Printf(%d\n,sizeof(s)); Printf(%d,sizeof(s1)); getch();} Ans: 26 20 4.What will be the outpu8t of the following program?

Void main() { Int i; For(;i<3;i++) Printf(%d,i); Getch(); } Ans: Blank space

5.What is the output of the program? Void main() { Int a=2,b=1,c; C=a++ + ++b; Printf(%d\n%d\n%d,a,b,c); Getch(); } Ans: 3 2 4

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