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Latrice McCaskill1

Ms. Funsch ENG 321 October 13 2011 The Interlopers

The Interlopers written by Saki is a very interesting tale of two men, pushed away by generations of hate. Hatred made by a disagreement of a bit of land. Though a very disheartening twist at the end it is a very enjoyable short story. Saki, the author, creates a story that you hate and love all at the same time. Saki makes the story pleasant to the mind .Though the story starts of hateful it ends on a pretty pleasing note, besides the consequences of being stuck in a forest at night under a tree. Key parts in this story happen when the two men meet each other in the forest. Ulrich Von Gradwitz and Georg Zynaem are the two men that hate each other because neither one was granted what they wanted, the rightful ownership of the forest.

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