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Trimor - 1

Paul Trimor Ms. Funsch ENG 321 17 October 2011

During Civil War, an onslaught of propaganda convinced civilians that war was sincere to all. However, as time progressed, people began to realize that it was the exact opposite. Stephen Crane faced the cruel effect of war when he spent 30 shipwrecked near Cuba after being attacked. Although Crane never experienced the full harsh effect of war, he created numerous amounts of literary works that demonstrate its affects, such as Do no weep maiden, for war is kind. The verbal irony in Stephen Cranes Do not weep maiden, for war is kind exhibits the cruel effect war has on ordinary people.

Crane sardonically admires war as if war is a great field where there is a god. Great is the BattleGod. And his kingdom a field were a thousand corpses lie (10). This great battle field is Gods kingdom, God paradise, a place with no worry, devastation or any misconception. And yet, so many people are felt dead on the cold, grotesque ground which is clammy from the sweat and blood and for what reason? Freedom? Pride? Honor? Think again. They fought for an unexplained glory that flew over them(4) . Flew over like a faint blue jay during winter, unnoticeable and obscure. But thats fine, because war is kind,(1). (Sarcastically speaking) War is curious, lots of heroic men chose to be deployed into the battlefield in which glory and freedom is the only thing they fight for.

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