Forensic Psychology Marilyn Mcmahon (16.3.1999) Issues in Forensic Medicine

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Forensic Psychology Marilyn McMahon (16.3.

1999) Issues in Forensic Medicine

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This typology is based on obsessive-compulsive charactedstics of the serial killer as indicated from verbal interview data on the reasons they kill. It contains an implicit theory of interpersonal (socio-emotional) development, based upon their position in a cycle of violence (similar to the cycle of victimization for any self-defeating or addictive pattern). The labels "disorganized" and "organized" refer to the degree of pe."sonality aberration, which is evident in how chaotic or controlled the crime scene is. The labels "asocial" and "nonsocial" refe." to whether the pe."son is a loner because of weirdness or by choice.



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usually a high school dropout'




may be college educated

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good hygiene/housekeeping
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nocturnal (nighttime) habits

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diumal (daytime) habits

;',~~'~,~ ;', '~'~"~~""H'" "~:~'~'" '~~~=~"I


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memories have done to see ';h~;'p~i;~~il :~ needs to return to crim~ scene for relivi~g -'I : need;-;~';~;;;;~'t;;~rime scene
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I1 attacks in a "blitz" pattern ' =;=::=;:.:=::::::::;:.:;:::::::::: : ':::=;:.::;:.:===:--:==;:.:==:: ir depersonalizes victim to a thing or it

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i!'-.~tt;-;;k;'~;i'~g-~eduction into re;t;~~.t~--'---'--11 ::::::::=::::::::::::::::c:::=:::::::==:=:::=:::::=::=::=::::::=::::::::=::;::::::;


keeps pe."sonal, holds a conversation


IE~:~~~~~~~~~===j !I respondsbestto counselingil1tervie;



T---oo~:;~'p-~~d';-b~.;t t~ di.:;~t intervi;~:::::::::~::::::=:H co:;::;;::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::.::::.:::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::;J

Adapted and modified f."omR. Holmes (1996) Profilin2 Violent Crimes. Sage Publications"




I. Profiling inputs Crime Scene Physical Evidence Pattern of Evidence Body Positions Weapons

2. Decision-Process Models Homicide Type & Style Primary Intent Victim Risk Offender Risk Escalation Time for Crime Location Factors

3. Crime Assessment Reconstruction of Crime Crime Classification Organized/Disorganized Victim Selection Control of Victim Sequence of Crime Staging Motivation Crime Scene Dynamics

Victimology Background Habits FamilyStructure Last Seen Age Occupation

Forensic Information Cause of Death Wounds
Pre/Post Mortem

Feedback No. I Validation of Profile with CrimeiDeath Scene with Evidence with Decision Models with Investigation Recommendations

4. Criminal Profile
Demographics Physical Characteristics Habits Preoffense Behavior Leading to Crime Postoffense Behavior Recommendations to Investigation

Sexual Acts
Autopsy Report Laboratory Reports Preliminary Police Report Background Information Police Observation Time of Crime Who Reported Crime Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status Crime Rate

Feedback No. :2 New Evidenc~

15. Investigation

Photos Aerial Crime Scene Victim


6.. Apprehension

Figure 1. Criminal profile generating process.

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