Sms Test

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Village e-Learning Consultancy

Tools, techniques and technologies

SMS Text Messaging. (With thanks to

Many of our colleagues and their institutions are now using SMS text messaging to
communicate with learners. However for the large part, this is a one way communication
with very little requirement for learners to respond.

There are scattered case studies of innovative use of text. For example, one practitioner in
Staffordshire asked her level 2 key-skills communications students to read a piece of text
(say a piece of Shakespeare – perhaps 300 – 500 words) and working in pairs, to
summarise their understanding of the reading by sending a text back to her!

Try this for yourself now.

Read the accompanying piece of Shakespeare (300 words) and compose a text message
that summarises your understanding of the passage: You have 160 characters to use –
one per square below. The message must be preceded by DAVE and then a space (which
is entered for you here). Remember each space and full stop counts as a character.

d a v e

 Now send your answer to: (this is optional) 07786204949

 Remember to prefix your answer with dave
 Email for printout of replies.

David Sugden
8, Share Hill, Golcar,
Huddersfield. HD7 4JQ
07717 341 622
VAT 915 6605 21

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