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Week 12 :Lesson 1

School: Sekolah Kebangsaan Satu Sultan Alam Shah. Class: 2 Bakawali. Date: 10th October 2011 Time: 5.00 6.00 pm Theme: World of Knowledge Topic: Making a Robot. Learning Outcome: 1.3 Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context. Curriculum specifications: 1.3.3 Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by matching them to pictures and the spoken word. Proficiency Level: Average to Low proficiency. Main Skill: Listening Previous Knowledge: Nouns Language focus: Demonstratives Pronouns, This, These, That, Those. Objectives of the lesson:At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to 1. Answer questions using this, these, that and those. 2. Complete a task sheet by filling in blanks with the correct demonstratives pronouns

Lesson Stages Induction

Content (+-5 minutes)

Teaching and Learning Activities



1. The teacher settles the pupils down. 2. The teacher asks question What are those/that/ these/this? 3. The teacher waits for the students to response. (+-10 minutes) 1. The teacher pastes the questions asked previously onto the whiteboard. 2. The teacher then asks the students what the teacher is doing. 3. The teacher then asks the students that when a person asks such questions how they should answer back. 4. The teacher then models the answer out to the students. 5. The teacher then tells the students that to answer the questions they must follow the model.

-To lead the pupil onto the topic


-to prepare the pupil into learning the words.

Set of pictures and flash card


(+-15 minutes) 1. The teacher then gives out the task sheet to the students. 2. The teacher tells the students that they are going to do the task together. 3. The teacher then goes around checking the students. 4. The teacher then checks the answer with the students. -to get the pupils to practice the lesson.

-appendix 1


(+-15 minutes) What else did you do on (any day)?

1. The teacher then tells the students that they are going to play game. 2. The teacher is going to post questions and the students are going to answer the questions using the form that they just learn. 3. The teacher then begins the game. 4. The students with the most answer wins.

- to get the pupils to think


(+-5 minutes) 1. The teacher then summarises the lesson. 2. Teacher then instils moral value.

-instilling moral values to the pupils

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