GS M Hist Qts

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Modern Indian History

No. Question Year Marks Words

Discuss the major regulations enacted by the British 2
1 rulers to curb the freedom of Press in India. 1*30 250
Form a critical assessment of the Non-cooperation 2
2 Movement 1*30 250
What led to the partition of Bengal in 1905? 2
3 2*15 150
Write a note on Theosophical Society 2
4 2*15 150
Discuss the main findings of the Hartog Committee 2
5 2*15 150
(1929) 004
The reforms in 1909 introduced a Cardinal problem
& ground of controversy at every revision of the 2
6 1*30 250
Indian Electoral system. Discuss 003

Discuss the problems that impeded the integration of 2

7 princely states into the Indian Union. How were 1*30 250
these problems tackled?
The mainstay of Mahatma Gandhi's movement was 2
8 2*15 150
the rural India. Elucidate. 003
Discuss the character of major tribal uprising in 2
9 2*15 150
British India in the 19th century. 003
Bring out the ideological basis of the Moderate- 2
10 2*15 150
Extremist divide in the Indian National Congress. 003
What was the Butler Committee Report? Discuss the 2
11 1*30 250
reactions on the Report in India. 002
12 1*30 250
Why did Jinnah reject the C.R. Formula? 002
Trace the Growth of Home-rule movement in 2
13 2*15 150
Britain. 002
Evaluate the attitude of the different political parties 2
14 2*15 150
towards Quit India Movement 002
15 2*15 150
Review the 'Dickie Bird Plan'. 002
Discuss the main objective of Indian National
16 Movement upto 1905. What were its basic 1*30 250
weaknesses during this period?
What administrative changes were introduced in
17 India after 1858? What were objectives of these 1*30 250
How did the movement for the liberation of women 2
18 achieve a great stimulus from the rise & growth of 2*15 150
national movement in India?
Discuss the aim & objectives of Khilafat movement. 2
19 2*15 150
To what extent was it successful? 001
Why did Gandhi launch the Salt Satyagraha in 1930 2
20 2*15 150
& with what results? 001
Trace the origin of Swadesh movement. How did it 2
21 1*30 250
involve the masses? 000
What was the Mountbatten Plan? Discuss the 2
22 1*30 250
reactions of Gandhi & Azad to the Plan. 000
23 2*15 150
Who established the Arya Samaj? What was it goal? 000
How did the terrorist movement gather strength in 2
24 2*15 150
countries other than India? 000
Was Nehru justified in adopting the principle of
25 non-alignment as the corner stone of India's foreign 2*15 150
How did communalism manifest in Indian Political 1
26 scene? Explain the background of the passing of the 1*35 250
momentous Pakistan Resolution.
What were the proposals of Cabinet mission?
27 Analyse the reactions of Congress & the League to 1*35 250
the proposals.
Trace the formation of the Swaraj party. What were 1
28 2*15 150
its demands? 999
What began as a fight for religion ended as a war of
independence, for there is no slightest doubt that the
rebels wanted to get rid of the alien government & 1
29 2*15 150
restore the old order of which the King of Delhi was 999
the rightful representative'. Do you support this
How far Curzon's policy towards Tibet was 1
30 2*15 150
influenced strategic consideration? 999
Assess the contribution of Ishwarchandra 1
31 3*10 75
Vidyasagar to the making of modern India. 999
In what way did Ramkrishna infuse a new vigour & 1
32 3*10 75
dynamism into Hinduism? 999
Tagore's poetry is a written record of his religious 1
33 3*10 75
expression'. Elucidate 999
How did Nehru's Plan for modernisation make rapid 1
34 3*10 75
stride during the decade 1951-61? 999
Did Jawaharlal Nehru really 'speak' the language of 1
35 Congress? Locate the points of their agreements & 1*35 250
How did economic nationalism mirror the work of 1
36 1*35 250
early nationalist leadership in India? 998
Why did the moderates lose appeal with the Indians 1
37 2*15 150
& failed to elicit desired response from the British? 998
How did the policy of free trade hurt Indian textile
38 industry & crafts in the latter half of the 19th 2*15 150
Trace the origins of R.I.N. Mutiny & evaluate its 1
39 2*15 150
impact on the political situation in India. 998
Examine the ideas of Rabindranath Tagore on 1
40 3*10 75
democracy. 998
How did Swadeshi movement in Bengal influence 1
41 3*10 75
the nationalist politics? 998
What was the significance of the Prajamandal 1
42 movements in the Indian States in the decade 3*10 75
preceding India's independence?
Assess the role of C. Rajagopalachari during the 1
43 3*10 75
pre-partition years of Indian public life. 998
How did Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel succeed in
avoiding the evil consequences of the doctrine of 1
44 1*35 250
lapses of paramountcy & in integrating the Indian 997
Examine the causes & nature of extremist in Indian 1
45 1*35 250
politics in the early part if the present century. 997
What were the salient features of Gandhi-Irwin 1
46 2*15 150
Pact? 997
Discuss Gandhi's concept of 'Basic education'. How
47 far was it a departure from conventional system of 2*15 150
What were the circumstances that led to the partition 1
48 2*15 150
of India in 1947? 997
What do you understand about 'Drain of wealth
49 during British rule'? Examine its effect on Indian 3*10 75
The name of RajaRam Mohan Roy stands foremost 1
50 3*10 75
in the field of religious & social reforms. Elucidate. 997
What were the reasons that changes Gandhiji's 1
51 attitude of responsive cooperation to non- 1*35 250
cooperation in 1920? What were its consequences?
The politics of British Indian Government during 1
52 1858-1905 were aimed at preventing another revolt 1*35 250
of the masses. Elucidate.
Bengal was partitioned in 1905 not for
53 administrative reasons but for political purposes. 2*15 150
What was the Masterly Inactivity Policy? Why was 1
54 2*15 150
it abandoned? 996
What was the Macdonald Award? How was it 1
55 2*15 150
modified? 996
What was Tilak's contribution towards shaping the 1
56 3*10 75
course of the nationalist movement in India? 996
Why has Nehru in his autobiography been so critical 1
57 3*10 75
of liberals? 996
What was the role of State's people's movement in 1
58 3*10 75
the integration of Indian states? 996
Tagore's emphasis on internationalism & humanism 1
59 3*10 75
was ahead of his times. Explain. 996
Do you think the partition of India was inevitable? 1
60 Discuss the attitudes of Gandhi, Nehru & Azad 1*35 250
towards the crucial question of Partition.
In what way did the Civil Disobedience Movement 1
61 affect the different provinces of India? How did it 1*35 250
foster peasant movement in India
When was the system of open competitive
examination in the Indian Civil Services introduced? 1
62 2*15 150
Analyse the growth of the Indian Civil Services till 995
passing the Government of Indian Act, 1919.
Discuss the various aspects of social legislation
63 introduced by the East India Company in the first 2*15 150
half of the 19th century.
Trace the emergence of Indian nationalism till the 1
64 2*15 150
foundation of the Indian National Congress. 995
How did the British illustrate Lord Canning's policy
65 in treating the Indian Princes as 'Breakwaters in the 3*10 75
Assess the growth & development of Technical 1
66 3*10 75
Education during the British rule. 995
Swami Vivekanand might well be called the father 1
67 3*10 75
of Indian nationalism. Elucidate. 995
How far was Gurudev Tagore's concept of religion 1
68 3*10 75
wedded to his love of nature? 995
How did the outbreak of World War II affect India's 1
69 political sense? Did the Cripps Mission resolve the 1*35 250
political crisis in India?
Trace the emergence of Gandhiji in Indian political
scene till the Champaran Satyagraha of 1917. What 1
70 1*35 250
was the basic philosophy of Satyagraha enunciated 994
by him?
Discuss the outstanding Tribal uprisings against the 1
71 2*15 150
British rule during the 19th century? 994
What is meant by 'un-British' rule in India? How did
72 role of Dadabhai Naoroji in exposing the evils of 2*15 150
British rule in India
Discuss the British policy towards Tibet from the
73 end of 19th century to the Viceroyalty of Lord 2*15 150
What were the contributions of moderates in the 1
74 3*10 75
formative stage of the Indian National Congress? 994
Explain the part played by Annie Besant in the 1
75 3*10 75
Home Rule Movement. 994
In what way did the international events in the late
76 20s of the present century influence Nehru's radical 3*10 75
Why did Tagore emphasize on the primacy of the 1
77 3*10 75
social over the political order? 994
Mahatma Gandhi's success, during 1916-20, in
getting the technique of non-violent satyagraha 1
78 1*35 250
accepted by the nation as a weapon of struggle 993
against the British was phenomenal. Elucidate.
Why was Bengal partitioned in 1905? How did it
lead to the growth of extremist & terrorist schools of 1
79 1*35 250
nationalism? Why was it annulled & with what 993
From August Offer of Mountbatten Plan was a 1
80 2*15 150
logical evolution. Discuss. 993
What was the Macdonald Award? How differences 1
81 between the approaches of Tilak & Gokhale on 2*15 150
social & political issues.
Analyse the main differences between the
82 approaches of Tilak & Gokhale on social & political 2*15 150
What were the basic differences between the 1
83 conservative & the liberal schools of administrators 3*10 75
in the latter half of the 19th century?
The Minto-Morley Reforms did not & could not 1
84 3*10 75
provide an answer to Indian problems. Explain. 993
The Lucknow Pact of 1916 was signed without 1
85 3*10 75
regard for its consequences. Elucidate. 993
Explain Rabindranath Tagore's Plan of village 1
86 3*10 75
construction. 993
The Viceroyalties of Lord Litton & Lord Ripon
formed an important landmark in the history of the 1
87 1*35 250
Indian National Movement. Examine the truth of the 992
How far was the Swadeshi Movement linked with
88 Boycott? Analyse the nature of mass participation in 1*35 250
the movement.
Analyse Nehru's views on independence & 1
89 Dominion Status. How far were these reflected in 2*15 150
the policy enunciated by the Lahore Congress?
Why did Mahatma Gandhi launch Civil 1
90 Disobedience Movement? Analyse the intensity of 2*15 150
the movement in different parts of India.
The railways did in India what they did elsewhere,
they hastened the transition from handicraft to 1
91 2*15 150
mechanical industry by transforming the transport 992
situation. Discuss.
Write a short history of local self-government till the 1
92 3*10 75
reforms of 1919. 992
How far the labour legislation of the British 1
93 Government were meant to ameliorate the condition 3*10 75
of the working class?
What were the contributions of the Arya Samaj to 1
94 3*10 75
social & religious movement in India? 992
Discuss Tagore's concept on education. How far was
95 it a departure from conventional system of 3*10 75
Narrate the last phase of the India's freedom 1
96 movement specially from the beginning of 1947 till 1*35 250
the attainment of independence.
Discuss the growth of revolutionary terrorism with
special reference to its ramifications in Maharashtra, 1
97 1*35 250
Bengal & Punjab till the 1st decade of the 20th 991
What was Harijan Movement? Why & with what 1
98 2*15 150
effect did Gandhi launch individual Satyagraha? 991
I am convinced that the only key to the solution of
the world's problems & of India's problems lies in
socialism…I see mo way of ending the poverty, the 1
99 2*15 150
vast unemployment, the degradation & subjection of 991
Indian people except through socialism'. In what did
Nehru succeed in achieving the objective through
national planning?
Trace the growth & development of University 1
100 2*15 150
Education till 1919. 991
Dr. Ambedkar's versatile career went through
101 various phases. State briefly the various facets of his 3*10 75
How far was Rabindranath Tagore a poet of 1
102 3*10 75
mankind? 991
Discuss the role of Theosophical Society in the 1
103 3*10 75
history of religious movement in India. 991
State the various regulations imposed by the British 1
104 3*10 75
Government to curtail the freedom of press. 991
Trace the origin of the Swaraj Party. What was the 1
105 manifesto of the Swaraj Party? What were the 1*35 250
Swarjists' demands & reactions of the British?
What was the attitude of the Indian National
Congress towards the 2nf World War? What was the
106 August Offer? What were the factors that led the 1*35 250
British to change its negative policy & send Cripps
to India?
What was Gandhi's concept of Socialism? How did 1
107 2*15 150
it differ from Marxian socialism? 990
What were the main features of the Act of 1935? 1
108 What was Nehru's reaction to the Act? Why did he 2*15 150
contest the elections of 1937 & with what effect?
Trace the progress of the women's education from 1
109 2*15 150
early days of the British rule to the year 1947. 990
How did Lala Lajpat Rai & Bal Gangadhar Tilak 1
110 3*10 75
champion the cause of militant nationalism in India? 990
If Aurobindo was the high priest, Rabindranath, was 1
111 3*10 75
the great poet of Swadeshi Movement'. Elucidate. 990
Give a critical account of Ramkrishna Mission with
112 special reference to role played by Swami 3*10 75
When & why did the revolt of the ratings of the
Royal Indian Navy take place? Why did they 1
113 3*10 75
suspend the movement? What were the attitudes of 990
Gandhi & Patel towards the movement?
Why did Gandhiji launch the non-violent, non-
cooperation movement on the Khilafat question?
114 How were other issues joined to it later on? Discuss 1*30 250
the constructive programme of the non-cooperation
What was the Cabinet Mission Plan? How was the 1
115 grouping clause' fundamental to it? What was its 1*30 250
impact on the attitude of the congress & the League?
The recruitment of Indians to Civil Services was the 1
116 most important question in the last quarter of the 2*15 150
19th century. Explain.
How was Nehru influenced by socialist ideas? How 1
117 did the socialist thinking of Nehru & other leaders 2*15 150
influence the Congress before 1942?
How did Patel succeed in avoiding the evil 1
118 consequences of the doctrine of lapse of 2*15 150
paramountcy & in integrating Indian States?
Analyse briefly the contribution of religious reform
119 movements to the growth of extremist nationalist 3*10 50
The trial of the INA officers did more harm than 1
120 3*10 50
good to the British Rule in India'. Explain. 989
Tagore's humanism is a blending of his faith in god 1
121 3*10 50
& man. Comment. 989
Describe the main features of the Panchayati Raj
122 Bill. Does it, in your opinion, modify its federal 3*10 50
What were the motives that led to the partition of
123 Bengal? What were its consequences? Why was it 1*35 250
Analyse Mahatma Gandhi's main demands 1
124 presented to Irwin. How did Salt emerge as the 1*15 100
central issue for launching the Satyagraha?
What was the Gandhi-Irwin Pact? Why was it 1
125 1*20 150
signed and what were its consequences? 988
Discuss Gandhi's concept of Basic Education. How 1
126 1*20 150
did Tagore differ from it? 988
127 Explain Nehru's main theme in 'Discovery of India'. 1 1*10 100
Describe Nehru's attitude towards Russia in the pre- 1
128 1*5 50
1947 period. 988
Give an account of legislative measures passed 1
129 during 1856-1956 for the uplift of women. Why was 1*15 150
a new Act prohibiting Sati passed recently?
Discuss the major social reform movements of the
2nd half of the 19th century. In what way did they 1
130 1*35 200
contribute to the rise & growth of Indian National 987
Despite the fact that Muslims & Hindu fought
together against the British in the revolt of 1857, a
separatist movement started soon after, resulting into
131 the partition of India'. In the light of the statement, 1*35 200
review briefly the origin & development of Muslim
Separatist Movement culminating into the creation
of Pakistan in 1947.
Relation between Religion & Politics has been a 1
132 subject of controversy since long. What are the 1*25 130
views of Mahatma Gandhi & Nehru on this issue?
What were the attitudes of the Moderates & 1
133 Extremist towards the Freedom Movement in India? 1*35 200
What led to their show-down in Surat (1907)?
What were the effects of non-violent, non- 1
134 cooperation movement in India? When was the 1*35 200
movement suspended & why?
What were basic differences between Nehru's 1
135 internationalism & Tagore's internationalism? Why 1*25 150
Tagore was called a Spiritual Ambassador?
Discuss briefly the basic aims with which the Indian
National Congress was founded. When & under 1
136 1*35 200
what circumstances did it decide to have complete 985
independence from British Rule as its goal?
Both Gandhi & Nehru were interested in India's
economic development, but there were some basic 1
137 1*35 200
differences in their approach to this problem. Point 985
out clearly those basic differences.
Explain briefly the nature & activities of either
138 Theosophical Society of India or Servants of India 1*10 50
The 19th century is generally called a period of
Indian Renaissance. Which were the major special 1
139 1*35 200
reform movements of this period & what changes 984
they bring about?
What was Cripps Mission? Why did its failure result
into Quit India Movement? Mention briefly the 1
140 1*35 200
major developments after this movement leading to 984
the independence in 1947.
Point out clearly the contributions of Gandhi & 1
141 1*25 150
Tagore to the social & cultural life of India. 984
Explain briefly how the ideas & experiments of the 1
142 Soviet Government in USSR influenced poet 1*35 200
Tagore, Gandhi & Nehru.

The economic policies followed by the British led to

the transformation of India's economy into a
colonial economy. They disrupted the traditional 1
143 1*35 200
structure of the Indian Economy. Explain how this 983
happened with special reference to agriculture, rural
employment & development of our industries.
Explain briefly Gandhi's views on religion & its
144 relation to politics. Were these views shared by 1*35 150

What are the main factors which led eventually to

the partition of India in 1947? To what extent was
Nehru justified in writing in 1946 as follows -'it 1
145 1*35 150
(communalism) is our fault, of course & we must 982
suffer for our failings. But I cannot excuse or
forgive the British authorities for the deliberate part
they have played in creating disruption in India'.
What was the role of Gandhiji in eradication of
untouchability & to what extent did he influence the 1
146 framers of the Constitution & government policy in 1*25 200
this regard? What further steps should be taken to
wipe out untouchability?
How the integration of Princely States into 1
147 independent India was achieved? What important 1*25 200
forces/factors helped the unification of India?
The 2nd half of the 19th century witnessed in India a
strong wave of reformation in the spheres of religion 1
148 & society. What part was played in this directly or 1*25 200
indirectly by RajaRam Mohan Roy, Keshab Chandra
Sen & Justice M.G.Ranade?
What were the main reasons for the decision of the
British Government to leave India after transferring 1
149 1*25 200
power to the people of 'British India' & the 'Ruler's 980
of Indian States?
Describe the main contribution of Jai Prakash 1
150 1*30 200
Narayan to the Indian society & politics. 979

We may divide the syllabus in following parts –

1. Revolt of 1857 & its after-effects
2. Cultural Awakening
3. Indian National Congress (1885-1905)
4. Partition of Bengal
5. Moderates, Extremists, Revolutionaries
6. Gandhi Era
7. Constitutional Activities, non cooperation & Civil disobedience
8. Towards Partition
9. After independence

The recent trend suggests (this is just my reading, there is no certainty about UPSC as to
what would happen in future)–
• More & more emphasis on later part of freedom struggle (1905-1947). The
Gazetteer of India (Vol. II) becomes a must.
• Weightage to various Committees/Commissions/Plans – reactions of various
political elements to these plans. Again here the gazetteer is helpful.
• Lesser & lesser importance to Tagore. Observe how questions on Tagore were
extremely frequent in earlier papers (almost 1 every paper). Even questions
regarding Nehru, his socialistic philosophy seem to be finding lesser & lesser
weightage, however they haven’t exactly disappeared.
• Gandhi, Nehru’s thoughts on various aspects, their present day relevance remain
important. For this purpose, small (also inexpensive) books on Gandhi , Nehru,
Ambedkar & their thoughts on various aspects like education, economy etc.
published by Government’s publication division might be useful.
• Integration of princely states & work of Vallabhbhai Patel also find some (not
much) frequency. So do questions as to entry of communalism.
• Partition of Bengal, reasons & the aftermath remains very important.
• Odd question seems to appear as regards to cultural awakening.
• Not much importance to early armed uprising or making of Constitution in recent
• Division of marks –
o One question of 30 marks out of two (250 words)
o Two questions of 15 marks out of three (150 words)

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