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SOLUBILITY "The solubility of a solute in a solvent at a particular temperature is the number of grams of the solute necessary to saturate 100gm

of the solvent at that temperature." FACTORS AFFECTING SOLUBILITY There are three main factors that control solubility of a solute. (1) Temperature (2) Nature of solute or solvent (3) Pressure EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE Generally in many cases solubility increases with the rise in temperature and decreases with the fall of temperature but it is not necessary in all cases. However we must follow two behaviors: In endothermic process solubility increases with the increase in temperature and vice versa. For example: solubility of potassium nitrate increases with the increase in temperature. In exothermic process solubility decrease with the increase in temperature. For example: solubility of calcium oxide decreases with the increase in temperature. Gases are more soluble in cold solvent than in hot solvent. NATURE OF SOLUTE AND SOLVENT Solubility of a solute in a solvent purely depends on the nature of both solute and solvent. A polar solute dissolved in polar solvent. Solubility of a non-polar solute in a solvent is large. A polar solute has low solubility or insoluble in a non-polar solvent. EFFECT OF PRESSURE The effect of pressure is observed only in the case of gases. An increase in pressure increases of solubility of a gas in a liquid.

Factors affect the rate of solubility The three factors that affect the rate of Solution are: Agitation (Which means movement or stirring) Particle size Temperature Agitation The more a solution is agitated (meaning stirred), the faster the rate of solution When a solution is agitated the water particles hit the surface of the solute (sugar) faster and the sugar crystals are dissolved (separated by water) faster Particle Size The smaller the size of the particles, the Faster they will dissolve. Smaller particles have more surfaces Area than larger ones This means that the particles have more Space to contact the water and dissolve Surface Area Demonstration Temperature The higher the temperature, the faster the rate of dissolving is for a solid in a liquid. Higher temperatures cause water Molecules to move faster. This means that water molecules collide With the surface of the solute (sugar) and separate the sugar crystals from one another.

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