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Codes of Practice

LO: To understand the key codes of practice relevant to TV production

Assessment Activity 1.1

You are the Producer for a new 6-part TV drama, which will be a single camera production. You must produce a report which describes the pre-production work you will need to undertake. You should cover: Type of production Finance Timescale Personnel Facilities Materials Contributors Locations Codes of Practice and Regulations

What are codes of practice?

Copyright (see Health & Safety Public Liability Regulatory Bodies Trade Unions

What copyright covers

Literary song lyrics, manuscripts, manuals, computer programs, commercial documents, leaflets, newsletters & articles etc. Dramatic plays, dance, etc. Musical recordings and score. Artistic photography, painting, sculptures, architecture, technical drawings/diagrams, maps, logos. Typographical arrangement of published editions magazines, periodicals, etc. Sound recording may be recordings of other copyright works, e.g. musical and literary. Films broadcasts and cable programmes.

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