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Grammar Translation Method (G.T.

1. Grammar translation method is also called classical method. 2. Classical is the old and from Latin and Greek languages. These languages are the languages of the philosophers and people had to learn the old languages with classical method. 3. It is termed as a better scholar class. 4. Earlier, this method was used to study the literature, and philosophy of Greek and Latin. It was also hoped that through the study of grammar of the target languages, student will become more familiar with the grammar of their native languages. And that this familiarity would help them speak and write their native language better. Finally it was thought that foreign language learning would help student grown intellectual, it was recognized that student would probably never used the target language, but the mental exercise of learning it would be beneficial anyway.

Salient features of grammar translation method.

Translation from English to Urdu and Urdu to English. Students are given sentences and paragraph to translate to Urdu and vice versa. Students are explained the meaning of difficult words into native language. The teacher and student, both use L1 in the class. (L1 is native language of student) Reading and writing skills are taught. Deductive learning is essential. First, the teacher gives rules explicitly then the rules are reinforced with examples and exercises. Students memorize grammatical rules. The role of the teacher is very traditionally. He has the authority in the class room. The students do as he says, so, they can learn what he knows. This is teacher centred class.

In natural interaction between students and teacher, most of the interaction is from teacher to students, students generally do not initiate. Literary language considered superior to spoken language. And is therefore the language studied by the students, not the speaking. The area of vocabulary and grammar is emphasized. Reading and writing skills are the primary skills that students work on. Having the students get the correct answer is considered very important. If students make errors and he dont know the error and teacher supplies them the correct answer.

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