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Clearys Tiger Stars Lake Asbury Junior High School, 7-C Science Week 9 October 10, 2011 Schedule subject to change! Essential Question: Why do scientists use a standard measurement system? Objective: Explain why scientists use a standard measurement system.

Day Science Project Update


Activities - Advanced

Activities - Academic

Students work on a draft of their research Students working on 5 research entries paper due date 10/21 format on page 6. Due 10/14/11 Rubric Science Project Guide, page 7.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Scientific Inquiry pages 46-55 Chapter 1 TEST Early dismissal half day Metric Olympics Too Good for Drugs Chapter 2 Pre-TEST Textbook pages 60-67

Scientific Inquiry pages 46-55 Chapter 1 TEST Early dismissal half day Metric Olympics Too Good for Drugs Chapter 2 Pre-TEST Textbook pages 60-67

Thursday Friday

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