Production Call Sheet

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Advert Name: Gangsters Paradise Group: Tom, Danny, Darcy, Adan, Melique Date: 6th October 2011 Required: Danny: Cameraman/Editor Adan: Gangster 1 Melique: Gangster 2 Additional crew: Darcy: Production Tom: Production Time: (time needed on set) 13th October 2011 45 mins on set, in the Harris CP canteen. Instructions: (what does this person need to do?) Danny | Cameraman making sure that he gets every shot in the scene and editing it. Tom | Production making sure that everybody is where they should be in the scene. Darcy | Production making sure that everybody is where they should be in the scene. Adan | Gangster 1 making sure he follows the script and puts himself into real character. Melique | Gangster 2 making sure he follows the script and puts himself into real character. Notes: (anything else including health and safety and hazards?) Get any props that are needed Follow ALL conventions: Opening door (match-on-action), crossing a room and sitting opposite another character (180 degree rule & shot reverse shot).

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