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LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY Form/LPUO/AP-3 (The format to be used for Planning the academic activities other than Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical

like Assignments, Case study, Presentation, Quiz, Projects, Class tests, industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc. to be undertaken as a part of the continuous assessment for the Course) HOME WORK - 3 School: LSB Department: Management Name of the faculty member:Rajbir Singh Sethi Course No: MGT 698 Course Title: Intellectual Property Rights and Cyber Laws Class:BBA-MBA[Integrated] Term: 7th Section: R17B1 and R17B2 Batch: 2007 Max. Marks: 15 Date of Allotment: 11/10/10 Date of Submission: 20/10/10 Important: To be read before filling up the Plan format. a. Planning for academic activities other than Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical like Assignments, Case study, Presentation, Quiz, Projects, Class tests, industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc to be undertaken as a part of the continuous assessment for the Course should be prepared separately as per the format at the start of the session. b. Industry oriented academic activity should be encouraged. If the academic activity is organization based, please specify the organization with respect to the assignment. Absolute theoretical academic assignments, which involve only copying from the books, should be discouraged. Evaluation of the assignments should also be specified in the assignment plans itself. c. All the students should be given a different topic of assignment, in all cases either the topic of assignment should be different or the organization on which the assignment is based should be different. Sr. No. Roll No All students of R17B1 and R17B2 (In groups of 6 each) Objectives of Academic Activity The objective of the assignment is to develop the analytical skills of students and to get the students to apply their knowledge to the real life situations. Find the cases under reading material in UMS Topic Case Studies on 1. Geographical Indications 2. Industrial Design (Teacher can consider all the aspects for case-studies and give assignments in a group of 6 students as per class strength, followed by Case Presentation in Tutorial). Companies Evaluation Details

Students have to The names of submit the assignment the case studies as follows: are given in the Students can annexure. either use assignment sheets/A4 sheets for making the assignment. Academic Integrity: The write up is a analysis of the case study. Students are also required to do a peer rating out of

10,with a minimum difference of 2 marks between the maximum and minimum marks. Breakup of Marks: 5 Marks for the case analysis and submission. 10 marks for the presentation Date:
Remarks by HOD (Mandatory)

Signature of Faculty Member

Sig. of HOD with date Remarks by HOS (Mandatory)

Sig. of HOS with date

ANNEXURE Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Roll Number R17B1A02-08 R17B1A09-14 R17B1A 15-20 R17B1A 21-24 R17B1A 25-29 R17B1A 30-33 R17B1A 35-39 R17B1A 40-43 Name of Case The Protection of Geographical Indication in India Case Study on Darjeeling Tea' Argan Oil of Morocco Cashmere of Mongolia Caf de Colombia and Habanos of Cuba Rooibos tea of South Africa Tequila of Mexico Coffee of Costa Rica

Group 1 2 3 4

Roll Number R17B2A01-05 R17B2A06-12 R17B2A 13-18 R17B2A 19, R17B2A 20, R17B2A 21, R17B2A B55, R17B2A B56 R17B1A 30-38 R17B1A 39-44 R17B1A 45-49 R17B1A 50-54

Name of Case The Protection of Geographical Indication in India Case Study on Darjeeling Tea' Argan Oil of Morocco Cashmere of Mongolia Caf de Colombia

5 6 7 8

Habanos of Cuba Rooibos tea of South Africa Tequila of Mexico Coffee of Costa Rica

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