A Grand Alliance

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English matura summary: a grand alliance

The article a grand alliance was written by Zbigniew Brzezinsky, former US security advisor
and puppet master of US politics.

The article itself is about Brzezinsky’s ideas concerning the US foreign policy. He questions
the attitude of the USA towards the rest of the world, especially after 9/11: He believes that
the state has overreacted and that the fight against terrorism has become an obsession. On the
other hand he is convinced that the world needs the USA thus he would not consider it as
favourable if the USA refrains from all foreign interventions as this would lead to further
thrive of fundamentalism. He does not agree with Bush’s “War on Terror” as the term is at the
same time to specific and vague (what is “Terror”?). He finds the alternated name more
acceptable: “Struggle against ideological extremists who do not believe in free societies”
Brzezinsky describes the true goal of the USA as being a missionary for democracy, not
necessarily only by peaceful, diplomatic means. The reason for this necessity is according to
him the commencing political awakening of the world (e.g.: China, middle East). Thus there
is a need for the establishment of stable, democratic political systems before the emerging
political potential is misused by fundamentalists.
In order to accomplish this mission, the support of Europe is required as only then the needed
resources are available. He describes Europe as a natural ally as it is the birthplace of
democracy and calls for a grand alliance of USA and EU to spread democracy and create a
global community. He suggests that the middle East would be a good place to start this

Furthermore Brzezinsky compares Bush Jr. to other presidents who had encountered difficult
global situations during their presidencies (e.g.: Roosevelt, Churchill, Truman) and how they
thrived under this special kind of pressure. He expects a similar change in Bush Jr.


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