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Creating Cubes using Cognos 8 Framework Manager - Presentation Transcript

1. CREATING CUBES USING COGNOS POWERPLAY 2. TO CREATE CUBE o Step 1: Start->Programs->Cognos8(Frame Work Manager) ->Frame

work manager 3. Step 2:Create new project-> Press ok 4. Step 3: Select the design language for the project 5. Step 4: Select Metadata Source->Next 6. Step 5: Select data source from the list or create new data source->Next 7. Step 5: Select data source from the list or create new data source->Next 8. Step 6: Select the object according to the requirement->Next 9. Step 7: Generate the relationship->Import 10. Step 8: Finish the process->Finish 11. Step 9: Query subject convert in to IQD 12. Step 10: Publish the package & save the IQD on the perticular place. 13. Step 11: Open transformer, go to file_New_Model name (User defined)->Next 14. Step 12: New data source (DHW name), Source type name (Select Imromptu query)->Next 15. Step 13: F ile name path (browse the IQD file save earlier)->Next 16. Step 14: Check the auto design check box, click finish database. 17. Step 15: Right click on Dim map->choose Insert Dimension-> Write the dimension name 18. Step 16: Right click on Customer1-> Select insert level->Click on Source-> click on more->select Customer_id->click ok 19. Step 17: Right click on power cube-> Select Insert power cube-> Define cube name->Ok 20. Step 18: Right click on the cube & select create selected power cube 21. Step 19: Processing the Cube 22. Step 20: A new model will be genrated with Dimension map, data source, measure, power cube,singons.

23. Data Sources Measures Cube 24. After completed Cube , Run the Cube 25. Running the Report in Power Play window 26. Chart Representation

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