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BIO issued by Department of the Anny in on December 15,
He is P"i"esie.ent. of' tr.e James H. 11cClellal1 Memorial Foundation,
established to finance ane. sponsor safety awards in honor of
the late son of Senator .John I .. !4cCJe:!_lan a? Arkansas. Por the past
four years Ml'. Haugeru,6. !:tas 'be?n V:;.ce Pr.::cident of the Army
Aviation Association of lie is a of the
Chapter of Sigma. Delta.Cbi 7 prof'essi.onc..l journalistic frate:'ni ty.
During the- 'period 1957 to 1959, he was P:-:,esj.a.ent of the United States
Senate Staff, a Senate chartered organization of Admini3trative, Legis
lative and Staff Assistants to Senators and ColIlrtlittee Chairmen.
M't". Haugeruc. servE';d in the Ar':-ny Air F'orce from 1942 to 1945 and
from 1948 to 1953 served vTith the United St8.tes AJ."rr!Y. He has served
in both the European and :F'ar East Theatres as a unit commander, intelli
gence officer, public information officer and aviator. He is a National
Guard instrument qualified senior aviator, having apprOXimately 14 years
flying experience.
Mr. Haugerud is a contributing writer to the editorial section of
leading newspapers and magazines. He is associate author of the follow
ing Senate Committee Reports: (1) National Policy Machinery in the
Soviet Union; (2) National Policy Machinery in Communist China; (3)
Super-cabinet Officers and Superstaffs; (4) The National Security Council;
(5) The secretary of St.ate and the National Security Process; (6) Organi
zing for National Security; (7) Turnover in Administrative and Fblicy
making Posts; and (8) Intelligence and National Security.
15 December 1961

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