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District of Columbia Chapter
2025 E Street, N.W. 0 857-3628-29
FOR RELEASE: ON OR AFTER 2 PM. January 26. 1966
A high ranking State Department official and a comely 21 year old Washington, D.C.
nurse will be the recipients of major National American Red Cross awards when the Dis
trict of Columbia Chapter, American Red Cross holds its Semiannual Board of Directors
Meeting on Friday, January 28. at 2 PM at the Chapter's headquarters, 2025 E NW.
The Assistant Secretary of State and Deputy Inspector General of Foreign Assistance
Howard E. Haugerud will be presented an American National Red Cross Certificate of Merit
for Saving a Life. The presentation will be made by Osby L. Weir. Chairman of the D.C.
Chapter's Safety Services. Mr. Haugerud, who was born in Harmony, Minnesota, studied
at Kansas State University and was graduated from the University of Minnesota.
Mr. Haugerud's quick thinking and the prompt application of Red Cross First Aid
techniques is credited with helping to save the life of a park policeman. On December
1, Private Gerald Grauel suffered shock, lacerations and a compound fracture of a leg
when his motorcycle collided with a taxicab on Memorial Bridge at 8:45 AM.
The State Department official, who witnessed the accident, stopped, jumped out of
his automobile, removed his belt and applied it as a tourniquet to halt profuse bleeding
of Officer Grauelts leg. Also, he kept people from smoking because the injured man and
the area were saturated with gas fumes. Later, the leg was amputated but Mr. Haugerudts
fast action and know-how played a vital part in saving the officerts life.
Mr. Haugerud received a Red Cross Standard First Aid Certificate in 1943 while at
Southwest Missouri State Teachers' College in Springfield. Missouri.
From 1956 to 1959, Mr. Haugerud was assistant to Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey.
then a U.S. Senator from Minnesota. He became a professional staff member of the Gov
( more)
Participating in the UiZited Givers Fund
- 2
ernment Operations Committee in 1959, serving with the Subcommittee on National and
International Organizations, and the Subcommittee on National Policy Machinery. He
left Capitol Hill in 1961 to serve as Deputy Under Secretary of the Army for Interna
tional Affairs until he joined the Inspector General's Office in July 1963.
Miss Carol Ann Crook, a staff nurse at Sibley Memorial Hospital and a volunteer
nurse with the District of Columbia Red Cross Chapter. will receive the American Na
tional Red Cross Nurse Enrollment Badge Number 250,000. plus a special plaque denoting
her special number. The issuance of this badge number represents a milestone in the
Red Cross Nurse Enrollment Program. Since its beginning in 1909. a quarter of a mil
lion nurses have been enrolled for community service, local and world-wide. in war and
in peace. Mrs. William E. Leahy, Chairman of the D.C. Red Cross Chapter's Nursing
Services, will present the plaque and the quarter-millionth badge.
Brown-haired, hazel-eyed Miss Crook is being recognized as a symbol of the many
nurses who through the years have served their fellowman in time of need and as a re
minder that Red Cross Nursing still provides opportunities for services that are unique
and rewarding.
Five feet, inches tall. Miss Crook earned her enrollment badge while serving
as a District of Columbia Red Cross Volunteer Nurse while a senior student at the Lucy
Webb -Hayes School of Nursing at Sibley Memorial Hospital. She became eligible for her
enrollment badge upon graduation and the passing of the State Board Examination. Among
her Chapter volunteer assignments was serving on a First Aid detail during President
Kennedy's funeral and assisting with a boat ride for crippled children.
When not on duty in the children's ward at the hospital, Miss Crook likes children
so much that she around for families in the hospital neighborhood. A devotee
of sports, she also does amateur painting, experimenting with oils. Also. she's en
rolled for volunteer nursing duty when the Chapter calls her.
' ----="'
y Lile ...
1 mSure
By JULL4.:\, :VlORRTSO -
Assl. Seoretary of Sl ate
Howard Haugerucl leil his house
at 2609 S. Hayes-st in Arlington
last Dec. 1 and swung into the
morning rush hour h'affic fOI'
Memorial Bridge. where he got
uappe.d in a line of cars_
Up ahead. drivers wer e
getting out, and NIl'. Haugerud
joined them. He saw a crowd
staring at something. Then he
did what nobody else on the
bl:idge was doing. HE ran.
He ran to lhe spot where U. S.
Park P olice Pvt. Gerald Grallel
lay twisted on the pavement. his
hlp broken and his left leg
nearly lorn off below lhe knee.
Moments before. his m otor
cycle had been in a' collision with
a cab and as he lavon the
bridge. gasoline out on
llis uniform [rom the eycle's
rupture<l lank.
As he ran to tlle injm'ed
policeman. IVIr. Haugerud
lle began recalling a Red Cross
fit's! - a.irl course had taken in
He took off his belt and made
a tourniquet around the injured
leg, topping the blood flowing
from the WOlIDe!.
three limes in the hospital since
" What gol me," he said the aecicienl, and they've
yesterday. "was that nobody was
become good friends .
doing anything to help him.
What he didn't bargain for
They were just standing aroulld
was the Red Cross. which
investigated the accident and
"A couple of guys were even
standing there smol,ing, wilh all
ha5 awarded him its Certificate
that gasoline pouring out on
of Mel'it for saving Pvt.
him. I told them to gel lhe hell
Grauel's life.
away from there.. '
This morning. with Dean Rusk
looking on, the Red Cross
formally presented the award at
It was 10 minutes before an
the State' Department.
a mbulance could get lhru the
crowded streets to take Pvt.
Pvt. Grauel. w h v s e 32d
Grauel to George Washington
birthday \\las last month. is still
Hospi tal where the leg was
in the hospital
amputated. Mr. Haugerud went " But," Mr. Haugerud said
on to his job as deputy inspector yesterda)" " he's in very good
general for foreign assistance. spirits.
Bnt he didn' t forget Pvt,
,"He's going to he retired from
Graue.!. He bas gone to sw
tt!& Park Police hut til y'vtJ
) .
/ =

-New' Photo by Wellner
p vt. Grauel and Mr. Haugel' ud.
lined up a civilian job for him
with the lnterior Department."
"I am sure that Mr. Haugerud
said. " He knew what Lo do and
did it.
"I remember I could feel the
warm blood pumping out of me.
I felt as jf 1 was going to die

s"'=?::-cle<l the American Red Cross
for Saving a Life.
rnc presentation was made by EC-;-::::-::
Bu rling. president of the District of
b ja chapter of the Red Cross, at 2. c,,:;::::-:=:
in the Department's John Quincy
.Room on February 4. The certificat", -.:: :;
signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson 2-'S
honorary chairman of the Red Cros.s =d Co
E: Roland Harriman, cbairman of the
ot governors.
. Haugerwl also received letters of
gratulations trom Vice President Ho,,=.!. E..
HUMPHREY; Senator .:f. WILLIAM FuL==,
chairman of the Senate Foreign Re1at,c:-.s
Committee; Representative THOMAS E. ! :C?
CAN, chairman of the House Foreign A::3.i. -rs
. Commit tee, and other leaders.
The State Department ' officlal 'Y.'ZS
for his quick tblnking and prompt appUca
tion of Red Cross first-aid technique:'" in
helping to save the life or a U.S. Part: Po:::>e
man. Pvt. Gerald Grauel. Ofilcer ";:?s
gravely Injured when his motorcycle
with a taxicab on Memorial Bridge en the
morning of December 1.
Wben Mr. Ha ugerud, who was driTIng b
work, reached the scene the officer w lU;
. lng profusely from a leg injury. He toe!: cd
hls belt and applied a tourniquet.
. Mr. Haugerud also kept people from
tng because the Injured ro:l.n and t.b.e
were saturated with gasoline. Officer
was rushed to the hospital. Although
leg hadt<> be amputated, Mr. Haug=::tfi's
swift action was credited with sa>t!.g t:: e
poltceman's life.
Washington, February 3, :lEOS,
DEAR Hov,:ABri: My warmest congr[',;;"'2c.
tiona oI!- .the wen-deserved honor . yeu a..-e
receiving from the American Red C!-e "';,
What wonderful presence of mind aEd
aid you demonstrate<\ ln saving t h-e life of
the park pollceman. Even though he lc;';e?"
leg. you showed what an alert
can do-by quick thlnklng and t:-a!n
lng. Sorry 1 cannot be with you to
your hand in person. and tell you he';;
I am of you.
l: always knew you were a "life saO:;-e!"..." b 't!t
now 1 see that that is not only :figur3tI. e:;-,
but literally true.
:My greetings to the many fine citizens
are gathered in your honor. '
: Warmest rega;rds to Mary.
COMM:rrrEE ON FOaEION a. .....ams,
. , . HoUSE OF
.Washingtan; February 3, 1'?:::.
DepuJ;J,' Inspector General 01 Foreign As, :F:-
ance, Department of $tfU;e
Washmgtan, D .C.
. DEAR HowAIm:'1 regret ertremely t1:::::;
flclal business In Pennsylvania will prc";";;::::
my being present tomorrow morning v.-::',, ::
the American Red Cross w1ll present; you w i ';!:!
its life-saving certificate.
I know thAt all of your friends are prmrd
of the presence of mind and heroism. which
you dISplayed in savIng the rue of Pvt. Gerald
Grauel of the U.s. Park PoliCe.
It 15, indeed, good to realize that the
..AmerIcan Red Cross has been alert to recog
. nlze the fine citizenship which you displayed
on that occasion. As one who has had occa
sion to note your efficiency in the discharge
of your ustial duties for the Government, I
am glad to take this opportuntty to add my
own praise and cOmmendation to that; of the
American Red CrosS.
With kindest; personal regards and very
best wishes. I am.
Sincerely yours.
..February 3, 1966.
-: : --_?::
.:, oj Columbia Chapter, Amer
':: :- ' : Cross, Washington, D.C.
:::--:::.:: ::2 . Bmu.rNo: I regret that my sChed
:.:l. fue Sen,,-te Is such that I will not be
rc;" e t-o be present for the presentation by tho
-"==::i=e.n Red Cross the award to Howard '
' ,::-. Eaugerud, whom I hnve known for
years and with whom I have worked.
:.s certainly to be commended for his .quick
f;;"j ps-tng and prompt assistance to Pvt.
G ,:,!::!d Grauel. I nm pleased that the Amerl
C2. n P..ed Cross is recognlzlng hIm ln thls way.
:;::,'i hope you will convey to him my personal
rg2Ids and congratulatIons.
With wllmes, I am,
Sincerely yours,
J. W. FlJLnru:GHT.
u.s. SENATE.
Washingtan, D .C., February 3,1966.
?-.'"<?:. EDWARD BURLING, . ,
PTesident. Di;;trict of Columbia Red Cross,
Washington, D .C. .
DEAR MR. Bmu.ING: Please convey to my
good friend and' fellow Minnesotan, How
?:rd Haugerud, my warmest oongratula
t ions and admiration for his extraordinary
courage in saving the life of a park police
man last December. '.
His action was typical of his concern for
his fellow man. and It Is fitting and proper
that he be recognized by the District or
Columbia Red Cross and by all of us. . .
I deeply regret that I cannot be here per
sonally to express my adm1ration, and I
apprecIate your relaying my message.
With kindest regards.

' February 3, . 1966.
P,"e<o--ident, District of Columbia .Reel Oross,
R ed. CTOSS, Washington, D,C.
D=:A& Ma. Bmu.nm: I wish it- could
l:-;en possible tor me t o attend the activities
'-,", oundlng the ceremonies planned for my
good friend Howard Haugerud. Unfortu
the press Of. legIslative duties w111 not
:;=:-:::!.!t :my presence at that time.
==:=:de!:" It a privilege to count Mr. Hau
:;;0::-.: :: 3. close friend, and as such, I have
' :: :;:::-.?: e opportunity to judge at Close
:;: =: :::'=' :7 rus depth ot. character and em
;:.'-: ::::- : : ::- cthers. Consequently. it comes as
=-:: =::' : s::::-prlse to discover that he is being
:,.:.: :: : : ::- ::'e: oic action. . His exemplary ac
: . ::: : ::. of Officer Grauel displays to
-:::-. 0 : : '.': ::':g::e"t measure of compassion for
,:: , :::,;! occasion is lndeeci.a fitting
: -: :.: ..: : = :: !!!.<;k, -t deserving indiVidual with
"' ::': ;:'. ; of public service. I congratu
::'-0 Department upon Its good for
c ":: -= such .. man working on be
: : :-.:..: .
:.'':':'' ;.:-:: =::u to Howard my warmest re
=' ..:-..: '-: -':::' yaurs.
- : -:;-:c-n, D ,C., February Z, 1966
:-::-. ::: l-."7...: =--..'{OD
: - General Of Foreign Assist
-: : ; ::; ; :;: :: -;;r: ent Of -State, Washington;
::::: - '.:-'::: r: fe;; hard to express in words
the : 0,,::=; ;::!5 upon learning that a
me.::::: 2:.:...:; .s.:. life. Too often
' v;'<! !'e:':: : : ::. =:. : :.:. :::ut cruelty through lndl
viCt: :,: ''::,- '': :::: ; :.-':-03 t o help another human
. bec:? :-.:...; :"::=: :s ::.ot tooongratulateyou,
rat::e: :: :.; :. ::', :. :::0: :i0U for two things: one,
.Ilavlng a life e.nd secondly, standing as an
example to aU of ='s bumanity to man.
We are prou d . of you. . . .
. DoNaio.M.FRAs1;:R.
Washington, D.C., February 3.1966.
Dep:uty Inspector General Of Foreign Assist
ance, Department of State, Washington,
. . .
DEAR How.'w: I am sorry it is DOt possible
for me to be at the ceremony t{)morrow when
the Red Cross presents you .with , a. life
saving certificate.
I know I share the pride and respect or
fellow Minnesotans in this trIbute to you
for your example of quick action by saving
the life of Park Policeman Gerald GraueL
With best wIshes.
Sincelely yours,

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