Proto Type

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Technological University of the Philippines

Ayala blvd. Ermita Manila

College of Industrial and Technology
Electronics Department


Submitted by:
Wico, Rachelle Ann R.
Granita, Raymart P.

Submitted to:
Prof. Mary Jane A. Concepcion

Date Submitted:
October 15, 2007

Prototype is a rudimentary working model of a product or

information system usually built for demonstration purposes or as
a part of the development of a process. It comes fro Latin word
proto means original and typus means form or model. Like on our
exposure it is original but we remodeled the design and the
circuit. Exposure box, is a one of more advanced PCB
manufacturing method is exposing laminate copper boards
covered by photo resistive layer through mask. Using our compact
fluorescent lamp in manufacturing PCB’s has many benefits
according to other methods. You can get thin tracks like 0.2mm
you couldn’t do this by using other home techniques like laser
printers or hand artwork. Other advantages this method gives
clean image, smooth edges of PCB tracks. Little bit effort and
you can compare the results to commercial products and of
course third benefit is speed and multiple replications of your
boards by using the same mask. Exposure box is a one of the
electronics device that can contribute a big help for the
electrician people who works in the field of electronics. Exposing
time is so very wasting of time and effort so we decided to make
an exposure box with timer and buzzer so that while exposing of
your PCB design you didn’t to wait in the front of your exposure
box, just do other thins to make all accomplished. If the 15
minutes will reached it is alarmed that is the signal that your
exposing time was finished. You save more electricity, time and
most of all your effort. The function of this exposure box first
place your PCB inside of our portable digital exposure box and
close it. After that plug in and switch on and the timer will start
to count from 15 to 0 count down timer.

On our projec

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