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WWI QUIZMs. Smith Match the word with the appropriate definition listed in the opposite column.

Write the letter of the correct definition on the line next to the word. DO NOT DRAW LINES OR YOU WILL GET A ZERO! 1.______Name the famous British passenger ship that was torpedoed by a German U-boat. 2.______Which nations actions led the United States to abandon its neutral stance and join the war? 3.______The policy of expanding power and gaining territory to claim as an empire is called this. 4.______Whose assassination led to the outbreak of WWI? 5.______Who ended Russias participation in WWI after he came to power with the Communist party? 6.______Which country received a secret note from Germany asking them to attack the U.S.? 7.______Who was the young Serbian boy who assassinated the leader of Austria-Hungary? 8.______What is the name of the official peace agreement that was signed in France ending WWI? 9.______What country was created when Germany was told to give up part of its land as a result of the peace agreement? 10.______The name of the fine the Germans had to pay as a result of the peace agreement. 11.______The lack of this item led to the Russian Revolution. 12.______Who was president of the United States when the U.S. decided to join the war? 13.______The WWI strategy that caused soldiers to eat, sleep, fight and die in miserable ditches filled with rats. 14.______The alliance of Great Britain, France, and Russia was called what? 15.______The alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary , and Italy was called what? SHORT ANSWER: (5 pts.)Explain the conditions that
Germany had to follow as a result of the peace agreement that ended World War I. You should be able to name 5 things.

A. B.

Vladimir Lenin Archduke Franz Ferdinand

C. Treaty of Versailles D. Reparations E. Triple Alliance F. Lusitania G. Trench Warfare H. Woodrow Wilson I. J. Gavrilo Princip Poland

K. Imperialism L. Food M. Germany N. Triple Entente O. Mexico

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