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Types of Conflict

There may be more than one type of conflict in your story.

Character vs. Character: a character faces a problem with other characters. Example: In Romeo and Juliet there is a conflict between the two families, the Capulets and the Montague ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Character vs. Nature: a character faces a problem with some force of nature (cold, storm, wildlife). Example: Out of the Dust-The characters are fighting to survive a drought. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Character vs. Self: a character faces a physical or emotional problem or struggle. Example: On My Honor- Joel is fighting with himself about who was at fault for Tony's drowning and if he should tell what he knows. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Character vs. Society: a character faces a problem with a group or part of society (government, law, tradition, etc.) Example: The Rats of NIMH- The rats and mice were struggling to be free of NIMH AND were struggling to change the way they were living (providing for themselves without stealing).

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