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Creative Process A condensed review of my research and my train of thought.

Sammy Butler 12/10/2011 Unit 1: Anatomy


Wings.....................................................................................................................................................................................Page 2 Photoshop..........................................................................................................................................................................Page 3 Positioning..........................................................................................................................................................................Page 6 Colour Scheme..............................................................................................................................................................Page 8 Setting....................................................................................................................................................................................Page 9 Final Idea.............................................................................................................................................................................Page 10

The bats wings, as well as being translucent, have this remarkable pattern made by the web of veins feeding through them. Its important to the detail of my final design to give it justice. I intend to have a light source glow through them as its quite key to the bats beauty. These designs are different ways I could approach the wings pattern. I created several brushes using Photoshop and repeated the print except fig 3 which is a pre-set texture brush to show a crumpled wing effect. Fig. 2 works the best for the pattern but not for the skin effect.

Picture 1

This is a combination of Figures 2 and 3. It has a more worn effect coming through. The second image shows how a light source behind the wing would affect it.

Fig.7 Fig.6

To get into the character of Batsam I took photographs of myself in character then edited them. I used a mask to demonstrate the facial deformity (the bats puffy pouches) but mixing it with the beauty of the bat. Taking the bat away from its stigmatic stereotype and showing it as beautiful and elegant (as Phil suggested). I used poses that werent threatening or harsh but were graceful and strong. Fig.8 Theyre not perfect but theyre to play with this concept. Ive also tested the fur and the thickness.






More Photoshop
When I focused my research onto the bats feet I came across this image (Picture 2) which amazingly shows it from side on and from the front. From the side its very arced and claw-like but front on it appeared to be a hand much like our own so I fused my own feet and hands together on Photoshop which made something that could still function as a foot but with the added mobility in the fingers (Fig. 14). Picture 3 is of Townsends Big Eared Bat (Corynorhinus Townsendii) which has less extension in the length of the fingers and is even more hand-like.

Picture 2


Picture 3

These pictures were the key influences for my positioning. All have this idea of power yet are elegant.






5. 7.



Positioning cont.
For the positioning thumbnails I also thought about how the anatomy of the bat and myself would fuse and work together. Picture 4 shows a complete cycle of a bats movement when walking. Its legs are more for staying balanced rather than human legs that are used for propulsion. I pondered how it would affect the Batsam. I feel as the body tends to use things to its advantage (for example: storing immunities after fighting diseases) so I wouldnt lose the strength in my legs that allows me to stand but the way I stand would alter. The bat is more arched in the back as their weight is focused onto the front of the body. With the alteration to the leg direction in my designs this arch does show but as seen in fig 15 the weight looks as if its still being carried properly on the back legs.

Picture 4

In conversation with Oliver Gadsby we discussed the topic of the bat legs lack of support for the body and the effect this would have on Batsam. He drew me up his ideas on the case. It demonstrates the muscular functioning of the combined leg and how it physically could work.

Picture 5 7

Colour scheme
For the colour scheme of the final portrait I looking at old screen printed movie posters. They have realistic look but a limited colour pallet making it seem cartoonistic. I feel it will show the sense of un-reality conveying Batsams emotions. As Id have been ripped from my grounded sense of reality and thrust into this world of science fiction fantasy. As expressed before in my interim review, Batsam herself will be made from golden-yellow colour theme based on my hair colour but my environment will be almost black and white with flecks of cold and warm for drama. Areas around Batsam will be warm, but the rest of the world (environment) will reflect cold to show how the hybrid is detached from the world, isolated by deformity.

Picture 6

Picture 7

Picture 8

I want the environment to represent the rest of the world as a unit. As expressed on the previous page, I want to show my hybrids detachment from society. A cityscape would best depict this as the phrase the city speaks springs to mind, the city meaning the people living within it, a community referred to as a whole. As the community will be represented by buildings it adds further alienation as the opposing persons have no face. Cities by night also have the limited colour pallet I was looking for. The warm orange glows in contrast to the cold blue.

Picture 9

Picture 10

Picture 11

Final Idea
Batsam will be atop a building overlooking the world which she can no longer be a part of. Shell either be sitting (similar to picture 12) or standing in the edge with wings spread (like in picture 13) but tilted foreword as if the next logical stage was falling. They would each create a different emotive response. The sitting position, though atop a building, is a more thoughtful pose as if Batsam was reflecting on her new life as an outsider from society. The standing position is more distressing. It has mixed feeling of freedom (life) and death (the mortal danger it poses). It would also allow the viewer to question if she could fly or not. The first pose would be very emotive but the second pose would give more to think about. Decisions, decisions!

Picture 13 Picture 12


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