BT01 - Quiz at CPSC - Rules & Scoring Etc

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The British Telecom Quiz – 20th April 2001 @ Canterbury Prison Staff Club

Each question carries one point - Bonus – carries two marks, There are two bonus (captains) rounds,
the idea being to call out a representative of the three/four lowest scoring teams, allowing them to earn a few
extra points.

The first bonus round


Question - a four letter word ending in “K” meaning to have social intercourse - First team with
correct answer 10 points, second 5 points, third 3 points (or whatever you want)

The second bonus round

1) P_ _ _
2) P_ _ _
3) B_ _ _ _ _ Mc_ _ _ _
4) C_ _ _ _ _ _ _
5) D_ _ _ _ _
6) G_ _ _
7) C_ _ _ _ _ _ F_ _ _ _ (CLUE – THEIR LEADER)

Question - Name the six firemen, and the fire brigade leader from the TV show Trumpton, one point
for each of the firemen – 4 points for the correct name of the fire brigade leader.

There are also two mini marathon rounds, issue the first (Name Game) with the answer booklets, and
mark it at the end of round 4, then issue the second (Kings & Queens) and mark it at the end of round 8. There
is one mark for each correct answer, giving a total of 20 possible marks in each mini marathon round. The
idea of the mini marathon is to give teams something to be doing at all times.

Canterbury Prison Staff Club – Quiz Night Rules

1) I am the host, I am the referee, my decision is final

2) I am totally impartial, I can not be bribed but if you want to buy me a drink please feel free to do
so, a pint of lager !!!!!
3) All mobile phones are to be switched off – any mobile phone that rings will loose that team a
forfeit - my choice for the forfeit.
4) I reserve the right to add new rules or grant extra bonus points during the night
5) If in doubt refer to rule one.

Iain Clover
Secretary CPSC

This quiz in its entirety can be found @

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