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Prophetic Words of Destruction Against New York City

Given through Brian Charles You must leave it all behind, city of My wrath! Leave this place, city of My wrath! Destroyed in an instant, city of My wrath! You must go! Leave the city of My wrath! Itll be destroyed in an instant! Destroyed in an instant by My wrath. --New York City I hate that place. --New York City Itll all be blasted apart in a minute. --New York City, world economy Leave it all behind. You must flee! You must go! You must flee for your life! Flee the city of My wrath! City of My wrath, you must go! Eternal destruction shall be her lot. She has refused to obey Me. Thus says the Lord of Hosts. Itll be a piece of history. Youll see. All the big cities will be nuked. Itll all be gone in an instant. Youll see by nuclear fire. Itll all erupt in nuclear fire! Great is My wrath against this place! --New York City Flee this place! Flee this place for your life! Get out of My country I shall bring destruction upon it. Leave this place. --New York City "I'll destroy this city with a sudden burst. It will all be reduced to piles of rubble." --New York City See them building those buildings taller? I shall bring them flat! Towers will come down in an instant. -Manhattan "Ill tear it down with My bare hands." --Word of judgment for the Empire State Building This place will be collapsed. --Lincoln Tunnel This place will be collapsed under My hand. --Port Authority Bus Terminal, New York City Not a block will be left on top of another that wont be blasted away. Itll be a thing of the past. --The Statue of Liberty, and what it stands for freedom and liberty The American flag will be a thing of the past, replaced by martial law, New World Order control. New Flag New World Order It all must go they wont serve Me. --Gods people, the Christians and the Jews It all must go they wont obey Me. Thus says the Lord Most High. Amen Leave it all behind its coming under My wrath. They have refused to obey My will. They wont obey Me. Nobody will. I must destroy them for that. All apportioned to destruction. All this will be a thing of the past. --nightlife, culture Its all gonna be gone. --New York, New England All this will be submerged underwater. --NYC, CT Itll all be submerged under the sea. --NJ, New York State, Long Island Im gonna destroy this place. They depend on money too much. They have chased after their idols. --People of NY, NJ

Itll all be submerged under the sea. Factories will be silent under My wrath. Itll all go silent. --world economy system Ill destroy the world because of that! --covetousness, greed Im gonna destroy humanity. --because of the sin of covetousness

Read Isaiah chapter 14, and Revelation chapters 17 and 18, Holy Bible

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