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UNI Genterfor Urban Education


CommunityFoundationof Northeastlowa 425 Cedalr Street, Suite310 P. O .B o x 11 7 6 Waterloo,IA 50704 RE: Mother Moon ServiceScholarship To Whom It Concerns, I am writing in supportof Miss Sara Gabriele, who is a candidate the Mother Moon for ServiceScholarship.I haveknown SarasinceJune,2010 when shevolunteerto work for the UNI-CUE SummerAcademy,which is an enrichmentprogramfor students who will enter middle schoolin the fall. During this six-weekprogram,Saratutored Students readingand in math and alsoparticipatedwith students gamesand other activities. in Sarahasvolunteered sinceAugust 2010 to work in the UNI-CUE Tutoring Center,where,on a weekly basis,shetutors elementary and middle schoolstudents reading,English, in composition,social sciences, math. and It is very gratiffing to observeSaraat work. As our youngesttutor, Sara'sskills are on par with our othertutors,who are University of Northern Iowa senior-and graduate-level students.Sarahas anafixal ability to connectwith others. Besidesbeing an excellenttutor, sheis a wonderful role model andyoung peoplequickly respondto her sincerityand warm personality. I am proud to recommendSaraGabrielefor the Mother Moon ServiceScholarship.I know your organization that shewould represent with honor and distinction. Do not hesitate call me if I canprovide additionalinformationthat would promoteSara's to candidacyfor the Mother Moon ServiceScholarship. Sincerelv.

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Nancy Scoggins Rose Assistant Director LINI Centerfor Urban Education Phone: 319-433-1271


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