Modal Verb

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( cant / wont / mustnt ) worry so much itll be ok.

Shes got the time and money why

( mustnt / shouldnt / wont ) she go?

There transfer your flights.

( ought not to / could not / must not ) be a problem if you want to

It would be a good idea if you to university.

( could / would / should ) take a year off before you go

He annoys me he

( will / must / can ) insist on phoning at dinner time!

( could / must / would ) prefer to stay in than go out tonight.


( will / can / shall ) be the postman at the door.

Youve been working very hard you (* anh chc mt)

( can / would / must ) be tired.

( Must / Wont / Will ) you stop making that awful noise! ( used when angry to tell someone to do something)

If you wanted to get your ticket, station first?

( couldnt / mustnt / wouldnt ) you go to the


( could / must / would ) have told me youd be late Ive been waiting!

(used for saying, especially angrily, what you think someone else should do)


( would / may / shall ) be some problems that we havent thought about.

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