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ESTABLISHMENT AND ACCREDITATION Diploma Program in Taxation was established based on The Decree of Directorate General of Higher Education,

The Ministry of Education And Culture of The Republic of Indonesia Number: 140/ DIKTI/ KEP/ 2007 on The Diploma Study Programs at Sebelas Maret University and accredited with Grade Accreditation of A (Very Good) based on The Decree of BAN-PT Number: 026/BAN-PT/Ak-X/Dpl-III/XII/2010. VISION

Being an excellent program in the field of taxation applied on 2015 in national and in international on 2025

MISSION 1. Carrying out with quality of teaching and education in taxation applied to yield graduates which have a good moral, interest, and competiveness. 2. Generating the study which improved quality of taxation applied and publicizing the result of the study. 3. Generating devotion of society which improved quality and enableness of society oriented by creating of net working between campuses, government, industry, and stakeholder in the field of taxation.

OBJECTIVE 1. Generating graduates who understand the medium power and have the knowledge, expertise, and skills in sufficient depth in the field of taxation, so that graduates can compete in the market is produced locally and nationally. 2. Yielding the study of taxation applied that impact on the development of scientific and societal needs. 3. Realizing the creation of net working between campuses, government, industry, and stakeholder in the field of taxation. 4. Improving the academic atmosphere, improving management and program management, while improving efficiency and productivity of graduates.

ADMISSION Building V, First Floor, Faculty of Economics, UNS Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126 Phone : +62271 667887, Fax : +62271 638143 Email :

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