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Atis /Sugar Apple According to BPI, atis is a favorite fruit of the Filipinos.

It is very refreshing and may be eaten raw or made into an excellent ice cream. According to Burkill the fermented fruit seems to be used in the West Indies to make a kind of cider.

Sanyal and Ghose reported, the leaves, the unripe fruit, and the seeds (which contain acrid principle) possess vermicidal and insecticidal properties. The crushed seeds, in a paste with water, are applied to the scalp to destroy lice. The same is used as an abortifacient if applied to the uteri in pregnant women. The bruised leaves, with salt, make a good cataplasm to induce suppuration. The fresh leaves crushed between the fingers and applied to the nostrils cut shorts fits and fainting. The ripe fruit, bruised and mixed with salt, is applied as a maturant to malignant tumors to hasten suppuration. The unripe fruit is astringent, and is given in diarrhea, dysentery and atonic dyspepsia.

Citronella Citronella oil is popular as a natural insect repellent. Its potency have been proven by research. Research also indicates that citronella oil is an effective repellent for body louse and head louse as well as cats.

The dried or fresh leaves of the citronella plant are treated by steam distillation and yield yellow oil with a pleasant, fresh, lemony-green smell. The oil is then mix with other carrier oil. You should experiment to find the formula that works best for you. Apply the repellent to skin every 30 to 60 minutes.

According to US Environmental Protection Agency,citronella oil has little or no toxicity when used as a topical insect repellent, with no reports of adverse effects of concern over a 60 year period. However, Citronella may irritate skin and cause dermatitis in certain individuals. It should not be used on the skin of young children under 3 years old.

Madre de Cacao / Kakawate

This plant is effective as rat killer and a natural insect repellant. Tree bark is cook with rice and use as a rat bait. The young leaves are pound and mix with water. Leaf mixture work best for farm animals but I dont think you would try to apply it on your skin.

All the plant mentioned above may be scattered to areas you want to protect against mosquitoes. This method is not yet proven by studies but there will be no harm in trying. Experiment and tell me if its really working.

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