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Interactive White Boards in the Classroom

Grade Level: Teachers Subject: Teacher Development Prepared by: Ted Finch Overview and Purpose: Classroom teaching methods are changing. Chalkboards and overheads are a thing of the past. This lesson will introduce teachers to the Smart Board and how they can incorperate it into the classroom Educational Standards Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed mollis aliquam nibh. Pellentesque pellentesque dictum urna. Objectives: Specify skills/information that will be learned Teachers will be able to turn a standard worksheet into an interactive assignemtn Teachers will be able to use Pellentesque accumsan auctor tortor. Ut ullamcorper ultricies est. Curabitur tempus nulla at velit.

Materials Needed: Computer running Smart software Smart board pdf copy of sample assignment Other Resources: Internet connection Information: 1. Demonstrate how to connect the Smart Board and the computer 2. Demonstrate how to start the Smart software 3. Present the navagations features for a Smart board a. show teachers how to 4. Present the drawing tools


1. Have teachers hook up Smart board and load the software 2. Have teachers use the drawing tools

Activity: Teachers will use the Smart board and a sample worksheet create an interactive lesson and teach each other. Give teachers 20 minutes to present. Notes make sure to give teachers plenty of chances to practice using the board. Hands-on time is very important when it comes learning how to use the Smart board.

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