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Anna didn't like to spend money. She was no Scrooge, but she seldom purchased anything except the bare necessities
Allusion :Charles Dickens' story 'A Christmas Carol

He was a remarkable Prime Minister with feet of clay

Allusion : The Bible (Daniel 2: 31-45) has roots with common people, has weaknesses just like all others

In the movie "Bridget Jones's Diary," Firth's character is named Mark Darcy
Allusion : Jane Austins Pride and Prejudice character

Robert Frost's "To Earthward
Love at the lips was touch ;As sweet as I could bear ;And once that seemed too much I lived on air 1- The literal meaning of surviving by breathing 2- The expression of emotion

Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet."

"Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man,

1-A serious& critical man 2-A man who is in his grave

Iraqi Head Seeks Arms

( A newspaper headline)

Our Mutual Friend By: Charles Dickens
Mr. and Mrs. Veneering were bran-new people in a bran-new house in a bran-new quarter of London. Everything about the Veneerings was spick and span new. All their furniture was new, all their friends were new, all their servants were new, their place was new, . . . their harness was new, their horses were new, their pictures were new, they themselves were new, they were as newly-married as was lawfully compatible with their having a bran-new baby, and if they had set up a great-grandfather ..

Archaeologists = Goal is to search

A carton of cigarettes= I got the taste of cancer

What is forgetfulness= losing wheres stuff at

Shakespeare = Ah speak, seer

A is to B as C is to _____ (Aristotelian format) HAND : PALM : : FOOT : ____ Sweet as morning dew upon a rose There are plenty of fish in the sea Feeling like a fish out of water

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