Einstein Club 2011 - Social Studies

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Young Einstein Club SOCIAL STUDIES Challenges

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Name the Earths 7 continents. Name 10 oceans and seas and tell where they are located. Name 10 major world rivers and tell where they are located. Name 10 large deserts and tell where they are located. Name 10 large lakes and tell where they are located. Name 10 major mountains or mountain ranges, and tell where they are located. Name 15 major world countries and locate them on a map. Name 15 major world cities and locate them on a map. Name 15 types of dwellings, and draw an illustration of two.

10 Name 5 different kinds of maps and their purposes.

Name 10 South American and Central American countries and locate them on a map.

12 Name 10 countries in Africa and locate them on a map. 13 Name 10 countries in Asia and locate them on a map. 14 Name 10 countries in Europe and locate them on a map. 15 Name 10 island countries and locate them on a map. 16 Name 10 countries bordering the Pacific Ocean and locate them on a map. 17 foreign cities.
Explain what longitude and latitude are. Find the longitude and latitude of two different

18 Name 8 different kinds of world money and the countries that issue them. 19 Name the 50 U.S. states. 20 Label the names of the 50 U.S. states on a map. 21 List the postal abbreviations of each of the 50 U.S. states. 22 Name the 50 U.S. state capitals. 23 Name 10 Californian Native American tribes. 24 Name 10 Non-Californian Native American tribes. 25 Tell about 5 different years that saw significant events in California history.
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26 Label 10 of Californias counties on a map. 27 Name the state symbols of California. 28 Name 15 cities in California. 29 Name 4 regions of California and briefly describe their natural resources. 30 Name 10 California landmarks. 31 Name 4 of the major California cities during the Gold Rush era. 32 Name 5 major California explorers. 33 Identify all 21 California missions on a map 34 Name 8 world explorers and tell what they discovered. 35 Name the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. 36 Name the 7 Wonders of the Modern World. 37 Name the 13 American Colonies. 38 Tell about 5 important people in American history. 39 Name 5 important events in American history and explain their importance. 40 Name 8 Revolutionary War battlefields. 41 Name the 10 Amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights. 42 Name 8 Civil War battlefields. 43 Name 5 Confederate states and 5 Union states. 44 Name 8 wars American soldiers have fought in and who they fought against. 45 Name 5 famous American generals and the wars they fought in.
st th 46 Name the 1 10 U.S. Presidents in order. th th 47 Name the 11 20 U.S. Presidents in order. st th 48 Name the 21 30 U.S. Presidents in order. st 49 Name the 31 current U.S. Presidents in order.

50 Name the current leaders of 8 foreign countries.

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