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NON-PROJECTED VISUALS Jaro, Leslie Fe 1. Nonprojected Visuals = The most common type of visuals found in a classroom 2.

Nonprojected Visuals

These visual supporters are not very technological but are the very basic stuff that has been used in classrooms for years.

They include real objects, models, exhibits, printed material, graphics and photographs.

3. Real Objects

Solid, physical objects that can be brought into a classroom to be examinated. Examples would be rocks, stamps, fossils, fish, eggs, butterflys and wool.

4. Models

A 3-diminsional object that can not be brought into class, they are a smaller or larger version of the object.

Examples are globes, heart models, and solar system simulators.

5. Exhibits
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Dioramas or class room displays Examples would be interactive dinosaur station, artifact collections, and shoe box dioramas.

6. Print Material
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Can be teacher, student, or commercially made. Examples are books, maps, posters, cards, bulletin boards, and puzzles

7. Print Material 8. Graphics and Photographs

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A pictorial image or photograph Examples would include drawings, photographs, graphs, and cartoons.

9. In My Classroom

I could use this visual support in my classroom by helping the students to learn better. I could use any of these nonprojected visuals as homework, projects, informing, or just plain old teaching the students about something. I like that these are the basic visuals and has worked so well for others in the past.

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