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Life Drawing 11/10/2011. A new model (Janet I think) has a very interesting body.

The image on the left is shown in its component parts below.

2 minute poses, captured in HB pencil, red and blu pastel chalks

Not a huge amount of definition on display here, even after enhancement. Shame really as the lighter sketches are where my arm and wrist are a little looser which I find produces some interesting gestural mark making.

Janet's longest pose was here for 35 minutes. Chris Hunt (Tutor) encouraged us to use the thumb measuring method here for the first time (well, my first time at least) The blue image represents the actual placement of limbs and posture. The pencil represents my original placement of limbs.

Midway through the session we changed model. This is Jane on a 45 minute pose. Chris wanted us to be meticulous with our measuring, hence the lack of detail. The red chalk was applied swiftly at the end of the session, simply to make it more easily visible. Im pretty pleased with this one, proportionally speaking, although having seen it again for the purposes of posting her head is a little small.

Moving on from life drawing. I took a series of photos at my local recycling centre on the way home. Its a setting I was intending to use for my final digital image.

These are in terms of locale

intended to provide a reference both and lighting. Being an urban based Simeleon I shall naturally be scavenging for survival.

This final image is a larger size of a previously posted thumbnail. Still too heroey, very Spidey like. But that said it conveys good energy and emotion.

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