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Girlfriend Application

Basic Information
Name: ! Age: ! Phone: ! Eye Color: ! Hometown: ! Hair Color: ! Height: ! Type: Home Cell Other ! Phone: ! Current Town: ! Weight: ! Race: ! Type: Home Cell Other

Personal Information
How would you describe yourself? ! ! ! ! ! ! What does being a girlfriend mean to you? ! ! ! ! What made you consider a relationship with me? ! ! ! !

Relationship History
How many relationships have you been in? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ How many were validation relationships?* ! ! !
*! Validation relationships are based on a partner making you feel beautiful/intelligent/sexually satisfying. ** ! Acceptance relationships are based on enjoying, supporting, and trusting one another. ! The two relationship types are sometimes called young relationships and serious relationships.

! ow many were acceptance relationships?** ! H

Why have most of those relationships ended? (You dont have to be specic; do not use names.)

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