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Control your computer using twitter!

What is Twitter
A micro blogging service to update status 5W/1H. People who don`t like Facebook use twitter. Some people are very addicted to twit.

So what is Twit2Bot
A botnet that will monitor the latest update of a twitter account Command send from the twitter account will be evaluate and executed . Based on script

Why do u need a Twit2Bot

Twitter je yang boleh sms murah (Rm3 sebulan via maxis2fb service) In an isolated environment where only reverse-connect are allowed. You can sms your botnet to connect back to you. Or kalo boringx2 just sms to 0wned a machine

Twitter can only accept 140chars per request You can only send up to 350request per hour. Shellscript is still buggy!

Twit2Bot FlowChart
Feed latest update from twitter

If new request proceed Same request is ignored

Execute Request


Say u have an external IP which blocks everything except inbound from port 80 Send sms to twitter to tell Proxy to do a reverse connect to our machine at port 80 Unlock the Internet !!!

Example configuration if we r using ssh

At our PC
SSH Daemon at port 80

At Proxy
Set StrictHostKeyChecking No Who gives a F*(*)( on MiTm :p


Lets pretend our is our external IP server


Use this proxy at port 3128 no wonder no internet


Starting twit2bot so it start reading the last command

Send SMS to twitter to do a ssh connection to us with R3128:localhost:3128

Starting twit2bot so it start reading the last command

Dah ade internet

Starting twit2bot so it start reading the last command

U can sms to 0wned a machine coutersy of metasploit of course

I call it twit20wned

When u reach home ade internet yg stabil check your server with a smile

I call it twit20wned

Greetings to sk, pokleyzz & the rest of TSS

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