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Free Sex Dangers Friday, May 16, 2008 Explanation -Syphilis Syphilis is a venereal disease that is chronic and

chronic although the frequency of this disease began to decline, but still a dangerous disease that can attack organs throughout the body including the circulatory system, nerves and can be transmitted by a pregnant woman to her unborn child, thereby causing congenital abnormalities in these infants. Syphilis is often known as Lues, the Lion King. Germs causes: Treponema pallidum Broker: Human Place the germs out: penis, vagina, mouth and pregnant mothers to their babies Mode of transmission: sexual contact, mother to her baby The germs enter: penis, vagina, anus, mouth, transfusion. -GONORE/GO Gonorrhea is the most common STDs found and most easy to establish the diagnosis. The name is a common venereal disease "gonorrhea". The incubation period is 3-5 days. Bacteria: Neisseria gonorrhea Broker: human where germs out: penis, vagina, anus, mouth modes of transmission: direct contact sexuality where germs enter: penis, vagina, anus, mouth which can be affected: people who have unsafe sex -Genital herpes Incidence of this disease is very fast lately. This disease can not be eradicated completely and often recurrent-kumatan, and can cause complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Genital herpes caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2. Type 1: low malignancy, attacking especially around the mouth Type 2: vicious, attacking genitals causes: Herpes simplex virus intermediaries: human, material contaminated with the virus where the virus came out: the penis, vagina, anus, mouth modes of transmission: direct contact where germs enter: penis, vagina, anus, mouth -HIV/AIDS A. The HIV virus HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus that causes AIDS by attacking white blood cells called CD4 cells that can damage the human immune system that ultimately could not survive the disturbance, although a very mild disease though. The HIV virus attacks the CD4 cells and turn it into a breeding ground of new HIV virus then destroying it so it can not be used anymore. White blood cells are necessary for the immune system. Without the immune system so when the disease attacked the body we have no protector. The impact is that we can die exposed to the common cold.

B. AIDS AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome which is the impact or effect of hiv virus proliferation in the living body. The HIV virus takes time to cause the syndrome of AIDS a deadly and extremely dangerous. AIDS is caused by the weakening or disappearance of the immune system that had been owned since CD4 cells at a lot of white blood cells destroyed by HIV virus. When we are exposed to the HIV virus we are not directly affected by AIDS. To become AIDS takes a long time, ie several years to become the deadly AIDS. A person can become HIV positive. There is currently no cure, serum or vaccine that can cure people of HIV virus causes AIDS. C. Methods / Techniques of Transmission and Distribution of HIV-AIDS Virus - Blood Example: Blood transfusion, exposed to hiv + blood on broken skin, exposed to menstrual blood on broken skin, syringes, etc. - Liquid Semen, Semen, Sperm Example: Men having intercourse without a condom or other security, oral sex, etc.. - Vaginal Fluid in Women Example: Women without a safety-related agencies, borrowing sex toys, oral sex, etc.. - Mother's Milk / milk Example: Baby drinking ation of hiv + female, male partner's drinking breast milk, and so forth. Body fluids that do not contain the HIV virus in HIV + patients: - Saliva / spit / saliva - Faeces / excrement / chapters / stool - Tears - Air sweat - The urine / urine Supplement: Do not isolate and avoid people with HIV because they need help and support in order to continue to live without much of a burden and passed away into Rahmatullah with sincerity. Posted by Free Sex Dangers at 8:14 AM 0 comments Types of Disease Due to Sex-Free -Sifilis/Raja Lions -Gonore/GO -Genital herpes -HIV/AIDS , Etc. Posted by Free Sex Dangers at 8:03 AM 0 comments The introduction of Hazard-Free Sex Venereal disease is a type of disease caused by germs that are transmitted through unprotected oral sex as well as through unprotected sex. Kind of all kinds, from gonorhea, syphilis, herpes, HIV / AIDS, etc.. Some venereal diseases are curable, but for certain diseases such as HIV / AIDS until now have not found a cure. Transmission of venereal diseases can be avoided by avoiding indiscriminate sexual intercourse (sex), to

be faithful to one partner only, or by using the tools of prevention such as condoms. Certain venereal diseases can be cured with regular treatment, eg with antibiotics. However, the mutation of bacteria can produce germs that are resistant to treatment given, so then instead appear more malignant variants such as Vietnam rose that appears in the Vietnam War. HIV / AIDS can also be infected through sharing needles that have been contaminated by the germs of HIV / AIDS, such as is often done by drug users. Until now HIV / AIDS can not be cured. Drugs given to people with HIV until now only able to prolong the life of the patient.

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