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Cell biology Fall 20011tentative schedule. Check Blackboard on a regular basis for updates and changes to the schedule.

Week ( date of the Monday class) 8/29/2011 Lecture topics Lab topics Exams Due dates notes





Introduction to cell biology basic techniques Alberts Ch 8+9 and powerpoints Proteins structure and kinetics Alberts Ch 3 and powerpoints Membranes Alberts Ch 10 and powerpoints Membrane transport Alberts Ch 11 and powerpoints Sorting Alberts Ch 12 and powerpoints

Monday is a holiday no class Data mining and the use of computer data bases Ph and basic solution preparation Assay basics protein assay colorimetric assay Computer enzyme lab Organelle isolation Tentative exam 1 actual date will be announced in class. Talk topic due via assignments by 11:59 pm October 2nd

10/3 10/10

Traffic Alberts Ch 13 and powerpoints Mitochondria and



chloroplasts Alberts Ch 14 and powerpoints Communication Alberts Ch 15 and powerpoints Cytoskeleton and Cell Junctions Alberts Ch 16 + 19 and powerpoints

SDH enzyme lab SDH enzyme lab


Tyrosinase lab 1

Tentative exam 2 actual date will be announced in class.


11/14 11/21 11/28 12/5

Cell cycle and apoptosis chapters 17 and 18 Catch up Development Cancer Immune system (power point mostly) Student talks

Tyrosinase lab 2 TBA TBA Tyrosinase lab Catch up

Power points due via assignments by 11:59 pm 12-4 Student talks 3rd exam definite date

12/12 12/19

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