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BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.

0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Windows


2008 Business Objects. All rights reserved. Business Objects owns the following U.S. patents, which may cover products that are offered and licensed by Business Objects: 5,295,243; 5,339,390; 5,555,403; 5,590,250; 5,619,632; 5,632,009; 5,857,205; 5,880,742; 5,883,635; 6,085,202; 6,108,698; 6,247,008; 6,289,352; 6,300,957; 6,377,259; 6,490,593; 6,578,027; 6,581,068; 6,628,312; 6,654,761; 6,768,986; 6,772,409; 6,831,668; 6,882,998; 6,892,189; 6,901,555; 7,089,238; 7,107,266; 7,139,766; 7,178,099; 7,181,435; 7,181,440; 7,194,465; 7,222,130; 7,299,419; 7,320,122 and 7,356,779. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Business Objects Crystal Vision, Business Process On Demand, BusinessQuery, Cartesis, Crystal Analysis, Crystal Applications, Crystal Decisions, Crystal Enterprise, Crystal Insider, Crystal Reports, Crystal Vision, Desktop Intelligence, Inxight, the Inxight Logo, LinguistX, Star Tree, Table Lens, ThingFinder, Timewall, Let There Be Light, Metify, NSite, Rapid Marts, RapidMarts, the Spectrum Design, Web Intelligence, Workmail and Xcelsius are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other countries of Business Objects and/or affiliated companies. Business Objects is an SAP company. SAP is the trademark or registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries. All other names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Business Objects products in this release may contain redistributions of software licensed from third-party contributors. Some of these individual components may also be available under alternative licenses. A partial listing of third-party contributors that have requested or permitted acknowledgments, as well as required notices, can be found at: http://www.businessobjects.com/thirdparty 2008-06-02

Third-party Contributors

Chapter 1 Getting Started 9 About this documentation..........................................................................10 Who should read this documentation........................................................10 BusinessObjects Enterprise guides...........................................................10 What is BusinessObjects Enterprise?.......................................................12 What's new in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation and Configuration guide?........................................................................................................12 Chapter 2 Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise 15

Installation overview..................................................................................16 System requirements ..........................................................................16 Network requirements .........................................................................17 User permissions for installing BusinessObjects Enterprise................18 Installing on a non-system drive...........................................................20 Setting up server communication.........................................................21 Installation Scenarios ................................................................................23 New installation ...................................................................................23 Custom and Expand installation ..........................................................24 Web Tier installation ............................................................................25 Client Tools installation ........................................................................26 Silent installation .................................................................................28 Side-by-side installation ......................................................................29 Distributed deployment.........................................................................29 CMS Database requirements and preparation..........................................30 Installing MySQL as the system database...........................................30 To setup a database account for BusinessObjects Enterprise ............31

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Setting up an empty database for the CMS.........................................31 DB2 database setup requirements ......................................................32 Oracle database setup requirements...................................................33 Sybase database setup requirements..................................................34 MySQL database setup requirements..................................................34 Microsoft SQL Server database setup requirements ..........................35 Preparing your existing database server...................................................35 To prepare your database....................................................................36 Before you deploy web applications..........................................................37 Chapter 3 Beginning the Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise 39

Installation checklist...................................................................................40 Beginning your installation.........................................................................41 To accept the license agreement.........................................................41 Entering user information and a product keycode................................42 To install Language Packs ...................................................................43 To select an installation type................................................................44 Chapter 4 New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise 47

Performing a new installation.....................................................................48 To perform a new BusinessObjects Enterprise installation..................48 To enter information on your new CMS................................................50 To specify Server Intelligence Agent information.................................51 CMS database configuration................................................................52 To select a web application server configuration option.......................56 To start the installation..........................................................................62 Chapter 5 Custom or Expand Installations 63

Performing a Custom or Expand installation.............................................64 To select or deselect features...............................................................64

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Components.................................65 BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Tier Components............................67 BusinessObjects Server Components.................................................67 Database Access ................................................................................69 Export Support.....................................................................................69 Samples...............................................................................................70 Help Files ............................................................................................70 To perform a custom or expand installation...............................................70 To only install the Client Components..................................................71 To only install the Server Components.................................................71 To only install the Web Tier Components.............................................80 Chapter 6 Web Applications Installation 89

Performing a Web Tier installation.............................................................90 BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Tier Components............................90 To perform a Web Tier installation........................................................91 To select and deselect web tier components.......................................91 To specify an existing CMS for web tier components...........................92 To select a web application server configuration option.......................93 To start the installation........................................................................100 Chapter 7 Silent Installation 101

Overview of silent installation..................................................................102 Specific ini file parameters for setup.exe ................................................103 To create an installation .ini file................................................................103 Sample .ini script file................................................................................104 Silent and scripted installation parameters..............................................107 Chapter 8 After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise 115

Launching the Central Management Console (CMC)..............................116

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


To log on to the CMC..........................................................................116 Troubleshooting CMC logon issues...................................................117 Register your installed product................................................................117 Diagnostic Tool........................................................................................118 Deployment Diagnostic tool................................................................118 To run diagnostic tests in Windows....................................................119 Diagnostic options..............................................................................122 Chapter 9 Language Packs on Windows 125

About language packs ............................................................................126 English language fall-back ......................................................................126 Product locale changes ..........................................................................126 Selecting a language ..............................................................................126 Installing language packs and complex deployments ............................127 Installing language packs on Windows systems ....................................127 Locating language packs ........................................................................128 To install language packs ..................................................................128 Installing language packs across a BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment .................................................................................................................129 To uninstall language packs ...................................................................131 Chapter 10 Client Tools Installation 133

Overview of Client Tools installation........................................................134 BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Components.....................................134 To perform a client tools installation........................................................135 Client Tools silent installations ................................................................142 Sample client tools ini file...................................................................143 Chapter 11 Maintaining your Installation 145

BusinessObjects Enterprise maintenance operations.............................146

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


To enter maintenance mode...............................................................146 Uninstalling BusinessObjects Enterprise from Windows.........................147 Silent uninstallation............................................................................148 Software Inventory Tool...........................................................................148 Introduction.........................................................................................148 How does the BusinessObjects Software Inventory Tool work?........149 The installation log file.............................................................................153 Chapter 12 Post Installation Web Application Deployment 155

Overview of post install deployment........................................................156 Before you deploy web applications........................................................157 Deploying with wdeploy...........................................................................157 Prerequisites for using wdeploy.........................................................157 Overview for using wdeploy...............................................................158 How to use wdeploy...........................................................................159 Options for using wdeploy..................................................................164 After deploying web applications........................................................165 Deploying to web application servers with wdeploy...........................165 To deploy web applications on a remote machine.............................194 Manually deploying to a web application server......................................197 BusinessObjects Enterprise WAR files..............................................197 WAR file context roots........................................................................198 Guidelines for deploying WAR files....................................................199 To manually deploy web applications.................................................200 To prepare for manual deployment on a remote machine..................201 After deploying web applications........................................................204 Deploying with the Administration console.........................................205 Chapter 13 Deployment Scenarios 219

Overview of deployment scenarios..........................................................220

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Desktop client to server scenario............................................................220 Desktop client to server overview......................................................220 Summary of required tasks................................................................221 Deploying the desktop client to server scenario.................................222 Basic N-tier scenario................................................................................240 N-tier scenario overview.....................................................................240 Summary of required tasks................................................................241 Deploying the N-tier scenario.............................................................241 Complex deployment scenario................................................................256 Complex deployment overview..........................................................256 Summary of required tasks................................................................257 Deploying the complex deployment scenario.....................................258 Appendix A Get More Help 281



BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Getting Started

Getting Started About this documentation

About this documentation

This documentation provides you with information and procedures for installing BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 on Windows, including detailed instructions for the different installation options. In addition this documentation provides instructions for installing standalone client tools, language packs and for modifying, repairing or removing BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0.

Who should read this documentation

This documentation is intended for the system administrator or IT professional who needs to install BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 on Windows operating systems. Familiarity with your overall network environment, port usage, your database environment, and your web server software is especially beneficial. If you are installing BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 on UNIX or Linux operating systems, please read the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for UNIX.

BusinessObjects Enterprise guides

The following table provides a list of BusinessObjects Enterprise guides and their contents. Guide BusinessObjects Enterprise Deployment Planning Guide Description This guide covers the key concepts you should consider before you begin deploying BusinessObjects Enterprise. This guide includes an overview of the architecture, tips for assessing your existing environment, determining your organization's needs, and preparing for the installation.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Getting Started BusinessObjects Enterprise guides



BusinessObjects Enterprise In- Leads you through the steps required to stallation and Configuration run the setup program and complete your Guide installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise. There are UNIX and Windows versions of this guide available. BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide Provides content for server administration and content administration. The server administration topics includes server configuration, managing authentication, configuring firewalls, and measuring system performance. The content administration topics include working with the CMC, configuring rights and access levels, managing users, and working with Business Objects applications and objects. Provides an overview of the publishing process, working with publications, publishing Crystal reports, publishing web intelligence documents, publishing desktop intelligence documents, and publishing security.

BusinessObjects Enterprise Publisher's Guide

BusinessObjects Enterprise Mi- Details content migration from legacy gration Guide Business Objects software, such as Classic or Enterprise 5 or 6, to BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0. BusinessObjects Enterprise Upgrade Guide Information for upgrades from BusinessObjects Enterprise XI to BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Getting Started What is BusinessObjects Enterprise?



BusinessObjects Enterprise In- Provides an overview of InfoView and foView User's Guide working with Crystal Reports, Web Intelligence, objects, discussions, encyclopedia, and Voyager workspaces.

For a complete list of all of our product documentation please visit our support site: http://support.businessobjects.com/documentation/product_guides/de fault.asp

What is BusinessObjects Enterprise?

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 is a flexible, scalable, and reliable solution for delivering powerful, interactive reports to end users via any web applicationintranet, extranet, Internet or corporate portal. Whether it is used for distributing weekly sales reports, providing customers with personalized service offerings, or integrating critical information into corporate portals, BusinessObjects Enterprise delivers tangible benefits that extend across and beyond the organization. As an integrated suite for reporting, analysis, and information delivery, BusinessObjects Enterprise provides a solution for increasing end-user productivity and reducing administrative efforts.

What's new in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation and Configuration guide?

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide is the first release to include information on the following features:
Feature Language Packs installation Description New languages can be added to your installation using the standalone Language Pack installer.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Getting Started What's new in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation and Configuration guide?



Deploying web appli- Web applications can now be deployed directly using cations the BusinessObjects Enterprise installer, or after installation using either the wdeploy tool or the web application server's administration console. Procedures for several deployment scenarios are considered and thoroughly documented in this guide. Scripted Installation You can store all of your installation settings in a log file, which you can use to run silent or scripted installations. This feature is particularly useful for automating custom installations. Web applications can be installed and deployed to supported web application servers using a dedicated installation method.

Web-tier installation

Deployment Diagnos- You can now validate your deployments through the tic Tool Deployment Diagnostic Tool. Stand-alone Client Tools installation BusinessObjects Enterprise client tools can now be installed using the standalone Client Tools installer.

All product documentation (including error message explanations) is available in all supported languages in an HTML-based documentation library. This system enables full-text search and other customizable features to make it easy to find the information you need. You can also access or download the PDF guides from the same website. The website is refreshed with up-to-date content as it becomes available between releases. Go to http://support.busi nessobjects.com/documentation/

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Getting Started What's new in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation and Configuration guide?


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation overview

Installation overview
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 provides an open and flexible architecture that supports a multitude of deployment and configuration scenarios. Before you install BusinessObjects Enterprise you should: Ensure that that your system meets the basic requirements for a BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 installation. Consult the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Deployment Planning Guide. Consider how you should prepare your infrastructure and set up your environment including server locations. Verify that all machines that will be part of your BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment can communicate properly with one another. Decide which BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 components to install and which of your own components to integrate. Determine where the components should be installed. Choose an installation method.

The following sections list the core software and system requirements, the choices available to you within the core requirements, and the install methods available to you for installing BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0. An installation checklist is provided to help ensure you are prepared before you begin your installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Related Topics

Installation checklist on page 40 System requirements on page 16 Preparing your existing database server on page 35

System requirements
For a detailed list of supported environments and hardware requirements, consult the Platforms Availability Report (PAR) file available on the Business Objects support site http://support.businessobjects.com/documentation/sup ported_platforms/. This file includes specific version and patch-level requirements for web application servers, web browsers, and operating systems. For additional important information that may pertain to your


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation overview

deployment, it is also strongly recommended that you consult the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Deployment Planning Guide . Generally, the following components must be preinstalled and configured correctly before you can install BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0: Web application server (unless you want to install Tomcat as part of your installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise) Database software that is compatible with the CMS system and the Audit databases (unless you want to install MySQL as part of your installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise).

Note: BusinessObjects Enterprise requires a database to store information

about the system and its users.

Tip: If you are installing on VMWare, ensure your machine name does not

include any of the following characters: an underscore, a period, or a slash.

Network requirements
When installing BusinessObjects Enterprise on multiple machines, you must ensure that each target machine can communicate over TCP/IP with the machine running the Central Management Server (CMS). Also ensure that the target machines can communicate over TCP/IP with each other. In particular, your web server must be able to communicate with the machine that is running the web application server. All web desktop clients must also be able to access the web server. For more information on the communication between components please refer to the Architecture chapter in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Deployment Planning Guide.
Note: If you are installing BusinessObjects Enterprise in a firewall

environment, you will require additional configuration details. See the Working with Firewalls chapter of the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation overview

User permissions for installing BusinessObjects Enterprise

To successfully install BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 on Windows, the user running the setup program must have the permissions listed in the table below:
Category Required permissions

Operating Sys- Administrative privileges on the local machine. tem Network Database Access to all machines via TCP/IP - all specified ports must be available. Rights to add and drop tables to/from database, plus rights to read, write, and edit table rows.

Web application It is recommended that you use the same user account for server installing BusinessObjects Enterprise and your web application server. Note:

The following scenarios are not supported: Installing on a domain controller. Installing on a machine where the Windows default security settings given to the local Administrators group have been modified.

Minimum user rights for deploying web applications

To deploy web applications using a user account different from the one used to install the web application server, you must ensure that the BusinessObjects Enterprise user account has the privileges listed in the following table.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation overview

Web application server JBoss

Minimum required permissions rights to read, create, and modify files in $as_dir\bin rights to remove the $as_dir\server\${as_in
stance}\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat55.sar\jsflibs directory


rights to read, create, and modify files in


rights to read, create, and modify files in the $as_dir\server\$as_instance\deploy directory rights to read, create, and modify files in

rights to read and modify files in


rights to read and modify files in $as_dir\opmn\lib rights to read, create, and modify files in
$as_dir\$as_sid\$as_instance\j2ee\deploy ing

SAP Web Application Server


rights to read and modify files in


rights to read, create, and modify files in $as_dir\bin rights to read, create, and modify files in

right to create and modify files under $ad_sir\we bapps and its subdirectories rights to create and modify files under $as_dir\conf and its subdirectories rights to call $as_dir\bin\tomcat55.exe rights to modify service startup parameters in the registry

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation overview

Web application server WebLogic

Minimum required permissions right to read files under $WL_HOME\server\lib

right to read and write files under $as_dir\bin\ right to read and execute files under $WL_HOME\jdk150_06\ (or your WebLogic JDK directory) right to read files under $WL_HOME \wlserver_10.0\common\bin

right to read and execute files under $WL_HOME


Note: WL_HOME is the weblogic installation dir and not as_dir -- which is the domain root WebSphere Right to read and execute $as_dir\bin\wsad

Right to read and execute $as_dir\bin\GenPlug


Right to read $as_dir\bin\securityProcs.jacl Right to read $as_dir\bin\LTPA_LDAPSecuri


Right to read and execute files under $as_dir\plu


Right to read and execute files under $as_dir\java Right to read and execute files under $as_dir\de

Right to read, write, and execute files under


Right to read, write, and execute files under


Installing on a non-system drive

You can install BusinessObjects Enterprise on any drive on your machine. The installation program targets the folder or directory that you specify.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation overview

There is one exception to this rule. If you previously installed another Business Objects product of the same version, the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Setup program automatically uses the existing common directory to add any shared Business Objects product files. If this common directory is on the system drive - the drive containing your operating system files - BusinessObjects Enterprise automatically installs its shared files there.
Note: If the previously installed product is the same version as the one you

are about to install, maintenance mode is evoked. To install several Business Objects products on a non-system drive, you must first install BusinessObjects Enterprise. All Business Objects products that you subsequently install will use the same non-system drive for shared files.

Setting up server communication

Each BusinessObjects Enterprise machine must be able to communicate over TCP/IP with the machine that runs your Central Management Server (CMS). The CMS is responsible for maintaining a database of information about your BusinessObjects Enterprise system, which other components can access as required. The data stored by the CMS includes information about users and groups, security levels, BusinessObjects Enterprise content, and servers. For more information about the CMS, see the Managing and Configuring Servers chapter in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrators Guide. If the host machine has more than one network interface card (NIC), the CMS may automatically bind to a primary NIC. If the primary NIC is not routable, you may have to reconfigure your servers after installation. Alternatively, you could make the primary NIC routable before installing BusinessObjects Enterprise. For more information on how to reconfigure to bind to routable NICs see the Managing and Configuring Servers chapter in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrators Guide. Servers that run BusinessObjects Enterprise must have a fixed host name. You must have administrative privileges to set or modify a fixed host name on your system. You can use fully qualified domain names to specify the location of the CMS.
Note: Please ensure that the host name you use does not include any

of the following characters: an underscore, a period, or a slash.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation overview

Ensure that your database client and server are set up to use Unicode character encoding(such as UTF-8). Consult your database documentation to determine the settings required for a Unicode configuration. If you connect BusinessObjects Enterprise to a web application server, the web application server must be able to communicate with all BusinessObjects Enterprise machines. This communication is enabled by the BusinessObjects Enterprise Software Development Kit (SDK), which is installed as part of the Web Tier Components. If you plan to use a Java application server and your existing application server does not include a version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) supported by BusinessObjects Enterprise, you will need to install it. If you are installing BusinessObjects Enterprise in a firewall environment, you will need additional configuration details. See the Working with Firewalls section of the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrators Guide. If you are clustering multiple file repository servers on separate machines, ensure that each server has read and write permissions to the folder used to store data.

Choosing a server location

When planning your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation, you should also consider where you will place your deployments servers. Your Crystal Reports Page Server, Desktop Intelligence Report Server, Connection Server, Web Intelligence Report Server, Job Servers, and Report Application Server communicate frequently with the database servers containing the data in your published reports. To optimize data retrieval and minimize network traffic, place your processing servers close to your database servers (ideally, on the same subnet). If your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation is distributed over a wide geographic region, use server groups to create groups of nearby servers to process reports. The Central Management Server (CMS) stores data about users and groups, security levels, published objects, and servers in the CMS database. The CMS can also maintain a separate audit database of information about user actions. To optimize CMS performance, place your CMS on the same LAN as the database servers that host your CMS database and the BusinessObjects Enterprise audit database. The CMS can be clustered. If you are deploying more than one CMS, ensure each machine


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation Scenarios

that runs a CMS process experiences the same latency to the system database. Consult the Managing and Configuring Servers section of the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide for information on other factors that you may want to consider in planning your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.

Installation Scenarios
Before you install BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0, consider which of these is your intended scenario: New installation Custom installation Web Tier installation Client Tools installation Silent or Scripted installation Side-by-Side installation Distributed Deployments For an installation upgrade see the BusinessObjects Enterprise Upgrade Guide.

New installation
Performing a new installation is the easiest way to deploy BusinessObjects Enterprise because all of the required client, server, and optional components are installed by default onto one machine.
Note: After the installation you can easily disable any components you do

not require. You may want to choose a new installation if: You have not installed BusinessObjects Enterprise before. You want to install all the components on the same machine. You do not have stringent disk space limitations. You do not need to specify which particular components to install.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation Scenarios

Related Topics

Performing a new installation on page 48

Custom and Expand installation

The Custom or Expand installation scenario allows you to select which components to install. You may want to perform a custom installation when you want to exclude some components, or install only a limited set of components. It is recommended that you run this type of installation only after you are familiar with specific BusinessObjects Enterprise components and their roles, otherwise you may inadvertently fail to install a required component. You may want to perform a Custom and Expand installation if you plan to use BusinessObjects Enterprise in a distributed environment. For example, in a distributed environment you can install the BusinessObjects Enterprise Desktop Intelligence server components on one machine, and use another to host Crystal Reports server components. After you install BusinessObjects Enterprise on one machine, you can run a Custom and Expand installation to add server components, create a CMS cluster, increase available resources, and distribute the processing workload. The Custom and Expand install features consist of: Client Components Web Tier Components Server Components Database Access Export Support Samples Help Files You may choose to install all or just some of the above components.
Tip: Consult the Scaling Your System section of the BusinessObjects

Enterprise Administrator's Guide for information on planning how to best expand your installation to meet the needs of your organization. You may want to choose a Custom and Expand installation if:


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation Scenarios

You are already familiar with the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation program. You have already completed your initial installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise and would like to deploy additional components on another machine. Your deployment of BusinessObjects Enterprise servers will be distributed over multiple computers. You want to add additional BusinessObjects Enterprise servers. You know exactly what components you require. You have resource limitations and need to consider disk space constraints. You want to improve system performance. You require fault tolerance. If you wish to install the web or client components separately from the server components.

Related Topics

Performing a Custom or Expand installation on page 64

Web Tier installation

The Web Tier installation provides you with all of the components that are used by the web application server to run BusinessObjects web applications. These components include the following: BI Platform Web Components - used to run BusinessObjects XI 3.0 applications including Central Management Console, InfoView, Performance Management, and Voyager. BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Services - which includes Business Process BI Service. Tomcat - a web application server you can install You may want to choose a web tier installation if: If you want to install the web applications separately from the server components. You are already familiar with the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation program. You have an existing web application server and would like to dedicate to work with BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation Scenarios

You completed your initial installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise, and you want to configure an additional web application server on a separate machine.

Related Topics

Performing a Web Tier installation on page 90

Client Tools installation

You can install the BusinessObjects Client Tools by either using a distributed standalone installer or the Custom or Expand installation. The available client tools are listed below:
Component Desktop Intelligence Short description An integrated query, reporting and analysis solution for business professionals that allows you to access data in your corporate databases directly from your desktop and present and analyze this information in a Desktop Intelligence document. Provides business users an easy to use interactive and flexible user interface for building and analyzing reports on corporate data over the web, on secured intranets and extranets. Allows you to migrate reports that are based on Crystal queries, dictionaries, and InfoViews to a BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment. Enables you to design relational views of information that provides a wide range of capabilities for creating and modifying Data Connections, Dynamic Data Connections, Data Foundations, Business Elements, and Business Views. Converts Desktop Intelligence XI R2 reports to Web Intelligence XI R2 format and publishes the converted reports to the CMS. The level of conversion depends on the features in the original report.

Web Intelligence Rich Client

Data Source Migration Wizard

Business View Manager

Report Conversion Tool


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation Scenarios

Component Import Wizard

Short description Allows you to import and export content from previous and current versions of BusinessObjects Enterprise. Enables users to add reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise Allows you create custom web services for specific queries using Business Objects Web Services. Allows you to create universes for Web Intelligence and Desktop Intelligence users. Contains the following subfeatures:

Publishing Wizard Query as a Web Service

Universe Designer Developer Components

BusinessObjects Enterprise Java SDK: allows you to build web applications that interface directly with your BusinessObjects Enterprise system. BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Services SDK: implementation of web services that can be deployed with BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Translation Manager An application that defines the multilingual document and performs translation of documents and prompts. It supports Universe Designer universes and Web Intelligence documents.

Note: The client applications must be installed on Windows.

Install these applications for particular users who are responsible for managing BusinessObjects Enterprise content, developing applications, or migrating system data. These client tools are not needed by users who access InfoView or the Central Management Console (CMC) administrative web applications. Some of these tools are used for migration of existing documents from earlier product versions or creating new documents.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation Scenarios

If you install the BusinessObjects Enterprise servers on a UNIX machine, you can connect remotely to BusinessObjects Enterprise with the client tools. However, the client applications must be installed on Windows.
Note: The BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Tool Setup program does not

generally require a license key to activate the product. However, Desktop Intelligence does require that a license key be entered in the CMC after the installation.
Related Topics

To perform a client tools installation on page 135

Silent installation
You can run a silent installation to install BusinessObjects Enterprise from the command line using a response file containing installation setup parameters. This method is particularly useful when you need to perform multiple installations or you do not want to interrupt people who are working on machines in your system. You can also incorporate the silent installation command into your own build scripts. For example, if your organization uses scripts to install software on machines, you can add the silent BusinessObjects Enterprise installation command to those scripts. You may want to choose a silent installation if: You are already familiar with the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation program. You need an automated method for performing similar installations on several machines. You do not want to run the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Setup program.

Note: BusinessObjects Enterprise does not support silent installations when

the install contents are on multiple CDs. If your install source files are on multiple CDs, you must first copy the contents from all the CDs to a central location, such as a hard-drive, and then run the silent install from the location that contains the content from all the CDs.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation Scenarios

Side-by-side installation
You can perform a New, Custom and Expand, or Web Tier installation on machines containing the following: BusinessObjects Enterprise XI BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2

This scenario is called a side-by-side installation in which both BusinessObjects Enterprise versions can run simultaneously. When you perform a side-by-side installation you need to ensure that your BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 installation will not clash with your preexisting BusinessObjects Enterprise version by : Specifying a unique CMS cluster name for the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 installation.
Note: You cannot add servers to a CMS cluster used by a different version

of BusinessObjects Enterprise. Specifying unique port numbers for the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 installation

For more information on migrating content and working with side-by-side installations see the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Upgrade Guide.

Distributed deployment
Once BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 is installed and running on one machine, you can add server components, create a CMS cluster, increase available resources, and distribute the processing workload. For example, if you plan to use BusinessObjects Enterprise with an existing web application server that resides on a different machine than where BusinessObjects Enterprise is currently installed, you will need to install the client and server components separately from the web tier components. This type of installation allows you to integrate BusinessObjects Enterprise with your existing web application serverwithout installing the core BusinessObjects Enterprise components on the web application server itself.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS Database requirements and preparation

This type of distributed installation also allows you to scale your deployment of BusinessObjects Enterprise by installing additional servers to meet the demands of your enterprise. How you choose to expand your system depends largely upon your current configuration and your reporting requirements. A distributed deployment installation is accomplished by selecting the Custom and Expand installation and choosing the components you wish to install on each machine. Before you create a distributed deployment it is strongly recommended that you consult the BusinessObjects Enterprise Planning and Deployment Guide for general scalability considerations, for sample configurations, and for information about CMS clustering.

CMS Database requirements and preparation

BusinessObjects Enterprise requires a database to store information about the system and its users. The following sections detail required settings and how to test settings for: DB2 MySQL Microsoft SQL Oracle Sybase Before installing BusinessObjects Enterprise you should review this information in order to properly prepare your CMS system and auditing database. For more information on database requirements, refer to the Databases in BusinessObjects Enterprise section in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Deployment Planning Guide.
Note: Regardless of database type, your database must be setup to use

Unicode character encoding, such as UTF-8.

Installing MySQL as the system database

MySQL database server is an open-source database that provides local data storage. The BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Setup program can install


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS Database requirements and preparation

and configure MySQL as the database server for a BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. If you already have MySQL installed, the installation program is used to configure the CMS database using your existing database engine. During the installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise, you specify what database server you will use and enter the required parameters for authentication.

To setup a database account for BusinessObjects Enterprise

To administer the CMS database, you need to set up a database account. If you choose to install MySQL as part of your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation, you will be prompted during installation to set up this account. If you plan to use your own database, you should complete the steps listed below before installing BusinessObjects Enterprise. 1. Create or select a user account that provides BusinessObjects Enterprise with the appropriate privileges to your database server. 2. Verify that you can log on to your database and carry out administrative tasks using this account.

Setting up an empty database for the CMS

If you want to use an existing database server, you must create a new database on your database server before you installing BusinessObjects Enterprise. The following database servers are supported for the CMS system and audit databases: Oracle DB2 Sybase MySQL Microsoft SQL Server (ODBC)

Note: Review the online BusinessObjects Enterprise supported platforms

document for information related to supported database software and version requirements:http://support.businessobjects.com/documentation/

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS Database requirements and preparation

To integrate your existing database with BusinessObjects Enterprise, you need to prepare it. Here is a summary of the steps to prepare your database: Create a new database Create a new user account and password for the database - to be used by BusinessObjects Enterprise Specify that the new user account has required permissions to create, modify, and delete tables and create procedures so that database can be modified as required. Record the name of the database, the user account, and the password when you run the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation setup program

During the installation setup, you can choose to reinitialize the existing database. This will cause new tables to be created in your existing database to store BusinessObjects Enterprise data. Consult your specific database server documentation if you are unsure of the procedure for creating a new database. Ensure that your database server is set up to use Unicode character encoding (such as UTF-8).
Note: If you have a previous release of BusinessObjects Enterprise you

cannot use your database from a previous release for BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 3. You must create a new database for this release. If you use a database from a previous release, you will destroy any existing data. Create a new database instead, and after you have completed your installation, you can migrate your old content to the new current version's database.
Related Topics

DB2 database setup requirements on page 32 Oracle database setup requirements on page 33 Sybase database setup requirements on page 34 Microsoft SQL Server database setup requirements on page 35 MySQL database setup requirements on page 34

DB2 database setup requirements

If you are using a DB2 database with your BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment, there are specific settings you need to select when the database


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS Database requirements and preparation

is created. It is not sufficient to modify these settings after the database has been created. When you create the database you will use with BusinessObjects Enterprise: Ensure the CMS database is not partitioned. If your DB2 CMS database is partitioned, you will have problems creating the CMS database.
Note: The requirement above does not apply to the Audit database. You

can use a partitioned DB2 database for the Audit database. Create the database with the following specific settings.
Collating Sequence = Identity Codeset = UTF-8 Territory = XX

If your DB2 database does not have the correct collating sequence setting, the users and usergroup objects may not sort properly in the Central Management Console (CMC). Replace XX with the code that is appropriate to your code set and codepage for your location. Consult your DB2 documentation for specifics.
Note: If you are using DB2 8.1, you require a C compiler that is installed

and configured to build SQL stored procedures. DB2 8.2 through version 9.1 do not have this requirement. SQL stored procedures are used in BusinessObjects Enterprise when users are added to groups in the CMS. Please consult the DB2 documentation for details on how to configure the C compiler for SQL stored procedures, and for determining what version of the C compiler is supported on your platform. Once the database is created, you will need to prepare it for the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.
Related Topics

To prepare your database on page 36

Oracle database setup requirements

For an Oracle database there are no specific parameters, other than the setting of UTF-8, that are crucial for BusinessObjects Enterprise to work.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS Database requirements and preparation

Once the database is created, you will need to prepare it for the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.
Related Topics

To prepare your database on page 36

Sybase database setup requirements

If you are using Sybase, when you create your database for the CMS, ensure the page size is set to 8 KB.
Note: The Sybase database default page size is 2KB which is too small for

the CMS system database. For the CMS to run optimally, the page size must be 8KB. The page size is set up during the database creation and it cannot be changed after the database is set up. Once the database is created, you will need to prepare it for the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.
Related Topics

To prepare your database on page 36

MySQL database setup requirements

For an existing MySQL database there are no specific parameters that are crucial for BusinessObjects Enterprise to work, other than the setting of UTF-8. If you select the option to install and configure MySQL that is supplied with your installation, the installation creates a MySQL database with the default settings for the CMS database and the Audit database. Once the database is created, you will need to prepare it for the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.
Related Topics

To prepare your database on page 36


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Preparing your existing database server

Microsoft SQL Server database setup requirements

For an Microsoft SQL Server database there are no specific parameters, other than the setting of UTF-8 that are crucial for BusinessObjects Enterprise to work. Once the database is created, you will need to prepare it for the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.
Related Topics

To prepare your database on page 36

Preparing your existing database server

After you have created your database, setup the database client, and before you install BusinessObjects Enterprise, you need to prepare the database server so the CMS can connect to it. During your installation, you will be asked whether you want to install MySQL or use an existing database. If you specify that you will you use an existing database, you will be asked for details about your database. The table below summarizes the information required for configuring your existing database during the installation setup.
Database type Information required at install time Database: MySQL database name Server: MySQL server name Port: default port is 3306 Login credentials used to access database


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Preparing your existing database server

Database type

Information required at install time Server: Sybase Server Name Login credentials used to access database


Note: The Sybase server name is a combination of the host name and the port number which is set by your database administrator in the file sql.ini. Server: DB2 database alias Login credentials used to access database Server: tnsnames connect identifier Login credentials used to access database ODBC DSN



Microsoft SQL Server

To prepare your database

1. If you are using an existing database ensure the following are set up before you begin your installation:
Database type MySQL Sybase DB2 Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Ensure that the following has been configured MySQL server name Sybase server name DB2 alias tnsname name ODBC DSN


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Before you deploy web applications

2. Create a new, empty database on your database server. For information on how to create a new database, consult your database server documentation or your database administrator. 3. Create a new user account and assign it a secure password. 4. Ensure that the new account has permission to create, modify, delete tables and create procedures so that BusinessObjects Enterprise can modify the database as required.
Note: If you are not the owner of the database, you must have

permissions to perform the necessary operations.

Related Topics

DB2 database setup requirements on page 32 Oracle database setup requirements on page 33 Sybase database setup requirements on page 34 Microsoft SQL Server database setup requirements on page 35 MySQL database setup requirements on page 34

Before you deploy web applications

Your web application server must be installed and working before you attempt to install BusinessObjects Enterprise. Consult your web application server documentation for installation instructions. To deploy and run the CMC and InfoView applications, your web application server should have at least 1.2 GB of free disk space, in addition to any other requirements specified by other software installed on the machine. It is recommended that you change the heapsize and maximum perm size settings of your JVM to -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m. If using Tomcat for example, your modified settings would look like:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

Consult your JVM documentation for more information about changing your Java memory settings.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise Before you deploy web applications

Before you begin the deployment process, ensure that the web application server is correctly installed and verify that the application server is running correctly by launching its administrative console at: http://<WAS_HOSTNAME>:<PORT> Replace <WAS_HOSTNAME> with the host name or IP address of your web application server, and <PORT> with the port number used for HTTP. Consult your web application server documentation for installation instructions.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Beginning the Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise

Beginning the Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation checklist

Installation checklist
Prior to installing BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0, please review the checklist below. Have you ensured that all machines running BusinessObjects Enterprise components can communicate properly? Have you tested the database connection between the machine hosting your CMS database and the machine on which the Central Management Server will be installed? Have you decided which database to use with BusinessObjects Enterprise? If you are using your own database server, have you created a database for the CMS? If you are using your own database server and plan to use auditing, have you created an auditing database? If you are using your own database server, have you created a user ID and password with access to your existing database (if you are integrating your existing database server software), so that the installation can access your database to configure the CMS database? If you are using your own database server, have you made sure you can log onto the database with your logon ID and password? Have you decided what web application server to use? If you plan to use your existing database, has the database client software been properly configured? If you are not going to install Tomcat, have you ensured that your existing web application server has the required JDK installed? If using an existing web application server, has the server already been installed and configured? If you are installing on VMWare, have you ensured your machine name does not include any of the following characters: an underscore, a period, or a slash? Have you sourced your database client so that all the required environment variables are set up properly?


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Beginning the Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Beginning your installation

If you are using DB2 or Sybase, have you verified that your database was created with the correct settings? (Some settings can't be modified after the database has been created.)

Beginning your installation

The following instructions lead you through the initial steps of setting up your BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 installation on Windows. In this stage you will do the following: Choose the language for the installation setup Agree to the license terms Enter the product key codes Select where to install BusinessObjects Enterprise Select which language packs to install Select an installation type

When you perform the following installation setup, all the components associated with your product key are installed on the local machine. Default user and group accounts are created, and sample reports are published to the system.

To accept the license agreement

Use the "License Agreement" screen to review and accept the license agreement for BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0. You must accept the

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Beginning the Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Beginning your installation

agreement to continue with the installation setup.

1. Review the License Agreement. 2. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "User Information" screen is displayed.

Entering user information and a product keycode

Use the "User Information" screen to enter user information and provide a keycode for your BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 product.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Beginning the Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Beginning your installation

1. Provide your user credentials in the Full Name and Organization fields. This information personalizes your installation and is recorded in the registry. 2. Enter a valid code in the Product Keycode field and click Next. The "Chose Language Packs" screen is displayed.

To install Language Packs

You can choose to install specific or all available language packs when running the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation setup. 1. Select the Language Packs you want to install. The language packs currently available for installation include: French Japanese German Spanish Italian

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Beginning the Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Beginning your installation

Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Korean Dutch Swedish Portuguese (Brazil)

Note: English is a required language and cannot be deselected. You can

also add language packs after installing BusinessObjects Enterprise. 2. Click Next. The "Install Type" screen is displayed.
Related Topics

Installing language packs on Windows systems on page 127

To select an installation type

The "Install Type" screen is used to select an installation method and to specify an installation directory.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Beginning the Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Beginning your installation

1. Select one of the following installation type options: New This option installs all the required BusinessObjects Enterprise server and client components. Custom or Expand Install This option enables experienced users to pick and choose which BusinessObjects Enterprise client and server components to install. Web Tier This option only installs the Web application server components. 2. Specify where to install the BusinessObjects Enterprise components in the Destination Folder field. If you have BusinessObjects products installed on your machine, the Destination Folder field is disabled and path to the existing BusinessObjects folder is displayed. 3. Click Next to continue with the installation setup.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Beginning the Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Beginning your installation

Depending on your installation type selection, either the "Server Components Configuration" or "Select Features" screen is displayed.
Related Topics

Installing on a non-system drive on page 20 Distributed deployment on page 29 Performing a Web Tier installation on page 90 Performing a Custom or Expand installation on page 64 To perform a new BusinessObjects Enterprise installation on page 48


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise

New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

Performing a new installation

Performing a new installation is the simplest way to deploy BusinessObjects Enterprise because all the required and optional components are by default installed on one machine. The setup of a new installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 requires the following inputs. 1. Providing information on the system administrator for the new installation. 2. Configuring up the system database. You can choose to either install and configure MySQL or configure your existing database. 3. Providing information on the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA). 4. Configuring the Java application server. You can choose to either install and configure Tomcat or configure your existing Java application server.
Related Topics

To perform a new BusinessObjects Enterprise installation on page 48 Beginning your installation on page 41

To perform a new BusinessObjects Enterprise installation

The "Install Type" screen is displayed once you complete the initial set up of the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

1. Choose New in the "Install Type" screen. 2. Select one of the following options: Install MySQL Database Server if you do not have a system database server. Use an existing database server if you want to user your current database server. Depending on your selection, you will configure the database server in subsequent screens. 3. Select the Enable servers upon installation box if you want to automatically launch the BusinessObjects Enterprise once the installation process is finished. 4. Specify where to install the BusinessObjects Enterprise components in the Destination Folder field. 5. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The Server Components Configuration screen is displayed.
Related Topics

To select an installation type on page 44 Beginning your installation on page 41

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

To enter information on your new CMS

The "Server Components Configuration" screen is used to specify the port number and an administrator password for the new Central Management Server (CMS). The Central Management Server's (CMS) role is to communicate with the other Enterprise servers and services and manage the system and audit databases.

1. Specify a port number in the CMS port field. The default CMS port number is 6400. The CMS will communicate with other BusinessObjects Enterprise servers through the specified port. 2. Specify a password for the CMS administrator account in the Password and Confirm password fields.
Tip: You can opt to skip this step - select the Configure the

BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator password at a later time box. 3. Click Next to continue with the installation setup.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is displayed.

Note: If the port you specified in step 1 is unavailable, you will be

requested to specify another port number.

To specify Server Intelligence Agent information

The Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) is automatically created during installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0. For more information on Server Intelligence and the Server Intelligence Agent, refer to the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide. The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is used to name and designate a port address for the SIA for the current installation.

1. Provide a name to identify the SIA node in the Node Name field. 2. Specify a port number for the SIA in the Port field. This port will be used by the SIA to communicate with the Central Management Server (CMS). 3. Click Next to continue with the installation setup.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

Once the SIA information is entered, the port number will be validated before you can proceed to configure the CMS database for your installation. A warning will display if the port you specified is not available.
Related Topics

To configure your MySQL database server on page 75 To configure an existing database server on page 76

CMS database configuration

To configure your MySQL database server
The "MySQL Database Server Configuration" screen appears if you chose to install MySQL as part of the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.

1. Specify the port number for the MySQL database server in the MySQL Port Number field. The default port number is 3306. Use this number unless this port is unavailable.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

2. Specify and confirm a password for the MySQL root user account in the MySQL root User Account pane. 3. Select the Enable remote root access box to activate remote root access to the database server. 4. Specify and confirm a password for the MySQL BusinessObjects user account in the MySQL BusinessObjects User Account pane and click Next. The "Select Web Application Server" screen is displayed.
Related Topics

To perform a new BusinessObjects Enterprise installation on page 48 To select a web application server configuration option on page 93

To configure an existing database server

The "CMS Database Information" screen appears if you chose to use an existing database server as your CMS for the new BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. Use this screen to configure the database server. 1. Select a database type from the Select existing CMS database drop-down list in the CMS Database pane. Depending on your database server selection, corresponding input fields are displayed in the CMS Database pane. 2. Provide all the required information for the database in the fields provided in the CMS Database pane. The table below summarizes all the information required for each database type:
Database type Information required at install time MySQL Database: MySQL database name Server: MySQL server name Port: default port is 3306 Login credentials used to access database

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

Database type

Information required at install time Server: Sybase Server Name Login credentials used to access database


Note: The Sybase server name is a combination of the host name and the port number which is set by your database administrator in the file sql.ini. Server: DB2 database alias Login credentials used to access database Server: tnsnames connect identifier Login credentials used to access database ODBC DSN



Microsoft SQL Server

a. To provide an ODBC DSN for a Microsoft SQL Server, click the Browse button in the CMS Database pane.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

The "SQL Server Logon" screen is displayed.

b. Use the "SQL Server Logon" screen to select a data source, database, and to provide user credentials. c. Click OK to submit your settings. The "SQL Server Logon" screen is closed and an ODBC DSN entry is displayed in the CMS Database pane. If you do not want to specify an auditing database for your new installation skip to step 6. 3. Select the Auditing Database box to specify an auditing database for your new installation. The input fields under the Auditing Database box are activated. 4. Select a database type from the Select existing Auditing database drop-down list in the Auditing Database pane. Depending on your database server selection, corresponding input fields are displayed in the Auditing Database pane. 5. Provide all the required information for the database in the fields provided in the Auditing Database pane. 6. Select the Reset existing database box to delete all current tables and entries in the existing database.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

7. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The "Select Web Application Server" screen is displayed. This screen only displays if a connection is established with the database configuration you provided.
Related Topics

To select a web application server configuration option on page 93

To select a web application server configuration option

As part of the installation setup, you need to provide information on the web application server that will work with your BusinessObjects applications such as InfoView, the Central Management Console or your custom applications. Use the "Select Web Application Server" screen to either install Tomcat as your application server, or to work with your existing web application server.

To configure your web application server for BusinessObjects Enterprise you will need account information along with port information.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

1. Select one of the following options: Use a pre-installed Web Application Server Install Tomcat application server 2. To use your current Web application server you can: Specify your server from the drop-down list provided.
Tip: You can configure the server during the current installation setup.

You will need to provide access information for this server in a subsequent screen.
Note: Select Other if your existing web application server is SAP

Application Server 7.0 or JBoss 4.04. If you select this option you will have to manually deploy the web applications. Choose to manually configure your server at a later time

3. Click Next. Depending on your selection, you can now proceed to either configure your web application server, or start the installation process.

To configure your Tomcat application server

The "Configure Tomcat" screen displays during installation setup if you choose to install Tomcat as the Web application server for your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. Use this screen to configure Tomcat and the Java SDK.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

1. Accept the default values or specify new port numbers for Connection port, Shutdown port, and Redirect port. 2. Click Next to continue with the installation setup.
Note: If the port numbers you specified are in use, a warning message

is displayed. To continue you will have to specify unused and valid port numbers. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed.

To configure your existing Web application server

The "Configure Web Application Server" screen displays during installation setup after you specify an existing server in the "Select Web Application Server" screen. To properly install web components on your web application server, you must provide specific configuration information about your existing web application server. 1. Specify the required configuration information for your existing web application server.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

The table below summarizes the information required for each supported web application server.
Web application server Information required for installation setup Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example localhost). Service Name: Name of the Windows service if the application server will be installed as a windows service (for example Tomcat5). Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\wdeploy\appserver\Tom cat5520). Port: Administration port of the application server - mandatory for Weblogic (for example 7001). Username: User name with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example mserver1). Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\bea\weblogic10\us er_projects\domains\base_domain). Note: For WebLogic the directory is the domain root.

Apache Tomcat 5.5

WebLogic 10

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

Web application server WebLogic 9

Information required for installation setup Port: Administration port of the application server - mandatory for Weblogic (for example 7001). Username: User name with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example mserver1). Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\bea\user_projects\do mains\base_domain). Note: For WebLogic the directory is the domain root.

WebSphere 6.1

Port: The SOAP Connector Port of the application server (for example 8880). Username: User name with administration rights to the WebSphere application server. Note: If Admin is Secure is not selected you do not need to specify a username or a password.

Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example server1). Virtual Host: The virtual host to which the application must be bound. Admin is Secure: Select this option to enable security requiring administrative access credentials to the application. Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer).


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

Web application server Oracle Application Server 10g R3

Information required for installation setup Port: Administration port of the application server - mandatory for Oracle 10g R3 (for example 6003) .This should be the Request port of the <notifi-cation-server> element in the opmn.xml file. Username: User name with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Oracle 10g R3. Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Oracle 10g R3. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example myserver.domain.com). Admin is Secure: Select this option only if you want Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) as part of the deployment. Note: If Admin is Secure is not selected, you will still have to specify the username and password to access the server. Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\product\10.1.3\Ora cleAS_1). Group Id: Name of the server group to which the target application belongs (for example "Default_group").

2. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. Remember your credentials for the web application server as they may be required to install BusinessObjects add-ons such as ProcessTracker or additional language packs.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


New Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise Performing a new installation

To start the installation

The" Start Installation" screen is the final screen in the installation setup.

Click the Next button to start the installation process.

Note: If you are running the setup.exe program from the command line,

and have the -w [filename] parameter switch enabled, this is the point at which you can Cancel the installation process to have the .ini file written with all the installation parameter information. This .ini file can then be used in silent and scripted installations.
Related Topics

Silent installation on page 28


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations

Custom or Expand Installations Performing a Custom or Expand installation

Performing a Custom or Expand installation

The Custom or Expand installation type allows you to install specific features and check the amount of disk space required by each feature. You may want to perform a Custom or Expand installation when you want to exclude some components, or install only a limited set of components. It is recommended that you run this type of installation only when you are familiar with specific BusinessObjects Enterprise components and their roles, otherwise you may inadvertently fail to install a required component. You can select or deselect features for your installation through a feature tree. The tree contains the following top-level features: Client Components Web Tier Components Server Components Database Access Export Support Samples Help Files

The following sections outline the features available for a Custom or Expand installation.

To select or deselect features

Use the "Select Features" screen to select and deselect BusinessObjects components when running a Custom and Expand installation. All the available features are listed in the feature tree under the BusinessObjects Enterprises node. Each feature and subfeature has a corresponding icon. 1. Click the icon for a feature you want to select or deselect. You can do any of the following: Specify that the selected feature will be installed on the local hard drive. Specify that the selected feature and its subfeatures will be installed on the local hard drive. Specify that a selected feature and its subfeatures will not be installed.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations Performing a Custom or Expand installation

Icon associated Meaning with feature The feature and only the subfeatures you select will be installed on the local hard drive you specified in the Setup program. The feature and all its subfeatures will be installed on the local hard drive you specified earlier . The feature or subfeature is either unavailable or will not be installed.

a. Click Disk Cost to calculate if sufficient disk space is available for your selected features. A separate screen is displayed indicating storage space available on the local machine and mapped network drives. Drives that do not have enough disk space for the currently selected features are highlighted. Click OK to close to return to the "Select Features" screen. b. Click Reset to revert to the original configuration of the feature list. 2. Click Next.

BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Components

The following BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 client components are available for installation:
Component Desktop Intelligence Short description An integrated query, reporting and analysis solution for business professionals that allows you to access data in your corporate databases directly from your desktop and present and analyze this information in a Desktop Intelligence document. Provides business users an easy to use interactive and flexible user interface for building and analyzing reports on corporate data over the web, on secured intranets and extranets.

Web Intelligence Rich Client

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations Performing a Custom or Expand installation

Component Data Source Migration Wizard

Short description Allows you to migrate reports that are based on Crystal queries, dictionaries, and InfoViews to a BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment. Enables you to design relational views of information that provides a wide range of capabilities for creating and modifying Data Connections, Dynamic Data Connections, Data Foundations, Business Elements, and Business Views. Converts Desktop Intelligence XI R2 reports to Web Intelligence XI R2 format and publishes the converted reports to the CMS. The level of conversion depends on the features in the original report. Allows you to import and export content from previous and current versions of BusinessObjects Enterprise. Enables users to add reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise Allows you create custom web services for specific queries using Business Objects Web Services. Allows you to create universes for Web Intelligence and Desktop Intelligence users. Contains the following subfeatures:

Business View Manager

Report Conversion Tool

Import Wizard

Publishing Wizard Query as a Web Service

Universe Designer Developer Components

BusinessObjects Enterprise Java SDK: allows you to build web applications that interface directly with your BusinessObjects Enterprise system. BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Services SDK: implementation of web services that can be deployed with BusinessObjects Enterprise.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations Performing a Custom or Expand installation

Component Translation Manager

Short description An application that defines the multilingual document and performs translation of documents and prompts. It supports Universe Designer universes and Web Intelligence documents.

BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Tier Components

The following Web Tier components are available when installing BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0:
Component Short description

BI Platform Web Com- Includes all components used to run BusinessObjects ponents XI 3.0 applications including Central Management Console, Infoview, Performance Management, and Voyager. BusinessObjects Enter- A component of Business Objects Enterprise built for prise Web Services developers. It is composed of an implementation of web services that can be deployed with BusinessObjects Enterprise. This web service implementation provides an API/WSDL which simplifies the process of developing applications. To further ease implementation, the Web Services consumer API is provided for both Java and .NET with a full set of documentation and samples. Tomcat If you do not have an existing web application server, you can choose to install Apache Tomcat 5.5.

BusinessObjects Server Components

The following BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Server Components can be installed by running a Custom or Expand installation. For further explanation of what these servers do, please consult the BusinessObjects

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations Performing a Custom or Expand installation

Enterprise Architecture chapter of the BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.0 Administrator's Guide. Central Configuration Manager This is the application that can be used to start and stop services such as Apache Tomcat supplied with the installation as well as the Server Intelligence Agent. When you select the Manage Servers icon on the toolbar you may also start, stop, restart, disable, enable and force termination of the Enterprise servers. This tool is also used after installation to change which data source is used for either the CMS or the auditing database, and to update objects after a migration. Mapping Support Installs the necessary components for building interactive geographic maps in Crystal Reports. Enterprise Servers Central Management Server MySQL Database Server Auditor Event Server Input File Repository Server Output File Repository Server Crystal Reports Cache Server Crystal Reports Processing Server Publication Job Server Web Intelligence Processing Server Desktop Intelligence Servers Adaptive Processing Server Crystal Reports Job Server Program Job Server Destination Job Server List of Values Job Server Desktop Intelligence Job Server Adaptive Job Server Report Application Server Multi Dimensional Analysis Services Server Performance Management Servers


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations Performing a Custom or Expand installation

Database Access
The Database access feature installs the necessary drivers and files to provide access to the following data sources: Data Federator HP Neoview MySQL Generic ODBC Salesforce.com Driver Netezza Microsoft IBM IBM DB2 Informix (includes Redbrick) Progress OpenEdge Oracle Sybase NCR Teradata

Export Support
The Export Support feature provides drivers and files to enable export to a variety of industry standard file formats. Character Separated Format (CSV) Disk File Destination Rich Text Format (RTF) Word for Windows Format Acrobat PDF Format Text Format Excel Format Crystal Reports Format XML Format Legacy XML Format

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

Select the Samples feature to include sample reports in your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. These reports are found in the Report Samples folder. Included are sample reports for Crystal Reports, a BIAR file that includes Web Intelligence reports as well as the Universe for those sample reports.
Note: Only English samples will be installed. Samples in other languages

can be downloaded from http://support.businessobjects.com/.

Help Files
Select the Help files feature to install the HTML help for the products you are installing including as well as the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide and the BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide. These guides can be accessed after installation from Start > BusinessObjects XI 3.0 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > Documentation.
Note: The specific help related to an individual component is bundled with

the component. For example, if you install the Publishing Wizard or the Import Wizard you will get the appropriate .chm help.

To perform a custom or expand installation

The "Install Type" screen is displayed once you complete the initial set up of the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. 1. Choose Custom or Expand in the "Install Type" screen. 2. Specify where to install the BusinessObjects Enterprise components in the Destination Folder field. 3. Click Next. The "Select Features" screen is displayed.
Related Topics

To select an installation type on page 44


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

To select or deselect features on page 64 To only install the Server Components on page 71 Beginning your installation on page 41

To only install the Client Components

Use the procedure below when running a Custom or Expand installation to only install the BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Components. 1. Left-click on the icon beside BusinessObjects Enterprise in the "Select Features" screen. 2. Select Entire feature will be unavailable. All the icons under BusinessObjects Enterprise will change to 3. Left-click on the Client Components icon. 4. Select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive. The Client Components icon will display as . .

5. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The installation setup program displays the following error message: You are installing one or more features without any Database Access drivers. Without these, installed features may not function properly. Do you wish to continue? 6. Click Yes. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. 7. Click Next to start the installation.

To only install the Server Components

Use the procedure below to only install the BusinessObjects Enterprise Server Components. When you perform this installation, the server components are installed, the default user and group accounts are created, and the sample reports are published to the system. When the installation is complete, the servers are started as services on the local machine. 1. Left-click on the icon beside Client Components in the "Select Features" screen and select Entire feature will be unavailable.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

The Client Components icon changes to 2. Left-click on the icon beside Web Tier Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. 3. If you want to install MySQL skip to step 4. Expand Server Components if you do not want to install MySQL as your database server
Note: Do not install MySQL if you want to use an existing database

server. Do not install MySQL if you want to add server components to an existing CMS cluster. a. Expand Central Management Server. b. Left-click on the icon beside MySQL and select Entire Feature will be unavailable. c. Left-click on the icon beside Auditor and select Entire Feature will be unavailable. 4. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. If you chose to install MySQL you need specify information on your new CMS. If you chose not to install MySQL you need to specify whether or not this is your first CMS cluster.
Related Topics

To specify CMS clustering information on page 72

To specify CMS clustering information

If you chose not to install MySQL, and are installing server components through a Custom or Expand installation, you need to provide information in the "CMS Clustering" screen. 1. If this installation is the first CMS in your deployment, select Yes, enter the information for the new CMS. You can now do one of the following. In the fields provided enter information on the CMS port and the password used by the CMS administrator. Select the Configure the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator password at a later time box. 2. Select If no..if this server installation is not the first CMS in your deployment. a. Specify a port number for your new CMS installation.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

b. Provide the CMS hostname, port number, and password for the cluster to which you want to add the CMS of your installation. Before proceeding to the next screen, the installation setup program will test connectivity to your existing CMS cluster based on the information you provided. 3. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is displayed.
Related Topics

To specify Server Intelligence Agent information on page 74

To enter information on your new CMS

The "Server Components Configuration" screen is used to specify the port number and an administrator password for the new Central Management Server (CMS). The Central Management Server's (CMS) role is to communicate with the other Enterprise servers and services and manage the system and audit databases.

1. Specify a port number in the CMS port field.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

The default CMS port number is 6400. The CMS will communicate with other BusinessObjects Enterprise servers through the specified port. 2. Specify a password for the CMS administrator account in the Password and Confirm password fields.
Tip: You can opt to skip this step - select the Configure the

BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator password at a later time box. 3. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is displayed.
Note: If the port you specified in step 1 is unavailable, you will be

requested to specify another port number.

To specify Server Intelligence Agent information

The Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) is automatically created during installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0. For more information on Server Intelligence and the Server Intelligence Agent, refer to the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide. The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is used to name and designate a port address for the SIA for the current installation.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

1. Provide a name to identify the SIA node in the Node Name field. 2. Specify a port number for the SIA in the Port field. This port will be used by the SIA to communicate with the Central Management Server (CMS). 3. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. Once the SIA information is entered, the port number will be validated before you can proceed to configure the CMS database for your installation. A warning will display if the port you specified is not available.
Related Topics

To configure your MySQL database server on page 75 To configure an existing database server on page 76

To configure your MySQL database server

The "MySQL Database Server Configuration" screen appears if you chose to install MySQL as the database server for your Custom or Expand installation.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

1. Specify the port number for the MySQL database server in the MySQL Port Number field. The default port number is 3306. Use this number unless this port is unavailable. 2. Specify and confirm a password for the MySQL root user account in the MySQL root User Account pane. 3. Select the Enable remote root access box to activate remote root access to the database server. 4. Specify and confirm a password for the MySQL BusinessObjects user account in the MySQL BusinessObjects User Account pane. 5. Click Next to continue the installation setup. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed.

To configure an existing database server

The "CMS Database Information" screen appears if you chose to use an existing database server as your CMS for your Custom or Expand installation.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

1. Select a database type from the Select existing CMS database drop-down list in "CMS Database". Depending on your database server selection, corresponding input fields are displayed in "CMS Database". 2. Provide all the required information for the database in the fields provided in "CMS Database". The table below summarizes all the information required for each database type.
Database type SQL Server Sybase DB2 Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Information required for installation setup Data Source Name Sybase Server Name DB2 database alias tnsnames connect identifier ODBC DSN

a. To provide an ODBC DSN for a Microsoft SQL Server, click the Browse button in "CMS Database". The "SQL Server Logon" screen is displayed.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

Note: If you are running the installation on a Windows 64-bit machine

an additional check box - Consume DSN created under WOW64 is displayed. b. Use the "SQL Server Logon" screen to select a data source, database, and to provide user credentials. c. Click OK to submit your settings. The "SQL Server Logon" screen is closed and an ODBC DSN entry is displayed in"CMS Database". If you do not want to specify an auditing database for your new installation skip to step 6. 3. Select the Auditing Database box to specify an auditing database for your new installation. The input fields under the Auditing Database box are activated. 4. Select a database type from the Select existing Auditing database drop-down list in "Auditing Database" Depending on your database server selection, corresponding input fields are displayed in "Auditing Database". 5. Provide all the required information for the database in the fields provided in "Auditing Database".


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

The table below summarizes all the information required for each database type.
Database type SQL Server Sybase DB2 Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Information required for installation setup Data Source Name Sybase Server Name DB2 database alias tnsnames connect identifier ODBC DSN

6. Select the Reset existing database box to delete all current tables and entries in the existing database. 7. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. This screen only displays if a connection is established with the database configuration you provided.

To start the installation

The" Start Installation" screen is the final screen in the installation setup.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

Click the Next button to start the installation process.

Note: If you are running the setup.exe program from the command line,

and have the -w [filename] parameter switch enabled, this is the point at which you can Cancel the installation process to have the .ini file written with all the installation parameter information. This .ini file can then be used in silent and scripted installations.
Related Topics

Silent installation on page 28

To only install the Web Tier Components

Use the procedure below when running a Custom or Expand installation type to only install the BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Tier Components. 1. Left-click on the icon beside BusinessObjects Enterprise in the "Select Features" screen. 2. Select Entire feature will be unavailable. All the icons under BusinessObjects Enterprise will change to .


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

3. Left-click on the Web Tier Components icon. 4. Select Will be installed on local hard drive. The Web Tier Components icon will display as .

5. If you want to install Apache Tomcat as your web application server skip to step 6. Expand Web Tier components if you want to use your existing web application server. a. Left-click on the icon beside Tomcat. b. Select Entire Feature will be unavailable. 6. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The "CMS Clustering" screen is displayed.

To specify CMS cluster information

When you only install Web Tier components as part of a custom or expand installation, you need to specify an existing CMS. Use the "CMS Clustering" screen to provide information on CMS to which you want to cluster your web tier components. 1. Enter information on your existing CMS in the fields provided. Existing CMS Hostname Existing CMS Port CMS Administrator Password
Note: The CMS Hostname defaults to your local computer name.

2. Click Next to continue. The installation setup program will attempt to communicate with your existing CMS cluster using the information you provided. You now need to configure your web application server.

To select a web application server configuration option

As part of the installation setup, you need to provide information on the web application server that will work with your BusinessObjects applications such as InfoView, the Central Management Console or your custom applications. Use the "Select Web Application Server" screen to either install Tomcat as your application server, or to work with your existing web application server.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

To configure your web application server for BusinessObjects Enterprise you will need account information along with port information. 1. Select one of the following options: Use a pre-installed Web Application Server Install Tomcat application server 2. To use your current Web application server you can: Specify your server from the drop-down list provided.
Tip: You can configure the server during the current installation setup.

You will need to provide access information for this server in a subsequent screen.
Note: Select Other if your existing web application server is SAP

Application Server 7.0 or JBoss 4.04. If you select this option you will have to manually deploy the web applications. Choose to manually configure your server at a later time

3. Click Next. Depending on your selection, you can now proceed to either configure your web application server, or start the installation process.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

To configure your Tomcat application server

The "Configure Tomcat" screen displays during installation setup if you choose to install Tomcat as the Web application server for your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. Use this screen to configure Tomcat and the Java SDK.

1. Accept the default values or specify new port numbers for Connection port, Shutdown port, and Redirect port. 2. Click Next to continue with the installation setup.
Note: If the port numbers you specified are in use, a warning message

is displayed. To continue you will have to specify unused and valid port numbers. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed.

To configure your existing Web application server

The "Configure Web Application Server" screen displays during installation setup after you specify an existing server in the "Select Web Application Server" screen. To properly install web components on your web application server, you must provide specific configuration information about your existing web application server.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

1. Specify the required configuration information for your existing web application server. The table below summarizes the information required for each supported web application server.
Web application server Information required for installation setup Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example localhost). Service Name: Name of the Windows service if the application server will be installed as a windows service (for example Tomcat5). Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\wdeploy\appserver\Tom cat5520). Port: Administration port of the application server - mandatory for Weblogic (for example 7001). Username: User name with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example mserver1). Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\bea\weblogic10\us er_projects\domains\base_domain). Note: For WebLogic the directory is the domain root.

Apache Tomcat 5.5

WebLogic 10


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

Web application server WebLogic 9

Information required for installation setup Port: Administration port of the application server - mandatory for Weblogic (for example 7001). Username: User name with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example mserver1). Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\bea\user_projects\do mains\base_domain). Note: For WebLogic the directory is the domain root.

WebSphere 6.1

Port: The SOAP Connector Port of the application server (for example 8880). Username: User name with administration rights to the WebSphere application server. Note: If Admin is Secure is not selected you do not need to specify a username or a password.

Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example server1). Virtual Host: The virtual host to which the application must be bound. Admin is Secure: Select this option to enable security requiring administrative access credentials to the application. Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer).

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

Web application server Oracle Application Server 10g R3

Information required for installation setup Port: Administration port of the application server - mandatory for Oracle 10g R3 (for example 6003) .This should be the Request port of the <notifi-cation-server> element in the opmn.xml file. Username: User name with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Oracle 10g R3. Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Oracle 10g R3. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example myserver.domain.com). Admin is Secure: Select this option only if you want Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) as part of the deployment. Note: If Admin is Secure is not selected, you will still have to specify the username and password to access the server. Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\product\10.1.3\Ora cleAS_1). Group Id: Name of the server group to which the target application belongs (for example "Default_group").

2. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. Remember your credentials for the web application server as they may be required to install BusinessObjects add-ons such as ProcessTracker or additional language packs.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation

To start the installation

The" Start Installation" screen is the final screen in the installation setup.

Click the Next button to start the installation process.

Note: If you are running the setup.exe program from the command line,

and have the -w [filename] parameter switch enabled, this is the point at which you can Cancel the installation process to have the .ini file written with all the installation parameter information. This .ini file can then be used in silent and scripted installations.
Related Topics

Silent installation on page 28

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Custom or Expand Installations To perform a custom or expand installation


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Web Applications Installation

Web Applications Installation Performing a Web Tier installation

Performing a Web Tier installation

The web tier installation type installs the appropriate web tier components on the machine running your web application server. You will need user account and port information to configure your web application server through the BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.0 setup program. The Java SDK 1.5 is installed by default with a web tier installation. The web application server processes scripts, communicates with report and cache servers, translates cached files to DHTML, facilitates OLAP view requests and manages session state information for users.
Tip: If you have not yet installed the server components in your deployment,

you will not be able to verify the connectivity for the web applications. It is best practice to install the server and client components to verify connectivity.

BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Tier Components

The following Web Tier components are available when installing BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0:
Component Short description

BI Platform Web Com- Includes all components used to run BusinessObjects ponents XI 3.0 applications including Central Management Console, Infoview, Performance Management, and Voyager. BusinessObjects Enter- A component of Business Objects Enterprise built for prise Web Services developers. It is composed of an implementation of web services that can be deployed with BusinessObjects Enterprise. This web service implementation provides an API/WSDL which simplifies the process of developing applications. To further ease implementation, the Web Services consumer API is provided for both Java and .NET with a full set of documentation and samples. Tomcat If you do not have an existing web application server, you can choose to install Apache Tomcat 5.5.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Web Applications Installation Performing a Web Tier installation

To perform a Web Tier installation

The "Install Type" screen is displayed once you complete the initial set up of the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. 1. Choose Web Tier in the "Install Type" screen. 2. Specify where to install the BusinessObjects Enterprise components in the Destination Folder field. 3. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The "Select Features" screen is displayed.
Related Topics

To select an installation type on page 44 Beginning your installation on page 41

To select and deselect web tier components

Use the "Select Features" screen to select and deselect web tier components when running a Web Tier installation. All the available web tier components are listed in the feature tree under the BusinessObjects Enterprises node. Each feature and subfeature has a corresponding icon. 1. Click the icon for a feature you want to select or deselect. You can do any of the following: Specify that the selected feature will be installed on the local hard drive. Specify that the selected feature and its subfeatures will be installed on the local hard drive. Specify that a selected feature and its subfeatures will not be installed.
Icon associated Meaning with feature The feature and only the subfeatures you select will be installed on the local hard drive you specified in the Setup program.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Web Applications Installation Performing a Web Tier installation

Icon associated Meaning with feature The feature and all its subfeatures will be installed on the local hard drive you specified earlier . The feature or subfeature is either unavailable or will not be installed.

a. Click Disk Cost to calculate if sufficient disk space is available for your selected features. A separate screen is displayed indicating storage space available on the local machine and mapped network drives. Drives that do not have enough disk space for the currently selected features are highlighted. Click OK to close to return to the "Select Features" page. b. Click Reset to revert to the original configuration of the feature list. 2. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The "CMS Clustering" screen is displayed.

To specify an existing CMS for web tier components

The web tier components need to be associated with an existing Central Management Server. Use the "CMS Clustering" screen to provide information on the CMS that will manage the web tier components you are installing.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Web Applications Installation Performing a Web Tier installation

1. Specify the host name for the CMS in the Existing CMS Hostname field. 2. Specify the port number used to communicate with the CMS in the Existing CMS Port field. The default port number used by the CMS is 6400. 3. Specify the password used by CMS Administrator in the CMS Administrator Password field. 4. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The information on the CMS is verified. Once the verification is complete, the "Select Web Application Server" screen is displayed.

To select a web application server configuration option

As part of the installation setup, you need to provide information on the web application server that will work with your BusinessObjects applications such as InfoView, the Central Management Console or your custom applications. Use the "Select Web Application Server" screen to either install Tomcat as your application server, or to work with your existing web application server.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Web Applications Installation Performing a Web Tier installation

To configure your web application server for BusinessObjects Enterprise you will need account information along with port information. 1. Select one of the following options: Use a pre-installed Web Application Server Install Tomcat application server 2. To use your current Web application server you can: Specify your server from the drop-down list provided.
Tip: You can configure the server during the current installation setup.

You will need to provide access information for this server in a subsequent screen.
Note: Select Other if your existing web application server is SAP

Application Server 7.0 or JBoss 4.04. If you select this option you will have to manually deploy the web applications. Choose to manually configure your server at a later time

3. Click Next. Depending on your selection, you can now proceed to either configure your web application server, or start the installation process.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Web Applications Installation Performing a Web Tier installation

To configure your Tomcat application server

The "Configure Tomcat" screen displays during installation setup if you choose to install Tomcat as the Web application server for your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. Use this screen to configure Tomcat and the Java SDK.

1. Accept the default values or specify new port numbers for Connection port, Shutdown port, and Redirect port. 2. Click Next to continue with the installation setup.
Note: If the port numbers you specified are in use, a warning message

is displayed. To continue you will have to specify unused and valid port numbers. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Web Applications Installation Performing a Web Tier installation

To configure your existing Web application server

The "Configure Web Application Server" screen displays during installation setup after you specify an existing server in the "Select Web Application Server" screen. To properly install web components on your web application server, you must provide specific configuration information about your existing web application server. 1. Specify the required configuration information for your existing web application server. The table below summarizes the information required for each supported web application server.
Web application server Information required for installation setup Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example localhost). Service Name: Name of the Windows service if the application server will be installed as a windows service (for example Tomcat5). Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\wdeploy\appserver\Tom cat5520).

Apache Tomcat 5.5


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Web Applications Installation Performing a Web Tier installation

Web application server WebLogic 10

Information required for installation setup Port: Administration port of the application server - mandatory for Weblogic (for example 7001). Username: User name with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example mserver1). Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\bea\weblogic10\us er_projects\domains\base_domain). Note: For WebLogic the directory is the domain root.

WebLogic 9

Port: Administration port of the application server - mandatory for Weblogic (for example 7001). Username: User name with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Weblogic. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example mserver1). Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\bea\user_projects\do mains\base_domain). Note: For WebLogic the directory is the domain root.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Web Applications Installation Performing a Web Tier installation

Web application server WebSphere 6.1

Information required for installation setup Port: The SOAP Connector Port of the application server (for example 8880). Username: User name with administration rights to the WebSphere application server. Note: If Admin is Secure is not selected you do not need to specify a username or a password. Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example server1). Virtual Host: The virtual host to which the application must be bound. Admin is Secure: Select this option to enable security requiring administrative access credentials to the application. Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer).


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Web Applications Installation Performing a Web Tier installation

Web application server Oracle Application Server 10g R3

Information required for installation setup Port: Administration port of the application server - mandatory for Oracle 10g R3 (for example 6003) .This should be the Request port of the <notifi-cation-server> element in the opmn.xml file. Username: User name with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Oracle 10g R3. Password: Password for account with administration rights to the application server - mandatory for Oracle 10g R3. Server Instance: Name of the current web application server instance (for example myserver.domain.com). Admin is Secure: Select this option only if you want Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) as part of the deployment. Note: If Admin is Secure is not selected, you will still have to specify the username and password to access the server. Application Server Installation Directory: The directory where the web application server is installed (for example C:\product\10.1.3\Ora cleAS_1). Group Id: Name of the server group to which the target application belongs (for example "Default_group").

2. Click Next to continue with the installation setup. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. Remember your credentials for the web application server as they may be required to install BusinessObjects add-ons such as ProcessTracker or additional language packs.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Web Applications Installation Performing a Web Tier installation

To start the installation

The" Start Installation" screen is the final screen in the installation setup.

Click the Next button to start the installation process.

Note: If you are running the setup.exe program from the command line,

and have the -w [filename] parameter switch enabled, this is the point at which you can Cancel the installation process to have the .ini file written with all the installation parameter information. This .ini file can then be used in silent and scripted installations.
Related Topics

Silent installation on page 28


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Silent Installation

Silent Installation Overview of silent installation

Overview of silent installation

There are two methods for running BusinessObjects Enterprise installations for Windows directly from the command line: Silent installation using a response file - referred to as a scripted installation in this guide Silent installation specifying parameters directly on the command line

Both methods can be used to automate installations across multiple machines. The scripted installation method requires that you to specify an .ini file. The silent installation allows you to specify parameters for running setup.exe. The same parameters are used for both methods. It is recommended that you use the scripted installation method to run custom installations, so that you avoid having to pass a large number of parameter settings directly through the command line.
Note: If you pass a parameter directly in the command line, the setting will

override any setting specified in the .ini file. These installation methods are particularly useful when you need to quickly perform multiple installations. You can also integrate the scripts and commands into your own installation scripts. Silent installations include a series of parameters including installation settings and directory paths to system resources. You can also specify settings that control the level of prompts during an installation.
Note: BusinessObjects Enterprise does not support silent installations when

the install contents are on multiple CDs. If your install is on multiple CDs, you must first copy the contents from all the CDs to a central location, such as the local hard-drive, and then run the silent install from the location that contains the content from all the CDs.
Related Topics

Specific ini file parameters for setup.exe on page 103 Silent and scripted installation parameters on page 107


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Silent Installation Specific ini file parameters for setup.exe

Specific ini file parameters for setup.exe

There are 3 parameters used in conjunction with the .ini file than can be used when running setup.exe on the command line.

Description Writes all the installation settings to an .ini file to the specified filepath. If a filepath is not specified, the file is stored in the system default %TEMP% folder. Reads the specified.ini file and passes the settings to the installer as settings. Note: If you pass a parameter directly in the command line, the setting will override any setting specified in the .ini file.

-r <filepath/file


-l <filepath/file


Creates an installation log file in the specified filepath. If a filepath is not specified, the system default %TEMP% folder is used. This parameter can only be used if -r is also specified.

Related Topics

Silent and scripted installation parameters on page 107

To create an installation .ini file

You need to access the directory containing the setup.exe file. 1. Open a command line console. 2. CD to directory containing the BusinessObjects Enterprise setup.exe. 3. In the command-line type the following:
setup.exe -w filename.ini responsefilepath

Note: When specifying responseFilePath make sure you include the

name of the file you want to generate. 4. Press Enter to launch the installation setup program. 5. Follow the onscreen instructions to enter your preferred installation settings until you reach the final screen of the setup program.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Silent Installation Sample .ini script file

. These settings are recorded in the response file. 6. Click Cancel to abort the installation setup. All the parameters - user-defined and default - from installation setup are passed to the .ini file which is stored in the directory specified in step 3.
Note: If a filepath is not specified, the file is stored in the system default
%TEMP% folder.

Related Topics

Specific ini file parameters for setup.exe on page 103 Silent and scripted installation parameters on page 107

Sample .ini script file

The following installation script was generated for a new BusinessObjects Enterprise installation in which MySQL and Tomcat were installed. The German language pack was added to the default English language pack.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Silent Installation Sample .ini script file


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Silent Installation Sample .ini script file

TOMCAT_REDIRECT_PORT="8443" TOMCAT_SHUTDOWN_PORT="8005" USERNAME="Licensed User" WCADOTNETINSTALL="" WCAJAVAINSTALL="True" WCATOMCATINSTALL="True" WDEPLOY_LANGUAGES="en,fr,ja,de,es,it,ko,nl,sv,pt,zh_CN,zh_TW" WDEPLOY_LATER="" WEBSITE_METABASE_NUMBER="1" WEBSITE_PORT="80" [FEATURES] REMOVE="" ADDLOCAL="Tomcat,Universe,Complete,BIPWebComp,Designer,AlwaysIn stall, BeforeInstall,VBA62,Reporter,Clients,WRC,DataSourceMigrationWiz ard, CrystalBVM,MetaDataDesigner,ConversionTool,ImportWizard,Pub Wiz,qaaws, JavaRASSDK,BOEJavaSDK,JavaViewersSDK,RebeanSDK,DevelopersFiles, WebServicesSDK,UnivTransMgr,wdeploy,WebTierComp,BOEWebServices, CCM,ServerComponents,Mapping,Repository,CRPE,MetaData,CMS,Audi tor, MySQL,EventServer,InputFRS,OutputFRS,CacheServer,PageServer, PublicationServer,DotNETOnly,ReportAppServer,MDASS,CRJobServer, DestJobServer,LOVJobServer,DeskIJobServer,ProgramJobServer, WebIJobServer,AdaptiveJobServer,PublishingService,AdaptivePro cessingServer, SearchingService,CrystalReportDataProvider,AuditProxyService,We bi, RAS21,DAS,AuditRptUnvEN,DADataFederator,DataAccess,HPNeoview,We bActivityLog, OLAP,MyCube,SOFA,DAMySQL,DAGenericOD BC,SFORCE,XML,BDE,dBase,FileSystem, DANETEZZA,DAMicrosoft,DAIBMDB2,IBM,Redbrick,DAIBMIn formix,OLE_DB_ Data,DAProgressOpenEdge,DAOracle,SybaseAnywhere,DASy base,SybaseASE, SybaseIQ,SymantecACT,DANCRTeradata,TextDA,Btrieve,CharacterSep arated, ExportSupport,ExpDiskFile,ExpRichTextFormat,ExpWordforWin dows,PDF, ExpText,ExpExcel,ExpCrystalReports,XMLExport,LegacyXMLExport,Sam plesEN, UserHelp,LanguagePackCostingFeatureen,LanguagePackCostingFea ture" ADDSOURCE="" ADVERTISE=""

This script can now be used for future silent installations by including the file name and path in the command line as shown below:
setup.exe -r FILEPATH


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Silent Installation Silent and scripted installation parameters

Silent and scripted installation parameters

The following table lists common parameters that are used for both silent and scripted installations of BusinessObjects Enterprise on Windows.
Caution: If you pass a parameter directly in the command line, the setting

will override any setting specified in the .ini file.

Parameter /qn Description Specifies not to prompt during or after the installation. Note: You must also enter the CLIENTLANGUAGE parameter as part of your silent install string or the language selection screen will appear at the beginning of your install. /qn+ Specifies to prompt when the installation is complete. Note: You must also enter the CLIENTLANGUAGE parameter as part of your silent install string or the language selection screen will appear at the beginning of your install. AS_AD MIN_IS_SE CURE Specifies is administrator credential must be passed to access the web application server. This setting only valid for WebSphere 6 and Oracle.


Password used by the administrator account to access the web application server.

Specifies the port used by the web application server.


Specifies the account name used by the administrator to access the web application server.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Silent Installation Silent and scripted installation parameters

Parameter AS_DIR

Description Specifies the installation directory for the web application server.

AS_INSTANCE Specifies the name of the current web application server instance.


Web application type used in installation. the following options are available: Use tomcat55 for Tomcat Use oas1013 for Oracle Application Server 10g R3 Use weblogic9 for WebLogic 9 Use weblogic10 for WebLogic 10 Use websphere6 for WebSphere 6.1



Specifies the name of the Windows service if the application server will be installed as a service on Windows.


Specifies virtual host to which the application must be bound.


Specifies the node name for the Server Intelligence Agent.



Specifies the port used by Server Intelligence Agent.



BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Silent Installation Silent and scripted installation parameters


Description Specifies the language used by the installer: EN=English ZH_CN=Simplified Chinese ZH_TW=Traditional Chinese DE=German ES=Spanish KO=Korean NL=Dutch JA=Japanese PT=Portuguese SV=Swedish RU=Russian FR=French

Note: If this parameter not specified, you will be prompted to select a language when the installation setup begins.

CLUSTERCMS Specifies if you are adding servers to an existing CMS. To change this setting, it is recommended that you create a new .ini file.


Specifies the administrator password for an existing CMS to use in either a custom or web tier installation.


The company name specified when setting user credentials in the installation setup.

DATABASEAU Specifies which driver to use for the auditing database. To DITINGDRIVER change this setting, it is recommended that you create a new ini file.

DATABASEDB Name of the CMS database on the database server.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Silent Installation Silent and scripted installation parameters



DA ABASEDB_AU Name of the auditing database on the database server. T DIT DATABASEDB_AUDIT="BOE120_AUDIT" DATABASEDRIV Specifies which driver to use for the CMS database.To change ER this setting, it is recommended that you create a new ini file.


Specifies the ODBC connection to connect to the CMS database.

DATABASEDSN="Business Objects CMS"


Specifies the ODBC connection to connect to the auditing database.

DATABASEDSN_AUDIT="Business Objects Audit Serv er"


Specifies auditing database type. To change this setting, it is recommended that you create a new ini file.

Specifies the password used to access the database server.


Specifies the password used to access the auditing database server.



The password used by the root account to access if you are installing the MySQL database server.

D T B S R M _ U Specifies the auditing database type. To change this setting, AA A E D S A DIT it is recommended that you create a new ini file.


Specifies the CMS database server name.



BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Silent Installation Silent and scripted installation parameters


Description Specifies the auditing database server name.


DATABASEUID Specifies the username used to access the CMS database.


DA ABASEUID_AU Specifies the username used to access the auditing database. T DIT DATABASEUID_AUDIT="auditname" ENABLELOG FILE ENABLE SERVERS Specifies if a log file will be created for the installation.

Specifies if servers should be enabled once the installation is complete.



Specifies which language pack to install. The following options are available : EN=English ZH_CN=Simplified Chinese ZH_TW=Traditional Chinese DE=German ES=Spanish KO=Korean NL=Dutch JA=Japanese PT=Portuguese SV=Swedish RU=Russian FR=French

Note: The English language pack is always selected by default.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Silent Installation Silent and scripted installation parameters


Description Specifies the directory where you want to install the BusinessObjects Enterprise components.
INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Business Objects\"

INSTALLMODE Specifies the installation method from one of the following options: New Custom WebTier



Specifies the port if you are installing the MySQL database server.


Specifies to enable remote access if you are installing the MySQL database server.

Specifies the port used by the CMS.



Specifies your product license key code.


TOMCAT_CON Specifies the port number that Tomcat uses to connect. NEC TOMCAT_CONNECTION_PORT="8080" TION_PORT TOMCAT_REDI Specifies the port number that Tomcat uses to redirect. RECT_PORT TOMCAT_REDIRECT_PORT="8443"


Specifies the port number that Tomcat uses to shut down



BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Silent Installation Silent and scripted installation parameters

Parameter USERNAME

Description The username specified in the installation setup when providing the license key code .
USERNAME="Licensed User"


Specifies not to automatically deploy the web application on the target web application server. This is an automatically generated parameter that should not be modified.


Specifies which client, server, web tier, and other BusinessObjects Enterprise components will not be installed. To change this setting, it is recommended that you create a new ini file.
REMOVE="Tomcat,BIPWebComp,Designer,Re porter,Clients,WRC, DataSourceMigrationWizard,MetaDataDesign er,ConversionTool,ImportWizard, PubWiz,qaaws,BOEJavaSDK,DevelopersFiles,Web ServicesSDK,UnivTransMgr, WebTierComp,BOEWebServices"


Specifies which client, server, web tier, and other BusinessObjects Enterprise components will be installed. To change this setting, it is recommended that you create a new ini file.
ADDLOCAL="Tomcat,Universe,Complete,BIPWebComp,De signer,AlwaysInstall, BeforeInstall,VBA62,Re porter,Clients,WRC,DataSourceMigrationWizard, CrystalBVM,MetaDataDesigner,Conversion Tool,ImportWizard,PubWiz,qaaws, JavaRASSDK,BOEJavaSDK,JavaViewersSDK,RebeanS DK,DevelopersFiles, WebServicesSDK,UnivTransMgr,wdeploy,WebTier Comp,BOEWebServices, CCM,ServerComponents,Mapping,Reposito ry,CRPE,MetaData,CMS,Auditor"

Other automatically generated parameters

The following parameters are automatically generated parameters that should not be modified in the .ini file.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Silent Installation Silent and scripted installation parameters


Specific ini file parameters for setup.exe on page 103


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise

After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise Launching the Central Management Console (CMC)

Launching the Central Management Console (CMC)

The BusinessObjects Enterprise Central Management Console (CMC) Logon screen appears if you selected the Launch BusinessObjects Administration Console option on the last screen of the installation setup program. You can also launch the CMC by going to:Start > Programs > BusinessObjects XI 3.0 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > BusinessObjects Enterprise Central Management Console. It is recommended that you verify your installation by logging into the CMC. Once you access the CMC you can create users and groups, set up security policies, and define rights. For more information on using the CMC, see the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide.

To log on to the CMC

1. Type the name of your Central Management Server (CMS) in the System field. 2. Type your User Name and Password. If you are using LDAP or Windows NT authentication, you can log on using an account that has been mapped to the BusinessObjects EnterpriseAdministrators group.
Note: If this is the first time an administrator from your organization is

accessing the CMC, type Administrator as the User Name. This Enterprise account by default does not have a password unless you specified one during installation setup. 3. Select Enterprise in the Authentication Type list. Windows AD, Windows NT, and LDAP authentication also appear in the list; however, third-party user accounts and groups must be mapped to BusinessObjects Enterprise before you can use these types of authentication. 4. Click Log On. The CMC Home page is displayed.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise Register your installed product

Troubleshooting CMC logon issues

If you are unable to log on to the CMC, consider the following solutions: 1. Did you provide the correct name for the Central Management Server in the System field? 2. Did you provide the correct user credentials in the User Name and Password fields? 3. Is the correct method specified in the Authentication field? 4. Check if the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) is running. Go to Start > BusinessObjects XI 3.0 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > Central Configuration Manager. If the SIA is not running, start or enable it. 5. If you did not install MySQL as part of your installation, use the database client to connect to the database server. See your database documentation for more information. 6. Are you attempting to connect to a CMS cluster using the @<clustername> format? If this is your first attempt to connect to this cluster, the CMC will not know which CMS servers belong to the cluster. In this case, you need to specify a list of CMS servers in the web.xml which is found in the WEBINF folder of the CMC web application war file. Follow the instructions in the cms.clusters section of the web.xml file for more details. It is also possible to specify CMS cluster information for the InfoView by modifying its corresponding web.xml file. 7. Go to Start > BusinessObjects XI 3.0 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > Diagnostic Tool. Run the tool to verify your deployment. If none of these solutions work, consider repairing or reinstalling BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Related Topics

To run diagnostic tests in Windows on page 119

Register your installed product

After installing BusinessObjects Enterprise, you can register your product. Your installation on Windows includes the Business Objects Registration Wizard, a tool designed to ease the process of obtaining registration credentials.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise Diagnostic Tool

Once registered, you can access Business Objects support programs and services. The Registration Wizard also provides links for resources to help you evaluate or purchase Business Objects products. To access the wizard, go toStart > Programs > BusinessObjects XI 3.0 > Registration Wizard.

Diagnostic Tool
Deployment Diagnostic tool
The Deployment Diagnostic Tool is a Java-based application designed to verify basic operating functionality of a BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 installation. It is an open-framework utility that allows for the development of additional test drivers through the use of various SDKs provided by Business Objects.
Note: This tool is intended only for deployment validation purposes; any

other uses are not supported by Business Objects. The following software is required to use the Diagnostic Tool: JDK 1.5 (included with your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation) Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.0 installation

Tests you can perform

Currently, the Deployment Diagnostic Tool includes the following test drivers: Log On/Off - tests logging on and off BusinessObjects Enterprise. InfoView Test - test logging on and logging off through InfoView. Web Intelligence Tier - tests creating, viewing, and scheduling a simple Web Intelligence document. Crystal Reports Tier - tests creating and scheduling a simple Crystal Reports document. Start/Stop Servers - connects to a CMS and queries for all available servers associated with it, then proceeds to stop and start each one.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise Diagnostic Tool

Tests you can perform

Currently, the Deployment Diagnostic Tool includes the following test drivers: Log On/Off - tests logging on and off BusinessObjects Enterprise. InfoView Test - test logging on and logging off through InfoView. Web Intelligence Tier - tests creating, viewing, and scheduling a simple Web Intelligence document. Crystal Reports Tier - tests creating and scheduling a simple Crystal Reports document. Start/Stop Servers - connects to a CMS and queries for all available servers associated with it, then proceeds to stop and start each one.

To run diagnostic tests in Windows

1. From the Start menu, clickPrograms > BusinessObjects XI 3.0 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > Diagnostic Tool. The user logon screen appears. 2. In the System field, enter the hostname for the machine you want to connect to. Information for the local machine will appear by default. 3. Enter your user name and password and select the appropriate authentication type, then click Logon. If you are authenticated, the main application is screen appears. The top pane of the tool contains a list of the test drivers that have been loaded into memory. This list is determined by the contents of the configuration file. The bottom pane is the console output and provides status updates while the tests are running. These updates remain on the display after the tests are complete. 4. To initiate a diagnostic, select Run All Tests from the Test menu.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise Diagnostic Tool

The diagnostic is performed in the sequence that it appears in the test drivers pane, and a status update is provided in the console pane.
Note: Some tests may take several minutes.

Upon completion of the diagnostic, the console reads 'Finished Testing' and provides a file path to the results log file. All test drivers will either conclude with a 'pass' or a 'fail' status. Double-click the result to view further details. These details are also recorded in the log file. To view the log file, either go to the location specified in the console pane, or select the View menu and then select Log File.

To run Diagnostic Test from Command Line

1. Open your command line interface. The following list explains the different parameters that you can enter into the command line: gui - Runs the application in graphical mode console - Runs the application in console mode run - (Optional) This launches and runs the test drivers immediately. Default behavior is to have the user manually initiate the tests. configfile - (Optional) Specify the absolute or relative path to the configuration xml file which tells the tool what test drivers to run. logfile - (Optional) Specify the absolute or relative path to the results xml log file. user - Required if the tool is run in console mode. This is the BusinessObjects Enterprise user name that the tool uses to log in and it should have administrative rights. password - Required if the tool is run in console mode. This is the BusinessObjects Enterprise user password. system - Required if the tool is run in console mode. This is the CMS the tool will attempt to connect to. authtype - Required if the tool is run in console mode. This is the authentication method used to connect the tool will connect to BOE. Possible values (Enterprise, LDAP, WinAD, WindowsNT)


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise Diagnostic Tool

2. Enter the following command:

java -jar diagnosticTool.jar -[mode] -run -configfile [config file] -logfile [log file] -user [username] -password [password] -system [system name] -authtype [authentication type]

The Diagnostic Tool launches.

Example: Launching in CONSOLE mode

The following command launches the tool, opens a login dialog box, opens the tool interface in a window, and overrides the default config file and log file with the ones presented.
'java -jar diagnosticTool.jar -gui -configfile 'c:\temp\config.xml' -logfile 'c:\log\log.xml'

Note: If you want to bypass the login screen, you can uncomment the xml tags in the config file and fill in the necessary authentication tags, as shown below.
<authentication> <user>administrator</user> <password> </password> <system>TestBOESystem</system> <authtype>Enterprise</authtype> </authentication>

The following command launches the tool, automatically logs in with the credentials supplied, uses the default config file and log file, and automatically runs the test case.
'java -jar -diagnosticTool.jar -console -user Administrator -password 'Password' -system TestBOESystem -authtype Enterprise'

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise Diagnostic Tool

Diagnostic options
The following section describes some of the option settings for the diagnostic tool.

Configuration files
Configuration files are used to determine which tests to run, the order in which to run them, and any parameters for those tests.

To set configuration files 1. Select Set Config File from the Test menu. A file dialog box used to select the configuration XML is displayed. The default XML name is 'TestClasses.xml'.
2. Navigate to the XML file you want to set and select it. 3. Click Open, then click OK. This will set the configuration XML for the tool.

Log files
Log files provide a permanent record of the results of the tests run by the diagnostic tool. The following procedure shows you how to set the location for a log file.

To set a custom log file location 1. Choose Set Log File from the Test menu. The "Set Log File" window appears.
2. Browse to the location where you want to store the log file. 3. Type a name for the log file, and click Open. Log files for tests will now appear in the directory you selected.

To set configuration files

1. Select Set Config File from the Test menu.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise Diagnostic Tool

A file dialog box used to select the configuration XML is displayed. The default XML name is 'TestClasses.xml'. 2. Navigate to the XML file you want to set and select it. 3. Click Open, then click OK. This will set the configuration XML for the tool.

To set a custom log file location

1. Choose Set Log File from the Test menu. The "Set Log File" window appears. 2. Browse to the location where you want to store the log file. 3. Type a name for the log file, and click Open. Log files for tests will now appear in the directory you selected.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise Diagnostic Tool


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Language Packs on Windows

Language Packs on Windows About language packs

About language packs

A language pack is a resource package that gives a BusinessObjects Enterprise system the ability to interact with users in a specific language. An individual language is known as a locale. You can install as many different language packs as you want. The default language pack, English, is always installed.

English language fall-back

In the event of a localization error, such as a missing, corrupted, or uninstalled language pack, BusinessObjects Enterprise products fall back to using the default English language. If a preferred language has not been set in the Product Locale drop-down, BusinessObjects Enterprise defaults to using the locale of the installed operating system. If a language pack corresponding to the locale of the operating system is not found, the default English is used.

Product locale changes

Product Locale changes are immediately reflected in the current product's interface, reports, and help. Where multiple client applications are installed, the selected Product Locale is only displayed when client is next started. For example, setting the Crystal Report Designer product locale to Japanese will cause the Business Intelligence Modeler client to also display in Japanese. However, if the Business Intelligence Modeler is running at the time of the change, it must be restarted in order for the change to take effect.

Selecting a language
Once installed, BusinessObjects Enterprise products detect the existence of the language pack, and users can choose a language from a list of installed languages found in the Product Locale drop-down list of the CMC Preferences section of the CMC Preferences, or under the Options dialog box on the toolbar or application menu in other BusinessObjects Enterprise products. Command-line utilities use the LANG environment variable to determine which language to use.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Language Packs on Windows Installing language packs and complex deployments

Each language listed in the Product Locale drop-down is displayed in its native localization, rather than the currently employed language. For example, the German language pack is always displayed as Deutsch, rather than as German in English or Allemand in French.
Note: Application shortcut keys are language neutral and do not change,

regardless of which language is in use. For example, Ctrl+S is always mapped to the Save command, regardless of the localized name for the Save function.

Installing language packs and complex deployments

If your organization uses a BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment with more than one server, you will need to deploy language packs to each server individually.

Installing language packs on Windows systems

Language packs can be installed either during the initial installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise, or post-install using a dedicated language pack installer. The installer is a single executable that adds the localized language resources to your Business Objects software deployment. English is the default option during the installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise, but administrators can opt to install any or all of the other available languages. Additional languages can also be installed onto an existing system by downloading the appropriate language pack from the Business Objects support web site at http://technicalsupport.businessobjects.com. In the event of an operational problem with a language pack, BusinessObjects Enterprise will default back to English localization. Because of this fall-back system, English cannot be deselected as an installable option during the installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Note: An error message will be displayed if a language pack detects that it

is incompatible with a previously installed version of BusinessObjects Enterprise.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Language Packs on Windows Locating language packs

Locating language packs

Language packs can be found in the langs folder of the BusinessObjects Enterprise for Windows distribution package. Alternatively, language packs can be downloaded from the Business Objects technical support site at http://technicalsupport.businessobjects.com.

To install language packs

Before installing a language pack, your BusinessObjects Enterprise server must be running and patched to the required revision level. You will be asked for CMS administrator credentials. If any part of your BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment is not patched to the required software version, the language pack installation will abort and must be reapplied after the system has been patched to the correct level. Please review the requirements for language packs at the Business Objects customer support site: http://sup port.businessobjects.com/documentation/supported_platforms.
Note: Language packs do not require a keycode.

1. Open the Central Management Console (CMC) and ensure that the server processes are running. 2. Locate the language pack to install under BUSINESS_OBJECTS_IN STALL_CD_DIR\langs\LANGUAGE\. 3. Run the setup.exe installer. Replace LANGUAGE with the ISO code of the language you are installing. The Microsoft Windows installer will search for all installed Business Objects applications. 4. Click Next. 5. Check I accept the License Agreement, and then click Next. 6. Enter values for the CMS, CMS Port, User Name, Password, and Authentication fields. Click Next. 7. Enter values for the Port, Username, Password, Server Instance, and Virtual Host, and Application Server Installation Directory fields. If your web application server uses a password for the administrator account, select the Admin is Secure check-box. Click Next. 8. Click Next to begin the installation.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Language Packs on Windows Installing language packs across a BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment

The language pack will now begin the installation process. Once the installation is complete, you will be able to choose the installed language from the Options dialog window in BusinessObjects Enterprise applications.

All fix packs or other updates to BusinessObjects Enterprise released on a date after the language pack release date must be re-applied to ensure that updated functionality is maintained. Language packs must be re-installed after you have added or removed a component from your BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment.

Installing language packs across a BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment

You can install language packs with one command by specifying parameters on the command-line. This is referred to as a silent installation. When parameters are supplied on the command-line the installation will not prompt for information. The command-line syntax for a silent install is as follows:

BUSINESS_OBJECTS_HOME_DIR with the full path of your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. The following table details each of the other parameters used by setup.exe.
Parameter INSTALLMODE CMSNAMESERV ER Expected argument silent CMS Hostname Description Switch to enable silent install mode Enter the name of your CMS machine.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Language Packs on Windows Installing language packs across a BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment


Expected argument Port number for CMS

Description CMS port number. The password for your CMS server.

CMSPASSWORD CMS admin password

For example:
setup.exe "C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enter prise 12.0" INSTALLMODE=silent CMSNAMESERVER=myserver1 CMSPORTNUMBER=6400 CMSPASSWORD=mypassword

To uninstall language packs in silent mode, use the wdeploy undeployall command to remove all web applications, then wdeploy deployall to re-deploy web applications without the language packs. For example, the following command runs undeployall for a WebLogic 10 server:
wdeploy.bat weblogic10 -Das_dir=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain -Das_admin_port=7001 -Das_instance=AdminServer -Das_admin_username=weblogic -Das_admin_password=weblogic undeployall

Followed by:
wdeploy.bat weblogic10 -Das_dir=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain -Das_admin_port=7001 -Das_instance=AdminServer -Das_admin_username=weblogic -Das_admin_password=weblogic deployall

For more information on using wdeploy, see How to use wdeploy.

Related Topics

How to use wdeploy on page 159


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Language Packs on Windows To uninstall language packs

To uninstall language packs

1. Open the Central Management Server (CMS) and ensure that all servers are running. 2. In Windows, click Start, point to Settings, and then select Control Panel. 3. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. 4. Select the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Language Pack to remove and click Remove. The "Add/Remove Programs" prompts you to confirm that you want to remove the language pack from your computer. 5. Click Yes. The appropriate files are removed and the necessary configuration is completed. 6. Click Finish. The language pack has been uninstalled and you are returned to the "Add/Remove Programs" list.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


Language Packs on Windows To uninstall language packs


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Client Tools Installation



Client Tools Installation Overview of Client Tools installation

Overview of Client Tools installation

BusinessObjects Enterprise client applications are available for installation through a separate installation program. You can use this stand alone installer to add client tools and their related components to an existing installation. The Client Tools installation program enables you to select which client tools to install and to assess disk space costs.
Note: You can also install client tools by selecting the BusinessObjects

Enterprise Custom or Expand install option.

BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Components

The following BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 client components are available for installation:
Component Desktop Intelligence Short description An integrated query, reporting and analysis solution for business professionals that allows you to access data in your corporate databases directly from your desktop and present and analyze this information in a Desktop Intelligence document. Provides business users an easy to use interactive and flexible user interface for building and analyzing reports on corporate data over the web, on secured intranets and extranets. Allows you to migrate reports that are based on Crystal queries, dictionaries, and InfoViews to a BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment. Enables you to design relational views of information that provides a wide range of capabilities for creating and modifying Data Connections, Dynamic Data Connections, Data Foundations, Business Elements, and Business Views.

Web Intelligence Rich Client

Data Source Migration Wizard

Business View Manager


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Client Tools Installation To perform a client tools installation


Component Report Conversion Tool

Short description Converts Desktop Intelligence XI R2 reports to Web Intelligence XI R2 format and publishes the converted reports to the CMS. The level of conversion depends on the features in the original report. Allows you to import and export content from previous and current versions of BusinessObjects Enterprise. Enables users to add reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise Allows you create custom web services for specific queries using Business Objects Web Services. Allows you to create universes for Web Intelligence and Desktop Intelligence users. Contains the following subfeatures:

Import Wizard

Publishing Wizard Query as a Web Service

Universe Designer Developer Components

BusinessObjects Enterprise Java SDK: allows you to build web applications that interface directly with your BusinessObjects Enterprise system. BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Services SDK: implementation of web services that can be deployed with BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Translation Manager An application that defines the multilingual document and performs translation of documents and prompts. It supports Universe Designer universes and Web Intelligence documents.

To perform a client tools installation

A product distribution CD/DVD for the BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Tools Installation.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Client Tools Installation To perform a client tools installation

1. Run setup.exe from the root directory of your product distribution. 2. Click Install to launch the installation setup program.
Note: If you are installing from a CD and if the Autoplay is enabled for

your CD-ROM drive, the Autorun program will start automatically. "Please Choose Setup Language" is displayed.

3. Select the language for the installation setup from the pull-down list provided. You have a choice of the following languages for setup: English French Japanese German Spanish Italian Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Korean Dutch Swedish Portuguese (Brazil) 4. Check the Create log file during installation box if you want to create an installation log file. The log file is saved under the following directory: <INSTALLDIR>\Busi nessObjects Enterprise 12.0\Logging. 5. Click OK. The "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard" is displayed after you specify a language for the installation setup.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Client Tools Installation To perform a client tools installation


6. Click Next to proceed with the installation setup.

Note: Click Cancel to abort the installation setup

If you are installing BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 on Windows XP Service Pack2 or higher, is message is displayed. Click OK to continue with the installation setup. The "License Agreement" screen is displayed

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Client Tools Installation To perform a client tools installation

7. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "Choose Language Packs" screen is displayed. 8. Select the Language Packs you want to install with the client tools click Next. The language packs currently available for installation include: English French Japanese German Spanish Italian Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Korean Dutch Swedish Portuguese (Brazil)

Note: English is a required language and is automatically selected.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Client Tools Installation To perform a client tools installation


Tip: Select the All Languages box to select all the available language

packs. The "Directory Selection" screen is displayed.

9. Type the installation directory for the client tools in Destination Folder or accept the default selection and click Next. The "Select Features" screen is displayed.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Client Tools Installation To perform a client tools installation

10. Click the icon for a feature you want to select or deselect under the "BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Tools" node. When you have finished making your selections click Next. You can do any of the following: Specify that the selected feature will be installed on the local hard drive. Specify that the selected feature and its subfeatures will be installed on the local hard drive. Specify that a selected feature and its subfeatures will not be installed.
Icon associated Meaning with feature The feature and only the subfeatures you select will be installed on the local hard drive you specified in the Setup program. The feature and all its subfeatures will be installed on the local hard drive you specified earlier . The feature or subfeature is either unavailable or will not be installed.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Client Tools Installation To perform a client tools installation


a. Click Disk Cost to calculate if sufficient disk space is available for your selected features. A separate screen is displayed indicating storage space available on the local machine and mapped network drives. Drives that do not have enough disk space for the currently selected features are highlighted. Click OK to close to return to the "Select Features" screen. b. Click Reset to revert to the original configuration of the feature list. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed.

11. Click Next. The installation process begins and is complete when the following screen is displayed:

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Client Tools Installation Client Tools silent installations

12. Click Finish to exit the installation.

Client Tools silent installations

There are two methods for running BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Tools installations directly from the command line: Scripted installations Silent installations

Both methods can be used to automate installations across multiple machines. The scripted installation method requires that you to specify an .ini file. The silent installation allows you to specify parameters for running setup.exe. The same parameters are used for both methods. It is recommended that you use the scripted installation method to run custom installations, so that you avoid having to pass a large number of parameter settings directly through the command line. These installation methods are particularly useful when you need to quickly perform multiple installations. You can also integrate the scripts and commands into your own installation scripts.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Client Tools Installation Client Tools silent installations


Note: If you pass a parameter directly in the command line, the setting will

override any setting specified in the .ini file.

Related Topics

Specific ini file parameters for setup.exe on page 103 To create an installation .ini file on page 103

Sample client tools ini file

The following installation script was generated for a BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Tools installation. The Dutch language pack was added to the default English language pack.
[OTHER] QUIET=/qa [INSTALL] CLIENTLANGUAGE="EN" DATABASEAUDITDRIVER="MySQLDatabaseSubSystem" DATABASEDRIVER="MySQLDatabaseSubSystem" ENABLELOGFILE="1" INSTALL.LP.EN.SELECTED="1" INSTALL.LP.NL.SELECTED="1" INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Business Objects\" INSTALLLEVEL="4" WDEPLOY_LANGUAGES="en,nl" [FEATURES] REMOVE="UnivTransMgr" ADDLOCAL="Complete,AlwaysInstall,BeforeInstall,VBA62,Re porter,Clients,WRC, DataSourceMigrationWizard,CrystalBVM,MetaDataDesigner,Conver sionTool, ImportWizard,PubWiz,qaaws,Designer,JavaRASSDK,BOEJavaS DK,JavaViewersSDK, RebeanSDK,DevelopersFiles,WebServicesSDK,DADataFederator,DataAc cess,HPNeoview, WebActivityLog,OLAP,MyCube,SOFA,DAMySQL,DAGenericOD BC,SFORCE,XML,Universe,BDE, dBase,FileSystem,DANETEZZA,DAMicrosoft,DAIBMDB2,IBM,Red brick,DAIBMInformix, OLE_DB_Data,DAProgressOpenEdge,DAOracle,SybaseAnywhere,DASy base,SybaseASE, SybaseIQ,SymantecACT,DANCRTeradata,TextDA,Btrieve,CharacterSep arated, ExportSupport,ExpDiskFile,ExpRichTextFormat,ExpWordforWin dows,PDF,ExpText, ExpExcel,ExpCrystalReports,XMLExport,LegacyXMLExport,Sample sEN,UserHelp, LanguagePackCostingFeatureen,LanguagePackCostingFeature,

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Client Tools Installation Client Tools silent installations

LanguagePackCostingFeaturenl" ADDSOURCE="" ADVERTISE=""

This script can now be used for future silent installations by including the file name and path in the command line as shown below:
setup.exe -r FILEPATH


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Maintaining your Installation



Maintaining your Installation BusinessObjects Enterprise maintenance operations

BusinessObjects Enterprise maintenance operations

You can perform three maintenance operations on your installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise: Modify: this operation will identify the current components installed on your system. Using the "Select Feature" screen you can add or remove components from your current installation. Repair: this operation replaces missing or corrupt files, registry keys, and shortcuts. Preferences in the registry are restored to default values. Remove: this operation uninstalls BusinessObjects Enterprise. All language packs and patches will also be removed.

To enter maintenance mode

There are two methods for evoking maintenance mode for BusinessObjects Enterprise on Windows: 1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. a. Select BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0. b. Click Change. The "Application Maintenance" screen is displayed.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Maintaining your Installation Uninstalling BusinessObjects Enterprise from Windows


2. Alternatively, you can run the setup.exe program you originally used to install your current BusinessObjects Enterprise product.

Uninstalling BusinessObjects Enterprise from Windows

It is recommended that you back up reports, documents and system information before uninstalling BusinessObjects Enterprise. For more information on backing up your system see Managing and Configuring Servers in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide. To uninstall BusinessObjects Enterprise from your system: 1. Go to Start > Programs > BusinessObjects XI 3.0 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > Central Configuration Manager. The CCM console is displayed. 2. Right-click to highlight all listed servers and select Stop. For more information on stopping servers see Managing and Configuring Servers in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide. .

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Maintaining your Installation Software Inventory Tool

3. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. 4. Select BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0. 5. Click Remove. The "Add or Remove Programs" dialog prompts to confirm that you want to remove BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0. 6. Click Yes. Please wait while files are removed and your system is reconfigured. You are prompted once the configuration process is complete. 7. Click Finish. Your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation may have included an installation of the Apache Tomcat java application server. By default, Tomcat installs to C:\Program Files\BusinessObjects\Tomcat\. When BusinessObjects Enterprise is uninstalled; the contents of the Tomcat subfolder are removed.
Note: Only web applications deployed on a Tomcat server installed through

the BusinessObjects Enterprise installer are automatically removed. You will manually have to remove web applications deployed on other servers. The installer removes only the files that it originally installed. Folders or files created after the installation, for example log or report files, are not uninstalled by the uninstallation process.

Silent uninstallation
If the installation source is available, you can use the command-line console to unistall BusinessObjects Enterprise. In the command-line specify the following method:
setup.exe REMOVE=ALL

Software Inventory Tool

The BusinessObjects Enterprise Software Inventory Tool is a Java-based maintenance tool available to administrators of BusinessObjects Enterprise.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Maintaining your Installation Software Inventory Tool


The tool creates and maintains an inventory of all changes made to Business Objects software via Business Objects installers and allows users to view these changes.

What does the BusinessObjects Software Inventory Tool do?

The Business Objects Software Inventory Tool collects and displays information on your BusinessObjects installations. The tool monitors BusinessObjects Enterprise after it is installed and logs updates such as critical hot fixes and service packs. The logged information is presented chronologically using various formats and views. The inventory list can then be queried for specific files, features, and patches.

The BusinessObjects Software Inventory Tool is automatically bundled together with your BusinessObjects XI 3.0 installation. It is available for all Windows platforms supported by BusinessObjects XI 3.0. See the Products Availability Report PDF which can be accessed at http://support.businessob jects.com/documentation/supported_platforms/default.asp. The SoftwareInventory.bat and SoftwareInventory.jar.files are by default installed to the following directory C:\Program Files\Business Objects\common\4.0\java\lib. Once the program is launched, the inven tory.xml and log.txt files are created in the same folder.

How does the BusinessObjects Software Inventory Tool work?

When a Business Objects installer is run, the tool is automatically evoked. Information on what is being installed is added to the inventory.xml file. The inventory contains the following information: A record of all Business Objects installations including original product and service packs, and critical hot fixes. Records of all the fixes that were installed on the system.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Maintaining your Installation Software Inventory Tool

Records of the files that are associated with each Business Objects installation such as WAR files and DLLs.

Launching the BusinessObjects Software Inventory Tool

The BusinessObjects Software Inventory Tool is installed by default into the C:\Program Files\Business Objects\common\4.0\java\lib folder. To launch the tool, either: Go to Start/Programs/BusinessObjects XI 3.0/BusinessObjects/Enterprise and double-click the Software Inventory Tool icon. OR Double-click the SoftwareInventory.bat file which is located by default in the C:\Program Files\Business Objects\common\4.0\java\lib folder. This launches a Windows Command window and starts the Java program. OR 1. From the Start\Run command line - type cmd and click OK. This launches a Windows Command window. 2. Navigate to the folder in which the tool is installed (the default is C:\Program Files\Business Objects\common\4.0\java\lib). 3. At the prompt type:
"C:\Program Files\Business Objects\javasdk\bin\java" Djava.library.path=.\external -Xmx256M -jar "C:\Program Files\BusinessObjects\common\4.0\java\lib\softwareInven tory.jar" gui

This command uses the Java implementation installed with BusinessObjects Enterprise and provides Java configuration information.
Note: Closing the Windows Command window will terminate the Java


Using the BusinessObjects Software Inventory Tool

Once the BusinessObjects Software Inventory Tool is launched it displays three separate panes for information on :


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Maintaining your Installation Software Inventory Tool


Viewing Format History View Search

The Viewing Format Area

The Viewing format pane provides three options for what to display.

Install/Patch name This option displays all the available information logged by the tool in chronological order.

ADAPT number This option only displays the ADAPT numbers for modifications logged by the tool.
Note: ADAPT numbers are only displayed if critical hot fixes have been

installed. ADAPT is the system used internally by Business Objects to track technical problems and feature enhancements. File This option only displays files that have been installed and recorded by the tool.

History View
The History View is divided into two parts: History Tree Node Details

History Tree and the Node Details The History Tree is the main pane used to navigate the inventory. The history of installations and changes is listed chronologically; each entry can be expanded to display further details in the Node Details pane.
Note: To view more specific information you can use the Search function.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Maintaining your Installation Software Inventory Tool

The type of information displayed in Node Details includes : Name of the product Version or Build number Date and time of installation Path locations

The following table summarizes the detail displayed in the History View area depending on the selected Viewing Format:
Viewing Format History View Detail Build number Installation or Removal timestamp List of all features installed Install/Patch Name of the product List of all files installed Installed or Removed List of all ADAPT records (not for Service Packs) ADAPT number /ID Problem Summary ADAPT Number Fix description List of updated files Name of the file Full path location of the file File Version (if available) Build History of changes to the file


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Maintaining your Installation The installation log file


The Search pane

The Search pane of the BusinessObjects Software Inventory Tool allows you to refine the information displayed in History View. It is divided into three parts: Enter search string: use this field to enter a string. A new tree is generated based on the search result and the current view being used. Search History: lists all the search parameters. Clear search history: click to clear the Search History.

The Software Inventory log file

The tool creates a log file for recording each time the tool is launched. The log.txt file is saved in the default installation folder together with the inventory.xml file: C:\Program Files\Business

The installation log file

The installation log file contains information on all the parameter settings used in a BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. The log file can be used as a reference or to troubleshoot installation errors. The name of the initial log file is BOEInstall_0.log and it is saved under the following directory: <INSTALLDIR>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\Logging. Each time you run the BusinessObjects Enterprise installer, a new log file is generated. For example after the initial installation you choose run the Modify maintenance operation. Once the process is completed, BOEInstall_1.log is stored in the Logging directory. Information specific to web application deployment is also included in the log file.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Maintaining your Installation The installation log file


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Overview of post install deployment

Overview of post install deployment

You can deploy web applications for BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 installations by running all three supported installation types. The installation setup program guides you through an automated process for deploying the web applications and their required components only if you specify and configure your web application server during the installation setup. You can also configure your web application servers and deploy web application components after installing BusinessObjects Enterprise. You can choose either of the following methods. 1. Use the wdeploy program to automatically deploy the required components to the applications server. For detailed information on wdeploy see Deploying BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Applications using wdeploy. 2. Manually configure and deploy the required components to the applications server. The following table lists which deployment method is available for supported Web application server.
Installation setup wdeploy program WebSphere 6.1 WebSphere Community Edition 2.0 WebLogic 10 WebLogic 9.2 Tomcat 5.5 SAP Application Server 7.0 Oracle Application Server 10G R3 JBoss 4.04 X X X X X X X X X X Manual deployment X X X X X X




BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Before you deploy web applications


Before you deploy web applications

Your web application server must be installed and working before you attempt to install BusinessObjects Enterprise. Consult your web application server documentation for installation instructions. To deploy and run the CMC and InfoView applications, your web application server should have at least 1.2 GB of free disk space, in addition to any other requirements specified by other software installed on the machine. It is recommended that you change the heapsize and maximum perm size settings of your JVM to -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m. If using Tomcat for example, your modified settings would look like:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

Consult your JVM documentation for more information about changing your Java memory settings. Before you begin the deployment process, ensure that the web application server is correctly installed and verify that the application server is running correctly by launching its administrative console at: http://<WAS_HOSTNAME>:<PORT> Replace <WAS_HOSTNAME> with the host name or IP address of your web application server, and <PORT> with the port number used for HTTP. Consult your web application server documentation for installation instructions.

Deploying with wdeploy

Prerequisites for using wdeploy
Where to find wdeploy

The wdeploy command-line tool is included with your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation to assist you in the command-line deployment of web applications to your web application server. It is located in the following directory: <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\. In addition to the wdeploy.bat the folder contains all the required configuration files for running the tool.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Note: The wdeploy tool is also available as a stand-alone package on the

product distribution media under the following directory: Collater als\Tools\wdeploy.

Prerequisites for using wdeploy

To deploy BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications to a web application server, you must have BusinessObjects Enterprise installed - including all the required WAR files. If the target web application server is on the same machine on which BusinessObjects Enterprise is installed you can proceed to run the wdeploy script. If the target web application server is hosted on a remote machine you will have to follow specific steps for preparing the wdeploy environment.
Related Topics

Minimum user rights for deploying web applications on page 18 To deploy web applications on a remote machine on page 194

Overview for using wdeploy

The wdeploy command-line tool is included with BusinessObjects Enterprise to assist you in the command-line deployment of WAR files to your web application server. You can choose to deploy all web application resources together on a single web application server (standalone mode), or to separate dynamic and static content for deployment onto de-paired web and web application servers (distributed mode). For detailed information on wdeploy see Deploying BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Applications using wdeploy. This document is available at http://support.businessobjects.com. For more information about the system architecture of an installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise, see the Architecture chapter of the BusinessObjects Enterprise Deployment Planning Guide.
Note: If you have a firewall between the machine running your Java

application server and your other BusinessObjects Enterprise servers, you must perform additional system configuration. See the section on how to configure firewalls in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Deployment Planning Guide.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


How to use wdeploy

To use wdeploy , the specific configuration file for your web application server must be properly configured. This file is located in <INSTALLDIR>\de ployment\. For example, the configuration file for weblogic 9.2 is config.we blogic9. It is recommended that you use the same user account for installing BusinessObjects Enterprise and your web application server. Ensure that you have the minimum user rights for the web application server. The following table lists the required wdeploy configuration file details that must be specified for each supported web application server.
Note: Parameters specified on the command-line override parameters in

the wdeploy configuration file.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Web application server WebSphere 6.1

Required Configuration details

as_admin_port: The SOAP Connector Port of the application server (for example "8880"). as_admin_username: WebSphere administrator account username (for example "administrator"). Note: If as_admin_is_secure is false, a value for as_admin_username does not need to be specified.

as_admin_password: WebSphere administrator account password (for example "password"). Note: If as_admin_is_secure is false, a value for as_admin_password does not need to be specified.

as_instance: The name of your WebSphere application server instance (for example "server1"). as_virtual_host: The virtual host to which the application must be bound (for example "default_host"). as_admin_is_secure: Instructs wdeploy that WebSphere security is enabled (for example "false"). Note: Values for as_admin_username and as_ad min_password must be set when as_admin_is_se cure is true").

as_dir: WebSphere installation directory (for example "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer"). ws_instance: The name of the web server where the application is installed, in distributed mode (for example "server1"). enforce_file_limit: Indicates to wdeploy whether or not the web application server may encounter issues loading applications that contain more than 65 535 files ("True" by default).


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Web application server WebLogic 10

Required Configuration details

as_admin_port: Administration port of the application server (for example "7001"). as_admin_username: WebLogic administrator account username (for example "weblogic"). as_admin_password: WebLogic administrator account password (for example "weblogic"). as_instance: The name of your WebLogic application server instance (for example "AdminServer"). as_dir: Weblogic domain directory (for example "C:\bea\weblogic10\user_projects\do mains\base_domain"). as_admin_port: Administration port of the application server (for example "7001"). as_admin_username: WebLogic administrator account username (for example "weblogic"). as_admin_password: WebLogic administrator account password (for example "weblogic"). as_instance: The name of your WebLogic application server instance (for example "AdminServer"). as_dir: Weblogic domain directory (for example "C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain").

WebLogic 9.2

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Web application server Tomcat 5.5

Required Configuration details

as_instance : Name of the web application server instance currently used (for example "localhost"). as_service_name : The name of the Windows service (when the application server is installed as a Windows service) (for example "Tomcat5"). as_dir : Installation directory of the web application server (for example "C:\wdeploy\appserver\Tomcat5520"). as_service_key: Name of the Windows registry key used by Tomcat to specify Java parameters (for example "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\$as_service_name\Parameters\Java"). as_service_key_value: Tomcat's Java parameters, and the value of the registry key as_server_key. as_dir: The location of your application server (for example "C:\Program Files\SAP"). as_sid: the SAP system id of the target instance. (for example "AS2"). as_instance: The name of your application server instance (for example "JC01"). as_admin port: the port number used by the server (for example "50104"). as_admin_username: the administrator username (for example "Administrator"). as_admin_password: the administrator password (for example "password").

SAP Application Server 7.0


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Web application server

Required Configuration details

Oracle Application Server 10 G R3

as_admin_port: Administration port of the application server. This is the request port of the notification server, found in the <notification-server> section of configuration file opmn.xml (for example "6003"). as_admin_username: Oracle Application Server administrator account username (for example "ocjadmin"). as_admin_password: Oracle Application Server administrator account password (for example "oracle10g"). as_instance: The name of your Oracle Application Server application server instance (for example "home"). as_admin_is_secure: Instructs wdeploy that Oracle Application Server SSL security is enabled (for example "false"). Note: If as_admin_is_secure is not enabled, you will still have to specify the username and password to access the server.

as_dir: Oracle Application Server installation directory (for example "C:\product\10.1.3\OracleAS_1"). as_appserver_name: Name of the target application server (for example "oracle10g.BO-AMIT.product.businessobjects.com"). as_group_id: Name of the server group to which the target application belongs (for example "Default_group"). as_dir: The location of the JBoss application server (for example "C:\Program Files\jboss-4.0.4.GA"). as_instance: The name of the JBoss application server instance (for example "default").

JBoss 4


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Run the wdeploy script by opening command line console and typing the following:
<INSTALLDIR>\deployment\wdeploy.bat <appserver> deployall >> <logfilename>.log

For example:
wdeploy.bat weblogic9 deployall >> C:\mylog.log

Note: The <appserver> must be same as the web application server used

in the configuration filename (for example, config.weblogic9).

Tip: You can drop the deployable war files to non-default location by passing

the parameter -Dwork_dir=your desired location as part of the wdeploy command. For more detailed information on wdeploy see Deploying BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Applications using wdeploy.
Related Topics

Minimum user rights for deploying web applications on page 18 To deploy web applications on a remote machine on page 194

Options for using wdeploy

There are several actions that can be performed the wdeploy tool to control the web application deployment process: predeploy/predeployall: Predeploy web applications. deployonly/depolyonlyall: Deploy web applications. deploy/deployall: Predeploy then deploy web applications. undeploy/undeployall: Undeploy web applications.
Note: If you use the undeploy and undeployall commands, only web

applications deployed through the installer or wdeploy will be undeployed. All other web applications can only be manually removed using the web application server's administrative console. For information on all options available for wdeploy see Deploying BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Applications using wdeploy.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Note: The wdeploy command does not create a log file. To persist the output

generated by wdeploy, redirect its output to a file using the greater-than redirect operator (>).

After deploying web applications

To verify the web application server configuration, make sure that InfoView and the Central Management Console can be launched in a web browser. For example: http://WAS_HOSTNAME:PORT/INFOVIEW_CONTEXT http://WAS_HOSTNAME:PORT/CMC_CONTEXT Replace WAS_HOSTNAME with the hostname or IP address of your web application server, and PORT with the port number used for either HTTP or HTTPS communication. The default root context used for InfoView is In foViewApp; the default context used for the CMC is CmcApp.

Deploying to web application servers with wdeploy

Deploying to WebSphere with wdeploy
Using predeploy and predeployall

The predeploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, then copies the web application to <INSTALLDIR>\de ployment\workdir\WebAppServer_VERSION, but does not deploy the web application to the web application server. The predeployall command performs the predeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy predeploy to predeploy InfoView to WebSphere.
wdeploy.bat websphere6 -Das_dir=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer -Das_instance=server1 -Das_virtual_host=default_host -Das_admin_port=8880 -DAPP=InfoViewApp predeploy

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy predeployall to predeploy all web applications to WebSphere.

wdeploy.bat websphere6 -Das_dir=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer -Das_instance=server1 -Das_virtual_host=default_host -Das_admin_port=8880 predeployall

Using deployonly and deployonlyall

The deployonly command deploys a web application that is specifically configured for the target web application server. The deployonlyall command performs the deployonly command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy deployonly to deploy a predeployed InfoView to WebSphere.
wdeploy.bat websphere6 -Das_dir=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer -Das_instance=server1 -Das_virtual_host=default_host -Das_admin_port=8880 -DAPP=InfoViewApp deployonly

Example 2: using wdeploy deployonlyall to deploy all predeployed web applications to WebSphere.
wdeploy.bat websphere6 -Das_dir=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer -Das_instance=server1 -Das_virtual_host=default_host -Das_admin_port=8880 deployonlyall

Using deploy and deployall

The deploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, which is then deployed to the web application server. The deployall command performs the deploy command for all web applications. Running deploy is equivalent to running a predeploy command followed by a deployonly command. Running deployall is equivalent to running a predeployall command followed by a deployonlyall command.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Example 1: using wdeploy deploy to predeploy, then deploy, InfoView to WebSphere.

wdeploy.bat websphere6 -Das_dir=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer -Das_instance=server1 -Das_virtual_host=default_host -Das_admin_port=8880 -DAPP=InfoViewApp deploy

Example 2: using wdeploy deployall to predeploy, then deploy, all web applications to WebSphere.
wdeploy.bat websphere6 -Das_dir=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer -Das_instance=server1 -Das_virtual_host=default_host -Das_admin_port=8880 deployall

Using undeploy and undeployall

The undeploy command uninstalls a previously deployed web application from the web application server. The undeployall command performs the undeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy undeploy to undeploy InfoView from WebSphere.
wdeploy.bat websphere6 -Das_dir=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer -Das_instance=server1 -Das_virtual_host=default_host -Das_admin_port=8880 -DAPP=InfoViewApp undeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy undeployall to undeploy all web applications from WebSphere.
wdeploy.bat websphere6 -Das_dir=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer -Das_instance=server1 -Das_virtual_host=default_host -Das_admin_port=8880 undeployall

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

Disable WebSphere JSF implementation

If pages rendered by WebSphere do not show cached values correctly, it may be using its own version of the Java Server Faces (JSF) library, rather than the JSF implementation supplied with BusinessObjects Enterprise. To correct this problem, you must manually reconfigure WebSphere for each web application that uses JSF: CmcApp, CmcAppActions, and PlatformServices. To disable the JSF implementation supplied with WebSphere, follow the instructions below. 1. Log in to the "WebSphere Application Server Administration" console using the following URL: http://WAS_HOSTNAME:PORT/admin. The WebSphere administration console's default port number is 9060. 2. Browse to YOUR_WEB_APPLICATION > Manage Modules > YOUR_WEB_APPLICATION.war Replace YOUR_WEB_APPLICATION in the example above with the name of your web application. 3. Stop the web application, so its settings can be modified. 4. Select Classes loaded with application class loader first from the combo box. Restart the web application. 5. Repeat these steps for all other web applications that use JSF. Reload pages that display cached values. Cached values are now displayed correctly.

To deploy to separate IHS web and WebSphere web application servers

To reduce the load on a web application server, you can set up a separate, dedicated, web server to serve static content. All static content will be served by the web server, while dynamic content will be served by the web application server.
Note: This configuration requires that you use the wdeploy command to

split web application resources into static and dynamic content that can be deployed to separate web and web application servers.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


1. Set up an IBM HTTP Server (IHS) web server and ensure that it is working correctly. Load a web page, such as the IHS default test page, to verify that the web server is serving content correctly. Open a web browser and enter the IP address or hostname of the web server, and a port number if the server is not listening on port 80. For example: http://mywebserver.mycompany.com:80. 2. Ensure that your WebSphere web application server is working correctly. Open a web browser and enter the IP address or hostname of the web application server, and a port number. For example: http://myappserver.mycompany.com:9080.
Note: If you have any existing BusinessObjects Enterprise web

applications running on the server, they must be undeployed before continuing. 3. Run the web server plug-in installation wizard to install the plug-in that bridges WebSphere with IHS, and follow the directions to enter information about your IHS web server. 4. Follow the plug-in configuration instructions on the WebSphere web site for configuring the bridge between IHS and WebSphere. Requests for dynamic resources are now forwarded to WebSphere when received by IHS. 5. Ensure that the bridge between the web server and web application server is working by pointing a browser to the web server and verifying that dynamic content from the web application server is served correctly. For example, visit the URL: http://mywebserver.mycompa ny.com:80/snoop/. 6. If the web application server is installed on the same machine as BusinessObjects Enterprise, run wdeploy locally on that machine. If the web application server runs on a different machine, you must copy the wdeploy command and environment to the web application server. See To deploy web applications on a remote machine. 7. Configure wdeploy environment to separate content between the web server and the web application server. This is known as "distributed" mode. The wdeploy configuration files for IHS and WebSphere are located in <INSTALLDIR>\deployment.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Edit config.apache. For example:

#Business Objects Configuration Utility ws_dir=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache 2.2 connector_type=websphere6 deployment_dir=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Founda tion\Apache 2.2\htdocs

Edit config.websphere6. For example:

#Business Objects Configuration Utility as_admin_port=8880 as_admin_username=admin as_admin_password=password as_dir=C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer as_instance=server1 as_virtual_host=default_host as_admin_is_secure=false enforce_file_limit=true

8. Use wdeploy predeploy in distributed mode to split source web applications into separate static and dynamic resources. For example: Run the following command to extract static content for the IHS web server.
wdeploy.bat websphere6 -Das_mode=distributed -Dws_type=apache predeployall >> wdeploy.log

The dynamic content of web applications is located in: <INSTALLDIR>\de ployment\workdir\websphere6\application. The static content is located in: <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\web sphere6\resources. 9. Run wdeploy deployonlyall command to deploy the dynamic content to WebSphere application server and static content to IHS. If IHS and WebSphere are on the same machine, static and dynamic content will be automatically deployed to servers by the following command:
wdeploy.bat websphere6 -Das_mode=distributed -Dws_type=apache deployonlyall >> wdeploy.log

Note: If your dynamic and static content are in a custom location, use

the -Dwork_dir parameter.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


If IHS and WebSphere are on different machines, dynamic content will be automatically deployed to WebSphere by the following command. Static content must be manually deployed to the remote IHS machine afterwards.
wdeploy.bat websphere6 -Das_mode=distributed -deployonlyall >> wdeploy.log

Note: If your dynamic and static content are in a custom location, use

the -Dwork_dir parameter. Copy static content to the htdocs directory on the web server: Extract the zip files on the web application server under <IN

Copy these folders from the WebSphere web application server to the IHS <WS_DIR>\htdocs folder on the IHS server. Copy the bobj.<application>.conf files from the WebSphere web application server to the IHS <WS_DIR>\conf folder on the IHS server. Update IHS httpd.conf under <WS_DIR>\conf with the application config files. For each web application, you must include an entry in httpd.conf. For example, to include AnalyticalReporting, you would enter:
Include conf\bobj.AnalyticalReporting.conf

10. Propagate the plugin-cfg.xml file from the application server to the web server using the administrative console. Click Servers > Web server. Select the web server, then click Propagate Plug-in. Web servers other than IHS require manual propagation. For IHS, click Servers > Web server. Select the web server, then click Propagate Plug-in. For all other web servers, copy plugin-cfg.xml from the <pro
file_root>/con fig/cells/<cell_name>/nodes/node_name/servers/<Web_serv er_name> directory on the WebSphere web application server to the <plugins_root>/config/<Web_server_name> directory on the IHS

web server. 11. Ensure that both static and dynamic content are correctly configured by trying to access a web application through the web server. For example, create a URL that includes the address of the web server with the root context of a web application deployed to the web application server: http://mywebserver.mycompany.com:80/CmcApp/. In this example,

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

mywebserver.mycompany.com:80 is the web server, and /CmcApp/ is a

deployed web application. Static content is now served by a dedicated web server, and dynamic content is served by a dedicated web application server.
Related Topics

How to use wdeploy on page 159 To deploy web applications on a remote machine on page 194

Deploying to WebLogic with wdeploy

Using predeploy and predeployall

The predeploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, then copies the WAR application to <IN STALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\WebAppServer_VERSION, but does not deploy the web application to the web application server. The predeployall command performs the predeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy predeploy to predeploy InfoView to WebLogic.
wdeploy.bat weblogic9 -Das_dir=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain -Das_admin_port=7001 -Das_instance=AdminServer -Das_admin_username=weblogic -Das_admin_password=weblogic -DAPP=InfoViewApp predeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy predeployall to predeploy all web applications to WebLogic.

wdeploy.bat weblogic10 -Das_dir=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain -Das_admin_port=7001 -Das_instance=AdminServer -Das_admin_username=weblogic -Das_admin_password=weblogic predeployall


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Using deployonly and deployonlyall

The deployonly command deploys a web application that is specifically configured for the target web application server. The deployonlyall command performs the deployonly command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy deployonly to deploy a predeployed InfoView to WebLogic.
wdeploy.bat weblogic9 -Das_dir=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain -Das_admin_port=7001 -Das_instance=AdminServer -Das_admin_username=weblogic -Das_admin_password=weblogic -DAPP=InfoViewApp deployonly

Example 2: using wdeploy deployonlyall to deploy all predeployed web applications to WebLogic.
wdeploy.bat weblogic10 -Das_dir=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain -Das_admin_port=7001 -Das_instance=AdminServer -Das_admin_username=weblogic -Das_admin_password=weblogic deployonlyall

Using deploy and deployall

The deploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, which is then deployed to the web application server. The deployall command performs the deploy command for all web applications. Running deploy is equivalent to running a predeploy command followed by a deployonly command. Running deployall is equivalent to running a predeployall command followed by a deployonlyall command. Example 1: using wdeploy deploy to predeploy, then deploy, InfoView to WebLogic.
wdeploy.bat weblogic9 -Das_dir=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain -Das_admin_port=7001 -Das_instance=AdminServer -Das_admin_username=weblogic -Das_admin_password=weblogic

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

-DAPP=InfoViewApp deploy

Example 2: using wdeploy deployall to predeploy, then deploy, all web applications to WebLogic.
wdeploy.bat weblogic10 -Das_dir=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain -Das_admin_port=7001 -Das_instance=AdminServer -Das_admin_username=weblogic -Das_admin_password=weblogic deployall

Using undeploy and undeployall

The undeploy command uninstalls a previously deployed web application from the web application server. The undeployall command performs the undeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy undeploy to undeploy InfoView from WebLogic.
wdeploy.bat weblogic9 -Das_dir=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain -Das_admin_port=7001 -Das_instance=AdminServer -Das_admin_username=weblogic -Das_admin_password=weblogic -DAPP=InfoViewApp undeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy undeployall to undeploy all web applications from WebLogic.
wdeploy.bat weblogic10 -Das_dir=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain -Das_admin_port=7001 -Das_instance=AdminServer -Das_admin_username=weblogic -Das_admin_password=weblogic undeployall

Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


To deploy to separate Apache web and WebLogic web application servers

To reduce the load on a web application server, you can set up a separate, dedicated, web server to serve static content. All static content will be served by the web server, while dynamic content will be served by the web application server.
Note: This configuration requires that you use the wdeploy command to

split web application resources into static and dynamic content that can be deployed to separate web and web application servers. 1. Set up the Apache web server and ensure that it is working correctly. Load a web page, such as Apache's default test page, to verify that the web server is serving content correctly. Open a web browser and enter the IP address or hostname of the web server, and a port number if the server is not listening on port 80. For example: http://mywebserver.mycompany.com:80. 2. Ensure that your WebLogic web application server is working correctly. Open a web browser and enter the IP address or hostname of the web application server, and a port number. For example: http://myappserver.mycompany.com:7001.
Note: If you have any existing BusinessObjects Enterprise web

applications running on the server, they must be undeployed before continuing. 3. Download the WebLogic Apache HTTP Server Plug-In from the BEA web site. The plug-in allows you to connect an Apache web server with a WebLogic web application server, so Apache can forward requests for dynamic resources to WebLogic. 4. Follow the plug-in configuration instructions on the BEA web site for configuring the bridge between Apache web server and WebLogic. Requests for dynamic resources are now forwarded to WebLogic when received by Apache. 5. Ensure that the bridge between the web server and web application server is working by pointing a browser to the web server and verifying that dynamic content from the web application server is served correctly. For example, visit the URL: http://mywebserver.mycompa ny.com:80/jsp-examples/. 6. If the web application server is installed on the same machine as BusinessObjects Enterprise, run wdeploy locally on that machine. If the

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

web application server runs on a different machine, you must copy the wdeploy command and environment to the web application server. See To deploy web applications on a remote machine. 7. Configure wdeploy environment to separate content between the web server and the web application server. This is known as "distributed" mode. The wdeploy configuration files for Apache and WebLogic are located in <INSTALLDIR>\deployment. Edit config.weblogic9 or config.weblogic10. For example:
#Business Objects Configuration Utility as_admin_port=7001 as_admin_username=weblogic as_admin_password=weblogic as_instance=AdminServer as_dir=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain

Edit config.apache. For example:

#Business Objects Configuration Utility ws_dir=C:\Webserver\Apache224 connector_type=weblogic9 deployment_dir=C:\Webserver\Apache224\htdocs

8. Use wdeploy predeploy in distributed mode to split source web applications into separate static and dynamic resources. For example: Run the following command to extract static content for the Apache web server.
wdeploy.bat weblogic9 -Das_mode=distributed -Dws_type=apache predeployall >> wdeploy.log

The dynamic content in: <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\weblog ic9\application. Static content is located in: <INSTALLDIR>\deploy ment\workdir\weblogic9\resources. 9. Run wdeploy deployonlyall command to deploy the dynamic content to WebLogic application server and static content to Apache. If Apache and WebLogic are on the same machine, static and dynamic content will be automatically deployed to the servers by the following command:
wdeploy.bat weblogic9 -Das_mode=distributed -Dws_type=apache deployonlyall >> wdeploy.log


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Note: If your dynamic and static content are in a custom location, use

the -Dwork_dir parameter. If Apache and WebLogic are on different machines, dynamic content will be automatically deployed to WebLogic by the following command. Static content must be manually deployed to the remote Apache machine afterwards.
wdeploy.bat weblogic9 -Das_mode=distributed -predeployall >> wdeploy.log

Note: If your dynamic and static content are in a custom location, use

the -Dwork_dir parameter. Copy static content to the htdocs directory on the web server: Extract the zip files on the web application server under <IN STALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\WebLogic6\resources. Copy these folders from the WebLogic web application server to the Apache <WS_DIR>\htdocs folder on the Apache server. Copy the bobj.<application>.conf files from the WebLogic web application server to the Apache <WS_DIR>\conf folder on the Apache server. Update Apache httpd.conf under <WS_DIR>\conf with the application config files. For each web application, you must include an entry in httpd.conf. For example, to include AnalyticalReporting, you would enter:
Include conf\bobj.AnalyticalReporting.conf

Static content is now served by a dedicated web server, and dynamic content is served by a dedicated web application server.
Related Topics

How to use wdeploy on page 159 To deploy web applications on a remote machine on page 194

Deploying to Tomcat with wdeploy

Using predeploy and predeployall

The predeploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, then copies the WAR application to <IN

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

STALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\tomcat55, but does not deploy the web application to the web application server. The predeployall command performs the predeploy command for all web applications.

Example 1: using wdeploy predeploy to predeploy InfoView to Tomcat.

wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_dir=C:\Tomcat5 -Das_instance=localhost -Das_service_name=Tomcat5 -DAPP=InfoViewApp predeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy predeployall to predeploy all web applications to Tomcat.

wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_dir=C:\Tomcat5 -Das_instance=localhost -Das_service_name=Tomcat5 predeployall

Using deployonly and deployonlyall

The deployonly command deploys a web application that is specifically configured for the target web application server. The deployonlyall command performs the deployonly command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy deployonly to deploy a InfoView to Tomcat.
wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_dir=C:\Tomcat5 -Das_instance=localhost -Das_service_name=Tomcat5 -DAPP=InfoViewApp deployonly

Example 2: using wdeploy deployonlyall to deploy all predeployed web applications to Tomcat.
wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_dir=C:\Tomcat5 -Das_instance=localhost -Das_service_name=Tomcat5 deployonlyall


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Using deploy and deployall

The deploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, which is then deployed to the web application server. The deployall command performs the deploy command for all web applications. Running deploy is equivalent to running a predeploy command followed by a deployonly command. Running deployall is equivalent to running a predeployall command followed by a deployonlyall command. Example 1: using wdeploy deploy to predeploy, then deploy, InfoView to Tomcat.
wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_dir=C:\Tomcat5 -Das_instance=localhost -Das_service_name=Tomcat5 -DAPP=InfoViewApp deploy

Example 2: using wdeploy deployall to predeploy, then deploy, all web applications to Tomcat.
wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_dir=C:\Tomcat5 -Das_instance=localhost -Das_service_name=Tomcat5 deployall

Using undeploy and undeployall

The undeploy command uninstalls a previously deployed web application from the web application server. The undeployall command performs the undeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy undeploy to undeploy InfoView from Tomcat.
wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_dir=C:\Tomcat5 -Das_instance=localhost -DAPP=InfoViewApp -Das_service_name=Tomcat5 undeploy

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy undeployall to undeploy all web applications from Tomcat.
wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_dir=C:\Tomcat5 -Das_instance=localhost -Das_service_name=Tomcat5 undeployall

Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

To deploy to separate Apache web and Tomcat web application servers

To reduce the load on a web application server, you can set up a separate, dedicated, web server to serve static content. All static content will be served by the web server, while dynamic content will be served by the web application server.
Note: This configuration requires that you use the wdeploy command to

split web application resources into static and dynamic content that can be deployed to separate web and web application servers. 1. Set up the Apache web server and ensure that it is working correctly. Load a web page, such as Apache's default test page, to verify that the web server is serving content correctly. Open a web browser and enter the IP address or hostname of the web server, and a port number if the server is not listening on port 80. For example: http://mywebserver.mycompany.com:80. 2. Ensure that your Tomcat web application server is working correctly. Open a web browser and enter the IP address or hostname of the web application server, and a port number. For example: http://myappserver.mycompany.com:8080.
Note: If you have any existing BusinessObjects Enterprise web

applications running on the server, they must be undeployed before continuing. 3. Download the Apache Tomcat connector from the Tomcat web site. The Apache Tomcat connector allows you to connect an Apache web server with a Tomcat web application server, so Apache can forward requests for dynamic resources to Tomcat.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


4. Follow the plug-in configuration instructions on the Apache web site for configuring the bridge between Apache web server and Tomcat web application server. Requests for dynamic resources are now forwarded to Tomcat when received by Apache. 5. Ensure that the bridge between the web server and web application server is working by pointing a browser to the web server and verifying that dynamic content from the web application server is served correctly. For example, visit the URL: http://mywebserver.mycompa ny.com:80/jsp-examples/. 6. If the web application server is installed on the same machine as BusinessObjects Enterprise, run wdeploy locally on that machine. If the web application server runs on a different machine, you must copy the wdeploy command and environment to the web application server. See To deploy web applications on a remote machine. 7. Configure wdeploy environment to separate content between the web server and the web application server. This is known as "distributed" mode. The wdeploy configuration files for Apache and Tomcat are located in <INSTALLDIR>\deployment. Edit config.tomcat55. For example:
#Business Objects Configuration Utility as_dir=C:\Appserver\Tomcat5520 as_instance=localhost as_service_name=Tomcat5 as_service_key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\ Procrun 2.0\Tomcat5\Parameters\Java as_service_key_value=Options

Edit config.apache. For example:

#Business Objects Configuration Utility ws_dir=C:\Webserver\Apache224 connector_type=tomcat55 deployment_dir=C:\Webserver\Apache224\htdocs

8. Use wdeploy predeploy in distributed mode to split source web applications into separate static and dynamic resources. For example:

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Run the following command to extract static content for the Apache web server.
wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_mode=distributed -Dws_type=apache predeployall >> wdeploy.log

9. Run wdeploy deployonlyall command to deploy the dynamic content to Tomcat application server and static content to Apache. If Apache and Tomcat are on the same machine, static and dynamic content will be automatically deployed to servers by the following command:
wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_mode=distributed -Dws_type=apache deployonlyall >> wdeploy.log

Note: If your dynamic and static content are in a custom location, use

the -Dwork_dir parameter. If Apache and Tomcat are on different machines, dynamic content will be automatically deployed to Tomcat by the following command. Static content must be manually deployed to the remote Apache machine afterwards.
wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_mode=distributed -deployonlyall >> wdeploy.log

Note: If your dynamic and static content are in a custom location, use

the -Dwork_dir parameter. Copy static content to the htdocs directory on the web server: Extract the zip files on the web application server under <IN STALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\Tomcat55\resources. Copy these folders from the Tomcat web application server to the Apache <WS_DIR>\htdocs folder on the Apache server. Copy the bobj.<application>.conf files from the Tomcat web application server to the Apache <WS_DIR>\conf folder on the Apache server. Update Apache httpd.conf under <WS_DIR>\conf with the application config files. For each web application, you must include an entry in httpd.conf. For example, to include AnalyticalReporting, you would enter:
Include conf\bobj.AnalyticalReporting.conf

Static content is now served by a dedicated web server, and dynamic content is served by a dedicated web application server.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Related Topics

How to use wdeploy on page 159 To deploy web applications on a remote machine on page 194

Deploying to Oracle with wdeploy

Using predeploy and predeployall

The predeploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, then copies the WAR application to <IN STALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\oas1013, but does not deploy the web application to the web application server. The predeployall command performs the predeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy predeploy to predeploy InfoView to Oracle Application Server.
wdeploy.bat oas1013 -Das_dir=C:\Oracle10gASR3\OracleAS_1 -Das_instance=home -Das_appserver_name=oc4j_inst1 -Das_group_id=default_group -Das_admin_port=6003 -Das_admin_username=oc4jadmin -Das_admin_password=oracle12 -DAPP=InfoViewApp predeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy predeployall to predeploy all web applications to Oracle Application Server.
wdeploy.bat oas1013 -Das_dir=C:\Oracle10gASR3\OracleAS_1 -Das_instance=home -Das_appserver_name=oc4j_inst1 -Das_group_id=default_group -Das_admin_port=6003 -Das_admin_username=oc4jadmin -Das_admin_password=oracle12 predeployall

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Using deployonly and deployonlyall

The deployonly command deploys a web application that is specifically configured for the target web application server. The deployonlyall command performs the deployonly command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy deployonly to deploy a predeployed InfoView to Oracle Application Server.
wdeploy.bat oas1013 -Das_dir=C:\Oracle10gASR3\OracleAS_1 -Das_instance=home -Das_appserver_name=oc4j_inst1 -Das_group_id=default_group -Das_admin_port=6003 -Das_admin_username=oc4jadmin -Das_admin_password=oracle12 -DAPP=InfoViewApp deployonly

Example 2: using wdeploy deployonlyall to deploy all predeployed web applications to Oracle Application Server.
wdeploy.bat oas1013 -Das_dir=C:\Oracle10gASR3\OracleAS_1 -Das_instance=home -Das_appserver_name=oc4j_inst1 -Das_group_id=default_group -Das_admin_port=6003 -Das_admin_username=oc4jadmin -Das_admin_password=oracle12 deployonlyall

Using deploy and deployall

The deploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, which is then deployed to the web application server. The deployall command performs the deploy command for all web applications. Running deploy is equivalent to running a predeploy command followed by a deployonly command. Running deployall is equivalent to running a predeployall command followed by a deployonlyall command. Example 1: using wdeploy deploy to predeploy, then deploy, InfoView to Oracle Application Server.
wdeploy.bat oas1013 -Das_dir=C:\Oracle10gASR3\OracleAS_1


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


-Das_instance=home -Das_appserver_name=oc4j_inst1 -Das_group_id=default_group -Das_admin_port=6003 -Das_admin_username=oc4jadmin -Das_admin_password=oracle12 -DAPP=InfoViewApp deploy

Example 2: using wdeploy deployall to predeploy, then deploy, all web applications to Oracle Application Server.
wdeploy.bat oas1013 -Das_dir=C:\Oracle10gASR3\OracleAS_1 -Das_instance=home -Das_appserver_name=oc4j_inst1 -Das_group_id=default_group -Das_admin_port=6003 -Das_admin_username=oc4jadmin -Das_admin_password=oracle12 deployall

Using undeploy and undeployall

The undeploy command uninstalls a previously deployed web application from the web application server. The undeployall command performs the undeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy undeploy to undeploy InfoView from Oracle Application Server.
wdeploy.bat oas1013 -Das_dir=C:\Oracle10gASR3\OracleAS_1 -Das_instance=home -Das_appserver_name=oc4j_inst1 -Das_group_id=default_group -Das_admin_port=6003 -Das_admin_username=oc4jadmin -Das_admin_password=oracle12 -DAPP=InfoViewApp undeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy undeployall to undeploy all web applications from Oracle Application Server.
wdeploy.bat oas1013 -Das_dir=C:\Oracle10gASR3\OracleAS_1 -Das_instance=home -Das_appserver_name=oc4j_inst1

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

-Das_group_id=default_group -Das_admin_port=6003 -Das_admin_username=oc4jadmin -Das_admin_password=oracle12 undeployall

Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

Deploying to SAP Application Server with wdeploy

Using predeploy and predeployall

The predeploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, then copies the WAR application to <IN STALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\nw2004, but does not deploy the web application to the web application server. The predeployall command performs the predeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy predeploy to predeploy InfoView to SAP Application Server.
wdeploy.bat nw2004 -Das_dir=C:\SAP -Das_instance=server1 -Das_sid=AS2 -Das_admin_username=Administrator -Das_admin_password=password1 -Das_admin_port=50000 -DAPP=InfoViewApp predeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy predeployall to predeploy all web applications to SAP Application Server.
wdeploy.bat nw2004 -Das_dir=C:\SAP -Das_instance=server1 -Das_sid=AS2 -Das_admin_username=Administrator -Das_admin_password=password1 -Das_admin_port=50000 predeployall


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Using deployonly and deployonlyall

The deployonly command deploys a web application that is specifically configured for the target web application server. The deployonlyall command performs the deployonly command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy deployonly to deploy a predeployed InfoView to SAP Application Server.
wdeploy.bat nw2004 -Das_dir=C:\SAP -Das_instance=server1 -Das_sid=AS2 -Das_admin_username=Administrator -Das_admin_password=password1 -Das_admin_port=50000 -DAPP=InfoViewApp deployonly

Example 2: using wdeploy deployonlyall to deploy all predeployed web applications to SAP Application Server.
wdeploy.bat nw2004 -Das_dir=C:\SAP -Das_instance=server1 -Das_sid=AS2 -Das_admin_username=Administrator -Das_admin_password=password1 -Das_admin_port=50000 deployonlyall

Using deploy and deployall

The deploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, which is then deployed to the web application server. The deployall command performs the deploy command for all web applications. Running deploy is equivalent to running a predeploy command followed by a deployonly command. Running deployall is equivalent to running a predeployall command followed by a deployonlyall command. Example 1: using wdeploy deploy to predeploy, then deploy, InfoView to SAP Application Server.
wdeploy.bat nw2004 -Das_dir=C:\SAP -Das_instance=server1 -Das_sid=AS2

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Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

-Das_admin_username=Administrator -Das_admin_password=password1 -Das_admin_port=50000 -DAPP=InfoViewApp deploy

Example 2: using wdeploy deployall to predeploy, then deploy, all web applications to SAP Application Server.
wdeploy.bat nw2004 -Das_dir=C:\SAP -Das_instance=server1 -Das_sid=AS2 -Das_admin_username=Administrator -Das_admin_password=password1 -Das_admin_port=50000 deployall

Using undeploy and undeployall

The undeploy command uninstalls a previously deployed web application from the web application server. The undeployall command performs the undeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy undeploy to undeploy InfoView from SAP Application Server.
wdeploy.bat nw2004 -Das_dir=C:\SAP -Das_instance=server1 -Das_sid=AS2 -Das_admin_username=Administrator -Das_admin_password=password1 -Das_admin_port=50000 -DAPP=InfoViewApp undeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy undeployall to undeploy all web applications from SAP Application Server.
wdeploy.bat nw2004 -Das_dir=C:\SAP -Das_instance=server1 -Das_sid=AS2 -Das_admin_username=Administrator -Das_admin_password=password1 -Das_admin_port=50000 undeployall


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Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

Deploying to JBoss with wdeploy

The Java Server Faces (JSF) bundled with the JBoss web application servers must be disabled for the Central Management Console (CMC) and InfoView web clients to work correctly. To disable JSF, the following directories must be removed and JBoss restarted: JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/jsf
libs JBOSS_HOME/server/default/tmp JBOSS_HOME/server/default/work

Note: To use the Javalog4j logging included with BusinessObjects

Enterprise XI 3.0, refer to section 10.3.7 Using your own log4j.properties file - class loader scoping in the JBoss Development Process Guide: http://docs.jboss.org/process-guide/en/html/logging.html#d0e3341.

Using predeploy and predeployall

The predeploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, then copies the WAR application to <IN STALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\jboss404, but does not deploy the web application to the web application server. The predeployall command performs the predeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy predeploy to predeploy InfoView to JBoss.
wdeploy.bat jboss404 -Das_dir=C:\jboss-4.0.4.GA -Das_instance=default -DAPP=InfoViewApp predeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy predeployall to predeploy all web applications to JBoss.

wdeploy.bat jboss404 -Das_dir=C:\jboss-4.0.4.GA

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Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

-Das_instance=default predeployall

Using deployonly and deployonlyall

The deployonly command deploys a web application that is specifically configured for the target web application server. The deployonlyall command performs the deployonly command for all web applications. Example 1: InfoView using wdeploy deployonly to deploy a predeployed InfoView to JBoss.
wdeploy.bat jboss404 -Das_dir=C:\jboss-4.0.4.GA -Das_instance=default -DAPP=InfoViewApp deployonly

Example 2: using wdeploy deployonlyall to deploy all predeployed web applications to JBoss.
wdeploy.bat jboss404 -Das_dir=C:\jboss-4.0.4.GA -Das_instance=default deployonlyall

Using deploy and deployall

The deploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, which is then deployed to the web application server. The deployall command performs the deploy command for all web applications. Running deploy is equivalent to running a predeploy command followed by a deployonly command. Running deployall is equivalent to running a predeployall command followed by a deployonlyall command. Example 1: using wdeploy deploy to predeploy, then deploy, InfoView to JBoss.
wdeploy.bat jboss404 -Das_dir=C:\jboss-4.0.4.GA -Das_instance=default -DAPP=InfoViewApp deploy


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Example 2: using wdeploy deployall to predeploy, then deploy, all web applications to JBoss.
wdeploy.bat jboss404 -Das_dir=C:\jboss-4.0.4.GA -Das_instance=default deployall

Using undeploy and undeployall

The undeploy command uninstalls a previously deployed web application from the web application server. The undeployall command performs the undeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy undeploy to undeploy InfoView from JBoss.
wdeploy.bat jboss404 -Das_dir=C:\jboss-4.0.4.GA -Das_instance=default -DAPP=InfoViewApp undeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy undeployall to undeploy all web applications from JBoss.
wdeploy.bat jboss404 -Das_dir=C:\jboss-4.0.4.GA -Das_instance=default undeployall

Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

Deploying to WebSphere Community Edition with wdeploy

Using predeploy and predeployall

The predeploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, then copies the WAR application to <IN STALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\wasce20, but does not deploy the web application to the web application server. The predeployall command performs the predeploy command for all web applications.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Example 1: using wdeploy predeploy to predeploy InfoView to WebSphere Community Edition.

wdeploy.bat wasce20 -Das_dir=C:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere\AppServerCommunityEdi tion -Das_instance=server1 -Das_admin_port=1099 -DAPP=InfoViewApp predeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy predeployall to predeploy all web applications to WebSphere Community Edition.
wdeploy.bat wasce20 -Das_dir=C:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere\AppServerCommunityEdi tion -Das_instance=server1 -Das_admin_port=1099 predeployall

Using deployonly and deployonlyall

The deployonly command deploys a web application that is specifically configured for the target web application server. The deployonlyall command performs the deployonly command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy deployonly to deploy a predeployed InfoView to WebSphere Community Edition.
wdeploy.bat wasce20 -Das_dir=C:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere\AppServerCommunityEdi tion -Das_instance=server1 -Das_admin_port=1099 -DAPP=InfoViewApp deployonly

Example 2: using wdeploy deployonlyall to deploy all predeployed web applications to WebSphere Community Edition.
wdeploy.bat wasce20 -Das_dir=C:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere\AppServerCommunityEdi tion -Das_instance=server1 -Das_admin_port=1099 deployonlyall


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Using deploy and deployall

The deploy command creates resources and configuration files for a specific web application, which is then deployed to the web application server. The deployall command performs the deploy command for all web applications. Running deploy is equivalent to running a predeploy command followed by a deployonly command. Running deployall is equivalent to running a predeployall command followed by a deployonlyall command. Example 1: using wdeploy deploy to predeploy, then deploy, InfoView to WebSphere Community Edition.
wdeploy.bat wasce20 -Das_dir=C:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere\AppServerCommunityEdi tion -Das_instance=server1 -Das_admin_port=1099 -DAPP=InfoViewApp deploy

Example 2: using wdeploy deployall to predeploy, then deploy, all web applications to WebSphere Community Edition.
wdeploy.bat wasce20 -Das_dir=C:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere\AppServerCommunityEdi tion -Das_instance=server1 -Das_admin_port=1099 deployall

Using undeploy and undeployall

The undeploy command uninstalls a previously deployed web application from the web application server. The undeployall command performs the undeploy command for all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy undeploy to undeploy InfoView from WebSphere Community Edition.
wdeploy.bat wasce20 -Das_dir=C:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere\AppServerCommunityEdi tion -Das_instance=server1 -Das_admin_port=1099 -DAPP=InfoViewApp undeploy

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

Example 2: using wdeploy undeployall to undeploy all web applications from WebSphere Community Edition.
wdeploy.bat wasce20 -Das_dir=C:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere\AppServerCommunityEdi tion -Das_instance=server1 -Das_admin_port=1099 undeployall

Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

To deploy web applications on a remote machine

Use the procedure below to deploy web applications to a remote machine. In this procedure Box 1 refers to the machine hosting your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation, and Box 2 is the remote machine on which no BusinessObjects Enterprise resources are currently installed. 1. Create on Box 2 the following directories. <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\. The wdeploy folder will contain the wdeploy scripts and configuration files. <INSTALLDIR>\BusinessObjects Enterprise
12.0\java\applications\ <INSTALLDIR>\Performance Management 12.0\ <INSTALLDIR>\caf\

These directories reflect the default directory structure installed on Box 1.

Tip: Although you can customize the folder structure to meet your specific

requirements, it is recommended that you maintain files within the same folder structure or hierarchy in Box 2 as in Box 1. 2. Copy the following files from Box 1 to Box 2. Copy all the contents under <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\
Note: This content is also available on the product distribution media

under the following directory:



BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy


Tip: Remove the contents under <INSTALLDIR>/bobje/deploy

ment/workdir after the file copy if that folder is not empty.

Copy all the contents under <INSTALLDIR>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\applications From <INSTALLDIR>\Performance Management 12.0\ copy Init Config.properties Copy the contents of <INSTALLDIR>\caf\

3. Set the Java_Home environment variable to JDK 1.5 directory. 4. Configure the war file directory for each web application. If you keep all the war files in the same folder, you don't need to configure the war file directory for each web application, skip to step 5. a. Open the properties file under <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\apps and modify the properties file for each web application (e.g CrystalRe ports.properties). b. Enter the following parameter in a new line: war_dir The value of the parameter is the war file path name. If you are going to deploy CrystalReports.war, you would set the value of war_dir in <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\apps\ CrystalReports.properties to
war_dir=C:\Program Files\ Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\applications\CrystalReports.war

c. Repeat steps a-b for all the web applications you want to deploy to your web application server. 5. Modify the wdeploy configuration file for your web application server. You must provide all the required information to enable wdeploy to deploy the web application. For example, to modify the configuration file for WebLogic 9, you would modify the file to:
as_dir=C:\bea92\user_projects\domains\base_domain as_instance=AdminServer as_admin_port=7001 as_admin_username=weblogic as_admin_password=weblogic

The configuration file is located in the following directory:<INSTALLDIR>\de ployment\config.<appserver> .

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Post Installation Web Application Deployment Deploying with wdeploy

6. If the Performance Management 12.0 files you copied in step 2 are not located under the same folder structure as Box 1, to deploy Performance Management you must do the following: a. Extract PerformanceManagement.war from the following directory:
<INSTALLDIR>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\applications\

b. Set the af.configdir parameter in theweb.xml file to the location of the InitConfig.properties file. The web.xml file is located in: \PerformanceManagement\WEB-INF. The modified file should look like the example below.
<context-param> <param-name>af.configdir</param-name> <param-value>C:\Performance Management 12.0</param-value> </context-param>

c. Repackage PerformanceManagement.war. 7. Run the wdeploy script from its location in Box 2 by opening command line console and entering the following:
<INSTALLDIR>\deployment\wdeploy.bat <appserver> deployall -Dwar_dir=<INSTALLDIR>\ BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\ applications\ >> <logfilename>.log

You can pass the -Dwar_dir (with the path to the WAR files) in the command line to specify the location from which wdeploy accesses non customized WAR files.
Tip: You can drop the deployable war files to non-default location by

passing the parameter -Dwork_dir=your desired location as part of the wdeploy command.
Related Topics

How to use wdeploy on page 159 Prerequisites for using wdeploy on page 157


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Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server


Manually deploying to a web application server

BusinessObjects Enterprise WAR files
BusinessObjects Enterprise separates web application functionality into several Web ARchive (WAR) files, making it easier to deploy only the web applications required by your organization. Once you have installed BusinessObjects Enterprise the source files are available in the following directory: <INSTALLDIR>\BusinessObjects
Enterprise 12.0\java\applications\

The following table summarizes the relationship between the WAR files and specific web applications in a BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment.
WAR file
AdminTools AnalyticalReport ing

Used by Query Builder Web Intelligence, Desktop Intelligence, CMC, InfoView

BusinessProcessBI Web services components CmcApp CmcAppActions CrystalReports dswsbobje InfoViewApp

CMC (entry point) CMC Crystal Reports, CMC, InfoView Web services components InfoView (entry point)

InfoViewAppActions InfoView OpenDocument

Open Document

PerformanceManage Performance Management, CMC, InfoView ment PlatformServices PMC_Help

CMC, InfoView Performance Management

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server

WAR file
VoyagerClient XCelsius

Used by CMC, InfoView Xcelsius data presentation

XCTemplateUploader Xcelsius data presentation

WAR file context roots

All WAR files, with the exception of InfoViewApp and CmcApp, can be deployed to fix context root locations on your web application server. The following table lists the context roots that must be used, unless otherwise noted.
WAR file
AdminTools Analytical Reporting

WAS context path (default)

/AdminTools /AnalyticalReporting

BusinessPro /BusinessProcessBI cessBI CmcApp /CmcApp

Note: You may use a different root context for CmcApp as long as the root context matches the name of the WAR file. For example, a root context of /MyOrgCmc requires the WAR file to be named MyOrgCmc.war.
CmcAp pActions CrystalRe ports dswsbobje /CmcAppActions /CrystalReports /dswsbobje


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server


WAR file

WAS context path (default)

InfoViewApp /InfoViewApp

Note: You may use a different root context for InfoViewApp as long as the root context matches the name of the WAR file. For example, a root context of/MyOrgInfo requires the WAR file to be named MyOrgInfo.war.
InfoViewAp pActions OpenDocu ment /InfoViewAppActions /OpenDocument

Performance /PerformanceManagement Management PlatformSer /PlatformServices vices PMC_Help Voyager Client XCelsius /PMC_Help /VoyagerClient /XCelsius

XCTemplateU /XCTemplateUploader ploader

Guidelines for deploying WAR files

To successfully deploy the WAR files and to ensure your BusinessObjects web applications run properly, you should use the following guidelines. 1. Your web application server must be installed and running before you deploy any WAR file. 2. The order in which you deploy the WAR files for your web applications does not matter. However, if your deployment environment involves reverse proxy, there is a specific order you must follow. For more information see Modifying Default Security Behavior in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide.

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Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server

3. When deploying a web application with functionality shared between multiple WAR files, each WAR file must reside within the same level of the context path. 4. As a general rule, do not rename the WAR files.

Only two web applications can be renamed: InfoViewApp and CmcApp. To rename InfoViewApp you can rename the application using the web application server administration console. To rename CmcApp, you must update the appservice.url.default parameter in the web.xml file located in the WEB-INF directory of the CmcApp.war and CmcAppActions.war. Change CmcApp in the <param-value> tag shown below, to the new application name.
<context-param> <param-name>appservice.url.default</param-name> <param-value>/NewCMC/App/appService.jsp</param-value> </context-param>

To manually deploy web applications

Ensure that your web application server and CMS are both running. The following steps will deploy a web application on a web application server using the application server's administrative console. If the application server is located on a machine other than your BusinessObjects Enterprise machine, follow the steps in To prepare a manual deployment on a remote machine. The wdeploy tool must be used to generate deployable WAR files before they can be deployed to your web application server. 1. Run the wdeploy predeploy command to prepare a single web application, or wdeploy predeployall to prepare all web applications. Example 1: using wdeploy predeploy to prepare InfoViewApp for deployment to Tomcat.
wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_dir=C:\Tomcat5520 -Das_instance=localhost -Das_service_name=Tomcat55 -DAPP=InfoViewApp predeploy


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server


Example 2: using wdeploy predeployall to prepare all web applications for deployment to Tomcat.
wdeploy.bat tomcat55 -Das_dir=C:\Tomcat5520 -Das_instance=localhost -Das_service_name=Tomcat55 predeployall

The wdeploy command will prepare the web application files for deployment on the web application server. The wdeploy command creates WAR or EAR files in <INSTALLDIR>\de ployment\workdir\<appserver>\application unless you specify the -Dwork_dir parameter. 2. Follow the manual deployment procedure specific to your web application server. Your web applications can now be manually deployed on your web application server. Repeat these steps for any other web applications that need to be installed.
Related Topics

Where to find wdeploy on page 157 How to use wdeploy on page 159 Minimum user rights for deploying web applications on page 18 To prepare for manual deployment on a remote machine on page 201 Minimum user rights for deploying web applications on page 18

To prepare for manual deployment on a remote machine

Use the procedure below to manually deploy web applications to a remote machine. In this procedure Box 1 refers to the machine hosting your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation, and Box 2 is the remote machine on which no BusinessObjects Enterprise resources are currently installed. 1. Create on Box 2 the following directories.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server

<INSTALLDIR>\deployment\. The wdeploy folder will contain the

wdeploy scripts and configuration files.

<INSTALLDIR>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\applications\ <INSTALLDIR>\Performance Management 12.0\ <INSTALLDIR>\caf\

These directories reflect the default directory structure installed on Box 1.

Tip: Although you can customize the folder structure to meet your specific

requirements, it is recommended that you maintain files within the same folder structure or hierarchy in Box 2 as in Box 1. 2. Copy the following files from Box 1 to Box 2. Copy all the contents under <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\
Note: This content is also available on the product distribution media

under the following directory:


Tip: Remove the contents under <INSTALLDIR>/bobje/deploy

ment/workdir after the file copy if that folder is not empty.

Copy all the contents under <INSTALLDIR>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\applications From <INSTALLDIR>\Performance Management 12.0\ copy Init Config.properties Copy the contents of <INSTALLDIR>\caf\

3. Set the Java_Home environment variable to JDK 1.5 directory. 4. Configure the war file directory for each web application. If you keep all the war files in the same folder, you don't need to configure the war file directory for each web application, skip to step 5. a. Open the properties file under <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\apps and modify the properties file for each web application (e.g CrystalRe ports.properties). b. Enter the following parameter in a new line: war_dir The value of the parameter is the war file path name.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server


If you are going to deploy CrystalReports.war, you would set the value of war_dir in <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\apps\ CrystalReports.properties to
war_dir=C:\Program Files\ Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\applications\CrystalReports.war

c. Repeat steps a-b for all the web applications you want to deploy to your web application server. 5. Modify the wdeploy configuration file for your web application server. You must provide all the required information to enable wdeploy to prepare the WAR file for manual deployment. For example, to modify the configuration file for WebLogic 9, you would modify the file to:
as_dir=C:\bea92\user_projects\domains\base_domain as_instance=AdminServer as_admin_port=7001 as_admin_username=weblogic as_admin_password=weblogic

The configuration file is located in the following directory:<INSTALLDIR>\de ployment\config.<appserver>. 6. If the Performance Management 12.0 files you copied in step 2 are not located under the same folder structure as Box 1, to deploy Performance Management you must do the following: a. Extract PerformanceManagement.war from the following directory:
<INSTALLDIR>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\applications\

b. Set the af.configdir parameter in theweb.xml file to the location of the InitConfig.properties file. Theweb.xml file is located in: \PerformanceManagement\WEB-INF . The modified file should look like the example below.
<context-param> <param-name>af.configdir</param-name> <param-value>C:\Performance Management 12.0</param-value> </context-param>

c. Repackage the PerformanceManagement.war.

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Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server

7. Run the wdeploy script from its location in Box 2 by opening command line console and entering the following:
<INSTALLDIR>\deployment\wdeploy.bat <appserver> predeployall -Dwar_dir=<INSTALLDIR>\ BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\ applications\ >> <logfilename>.log

You can pass the -Dwar_dir (with the path to the WAR files) in the command line to specify the location from which wdeploy accesses non customized WAR files.
Tip: You can drop the deployable war files to non-default location by

passing the parameter -Dwork_dir=your desired location as part of the wdeploy command. 8. The wdeploy command creates WAR or EAR files in <INSTALLDIR>\de ployment\workdir\<appserver>\application unless you specify the -Dwork_dir parameter. Follow the manual deployment steps for your web application server. You are now prepared to manually deploy web applications on Box 2.
Related Topics

How to use wdeploy on page 159 Prerequisites for using wdeploy on page 157

After deploying web applications

To verify the web application server configuration, make sure that InfoView and the Central Management Console can be launched in a web browser. For example: http://WAS_HOSTNAME:PORT/INFOVIEW_CONTEXT http://WAS_HOSTNAME:PORT/CMC_CONTEXT Replace WAS_HOSTNAME with the hostname or IP address of your web application server, and PORT with the port number used for either HTTP or HTTPS communication. The default root context used for InfoView is In foViewApp; the default context used for the CMC is CmcApp.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server


Deploying with the Administration console

Deploying with the WebSphere administrative console
Ensure that your WebSphere web application server is installed, configured, and running before deploying WAR files. Log in to the "WebSphere Application Server Administration" console using the following URL: http://WAS_HOSTNAME:PORT/admin The WebSphere admininstration console's default port number is 9060. 1. Under the Applications heading of the console navigation menu, click Enterprise Applications on the left navigational pane. 2. Click the Install button and navigate to the location of the WAR file to deploy. 3. Enter a context root for the WAR file (e.g. CmcApp/ for CmcApp.war) and press the Next button, followed by Continue. 4. In "Step 1", give a unique name for your web application and proceed to "Step 2". 5. Highlight the server you created (or highlight server1 if you didn't create your own) from the Clusters and Servers and enable the Select checkbox. Proceed to "Step 3". 6. Select the virtual host you created (or default_host if you didn't create your own) from the Virtual Host drop-down list. Proceed to "Step 4". 7. Review the summary page, and press Finish when done. 8. Click Save to Master Configuration. 9. Click the Save link, then the Save button. 10. Under the Applications heading of the console navigation menu, click Enterprise Applications on the left navigational pane. 11. Verify that the WAR file was deployed, then click the Start button. Repeat steps 1-11 for each WAR file to deploy.
Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

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Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server

Disable WebSphere JSF implementation

If pages rendered by WebSphere do not show cached values correctly, it may be using its own version of the Java Server Faces (JSF) library, rather than the JSF implementation supplied with BusinessObjects Enterprise. To correct this problem, you must manually reconfigure WebSphere for each web application that uses JSF: CmcApp, CmcAppActions, and PlatformServices. To disable the JSF implementation supplied with WebSphere, follow the instructions below. 1. Log in to the "WebSphere Application Server Administration" console using the following URL: http://WAS_HOSTNAME:PORT/admin. The WebSphere administration console's default port number is 9060. 2. Browse to YOUR_WEB_APPLICATION > Manage Modules > YOUR_WEB_APPLICATION.war Replace YOUR_WEB_APPLICATION in the example above with the name of your web application. 3. Stop the web application, so its settings can be modified. 4. Select Classes loaded with application class loader first from the combo box. Restart the web application. 5. Repeat these steps for all other web applications that use JSF. Reload pages that display cached values. Cached values are now displayed correctly.

To deploy to a WebSphere cluster

To manually deploy BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications to a WebSphere web application cluster distributed over multiple machines, you need to deploy the web applications to the machine hosting the WebSphere Deployment Manager. Once all the required web applications have been installed, you can use the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console to separately deploy these applications to the cluster.
Tip: It is recommended that you install and configure a hardware or software

load balancer if running BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications on a WebSphere web application cluster. To configure the load balancer and cluster setup please consult your WebSphere documentation.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server


To deploy your web applications to a WebSphere cluster use the following general workflow: 1. If BusinessObjects Enterprise is installed to the same machine hosting the WebSphere Deployment Manager, skip to step 3. If BusinessObjects Enterprise and the WebSphere Deployment Manager runs on different machines, you must first copy the wdeploy tool and environment to the machine hosting the WebSphere administration server. If you plan to deploy PerformanceManagement.war to the WebSphere cluster, you must copy InitConfig.properties from <INSTALLDIR>\Performance Management 12.0\ to each managed server and ensure the file path of InitConfig.properties is matches the value specified for af.configdir param in web.xml in PerformanceMan agement.war as shown below:
<context-param> <param-name>af.configdir</param-name> <param-value>C:\Program Files\BusniessObjects\Per formance Management 12.0 </param-value> <context-param>

Note: The InitConfig.properties file should be located in C:\Program

Files\BusniessObjects\Performance Management 12.0 on each

machine hosting a managed WebSphere server. 2. Modify the config.websphere6 file located in the following directory: <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\. You need to specify information for the server administrating the cluster as shown in the following example.
as_dir=C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer as_admin_port=8779 as_virtual_host=default_host as_admin_is_secure=false enforce_file_limit=true

3. Open a command-line console and run the following command:

C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment> wdeploy.bat websphere6 predeployall

4. Open the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console. 5. Go to Applications > Enterprise Applications to separately install each web application you want to deploy from the following directory: :<INSTALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\websphere6\application\
Note: All web applications are stored as EAR modules.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server

6. Follow the Install new application steps in the console to install the web application
Note: In "Map modules to servers", make sure that you highlight the

target cluster and select the module to install before clicking Apply. 7. After installing the application, click Save. 8. Repeat steps 5-7 for each EAR file you want to install. 9. Go to System administration > Nodes and select the nodes in the cluster that are not indicated as synchronized 10. Click Synchronize. 11. Go to Applications > Enterprise Applications to start the application you just installed.
Related Topics

To deploy web applications on a remote machine on page 194

Deploying with the WebLogic administrative console

Ensure that your WebLogic web application server is installed, configured, and running before deploying WAR files. You must also have created a WebLogic domain in which to run BusinessObjects Enterprise. See your WebLogic documentation for information about creating a new domain.

Deployable web applications for WebLogic are in the following format in the wdeploy workdir folder: WebServices (ProcessBI and dswsbobje) are folders AnalyticalReporting and PerformanceManagement are EAR files Rest of WebApps are WAR files WebLogic deployments must use an extracted dswsbobje.war. See To deploy dswsbobje.war to WebLogic on page 211.

1. Open the "WebLogic Administrative Console" with a web browser at a http://WAS_HOSTNAME:PORT/console where WAS_HOSTNAME is the name of your WebLogic server and PORT_NUMBER is the port number on which the server listens. The "WebLogic Server Administration Console" web page is displayed. 2. In the left-hand navigation pane, click base_domain > Deployments .


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server


The "Summary of Deployments" page is displayed. 3. Click the Lock and Edit button in the left-hand pane. The domain is locked for editing. 4. Press the Install button and navigate to the WAR file you wish to deploy. When you've selected the file and specified any other parameters in the wizard, click the Finish button to deploy the file. The WAR file is deployed to the WebLogic server. 5. Press the Activate Changes button to apply you're the changes to the web application server. Your changes are saved. 6. When your WAR file has been deployed, you must press the Start button to initiate its execution. The web application you deployed will now start.
Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

To deploy to a WebLogic cluster

To manually deploy BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications to a WebLogic cluster distributed over multiple machines, you need to deploy the web applications to the machine hosting the WebLogic administration server. Once all the required web applications have been installed, you can use the WebLogic administration console to deploy these applications to the cluster.
Tip: It is recommended that you install and configure a hardware or software

load balancer if running BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications on a WebLogic web application cluster. To configure the load balancer and cluster setup please consult your WebLogic documentation. To deploy to a WebLogic cluster use the following general workflow: 1. After installing and setting up the WebLogic cluster, you need to create a WebLogic XML registry using the following default settings and target it to all managed servers as shown below:
Property Name Value Registry name

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server



Document Builder Facto- weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilder ry FactoryImpl SAX Parser Factory Transformer Factory weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFacto ryImpl weblogic.apache.xalan.processor.Transformer FactoryImpl

2. If BusinessObjects Enterprise is installed to the same machine hosting the WebLogic administration server, skip to step 6. If BusinessObjects Enterprise and the WebLogic administration server run on different machines, you must first copy the wdeploy tool and environment to the machine hosting the WebLogic administration server. If you plan to deploy PerformanceManagement.war to the WebLogic cluster, you must copy InitConfig.properties from <INSTALLDIR>\Performance Management 12.0\ to each managed server and ensure the file path of InitConfig.properties is matches the value specified for af.configdir param in web.xml in PerformanceMan agement.war as shown below:
<context-param> <param-name>af.configdir</param-name> <param-value>C:\Program Files\BusniessObjects\Per formance Management 12.0 </param-value> <context-param>

3. Modify the config.weblogic10 or the config.weblogic9 located in the following directory: <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\. You need to specify information for the server administrating the cluster as shown in the following example.
as_dir=c:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain as_instance=AdminServer as_admin_port=7001 as_admin_username=weblogic as_admin_password=password

4. Modify the PersistentStoreType setting in the weblogic.xml file located in the following directory:


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server


<INSTALLDIR>\deployment\templates\weblogic.xml. The modifiedweblogic.xml settings will look like the example below: <weblogic-web-app> <session-descriptor> <session-param> <param-name>PersistentStoreType</param-name> <param-value>replicated</param-value> </session-param> </session-descriptor>

5. Open a command-line console and run the following command:

C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment> wdeploy.bat weblogic10 predeployall

6. Use the WebLogic administration console to separately install each web application you want to deploy from the following directory: <INSTALLDIR>\deployment\workdir\weblogic10\application\. 7. In the "Select deployment targets" workflow select the cluster name and All servers in the cluster. 8. After the "Select deployment targets" is complete, select all the installed applications and go to Start > Servicing all requests.

Deploying the complex deployment scenario in this manual includes a step-by-step description of how to deploy web applications to a WebLogic 10 cluster.

Related Topics

To deploy the WAR files to WebLogic 10 on page 272 To prepare the WAR files for deployment on page 271

To deploy dswsbobje.war to WebLogic

Before deploying web services WAR file on a WebLogic application server, the user must extract dswsbobje.war. If the WAR file is not extracted and redeployed, web services applications may display the error message An XSD Exception occurred. 1. Extract dswsbobje.war to a directory on the WebLogic web application server.

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Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Log on to the "WebLogic Administration Console". Click Lock & Edit. Go to Domain Structure > Deployments and click Install. Browse to the extracted dswsbobje.war directory. Select the directory and click Next. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next. Verify the settings and click Finish. A message will be displayed when the dswsbobje.war web application has been successfully deployed. The list of web applications contains the dswsbobje web application. Select the dswsbobje web application and click Start. Click Activate Changes. Select the dswsbobje web application and click Start. Press OK to confirm the changes. The dswsbobje web application is started.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. Open the web application in a web browser to confirm that it now runs.
Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

Deploying with the Tomcat administrative console

Ensure that your Tomcat web application server is installed, configured, and running before deploying WAR files. Log on to the "Tomcat Manager Console". http://WAS_HOSTNAME:PORT/manager/html 1. Set the Context Path for the web application to be deployed. The context path must be the name of the WAR file, but without its extension. For example, to deploy a web application packaged as MyWebApplica tion.war, the context path must be MyWebApplication. 2. Set the XML Configuration File setting to be an XML file that contains the context path and document base. For example: <Context
docBase="<M>/WEB_APPLICATION.war" path="<context_path>" crossContext="false" debug="0" reloadable="false" trust ed="false"/>


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server


3. Enter the full path to the WAR file and press the Deploy button The WAR file you chose is deployed.
Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

Special considerations for deploying on Tomcat clusters

To manually deploy web applications to a Tomcat web application cluster distributed over multiple machines, you need to deploy the web applications on to each Tomcat instance. You can use the administrative console to deploy the BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications to the webapps subfolder in the Tomcat home directory for each server instance.
Tip: It is recommended that you install and configure a hardware or software

load balancer if running BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications on a Tomcat web application cluster. To configure the load balancer and cluster setup please consult your Tomcat documentation.

Deploying with the Oracle Application Server administrative console

Ensure that your Oracle Application Server web application server is installed, configured, and running before deploying WAR files. You must also have created an Oracle container for Java (OC4J) container in which to run BusinessObjects Enterprise. 1. Open the Oracle Application Server Enterprise Manager server page at http://WAS_HOSTNAME:PORT/em. Replace WAS_HOSTNAME with the hostname or IP address of your web application server, and PORT with the port number used for HTTP. The default port for Oracle Application Server is 7777. The Oracle Application Server Control page is displayed. 2. Click on the home OC4J container. The home group is displayed under the Groups heading. 3. In the home OC4J container, click on the Applications tab. Currently deployed web applications are displayed. 4. Click on the Deploy button. The Deploy: Select Archive window is displayed.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server

5. Ensure that the Archive is present on local host option is selected, unless the web application is already running on the server, in which case select Archive is already present on the server where Application Server Control is running. 6. Enter the full path, or browse, to the WAR file in the Archive Location field. 7. Press the Next button to advance to the next step in the WAR deployment wizard. Step 2 of 3, Deploy: Application Attributes is displayed. 8. Enter the application name and context root of the file you wish to deploy. By default, the context root will contain the application name. For example, for InfoView.war, the application name will be InfoView. When ready, press Next to proceed. The Step 3 of 3, Deploy: Deployment Settings page is displayed. 9. Select the class loading options you want enabled for the WAR file and press Next to proceed. If your application requires any class libraries, click on Configure Class Loading from the Deployment Tasks section. 10. In the Configure Web Module Class Loaders field, specify the location of JAR file containing the libraries. 11. Click on the Deploy button to complete the deployment. Check the output of the Progress Messages log field that web application has been deployed.
Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

Deploying with the JBoss administrative console

Ensure that your JBoss web application server is installed, configured, and running before deploying WAR files. The Java Server Faces (JSF) bundled with the JBoss web application servers must be disabled for the Central Management Console (CMC) and InfoView web clients to work correctly.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server


To disable JSF, the following directories must be removed and JBoss restarted: JBOSS_HOME\server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat55.sar\jsflibs

JBOSS_HOME\server\default\tmp JBOSS_HOME\server\default\work

Note: To use the Javalog4j logging included with BusinessObjects

Enterprise XI 3.0, refer to section 10.3.7 Using your own log4j.properties file - class loader scoping in the JBoss Development Process Guide: http://docs.jboss.org/process-guide/en/html/logging.html#d0e3341. The following deployment paths are based upon the different levels of service: JBOSS_HOME\server\all\deploy JBOSS_HOME\server\default\deploy JBOSS_HOME\server\minimal\deploy 1. Copy your WAR files to the appropriate context root sub-directory under one of the above paths, based upon the level of service provided by JBoss for your deployment. The web application will be automatically deployed by JBoss when the file is copied to the appropriate directory. 2. Check the JBoss server log, and you should see a message similar to the one shown below to confirm that the WAR deployment succeeded.
06:23:08,906 INFO;TomcatDeployer deploy, ctxPath=.../BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0/adminlaunch, warUrl=.../tmp/deploy/tmp38470admin-exp.war/ 06:23:09,562 INFO; [ReportSourceBridge] Servlet viewrpt started.

Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

Deploying with the SAP Application Server console

Ensure that your SAP Application Server web application server is installed, configured, and running before deploying WAR files. First, archive your web application server.

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Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server

1. Start the "Visual Administrator" tool by running go.bat from <SAP_HOME>\sap\J2E\JC01\j2ee\admin. Connect to your J2EE engine using the Administrator account. 2. In the "Visual Administrator", select the Cluster tab and expand the Server > Services > Deploy node within the J2E tree. 3. Click Deploy & Start in the Runtime tab of the right-hand pane. If you would like to start the web application manually later, click the Deploy button instead. 4. In the "Deploy & Start" dialog window that appears, select the EAR file archive you created earlier. Click OK when done. 5. In the "Deploy Dialog" window, verify the root context and display name properties. Press OK to deploy. The web application will now be deployed.
Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204

Deploying with the WebSphere Community Edition administrative console

Ensure that your WebSphere Community Edition web application server is installed, configured, and running before deploying web applications.
Note: The wdeploy command-line deployment tool currently does not support

deployment to WebSphere Community Edition. You can only deploy web applications using the WebSphere Community Edition administrative console. To deploy BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications with the administrative console, use the directory that contains the web application code directly:
<INSTALLDIR>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\applications

Log in to the WebSphere"Application Server Community Edition Administrative Console" using the following URL: http://WAS_HOST NAME:PORT/console The WebSphere Community Edition admin console's default port number is 8880. 1. Ensure the myfaces-deployer system module is turned off. Click on the System Modules link on the Console Navigation bar. Then click on the Expert User check box located at the top. Scroll down to find


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server


org.apache.geronimo.configs/myfaces-deployer/2.0.1/car and

click on the Stop link. The myfaces-deployer module is turned off. 2. Add a geronimo-web.xml file to the WEB-INF directory of each web application file. Here is a standard geronimo-web.xml file for use with CmcApp:
<web-app xmlns="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/j2ee/web1.2" xmlns:nam="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/naming-1.2" xmlns:sec="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/security-1.2" xmlns:sys="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/deployment-1.2"> <sys:environment> <sys:moduleId> <sys:groupId>com.businessobjects</sys:groupId> <sys:artifactId>CmcApp</sys:artifactId> <sys:version></sys:version> <sys:type>war</sys:type> </sys:moduleId> <sys:dependencies/> <sys:hidden-classes> <sys:filter>com.sun.faces</sys:filter> <sys:filter>javax.faces</sys:filter> </sys:hidden-classes> <sys:non-overridable-classes/> </sys:environment> <context-root>/CmcApp</context-root> </web-app>

Note: The sys:artifactId and context-root elements must be

updated with the name of the web application being deployed. For example, to add geronimo-web.xml to InfoViewApp, use <sys:artifac tId>InfoViewApp</sys:artifactId> and <context-root>/In foViewApp</context-root>. 3. Under the Applications heading of the console navigation menu, click Deploy New in the left navigational pane. 4. Click the Install New button to view the "Install New Applications" screen. 5. Click the archive Browse button and navigate to the location of the directory that contains the web application to deploy.
<INSTALLDIR>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\applica tions

6. Select any other options you want to use, such as Start app after install or Redeploy application.

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Post Installation Web Application Deployment Manually deploying to a web application server

7. Click Install to install the web application. After the web application is deployed, a list of installed web applications is displayed. 8. Verify that the web application was deployed. Repeat steps 2-5 for each application to deploy.
Related Topics

After deploying web applications on page 204


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios



Deployment Scenarios Overview of deployment scenarios

Overview of deployment scenarios

To improve your experience in installing and deploying BusinessObjects Enterprise this section provides three sample scenarios. These examples are for illustrative purposes. Each example includes a deployment diagram, key tasks, key configuration details, functional requirements and pre-conditions. The three scenarios focus on three deployment characteristics: Desktop client to server Basic n-tier Complex deployment

Desktop client to server scenario

Desktop client to server overview
This scenario illustrates a simple client to server scenario which involves a desktop client application - Desktop Intelligence - connecting to the BusinessObjects Enterprise back-end server behind a firewall.
System layers

Data Tier: one machine with existing database server Server Tier: one machine for hosting the framework servers and another for all other BusinessObjects servers Client Tier: one machine for installing and running Desktop Intelligence

Configuration details

A firewall exists between client and server tiers Only the ports required for the communication between the desktop client and the server tier are open on the firewall BusinessObjects servers are distributed over two machines.
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition

Installation platform for BusinessObjects Enterprise


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario


Database for Central Management Server (CMS) Web application server Firewall

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Not relevant Linux iptables

Desktop client to server diagram

The following diagram illustrates the system overview for the scenario once it is implemented.

Summary of required tasks

The desktop client to server deployment scenario involves the following tasks in the order listed below. 1. 2. 3. 4. Setting up the data tier. Setting up the server tier. Setting up the client tier. Setting up the firewall.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario

Deploying the desktop client to server scenario

To set up the data tier
This scenario calls for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 running on a supported Microsoft Windows operating system. Advanced administrative knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft Windows products is assumed. Install a version of Microsoft Windows with the appropriate service packs and updates required by Microsoft SQL Server 2005. If your CMS and database servers are installed on separate computers, ensure that you have a working network connection between the machines. 1. Install Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Make note of the following settings you use during the installation. You will need these settings when you come to install BusinessObjects Enterprise servers and clients.
Setting Name of database server instance Administrator account name Administrator account password Database character set encoding Example DBSERVER1_sql sa password UTF-8

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is now installed and ready to be used by BusinessObjects Enterprise. 2. Create or import a new database for the CMS, as well as auditing or Performance Management databases if required. Record the settings used for creating of the CMS database.
CMS database setting CMS database name Username for CMS database access Password for CMS database access Example BOE120 bobjuser mypassword


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario


A CMS database is now available for use. 3. Set up a DSN database connection on the machine hosting the CMS. On each system that needs to access the database, create a System DSN entry in the Microsoft Windows"ODBC Data Source Administrator" Control Panel tool. Enter the settings you used when you created the database above. Use Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) > System DSN > Add.... The server hosting the CMS is now able to communicate with the newly created Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database. You have set up the machine running the CMS with a database connection. The default listener port number used by SQL Server is 1433. The database port number must be entered during the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. Verify the network connectivity between the server hosting the CMS and the database server by attempting to connect to the database from the server hosting the CMS. This can be done from the Control Panel in Microsoft Windows under Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) > System DSN > BOE120 > Configure > Next > Next.
Note: This scenario does not include a network firewall between the CMS

and database servers.

Remember: The ability to connect to your database server may require a

change to the Windows Firewall settings on both machines.

To set up the server tier - framework servers

Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition has to be installed and running. You need administrative privileges on both machines that will host the BusinessObjects Enterprise server components. Designate a machine as SERVER 1 on which you will install framework servers. Designate second machine, SERVER 2, on which you will install all other server components. Follow the instructions below to install the framework servers. 1. Run setup.exe from the root directory of your product distribution. The "Please Choose Setup Language" dialog is displayed. 2. Select your language for the installation setup from the pull-down list provided and click OK.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario

The "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard" is displayed. 3. Click Next. The "License Agreement" screen is displayed. 4. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "User Information" screen is displayed. 5. Enter the requested information for Full Name, Organization, and Product Keycode. Click Next. The "Choose Language Packs" screen is displayed. 6. Select any Language Packs you want to install. Click Next.
Note: English is a required language and is automatically selected.

The "Install Type" screen is displayed 7. Left-click on the icon beside Server Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. 8. Choose Custom or Expand install. The "Select Features" screen is displayed. 9. Left-click on the icon beside Web Tier Components and select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive. 10. Left-click on the icon beside Client Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. The Client Components icon changes to .

11. Expand Server Components. a. Left-click on the icon beside Central Configuration Manager and select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive. b. Left-click on the icon beside Central Management Server and select Will be installed on local hard drive. The Central Management Server option will be installed but not the two subfeatures listed under the item: MySQL and Auditing. c. Left-click on the icon beside Event Server and select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive. d. Left-click on the icon beside Input File Repository Server and select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive. e. Left-click on the icon beside Output File Repository Server and select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario


f. Click Next. The "CMS Clustering" screen is displayed. 12. Select Yes, enter information for the new CMS Fields are provided for you to enter and confirm a password for the CMS Administrator.

13. Enter BOBJ_admin in both CMS Administrator Password and Confirm Password. 14. Click Next. The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is displayed. 15. Enter SIA_1 in the Node Name field and click Next. The "CMS Database Information" screen is displayed. 16. Select SQL Server (ODBC) from the Select existing CMS database drop-down list and click Browse. The "SQL Server Logon" screen is displayed. 17. 18. Enter the following SQL Server user information and then click Next.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario

a. Select my company database as the data source. b. Enter bobjuser as your Login ID and password as your Password. c. Select BOE120 from the Database drop-down list.

d. Click OK. You are returned to the "CMS Database Information" screen. 19. Click Next. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. 20. Click Next to start the installation.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario


Click Finish once the following screen is displayed.

Click Finish once the following screen is displayed. You must now install all remaining BusinessObjects Enterprise server components on SERVER 2.

To add servers to the server tier

You need to install the framework servers on SERVER 1 before you can add any servers to the server tier. Use the following instructions to add BusinessObjects Enterprise servers to the CMS cluster you have installed on SERVER 1. 1. Run setup.exe from the root directory of your product distribution. The "Please Choose Setup Language" dialog is displayed.
Note: If you are installing from a CD and if the Autoplay is enabled for

your CD-ROM drive, the Autorun program will start automatically. 2. Select your language for the installation setup from the pull-down list provided and click OK.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario

The "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard" is displayed. 3. Click Next. The "License Agreement" screen is displayed. 4. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "User Information" screen is displayed. 5. Enter the requested information for Full Name, Organization, and Product Keycode. Click Next. The "Chose Language Packs" screen is displayed. 6. Select any Language Packs you want to install. Click Next.
Note: English is a required language and is automatically selected.

The "Install Type" screen is displayed 7. Choose Custom or Expand install. The "Select Features" screen is displayed. 8. Left-click on the icon beside Client Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. The Client Components icon changes to .

9. Left-click on the icon beside Web Tier Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. 10. Expand Server Components. a. Left-click on the icon beside Central Configuration Manager and select Entire feature will be unavailable . b. Left-click on the icon beside Central Management Server and select Entire feature will be unavailable. c. Left-click on the icon beside Event Server and select Entire feature will be unavailable. d. Left-click on the icon beside Input File Repository Server and select select Entire feature will be unavailable. e. Left-click on the icon beside Output File Repository Server and select Entire feature will be unavailable.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario


After implementing the selections, the "Select Features" screen should appear as shown in the following image.

11. Click Next. The "CMS Clustering" screen is displayed. 12. Enter SERVER1 for CMS Host Name, and password in both CMS Administrator Password and Confirm password. 13. Click Next. The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is displayed. 14. Enter SIA_2 in the Node Name field and click Next. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. 15. Click Next to start the installation. 16. Click Finish once the following screen is displayed.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario

To assign static port values to servers

Access the Central Management Console (CMC) on the machine named SERVER1. Use the machine you designated to run the client tier, and open a browser and type in the following URL: http://SERVER1:8080/Cm cApp/App/. You need to assign static port values to the following servers:
Server name SIA_1.CentralManagementServer SIA_1.InputFileRepository SAI_1.OutputFileRepository

1. Type the following configuration information and click Log On.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario


Field System User Name Password Authentication Type

Required configuration information SERVER1 Administrator BOBJ_admin Enterprise

The CMC Home page is displayed. 2. Click Servers under the "Organize" column. A list of all available servers is displayed in a new screen. 3. Double-click the SIA_1.CentralManagementServer entry. The SIA_1.CentralManagementServer properties are displayed. 4. Deselect Auto assign and type 6402 in Request Port under "Common Settings". 5. Click Save & Close. The list of available servers is displayed again. 6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the following servers:
Server name SIA_1.InputFileRepository SIA_1.OutputFileRepository Port number to specify 6404 6406

You will need to pass the port numbers - 6402, 6404, and 6406 - when configuring the firewall.

To configure the firewall

The iptables firewall is running on a supported Red Hat Linux operating system with two network interface cards (NIC). One network card (interface eth0) is connected to an internal secure network, the other (interface eth1) is connected to an external unsecure network, such as the internet.
Note: Advanced administrative knowledge of Red Hat Linux products is

required for these steps.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario

The following steps illustrate how to forward requests from clients on an unsecure external (interface eth1) network to the server tier running on a secure, firewalled network (interface eth0). 1. Log in to your Red Hat Linux server.
Note: As iptables is configured from the command-line, you need root

priviliges. This can be achieved with the su or sudo commands, by becoming a member of the admin group, or by logging in as the root user. 2. Determine the network IP address, interface, and media access card (MAC) information for each NIC in your system.
Tip: The command ifconfig -a will display network interface

information. Record the network information in a safe place. 3. Add exceptions to the iptables firewall rules that forward incoming client requests to the server tier on the appropriate ports. For example, the sever named CMS Server uses two port numbers to communicate with clients. You must forward both ports on the firewall's external NIC to the CMS server connected to the internal NIC.
Note: This must be done for each port used by every server you want

accessible from outside your network. Typical servers used by external clients include the CMS, Desktop Intelligence, and the Connection Server. In this scenario, four ports must be forwarded to the server tier from external clients on the external network (eth1): CMS Name Server port: 6400. CMS Request port: 6402. Input File Repository Server (FRS) port: 6404. Output FRS port 6406.
Tip: To determine which ports are used by servers, open the Central

Management Console (CMC) and go to Servers > Central Management Server > your server and note the number for Request Port and Name Server Port. Clients on an unsecured network outside the firewall can now access the server tier through the firewall.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario


To set up the client tier

Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition has to be installed and running on the machine on which you will install Desktop Intelligence. Follow the steps below to Desktop Intelligence and 1. Run setup.exe from the root directory of your product distribution. 2. Click Install to launch the installation setup program. "Please Choose Setup Language" is displayed.

3. Select the language for the installation setup from the pull-down list provided and click OK.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario

The "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard" is displayed after you specify a language for the installation setup.

4. Click Next to proceed with the installation setup. The "License Agreement" screen is displayed.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario


5. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "Choose Language Packs" screen is displayed. 6. Select the language packs and click Next. The "Directory Selection" screen is displayed.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario

7. Accept the default directory by clicking "Next". The "Select Features" screen is displayed. 8. Left-click on the icon beside Client Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. The Client Components icon changes to 9. Expand Client Components and left- click on Desktop Intelligence.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario


10. Select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive and click Next. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. 11. Click Next to start the installation. The installation process begins and is completed once "BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Client Tool has been successfully installed" is displayed.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario

12. Click Finish. The Desktop Intelligence is now installed on your machine. 13. Go to Programs > BusinessObjects XI 3.0 > BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Tools > Desktop Intelligence The "User Identification" dialog is displayed. 14. Provide the following information: a. Type SERVER1 for System. b. Type Administrator for User Name. c. Type password for Password.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Desktop client to server scenario


The "New Report Wizard" is displayed.

15. Select Generate a standard report and click Begin.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario

Basic N-tier scenario

N-tier scenario overview
This section describes how to setup a scenario in which a web browser accesses BusinessObjects Enterprise system through web applications.
System layers

Data Tier: One machine used to host the database server. Server Tier: Three machines hosting the framework, processing and performance management (PMC) servers. Web Tier: One machine in hosting the web application server. Client Tier: One machine running the Live Office application.

Configuration details Installation platform for BusinessObjects Enterprise Database for Central Management Server (CMS) Web application server Firewall Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition Oracle 10g R2 Oracle 10g R3 Linux iptables

Basic n-tier diagram

The following diagram illustrates the system overview for the scenario once it is implemented.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario


Summary of required tasks

The basic n-tier deployment scenario involves the following tasks in the order listed below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Setting up the data tier Setting up the server tier Setting up the web tier Setting up the firewall Setting up the client tier

Deploying the N-tier scenario

To set up the data tier
The following steps require that you have already installed a version of Microsoft Windows that meets the installation requirements for Oracle 10g R2. Advanced administrative knowledge of Oracle and Microsoft Windows products is assumed.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario

This database will be used to hold CMS data. Additional database will be created for auditing or performance management if required. If your CMS and database servers are installed on separate computers, ensure that you have a working network connection between the machines.
Note: In addition to databases for CMS, auditing, or performance

management, you also require access to your existing corporate reporting database. This is the database that hosts your organization's data, against which BusinessObjects Enterprise applications run. 1. Install Oracle 10g R2. Make note of the following settings you use during the installation. You will need these settings when you come to install BusinessObjects Enterprise servers and clients.
Setting Name of database server Administrator account name Administrator account password Database character set encoding Example BOE120 bobjuser password UTF-8

An Oracle database is now installed and ready to be used by BusinessObjects Enterprise. 2. Create or import a new tablespace for the CMS, as well as auditing or Performance Management databases if required. Record the settings used for creating of the CMS database.
CMS database setting Username for CMS tablespace access Password for CMS tablespace access System privileges for user access Example mycompanyuser mypassword create table, create session, create procedure

A CMS tablespace is now available for use.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario


3. Create or import a new tablespace for the auditing database, if required. Record the settings used for creating of the auditing tablespace.
Auditing database setting Example

Username for auditing tablespace audituser access Password for auditing tablespace auditpassword access System privileges for user access create table, create session, create procedure

An auditing database is now available for use. 4. Create or import a new tablespace for the Performance Management tablespace, if required. Record the settings used for creating of the Performance Management tablespace.
Performance Management database setting Performance Management database name Example bobjpm

Username for PM database ac- pmuser cess Password for PM database ac- pmpassword cess System privileges for user access create table, create session, create procedure

A Performance Management tablespace is now available for use. 5. Install the Oracle database drivers onto all CMS servers, and any clients that need direct database access. Your CMS server machines are now able to communicate with your newly created Oracle 10g R2 databases. You have set up CMS, auditing, and performance management databases, as required. You have also installed a file repository server network-shared

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario

directory. The default listener port number used by Oracle is 1521. The database port number must be entered during the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. Verify the connectivity between your CMS and database machines by attempting to connect to the database from the CMS machine(s).
Note: This scenario includes a network firewall between the client browser

and web application server. Ensure that this firewall is configured appropriately.
Remember: The ability to connect to your database server from your CMS

server may require a change to the Windows Firewall settings on both machines.

To set up the server tier

Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition has to be installed and running on the three machines running the server tier. You need administrative privileges on the three machines that will host the BusinessObjects Enterprise servers. Designate the machines SERVER1, SERVER2, and SERVER3. Follow the instructions below to install all the servers on SERVER1. 1. Run setup.exe from the root directory of your product distribution. The "Please Choose Setup Language" dialog is displayed. 2. Select your language for the installation setup from the pull-down list provided and click OK. The "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard" is displayed. 3. Click Next. The "License Agreement" screen is displayed. 4. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "User Information" screen is displayed. 5. Enter the requested information for Full Name, Organization, and Product Keycode. Click Next. The "Chose Language Packs" screen is displayed. 6. Select any Language Packs you want to install. Click Next. The "Install Type" screen is displayed


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario


7. Select New and Use an existing database server in the "Install Type" screen. Click Next. The Server Components Configuration screen is displayed. 8. Enter password in both Password and Confirm password. Click Next.. The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is displayed. 9. Enter SIA_1 in Node Name and click Next. The "CMS Database Information" screen is displayed. 10. Select Oracle from the CMS database drop-down list. The "SQL Server Logon" screen is displayed. 11. In the fields provided provide the following configuration for your Oracle database:
Setting Server Username Password value DBSERVER1_ora mycompanyuser mypassword

12. Select Auditing Database and repeat steps 10-11. 13. Select the Install Tomcat application server option and click Next. The "Configure Tomcat" screen is displayed 14. Do not modify any of the values in the input fields and click Next. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. 15. Click Next to start the installation. The installation process begins and is completed when "BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 has been successfully installed" is displayed. 16. Select Launch BusinessObjects Administration Console and click Finish to exit. A new browser window opens and within a few seconds you are prompted to log into the Central Management Console (CMC). 17. Verify the connectivity between the BusinessObjects CMS and your MS SQL server by logging onto the CMC. a. Type SERVER1 in System. b. Type Administrator in User name .

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario

c. Type password in Password. d. Click Log On to access the CMC. Accessing the CCM home page, verifies that the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS is communicating with the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database server. You must now install another set of BusinessObjects Enterprise servers on the machine designated SERVER2.

To add processing servers to cluster

You need to install the framework servers on SERVER 1 before you can add any servers on SERVER2. Use the following instructions to install BusinessObjects Enterprise servers to SERVER2. 1. Run setup.exe from the root directory of your product distribution. The "Please Choose Setup Language" dialog is displayed. 2. Select your language for the installation setup from the pull-down list provided and click OK. 3. Click Next in the "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard". The "License Agreement" screen is displayed. 4. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "User Information" screen is displayed. 5. Enter the requested information for Full Name, Organization, and Product Keycode. Click Next. The "Chose Language Packs" screen is displayed. 6. Select any Language Packs you want to install. Click Next. The "Install Type" screen is displayed 7. Choose Custom or Expand install. The "Select Features" screen is displayed. 8. Left-click on the icon beside Client Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. The Client Components icon changes to .

9. Left-click on the icon beside Web Tier Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario


10. Expand Server Components. a. Left-click on the icon beside Central Configuration Manager and select Entire feature will be unavailable . b. Left-click on the icon beside Event Server and select Entire feature will be unavailable. c. Left-click on the icon beside Input File Repository Server and select select Entire feature will be unavailable. d. Left-click on the icon beside Output File Repository Server and select Entire feature will be unavailable. e. Left-click Dashboard and Analytics Servers and select Entire feature will be unavailable. f. Left-click Central Management Server and select Entire feature will be unavailable. . After implementing the selections, the "Select Features" screen should appear as shown in the following image.

11. Click Next. The "CMS Clustering" screen is displayed. 12. Enter SERVER1 for CMS Host Name, 6400 for Existing CMS Port, and password for CMS Administrator Password.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario

13. Click Next. The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is displayed. 14. Enter SIA_2 in the Node Name field and click Next. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. 15. Click Next to start the installation. 16. Click Finish once the following screen is displayed.

To add PMC servers to the cluster

You need to install the framework servers on SERVER 1 before you can add any servers to the server tier. Use the following instructions to add BusinessObjects Enterprise servers to SERVER3. 1. Run setup.exe from the root directory of your product distribution. The "Please Choose Setup Language" dialog is displayed. 2. Select your language for the installation setup from the pull-down list provided and click OK. 3. Click Next in the "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard".


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario


The "License Agreement" screen is displayed. 4. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "User Information" screen is displayed. 5. Enter the requested information for Full Name, Organization, and Product Keycode. Click Next. The "Chose Language Packs" screen is displayed. 6. Select any Language Packs you want to install. Click Next. The "Install Type" screen is displayed 7. Choose Custom or Expand install. The "Select Features" screen is displayed. 8. Left-click on the icon beside Client Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. The Client Components icon changes to .

9. Left-click on the icon beside Web Tier Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. 10. Left-click on the icon beside Server Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. 11. Expand Server Components. Left-click Dashboard and Analytics Servers and select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive. 12. Click Next. The "CMS Clustering" screen is displayed. 13. Enter SERVER1 for CMS Host Name, 6400 for Existing CMS Port, and password for CMS Administrator Password. 14. Click Next. The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is displayed. 15. Enter SIA_3 in the Node Name field and click Next. 16. Select Oracle from the CMS database drop-down list. The "SQL Server Logon" screen is displayed. 17. Select Auditing Database and repeat steps 10-11. 18. Click Next to start the installation. 19. Click Finish once the following screen is displayed.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario

To set up the web tier

You need to install and configure Oracle Application Server 10g R3 on a machine running Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition. To configure the application use the following setup parameters.
Setup parameter Port Username Password Server Instance Installation Directory value 8080 admin oracle WEBSERVER1 c:\product\10.1.3\Oracle_AS1

Use the following steps to install the web applications to the managedserver1 machine.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario


1. Run setup.exe from the root directory of your product distribution. The "Please Choose Setup Language" dialog is displayed. 2. Select your language for the installation setup from the pull-down list provided and click OK. The "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard" is displayed. 3. Click Next in the "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard". The "License Agreement" screen is displayed. 4. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "User Information" screen is displayed. 5. Enter the requested information for Full Name, Organization, and Product Keycode. Click Next. The "Chose Language Packs" screen is displayed. 6. Select any Language Packs you want to install. Click Next. The "Install Type" screen is displayed 7. Choose Web Tier and click Next . The "Select Features" screen is displayed. 8. Expand Web Tier Components. 9. Left-click on the icon beside Tomcat and select Entire Feature will be unavailable. Click Next. The "CMS Clustering" screen is displayed. 10. Type SERVER1 for Existing CMS Hostname, 6400 for Existing CMS Port, and password for CMS Administrator Password. Click Next.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario

The "Select Web Application Server" screen is displayed. 11. Choose Oracle Application Server 10g R3 from list of supported web application servers and click Next.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario


The "Configure Web Application Server" screen is displayed. 12. Type 8080 for Port, admin for Username, password for Password, and WEBSERVER1 for Server Instance.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario

13. Click Next twice to start the installation. The installation process begins and is completed when "BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 has been successfully installed" is displayed. 14. Click Finish to exit.

To configure the firewall

The iptables firewall is running on a supported Red Hat Linux operating system with two network interface cards (NIC). One network card (interface eth0) is connected to an internal secure network, the other (interface eth1) is connected to an external unsecure network, such as the internet.
Note: Advanced administrative knowledge of Red Hat Linux products is

required for these steps. The following steps illustrate how to forward requests from clients on an unsecure external (interface eth1) network to port 8080 on for a Oracle Application Server 10g R3 web application server running on a secure, firewalled network (interface eth0).


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Basic N-tier scenario


1. Log in to your Red Hat Linux server.

Note: As iptables is configured from the command-line, you need root

priviliges. This can be achieved with the su or sudo commands, by becoming a member of the admin group, or by logging in as the root user. 2. Determine the network IP address, interface, and media access card (MAC) information for each NIC in your system.
Tip: The command ifconfig -a will display network interface

information. Record the network information in a safe place. 3. Add an exception to the iptables firewall rules that forwards incoming client requests on port 8080 to port 8080 on the web application server. Clients on an unsecured network outside the firewall can now access the web application server through the firewall on port 8080.

To set up the client tier

You need to install Microsoft Office 2003 on the machine on which you run the client tier. 1. Insert the BusinessObjects Live Office XI 3.0 CD into your computer CD-ROM drive. 2. Choose your preferred language for the installation setup from the list on the left and click Install. The Live Office Installation Wizard is displayed. 3. Follow the on-screen instructions in the Live Office Installation Wizard to complete the installation procedure. 4. Click Start > Programs > Microsoft Office, and select Microsoft Excel, Word, or PowerPoint to launch the application. 5. Click LiveOffice > Options > Enterprise. 6. When the Options dialog box appears, enter your BusinessObjects Enterprise credential in the following fields: User name Password

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

7. Enter http://WEBSERVER1:8080/dswsbobje/services/session in the Web Service URL and System fields. 8. Select the Enterprise authentication method from the drop-down list, click Log On and then click OK.

Complex deployment scenario

Complex deployment overview
The following scenario illustrates an end to end scenario which combines split web and server tiers. The web tier contains a load balancer and clustered web applications clustered on two separate machines. The server tier comprises clustered Central Management (CMS) and File Repository servers, and multiple instances of the remaining servers clustered on two separate machines..
System layers

Data Tier: contains databases used by the CMS and File Repository servers. Server Tier: all BusinessObjects Enterprise servers installed on two machine running as a cluster. Web Tier: two web application servers installed on separate machines running as a cluster with fail- over support through load balancer. Client Tier: a browser used to log into Central Management Console (CMC).

Configuration details Installation platform for BusinessObjects Enterprise Database for Central Management Server (CMS) Web application server Load balancer Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition Microsoft SQL Server 2005 WebLogic 10 Cisco CSS 11500 series load balancer


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario



Linux iptables running on Red Hat Linux with two network interface cards (NIC)

Complex deployment diagram

The following diagram illustrates the system overview for the scenario once it is implemented.

Summary of required tasks

The complex deployment scenario involves the following tasks in the order listed below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Setting up the data tier Setting up the server tier Setting up the web tier Configuring the load balancer Setting up the firewall Setting up the client tier

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

Deploying the complex deployment scenario

To set up the data tier
This scenario calls for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 running on a supported Microsoft Windows operating system. In the examples below, this database system is named DBSERVER1. Install a version of Microsoft Windows with the appropriate service packs and updates required by Microsoft SQL Server 2005. If your CMS and database servers are installed on separate computers, ensure that you have a working network connection between the machines. 1. Install Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Make note of the following settings you use during the installation. You will need these settings when you come to install BusinessObjects Enterprise servers and clients.
Setting Name of database server instance Administrator account name Administrator account password Database character set encoding Example DBSERVER1_sql sa password UTF-8

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is now installed and ready to be used by BusinessObjects Enterprise. 2. Create or import a new database for the CMS, as well as auditing or Performance Management databases if required. Record the settings used for creating of the CMS database.
CMS database setting CMS database name Username for CMS database access Password for CMS database access Example BOE120 bobjuser mypassword


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


A CMS database is now available for use. 3. Create or import a new database for auditing database, if required. Record the settings used for creating of the auditing database.
Auditing database setting Auditing database name Username for auditing database access Password for auditing database access Example bobjaudit audituser auditpassword

An auditing database is now available for use. 4. Create or import a new database for Performance Management database, if required. Record the settings used for creating of the Performance Management database.
Performance Management database setting Performance Management database name Username for PM database access Password for PM database access Example bobjpm pmuser pmpassword

A Performance Management database is now available for use. 5. Set up a DSN database connection on the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS and any clients that need direct database access. On each system that needs to access the database, create a System DSN entry in the Microsoft "ODBC Data Source Administrator" Control Panel tool. Enter the settings you used when you created the database(s) above. Your CMS server are now able to communicate with your newly created Microsoft SQL Server 2005 databases. You have set up CMS, auditing, and performance management databases, as required. You have also installed a file repository server network-shared directory. The default listener port number used by SQL Server is 1433. The database port number must be entered during the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

Verify the connectivity between your CMS and database machines by attempting to connect to your database(s) from the CMS server(s) after installing BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Note: This scenario does not include a network firewall between the CMS

and database servers.

Remember: The ability to connect to your database server from your CMS

server may require a change to the Windows Firewall settings on both machines.

To set up the server tier

Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition has to be installed and running. You need administrative privileges on both machines that will host the BusinessObjects Enterprise servers. Designate one machine SERVER1 and the other SERVER2. Follow the instructions below to install all the servers on SERVER1. 1. Run setup.exe from the root directory of your product distribution. The "Please Choose Setup Language" dialog is displayed. 2. Select your language for the installation setup from the pull-down list provided and click OK. The "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard" is displayed. 3. Click Next. The "License Agreement" screen is displayed. 4. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "User Information" screen is displayed. 5. Enter the requested information for Full Name, Organization, and Product Keycode. Click Next. The "Chose Language Packs" screen is displayed. 6. Select any Language Packs you want to install. Click Next. The "Install Type" screen is displayed 7. Select New and Use an existing database server in the "Install Type" screen. Click Next. The Server Components Configuration screen is displayed.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


8. Enter password in both Password and Confirm password. Click Next.. The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is displayed. 9. Enter SIA_1 in Node Name and click Next. The "CMS Database Information" screen is displayed. 10. Select SQL Server (ODBC) from the CMS database drop-down list and click Browse. The "SQL Server Logon" screen is displayed. 11. Input your Microsoft SQL Server user credentials through the preconfigured ODBC DSN. a. Select my company database from the list under Data Source Name. b. Enter bobjuser and paword in the Login ID and Password fields. c. Select BOE120 from the list under Database.

d. Click OK to validate and save your user credential information. The "CMS Database Information" screen is once again displayed. 12. Select Auditing Database and repeat steps 10-11 to configure user credentials through the ODBC DSN for the auditing database. When ODBC DSN is displayed in the "CMS Database Information" screen click Next.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

The "Select Web Application Server" screen is displayed. 13. Select the Install Tomcat application server option and click Next. The "Configure Tomcat" screen is displayed 14. Do not modify any of the values in the input fields and click Next. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. 15. Click Next to start the installation. The installation process begins and is completed when "BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 has been successfully installed" is displayed. 16. Select Launch BusinessObjects Administration Console and click Finish to exit. A new browser window opens and within a few seconds you are prompted to log into the Central Management Console (CMC). 17. Verify the connectivity between the BusinessObjects CMS and your MS SQL Server by logging onto the CMC. a. Type SERVER1 in System. b. Type Administrator in User name . c. Type password in Password. d. Click Log On to access the CMC. Accessing the CCM home page, verifies that the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS is communicating with the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database server. You must now install another set of BusinessObjects Enterprise servers on the machine designated SERVER2.

To set up a CMS cluster

Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition has to be installed and running. You need administrative privileges on the SERVER2 machine. Follow the instructions below to install BusinessObjects Enterprise server components which will be clustered to the CMS you installed on SERVER1. 1. Run setup.exe from the root directory of your product distribution. The "Please Choose Setup Language" dialog is displayed. 2. Select your language for the installation setup from the pull-down list provided and click OK.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


The "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard" is displayed. 3. Click Next. The "License Agreement" screen is displayed. 4. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "User Information" screen is displayed. 5. Enter the requested information for Full Name, Organization, and Product Keycode. Click Next. The "Chose Language Packs" screen is displayed. 6. Select any Language Packs you want to install. Click Next. The "Install Type" screen is displayed 7. Choose Custom or Expand and click Next. The "Select Features" screen is displayed. 8. Configure the screen as follows: a. Left-click on the icon beside Client Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. b. Left-click on the icon beside Web Tier Components and select Entire feature will be unavailable. c. Expand Server Components > Central Management Server. d. Left-click on the icon beside MySQL and select Entire Feature will be unavailable. e. Left-click on the icon beside Auditor and select Entire Feature will be unavailable. f. Click Next. The "CMS Cluster" screen is displayed. 9. Select the If No...option and provide the following configuration details a. Type 6401 in New CMS Port. b. Type SERVER1 in Existing CMS Hostname. c. Type 6400 in Existing CMS Port. d. Type password in CMS Administrator Password and click Next.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is displayed. 10. Type SIA_2 in Node Name and 6415 in Port. Click Next. The "CMS Database Information" screen is displayed. 11. Select SQL Server (ODBC) from the CMS database drop-down list and click Browse. The "SQL Server Logon" screen is displayed. 12. Input your Microsoft SQL Server user credentials through the preconfigured ODBC DSN. a. Select my company database from the list under Data Source Name. b. Enter bobjuser and paword in the Login ID and Password fields. c. Select BOE120 from the list under Database.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


d. Click OK to validate and save your user credential information. The "CMS Database Information" screen is once again displayed. 13. Select Auditing Database and repeat steps 10-11 to setup configure user credentials through the ODBC DSN for the auditing database. When ODBC DSN is displayed in the "CMS Database Information" screen click Next. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. 14. Click Next to start the installation. The installation process begins and is completed when "BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 has been successfully installed" is displayed. 15. Click Finish to exit.

To cluster File Repository servers

You need to create a Filestore folder on SERVER1 in the following directory: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\FileRep. This folder will store data for the File Repository servers installed on SERVER1 and SERVER2. The folder must contain two subfolders: Input and Output. You have to enable sharing for the Filestore folder and set Full, Change, and Read permissions for Everyone. Name

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

the shared folder FileRep. You must be logged into the Central Management Console on SERVER1 for the procedure below. To complete the server tier setup, you must cluster all the File Repository servers. 1. Click Servers under the "Organize" column. A list of all available servers is displayed in a new screen. 2. Double-click the SIA_1.InputFileRepository entry. The SIA_1.InputFileRepository properties are displayed. 3. Replace the current value in the FileStore Directory field by typing
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\FileRep\Input\ .

4. Click Save. 5. Repeat steps 2-3 for the servers listed in the following table and provide the specific configuration for each server.
Server name SIA_2.InputFileRepository SIA_1.OutputFileRepository SIA_2.OutputFileRepository FileStore Directory setting \\Server1\FileRep\Input\ C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\FileRep\Output\ \\Server1\FileRep\Output\

The server tier setup is now complete. You should now set up the web tier.

To assign static port values to servers

Access the Central Management Console (CMC) on the machine named SERVER1. Use the machine you designated to run the client tier, and open a browser and type in the following URL: http://SERVER1:8080/Cm cApp/App/. You need to assign static port values to the following servers:
Server name SIA_1.CentralManagementServer


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


Server name SIA_1.InputFileRepository SAI_1.OutputFileRepository

1. Type the following configuration information and click Log On.

Field System User Name Password Authentication Type Required configuration information SERVER1 Administrator BOBJ_admin Enterprise

The CMC Home page is displayed. 2. Click Servers under the "Organize" column. A list of all available servers is displayed in a new screen. 3. Double-click the SIA_1.CentralManagementServer entry. The SIA_1.CentralManagementServer properties are displayed. 4. Deselect Auto assign and type 6402 in Request Port under "Common Settings". 5. Click Save & Close. The list of available servers is displayed again. 6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the following servers:
Server name SIA_1.InputFileRepository SIA_1.OutputFileRepository Port number to specify 6404 6406

You will need to pass the port numbers - 6402, 6404, and 6406 - when configuring the firewall.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

To prepare your web application servers

Before setting up the BusinessObjects Enterprise web tier you need to install and prepare your web application servers. For this scenario you require two machines running on Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition. Designate one machine managedserver1 and the other managedserver2. 1. Install WebLogic 10 on both managedserver1 and managedserver2 . For more information consult your WebLogic 10 documentation. 2. Configure the WebLogic 10 server names on each machine according to the machine name. The server on managedserver1 is called managedserver1, and the server on managedserver2 is called managedserver2. 3. Create a cluster on the machine running managedserver1 with the following settings
Setting Cluster name Administration server Managed servers Value cluster1 AdminServer

managedserver1 managedserver2

AdminServer listen port managedserver1 listen port managedserver2 listen port Username for AdminServer Password for AdminServer

8001 7001 7001 weblogic password

For more information on how to create a cluster on WebLogic see your WebLogic 10 documentation. 4. Create a WebLogic XML Registry for each server using the following entries:


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


Property Name

Value BusinessObjects

Document Builder Facto- weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilder ry FactoryImpl SAX Parser Factory Transformer Factory weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFacto ryImpl weblogic.apache.xalan.processor.Transformer FactoryImpl

For more information on WebLogic XML registries see your WebLogic 10 documentation. You can now proceed to install the web applications and setup the BusinessObjects Enterprise web tier.

To install the web applications

Use the following steps to install the web applications to the managedserver1 machine. 1. Run setup.exe from the root directory of your product distribution. The "Please Choose Setup Language" dialog is displayed. 2. Select your language for the installation setup from the pull-down list provided and click OK. The "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard" is displayed. 3. Click Next in the "Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation Wizard" . . The "License Agreement" screen is displayed. 4. Select I accept the License Agreement and click Next. The "User Information" screen is displayed. 5. Enter the requested information for Full Name, Organization, and Product Keycode. Click Next. The "Chose Language Packs" screen is displayed. 6. Select any Language Packs you want to install. Click Next. The "Install Type" screen is displayed

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

7. Choose Web Tier and click Next . The "Select Features" screen is displayed. 8. Expand Web Tier Components. 9. Left-click on the icon beside Tomcat and select Entire Feature will be unavailable. Click Next. The "CMS Clustering" screen is displayed. 10. Enter the requested information for the CMS on SERVER1 in the fields provided and click Next. Type SERVER1, 6400, and password. C

The "Select Web Application Server" screen is displayed. 11. Choose WebLogic 10 from list of supported web application servers.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


12. Select I will manually deploy web components at a later time and click Next. The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. 13. Click Next to start the installation. The installation process begins and is completed when "BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 has been successfully installed" is displayed. 14. Click Finish to exit. The WAR files used to deploy the web applications have to be prepared before you can deploy them to your WebLogic 10 cluster.

To prepare the WAR files for deployment

You need to prepare the WAR files in the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation on managedserver1 so that they can be deployed on WebLogic. 1. Open the weblogic.xml file which is located in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment\templates\

2. Type in the following information after the <weblogic-web-app> tag:

<session-descriptor> <session-param>

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

<param-name>PersistentStoreType</param-name> <param-value>replicated</param-value> </session-param> </session-descriptor>

3. Save and close the weblogic.xml file. 4. Open the config.weblogic10 file which is located in:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment\.

5. Modify the file to read as follows:

as_dir=c:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain as_instance=AdminServer as_admin_port=8001 as_admin_username=weblogic as_admin_password=password

6. Save and close the config.weblogic10 file. 7. Open a command-line console and run the following command:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment> wdeploy.bat weblogic10 predeployall

The WAR file have been prepared for deployment and are located in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment\workdir\weblogic10\application\.

You can now deploy the WAR files using the WebLogic Administration Console.

To deploy the WAR files to WebLogic 10

You need to log on to the WebLogic Server Administration console. Once the WAR files have been prepared for deployment, you can use the WebLogic 10 Administration console to deploy the web applications. 1. Click Deployments under "Domain Structure". The "Summary of Deployments" is displayed on the right. 2. Click Install under the Control tab. The "Install Application Assistant" is displayed. 3. Click Lock & Edit under "Change Center". 4. In the Location area navigate to the following folder:


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment\workdir\weblogic10\application\.

5. Select InfoViewApp.war and click Next. 6. Click Next in the screen that displays to accept the selected default setting Install this deployment as an application. "Select deployment targets" is displayed. 7. Under "Clusters" select cluster1 and All servers in the cluster. Click Next. "Optional settings" is displayed. 8. Click Finish to accept all the defaults settings. The "Install Application Assistant" is closed. 9. Click Activate Changes under "Change Center". 10. Repeat steps 1-8 for all the files in the C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment\workdir\weblogic10\application\ directory. All the files to be deployed are listed in "Summary of Deployments "under the Control tab. 11. Select all the files under the Control tab. 12. ClickStart > Servicing all requests. The files are deployed and ready to run.

To set up the hardware load balancer

This section illustrates the configuration of a Cisco CSS 11500 series load balancer for use with two clustered WebLogic web application servers. Advanced administrative knowledge of Cisco load balancer products is required. The load balancer must be configured to use persistent (sticky) sessions. The load balancer provides content switching for incoming external client requests to the web application servers in the web tier. 1. Create a VLAN circuit IP address. This will allow administrators to connect to the load balancer remotely. Below, a VLAN circuit named VLAN189 is created with an IP address of
CSS11503#config CSS11503(config)#circuit VLAN189

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

CSS11503(configcircuit[VLAN189])#ip address CSS11503(configcircuitip[VLAN18910.50.96.78])#exit CSS11503(configcircuit[VLAN189])#exit CSS11503(config)# exit CSS11503#

2. Configure the IP address and the port number to be used for incoming web requests. Web clients will sent web requests to load balancer at this address and port number. Below, a virtual, load balanced server named arrowpoint-weblogic at port 7001 is created. To a web client, arrowpoint-weblogic will appear to be a single WebLogic server.
CSS11503# configure CSS11503(config)# owner trans Create owner <trans>, [y/n]:y CSS11503(config-owner[trans])# content arrowpoint-weblogic Create content <arrowpoint-weblogic>, [y/n]:y CSS11503(config-owner-content[trans-arrowpoint-weblogic])# vip address CSS11503(config-owner-content[trans-arrowpoint-weblogic])# protocol tcp CSS11503(config-owner-content[trans-arrowpoint-weblogic])# port 7001

3. Create a service for each WebLogic server in the cluster, entering the service name, IP address, and other connection information. The load balancer will distribute requests received from web clients among these servers. Below, services are created for each WebLogic server: LB01-ARROWPOINT at, and LB02-ARROWPOINT at
CSS11503# configure CSS11503(config)# service <LB01-ARROWPOINT> Create service LB01-ARROWPOINT, [y/n]:y CSS11503(config-service[LB01-ARROWPOINT])# ip address CSS11503(config-service[LB01-ARROWPOINT])# string LB01 CSS11503(config-service[LB01-ARROWPOINT])# keepalive type tcp CSS11503(config-service[LB01-ARROWPOINT])# keepalive port 7001 CSS11503(config-service[LB01-ARROWPOINT])# active CSS11503(config-service[LB01-ARROWPOINT])# exit CSS11503(config)# exit CSS11503# CSS11503# configure


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


CSS11503(config)# service <LB02-ARROWPOINT> Create service LB02-ARROWPOINT, [y/n]:y CSS11503(config-service[LB02-ARROWPOINT])# ip address CSS11503(config-service[LB02-ARROWPOINT])# string LB02 CSS11503(config-service[LB02-ARROWPOINT])# keepalive type tcp CSS11503(config-service[LB02-ARROWPOINT])# keepalive port 7001 CSS11503(config-service[LB02-ARROWPOINT])# active CSS11503(config-service[LB02-ARROWPOINT])# exit CSS11503(config)# exit CSS11503#

4. Add each of the WebLogic services to the load balancer. Requests received by the load balancer will then be distributed between each of the services. Below, LB01-ARROWPOINT and LB02-ARROWPOINT are added to the load balancer as services.
CSS11503(config-owner-content[trans-arrowpoint-weblogic])# add service LB01-ARROWPOINT CSS11503(config-owner-content[trans-arrowpoint-weblogic])# add service LB02-ARROWPOINT

5. Configure session persistence, so that requests can be managed by all WebLogic servers in the cluster. Below, session persistence is activated.
CSS11503(config-owner-content[trans-arrowpoint-weblogic])# advanced-balance arrowpoint-cookie CSS11503(config-owner-content[trans-arrowpoint-weblogic])# active CSS11503(config-owner-content[trans-arrowpoint-weblogic])# exit CSS11503(config-owner[trans])# exit CSS11503(config)#

The load balancer is now configured to accept requests from web clients as virtual server arrowpoint-weblogic at port 7001. The arrowpoint-weblogic virtual server distributes the requests between WebLogic servers configured as services LB01-ARROWPOINT at port 7001 and LB02-ARROWPOINT at port 7001.
!Generated on 10/02/2007 13:09:44 !Active version: sg0730005 configure

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

!*************************** GLOBAL ************************** ip route 1 !************************* INTERFACE ************************* interface e9 trunk vlan 189 !************************** CIRCUIT ************************** circuit VLAN189 ip address !************************** SERVICE ************************** service LB01-ARROWPOINT ip address string LB01 keepalive type tcp keepalive port 7001 active service LB02-ARROWPOINT ip address string LB02 keepalive type tcp keepalive port 7001 active !*************************** OWNER *************************** owner trans content arrowpoint-weblogic vip address advanced-balance arrowpoint-cookie protocol tcp port 7001 add service LB01-ARROWPOINT add service LB02-ARROWPOINT active !*************************** GROUP *************************** group trans add destination service LB01-ARROWPOINT add destination service LB02-ARROWPOINT vip address active


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


To configure the firewall

The iptables firewall is running on a supported Red Hat Linux operating system with two network interface cards (NIC). One network card (interface eth0) is connected to an internal secure network with a hardware load balancer , the other (interface eth1) is connected to an external unsecure network, such as the internet.
Note: Advanced administrative knowledge of Red Hat Linux products is

required for these steps. The following steps illustrate how to forward requests from clients on an unsecure external (interface eth1) network to port 7001 on a hardware load balancer running on a secure, firewalled network (interface eth0). 1. Log in to your Red Hat Linux server.
Note: As iptables is configured from the command-line, you need root

priviliges. This can be achieved with the su or sudo commands, by becoming a member of the admin group, or by logging in as the root user. 2. Determine the network IP address, interface, and media access card (MAC) information for each NIC in your system.
Tip: The command ifconfig -a will display network interface

information. Record the network information in a safe place. 3. Add an exception to the iptables firewall rules that forwards incoming client requests on port 7001 to port 7001 on the Cisco CSS 11500 series hardware load balancer. Clients on an unsecured network outside the firewall can now access the clustered WebLogic web application servers tier through the firewall on port 7001.

To set up a client tier

To set up the client tier in this scenario all you need is a machine running on Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition and a web browser. 1. Open your web browser

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario

2. Access the cluster by entering the following URL: The "Log On to InfoView" page appears. 3. Type SERVER1 for System; Administrator for User name; and password for Password.

4. Click Log On. The "InfoView" home page is displayed.


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


You have successfully completed the scenario.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



Deployment Scenarios Complex deployment scenario


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

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BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

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BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


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BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

Apache Tomcat 5.5 configuration details 58, 83, 96 client components 65, 134 client tools 26 client tools installation 134 procedure 135 sample ini file 143 scripted 142 silent 142 clustering File Repository Servers 265 clusters WebLogic configuration 268 CMC logging into 116 CMC logon issues 117 CMS clustering 72 CMS database setting up on Windows 31 components, selecting individually on Windows 64 configuring Tomcat 57, 83, 95 configuring existing database 76 custom and expand 24 custom and expand installation deselecting features 64 selecting features 64 custom or expand installation client components 71 Windows 64

basic web tier scenario configuration details 240 diagram 240 overview 240 system layers 240 BusinessObjects Enterprise available diagnostic tests 118, 119 client 277 client components 65, 134 Deployment diagnostic tool configuring 122 running from command line 120 running from Windows 119 documentation 10 network requirements 17 new features 12 non-system drive installation 20 silent 148 uninstalling 147 BusinessObjects Enterprise client tools scripted 142 silent installation 142

checklist for installation 40 client set up 277

database 36 configuring existing 76 installing MySQL 30

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



database (continued) permissions 36 preparing your existing 35 database configuration details DB2 53 MySQL 53 oracle 53 SQL sever 53 sybase 53 database requirements character encoding 30 CMS overview 30 database server preparations 35 database, CMS 31 DB2 31 deployment documentation 10 JBoss 214 Oracle Application Server 213 SAP Application Server 215 Tomcat 212 Tomcat clusters 213 verifying 165, 204 WebLogic 208 WebLogic clusters 209 WebSphere 205 WebSphere cluster 206 WebSphere Community Edition 216 Deployment diagnostic tool 118 available tests 118, 119 deployment scenario complex 256 diagram 256 deployment scenarios desktop client to server 220 general overview 220 deployments, complex installing language packs 127 distributed deployments overview 29 domain names CMS location 21

domain names (continued) fully qualified 21 dswsbobje.war WebLogic deployment 211

environment database 31

InfoView logging into 116 installation only server components 71 web application server 37, 157 web tier 90 installation .ini file parameters 103 installation checklist 40, 67, 90 installation ini file creating 103 installation log file 153 installation overview 16 installation scenarios on Windows 23 installation script sample .ini file 104 installation setup accepting license agreement 41 configuring existing database server 53 configuring MySQL 52 entering user information 42 product keycode specification 42 select web application option 56, 81, 93 selecting language packs 43 SIA node specification 51, 74 SIA port specification 51, 74 specifying CMS information 50, 73 installation types 23, 24, 25, 26 client tools 26


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


installation types (continued) custom and expand 24 new 23 web tier 25 Installing MySQL configuring 52 inventory.xml 149

modify installation 146 evoking maintenance mode 146 MySQL installing as database 30

network requirements firewalls 17 new 23

JBoss manual deployment 214

Oracle 31 Oracle Application Server manual deployment 213 Oracle Application Server 10g R3 configuration details 58, 83, 96

language packs definition 126 English fallback 126 fallback to English 126 installation on Windows 127 installing 128 locale 126 locating 128 manual deployment 127 Product Locale 126 selecting locale 126 silent mode 129 specifying through installer 43 uninstalling 131 load balancer 273 log file installation 153 logging to the CMC 116

preparing your database server 35 product registration 117

registration wizard 117 remove installation 146 evoking maintenance mode 146 repair installation 146 evoking maintenance mode 146

SAP Application Server manual deployment 215 scripted installation common parameters 107 scripted installation on Windows 102 server choosing location 22

maintenance mode modify 146 remove 146 repair 146

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows



server communication fixed host names 21 multiple NIC hosts 21 set up 21 servers assigning static ports 230, 266 clustering File Repository servers 265 setup.exe parameters -w 103 additional parameters 103 side-by-side installation 29 silent installation common parameters 107 silent installation on Windows 102 Software Inventory Tool functionality 149 history view 151 installation files 149 introduction 148 inventory.xml 149, 153 log.txt 149, 153 search 153 SoftwareInventory.bat 149 SoftwareInventory.jar 149 user interface 150 viewing format ADAPT number 151 file 151 install/patch name 151 Sybase 31 system requirements 16

Unicode 31 uninstalling 146, 147 silent 148

WAR file verifying deployment 165, 204 war files configuring 194 deploying to remote server 194 preparing for WebLogic 271 WAR files context roots 198 deploying to WebLogic 10 272 deployment guidelines 199 web services 197 wdeploy functionality 158 log file 164 options 164 prerequisites 157 Tomcat 177 with JBoss 189 with Oracle 183 with SAP Application Server 186 with WebLogic 172 with WebSphere 165 with WebSphere Community Edition 191 web application deployment on remote machines 194 web application server configuration details 58, 83, 96 minimum required rights 18 Web application server initial installation 37, 157 web services 197 web tier 25 web tier components features 67, 90

Tomcat configuring 57, 83, 95 manual deployment 212 Tomcat clusters manual deployment 213 troubleshooting CMC logon 117


BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows


web tier components (continued) specifying a CMS 92 Tomcat installation option 67, 90 web applications 67, 90 web services 67, 90 web tier installation deselecting features 91 selecting features 91 WebLogic deploying with wdeploy 172 manual deployment 208 preparing cluster 268 WebLogic 10 configuration details 58, 83, 96 WebLogic 9 configuration details 58, 83, 96 WebLogic administration console deploying WAR files 272

WebLogic clusters manual deployment 209 WebSphere JSF implementation 168, 206 manual deployment 205 WebSphere 6.1 configuration details 58, 83, 96 WebSphere cluster deploying to 206 WebSphere Community Edition manual deployment 216 WebSphere Community Edition 2.0 configuration details 58, 83, 96 Windows 23 BusinessObjects Enterprise custom or expand installation 64 scripted 102 silent installation 102 installation scenarios overview 23

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows




BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows

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