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Spectral Souls Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires For PSP Handheld Console This strategy guide should only

be found on If it was found somewhere else I did not post it and someone ripped it off. Special thanks go out to DB27 and ggage for the guide that helped me through the game and get the true ending. Special thanks also go out to Swift412 for the other files of information on and to the other players on the spectral souls board who have helped me get through the game my 2nd time around. To the author of the site listed below thank you for the pictures to help me find these locations, and for swift412 for the translations.



Go through the initial 3 fights that you are required to do. 2 missions are with Naiz, 1 is with Gail & Leila. At this point youll begin to have contro l of the armies and characters. If you have any PP to start with, resist the urge to throw all those points into every stat you can on your characters. You need to decide if, after getting the true ending, you want to continue on into the post game. If you do, you need to figure out which characters youre going to want to use and focus mainly on them with the PP. First and best thing to do is raise their VIT up to at least 100. This means each level youll get a lot of HP. Exact numbers for this is unclear, but it appears to be 6HP per VIT. So by the endgame you can have well over 50k HP which is very helpful for some fights youll come up to. Feel free to spread your points out however you want but I just want to give you a heads up before you get too far into the game since every early level count! Also, once you are able to equip items from the previous time through, you will be able to fly through the early part of the game. This is when you can easily screw up since your just moving through the first HP quickly.


Choose the Neverland Army (NL for Short) A. Go to B. Go to King Sorfin and watch the scenes. Make sure to choose sending troops to Golden! Mirabello Grasslands and fight. Make sure you win in under 75 turns!


Choose the Simba Army A. Go to Marchick for a small conversation/tutorial. B. Go to Saulve Bastion. Chose to stay and fight! Win the first fight in under 99 turns! Win the second fight in under 100 turns! Preparation for Battle: Prepare for the battle by buying a Sparta sword for Naiz, a Bracelet for Niaz and Corwin, and a Mystic for Corwin (sell other stuff to get enough money, but NOT grass. Sell Herbs or Ore if you have any). Level up the Sparta and Mystic to 3 each with the EP from the first battles. In the first battle, try and have Niaz and Corwin kill most of the enemy, although make sure you stay under 100 turns. When you start the second battle, move Marx to the side of the battlefield that he starts on, so that Hans has to chase him to kill him. Move Dargen so that Anderson can't get to him in a single turn. Leave Niaz where he is, and heal him with Corwin if you have to. Move Corwin far enough to the side so that he can target Niaz with a healing spell next turn. On the enemy turn, Anderson will charge Niaz and attack with an attack or two. Hans should go after Marx, but if Marx is at full HP he should barely survive the attacks. Next turn, Niaz should unload everything on Anderson but KEEP 6 AP to move to the the side of the battlefield to his right (where Corwin and Dragen are headed). Move him so that Anderson can just barely reach him. Move Dargen and Corwin down the narrow passage toward the portal, but keep Corwin within healing range of Niaz (he'll probably have to heal Niaz at this point). Next turn, Hans will kill Marx, and Anderson will beat on Niaz again. Move down the narrow passage such that your characters look like this: |C| Corwin || |D| Dragen |N|__ Niaz | Now Anderson will position himself at the front end of your formation. Each round, beat on him with Niaz, heal Niaz with Dargen (grass or use revive if necessary), and heal both Dargen and Niaz with Corwin. You should be able to hit Anderson with an Icicle Edge every once in a while as well (Wind Shear + Ice combo). When Niaz builds up to Aura Blade, which shouldn't take long, do a chain attack with Dargen (Purify), Corwin (Icicle Edge) and then Niaz (Aura Blade + any other attacks you have AP for). You'll probably finish off Anderson. 1

Now you need to repeatedly use Corwin's Wind Shear and Aqua attack (lvl 1 special) to take out as many enemy soldiers and archers as possible. It shouldn't be hard, as they are probably packed in a tight bunch behind where Anderson was. Use Niaz and Dargen if possible to hit the mage with chains and specials, as he has a lot of HP. You will probably need to still heal with Corwin and Dargen. This is now a race against the turn clock. Also, make sure you don't group such that he can hit all three characters with his dark spell,as it has a cross-shaped area of effect. Try and keep Dargen and Niaz next to each other so he targets them, as they have a lot of HP.


Choose the NL Army and win the fight at Saulve Bastion.

Historical Moment 1 Choose the Simba Army and go to the Liberation Camp and then win the fight at Armana Castle. I) Upon completion of the first Historical Point choose the NL Army. A. Go to the Otherworld Gate (OG for short) that just appeared and beat the first 3 levels.

B. C. D. E.

Please note that you can escape the OG using a scarab as long as the level number is not a multiple of 3, i.e., 3, 6, 9, etc. Go to King Sorfin and Hillo joins . Go to Wilgeine Keep and Tal joins. Go to Cactus Desert Win in under 100 turns! Fight at Marengo Fortress.


Choose the SA and go to the OG and clear floors 1-3. Trevor and Leila will have already joined you.

B. C. D. E.

Go to Armana Castle. Eventually youll have an option as to which way you want to go. Choose the Secure Forest Route when prompted! Go to Armana Castle Woods and clear the level. Go to Lito and Himeka will join you. Go to Fell Forest and fight. Clear the level in less than 100 turns! Go to Medina Ruins and defeat Hillo.

Preparation for Battle: Make sure every character has at least a Bracelet for armor, and preferably an advanced weapon. Do runs through the first three levels of the Otherworld Gate if you need money or EP. Try to have all your characters at least level 10. The goal of this battle is to down Hiro without killing all the other enemy soldiers. The enemies will not attack you unless you get within their attack range, so the easiest way to make sure Hiro is not the last one standing is to ignore (and stay away from) the soldier closest to the corner here: +------+ start ->| |<- ignore this soldier! | | | | | | | | | | | |<-Hiro +------+ Kill all the other soldiers without getting within 5 squares of Hiro. Arrange your group so that she will charge one person and everyone else can surround her in one turn. Don't group two characters side-byside, as her scythe attack will nail both of them. Try not to group anyone such that her Flamethrower attack can get more than two people as well. Then, unload everything you can on her each turn, using Corwin to Heal whoever she targets that turn. You may loose a person or two, but you should be able to defeat her. Make sure you are using Chain attacks for the damage bonus! Historical Moment 2 Choose NL Army, Go to King Sorfin and then fight at Ayeina Grasslands. I) Choose the NL Army and go to the OG. Choose Level 1 and clear all 6 floors. A. Go to Golden area and Imperial Battle Point 1 B. Go to Niva Fortress and talk to the women and she should tell you about a location. This is the location you will find Kurt at. The location is in Galena and name is Brook Valley. Search and find the location.

Go to Brook Valley and Fight making sure Kurt stays alive. He will join you after the fight.


Go to King Sorfin (Iglaine joins), choose to Subdue the Rebels at Lithanit in Logion Area. Fight in Lithanit, Choose the Rozess Army and when prompted, choose to go see Cuo Now. A. Cuo and Fredrik a join. 2


B. C. Choose A. B. C. D.

Go clear the OG from floors 1 6. I do this only to be safe since you just get the army. Fight all the Rozess battles. the Simba Army. Clear the OG by choosing Level 4 Clear the Empire Battle Point 1 at Golden. After clearing the battle point a new area will appear called the Golden Forest Clear this point to get Yamu Ku. Go to Armana Castle to start the Simba scenes. Choose the Valley Route. Nora Joins.


Fight at Lapis Valley and make sure you destroy the rocks and clear the level in less than 75 turns. F. Fight at Mulder Fort North clearing it in under 120 turns G. Fight at Mulder Cellar and clear it in less than 200 turns.


Destroy total 4 doors to make treasure rooms appear. Treasure Room 1, 3 and 4.

Go to Niva Fortress and talk to the women. She should tell you about a location that is optional place called the Forgotten Cave. Search for it and fight there if you want. The battle consists of 3 Bread Dolls and 4 Bats. Its worth the EP and the exp youll get. Bread Dolls have 100 HP and are Level 35.


Go to Armana castle for an event (5000G, 10PP, 100EP, Ice Lance) and go to Marchick for an event (5000G, 10PP, 100EP, Gale Spike, Silver Rod, INT Up). Choose the NL army again. A. Go and fight at North Woods. B. Go and fight at Markinson Fort.

Historical Moment 3 Choose Rozess Army and go to Kazaph Forest. Arthus joins!


Immediately choose the NL Army before doing anything else and go to King Sorfin. Choose the Sea Route when asked. Go to King Sorfin for a small cut scene that will give 5000G, 10PP, 100EP, Flash fire, Mystic. B. Go to the OG and clear choose level 4. Clear all the levels. C. Go to Galena Area and clear Imperial Battle Point 2. D. Go to Valhara Area and clear the Goblin Tower. E. Go to Shurak Sea and clear the Shurak Sea battle. Make sure Levi Survives!!!! F. Go to Varanoire and fight both battles. On battle 2/2 make sure not to kill Laemillan!!! Choose the Rozess Army A. Go to Logion Area and clear the Liberation Battle Point 1. B. Go to the OG and choose Level 7 and clear it. C. Go to Varanoire and watch an event to get 10,000G, 15PP, 150EP, Gaia Blade, Ice Dagger, AGL Up. D. Go to Golden Area and fight on Kazaph Forest. E. Go to Paraus Nui Area and go to Neipos.




Fight the 1st battle making sure at least 3 civilians survive and the battle lasts to at least turn 150. Win the 2nd battle and Mick Joins.

Go to Lito and talk to the person. You should get a rumor about a location in Paraus Nui Area. Go search for it. The fight has 3 Bread Dolls and 5 Warlocks.


Go to Duben and win in under 150 turns.


Go to Varanoire and watch an event to get 20,000G, 10PP, 150EP, Flame Rod, Ice Rod, Gale Spike. Choose the Simba Army A. Go to Galena and clear the Empire Battle Point 2 B. Choose Level 7 in the Otherworld Gate and clear it


Go to Armana Castle. Zhang Khan joins. Choose the False Retreat when prompted!!! Go to Warrence Castle 3

Fight the first battle. Kill everyone and dont use the exit. Fight at Warrence Castle Garden, kill everyone in this fight. Make sure to destroy the gates/doors to obtain 2 extra treasure rooms Fight at Warrence Castle Hall and win the Fight. Hera joins Clear the 2 treasure rooms that appeared in Warrence Castle Go to Niva Fortress to see an event to get 5000G, 15PP, 100EP, Earth Dagger, AGL Up.

Historical Moment 4 Choose Rozess. Go to the Kaiseron Area and choose Magraska highlands. I) Choose the Simba army. A. Go to Galena and clear Empire Battle Point 3 B. Go to the OG and choose Level 7. Clear levels 7 12. If this is your first time, be careful on level 12 since there are 3 dragons that can have you for lunch. C. Go to Warrence Castle. (Visit Armana Castle. Play the first battle. Go to Marchuk Scarface joins) D. Go to Elegistat and fight the battle at the Otherworld Cave. E. During this set of scenes choose to Invade the De Argo Islands when asked!!!


Scarface joins in the 2nd set of scenes. Choose the NL Army. A. Go to the Otherworld Gate clear level 10-12. B. Please note that there is no Imperial Battle Point 3 while on the True Route. C.
Go to Helhanpool for an event to obtain 5000G, 15PP, 100EP, Wind Spear, Dragon Bangle, Max HP Up, Skanda Talisman.


Go back into Helhanpool and talk to the women. She should tell you about some ruins. At these ruins you can obtain Nell and Rosette. Search for the ruins in Valhara.

E. F.

Fight at the Wasted Ruins in the Valhara area to obtain Rosette and Nell. Go to King Sorfin. When prompted choose to go through the desert!


Go to Helhanpool for an event to obtain 15,000G, 20PP, 150EP, Ice Lance, White Frame, STR Up, LUK Up. H. Go to Nivea Fortress for an event to obtain 15,000G, 20PP, 150EP, Enchanted Knife, Mist Wand, INT Up, LUK Up I. Go to the Ziguroad Area and fight at Jepal Desert. J. Go to the Zapatos Area and Fight at Albahart. K. Go to Chatrock Castle and fight Chatrock Castle Gate. L. Fight at the Chatrock Castle Ballroom.


Choose the Simba Army, go to the Shurak Sea Area, and fight at the Shurak Sea battle. A. Fight at Saratoga Cape. Make sure you destroy the rock at the top corner in this battle.


Go to Marchick and talk to the man. He should tell you about a secret cave. Search for the cave in Shurak Sea area.


Fight at the Cave of Sorrow. 3 Skeletons and 3 Wraiths. After the 3 Wraiths die, 2 Bread Dolls appear. D. Fight at Aspen Fort. Destroy the Gates before winning the fight. Jed Joins. E. Fight at the optional treasure room. F. Go to Marchick for an event to obtain 15,000G, 15PP, 150EP, Brunac, Sniper Shot, Max HP Up. Choose the Rozess Army A. Go to Paraus Nui Area and clear the Rozess Liberation Battle Point 2. B. Go to the Otherworld Gate and choose level 10 and clear through lvl 12. C. Go to Varanoire. Yen joins! D. Go to Elegestat and fight at the Otherworld Cave. There will be 3 fights at this location. E. Go to Belle Nueve Area and fight at Genon Marshlands.


Historical Moment 5 Choose the NL army and go to Wilgeime Keep. I) Choose the Simba Army. 4


Go to Armana Castle for an event to gain 10,000G, 10PP, 150EP, Flame Knuckle, Platinum Bracelet. B. Go to the Otherworld Gate and choose level 10. Clear 10 15. C. Go to the Elegistat Area and clear Empire Battle Point 4. D. At Warrence castle, choose to go the Gaugabur route.



Go to Noashurn (Jed and Yamu Ku) for an event to gain 20,000G, 20PP, 150EP, Red Savage, Hawkeye, VIT Up and back to Noashurn again (Jed and Himika) to gain 30,000G, 20PP, 200EP, Spirit Sword, Magic Blade, Sonic Gun. F. Fight at Castle Town Gaugabur. G.Fight at Assilia Grasslands. H.Fight at Marian Rouge. I. Fight at City of Darkness, Devos. Choose the Rozess Army. A. Choose level 13 of the Otherworld Gate and clear it. B. Go to the Elegistat Area and clear the Rozess Battle Point 3.

C. D. III)

On battle 3 there may be a clear doll. Make sure you have Cuo equipped with free attack and capture. This is a great skill for stealing some rare items. Go to Varanoire. Go to the Beminad Area and fight the battles at Beminad Forest.

After battle 2/4 you will be asked 2 choices of what to do. Choose the Stay Behind Option. Choose the NL Army A. Go to the Zapatos Area and fight the Imperial Battle Point 4. B. Go to the Otherworld Gate, choose level 13 and clear it. C. Go to Nivea Fortress to obtain 15,000G, 15PP, 150EP, Javelin, Double Feather. D.Go to King Sorfin. E. Go to Galena and fight at Southern Madrasca and win the fight. F. Go to Mizar Bridge and win the fight. G.Go to Zaltheim Castle and win both fights.

Historical Moment 6 Choose the NL Army and fight at Armana Castle. Anderson leaves. I) Choose the Rozess Army. A. Go to Noashurn and talk to the person in town.

Search in the Beminad Area for the Deep Beminad Forest Location. There are 8 Kodama plants and 1 Titan.

B. Go to the Otherworld Gate. Choose level 13 and clear up through level 18.

C. E. F.

Go to Beminad Area and clear the Liberation Battle Point 4. Then choose Beminad Forest. D.Go to Eikus Area and fight at Castle Town Faeris. Go to Beminad Area and click on Beminad Forest for an event for 50,000G, 15PP, 250EP, Stilleto, Blue Dolphin, Mithril Bracelet, STR Up. Go to Former Simba Territory and click on Noashurn for an event for 20,000G, 15PP, 200EP, Ray Blade, Magic Frame, INT Up.



Go to Assilia Grasslands and win the fight. H.Go to Gattzo and win the fight. I. Go to Mountain Range and win the fight. J. Go back to Beminad Forest Area and click on Beminad Forest. Choose NL army. A. Go to the Otherworld Gate, choose level 16 and clear the levels. B. Go to the De Argo Area and clear Imperial Battle Point 5. C. Go to King Sorfin. D.Go to Former Simba Territory and clear Eastern Norius Forest. E. Clear Norius Forest. Choose the Faeris route when prompted.



Click on Norius Forest for an event that gives 20,000G, 15PP, 150EP, Angel Wing, STR Up, INT Up. Do this twice in a row since there are 2 events to get another 50,000G, 10PP, 250EP, Trident, Blacksmith, VIT Up. G.Go to Sylvestria Area and fight at Lenheim Fort. H.Go to Helhanpool Area and fight at Elixiem. Choose the Simba Army. A. Go to the Otherworld Gate, choose level 16 and clear it. B. Go to Eikus Area and Fight at Empire Battle Point 5.

C. D. E.

Go to Degonias Castle. You should also be able to use Ankrauser now. Go to Noashurn (Himika) for an event to get 30,000G, 15PP, 150EP, Holy Lance, Mythril Bracelet, AGL Up.

Go to Marian Rogue and win the fight. Choose the Shiring Route when prompted. F. Go to Assilia Grasslands and win the fight. G.Go to Gaugabur Woods and win the fight. H.Go to Castle Town Gaugabur and win the fight. Historical Moment 7 Choose the NL Army and go to King Sorfin. 5




Choose the Simba Army. A. Go to the Otherworld gate choosing level 16. Clear all the levels. B. Go to Former Simba Territory and clear Empire Battle Point 6. C. Go to Castle Town Gaugabur for a scene D. Go back to Castle Town Gaugabur for an event to get 30,000G, 15PP, 200EP, Seiryu Sword, Gatling Knuckle, Max HP Up. E. Go to Warrence Castle for a scene. F. When ready click Warrence Castle. There will be a sequence of 2 fights to win. G.Go to Reer Valley and win the fight. Choose the NL Army A. Go to the Otherworld Gate, Choose level 19, and clear the levels. B. Go to the Former Simba Territory and fight at the Imperial Battle Point 6. C. Go to King Sorfin. Roze joins. D.Go to the Helhanpool Area and fight at Adelia Wastelands. E. Fight at Titino Bridge. F. Fight at Luka Cape. Choose the Rozess Army A. Go to the Otherworld Gate, Choose level 19 and clear the levels. B. Go to Former Simba Territory and clear the Liberation Battle Point 5. C. Go to Forgotten Hill to get Garnet Back. D.Search for Laketown Mare in the Eikus Area. Fight the battle and get Ceil.


Go to Coriastine Area then go to Granus Church and click on it. Fight at Granus Church Front Yard. F. Fight at Granus Church Front Entrance. G.Fight at Granus Church Cathedral. Historical Moment 8 If you did everything right up to this point you should be forced to use the Rozess army at Fontinoa. A. Fight the first battle killing Valsung. B. Fight the second battle killing everyone. C. Go to the Otherworld Gate, choose level 19 and clear up through 24. D.Go to King Sorfin for some scenes E. Search for the Unna med Shrine in the Kaiseron Area.

F. Fight at the Unnamed Shrine and get Shiro. G. Go to Golden Area and Click on Elence Port. If you have 7 battles then congratulations, youll get to fight Janus. H. Go to Elegistat Area and look for Otherworld to fight Janus. Watch the True Ending. BB. SPECIAL COMBO SKILLS These skills are formed from the special skills of specific characters. Like the usual combo skills, they are created when one (or more) charcters uses the hold command to set up a particular skill, and then another character uses the complimentary skill as listed below. Note: You cannot have other skills between the components of a combo! At present, any name designated by a * indicates a translation of the Japanese name. These will be replaced with the English names as they become known. The number after the character's name indicates which level of special skill is used, so even if you don't recognize the name, the number is accurate. Retribution = Nora 2 (Hermit Rain) Hera 1 (Restrict Movement) Venom Strike = Jed 1 (Venom Shot) Himika 3 (Strong Poison) Vorustore(?)* = Arthus 2 (Sandstorm*) Luca 2 (S-Dazer*) Aiming Spell = Yaku Mu 2 (Forest?s Protector) Corwin 2 (Lightning Arrow) Aiming Blast = Kurt 1 (Wing Blast) Klause 2 (Crushing Blow) 6

Forever Yell = Yen 2 (Wolf's Howl) Wage 3 (Dragon's Voice) Angel Dust* = Scarface 2 (Seraph Pain) Shell 2 (Wings of Light*) Aura Buster = Naiz 2 (Aura Blade) Corwin 2 (Lightning Arrow) Cardinal Mine* = Arthus 1 (Leaf Raid) Fredrika 3 (Cardinal Raid*) Calamity Inferno = Tal 3 (Crackling Blade) Iglaine 3 (Round Shot) Crush Break = Leila 2 (Shotram Blast) Trevor 2 (Crack Shot) Crimson Raid = Ankrauser 3 (Lion?s Roar) Naiz 2 (Aura Blade) Impact Explosion = Zhang Khan 3 (Exploding Strike) Trevor 2 (Crack Shot) Call Out = Corwin 1 (Aqua Mind) Hans 3 (Resonance Wave) Shockwave Divide = Nell 3 (Dark Banish) Rosette 2 (Sneaking Magic) Stinging Rain = Nora 2 (Hermit Rain) Leila 2 (Shotram Blast) Claw Fang = Zhang Khan 2 (Tiger Claw) Yen 2 (Wolf's Howl) Chain Strike = Naiz 2 (Aura Blade) Jed 3 (Chain Shot) Chain Mine* = Himika 3 (Strong Poison) Rosette 1 (Trap*) Divine Throw = Wage 2 (Violent Focus) Kurt 2 (Divebomb) White Hole = Garnet 3 (Earth Pit) Choco 2 (Seraph Storm) Mind Detector = Himika 3 (Strong Poison) Nora 2 (Hermit Rain) Missing Arrow = Mick 2 (Cold End) Cuo 1 (Binding Rune) Mirage Magic = Rosette 2 (Sneaking Magic) Nagi 3 (Wind God?s Sword) Life Stream = Corwin 4 (Photon Blast) Hera 4 (Creation) Life Banisher* = Arthus 1 (Leaf Raid) Mick 2 (Cold End) Raging Storm = Cuo 1 (Binding Rune) Nagi 3 (Wind God?s Sword) Snow Phoenix = Yen 1 (Burn & Crush) Yunellia 3 (Snowing Moon) Infinite Caress = Naiz 2 (Aura Blade) Leila 4 (Infinity Raid) Blooming Meteor = Garnet 4 (Sakura Dance) Meu 4 (Tenma Meteor) Argument = Iglaine 3 (Round Shot) Vanilla 3 (Atomic Bomb) Gigantic Drive = Naiz 4 (Genesis Drive) Meu 3 (Tenma Slash) Gravity Drive = Luca 3 (Blaze Impact) Garnet 3 (Earth Pit) Gravity Blast = Luca 4 (Life & Death*) Iglaine 3 (Round Shot) Satellite Bomb* = Yaku Mu 4 (Heaven?s Anger) Meu 3 (Tenma Slash) Tiger Claws = Ankrauser 3 (Lion?s Roar) Zhang Khan 4 (Tiger?s Rage) 7

Shining Impact = Luca 3 (Blaze Impact) Yen 4 (Shining Explosion) Gleaming Fang = Ankrauser 3 (Lion?s Roar) Trevor 4 (Blade Flash) Sona Verde = Yaku Mu 2 (Forest Protector) Hera 4 (Creation) Tenma Light* = Shell 4 (Ascend to Heaven*) Meu 2 (Meteor Blade) Tenma Lasher = Meu 3 (Tenma Slash) Yunellia 4 (Flying Claw Slash) Firebird Slash = Meu 3 (Tenma Slash) Fredrika 4 (Pheonix Blade) Demon Binder = Meu 3 (Tenma Slash) Cuo 4 (Sealing Bind) Photon Spiral* = Rosette 4 (Bloody Rose*) Tal 3 (Crackling Blade) Friendly Attack = Meu 3 (Tenma Slash) Nagi 4 (Stormbringer) Frost Varuna* = Hans 3 (Dark Secrets*) Levi 3 (Diamond Dust) Albatross = Meu 4 (Tenma Meteor) Fredrika 4 (Pheonix Blade) Inject Phase* = Hans 4 (Tiger Claw Violent Flash*) Nell 4 (D-Code*) Eternal Sphere* = Choco 4 (Rainbow Illusion) Hera 4 (Creation) Erubuzante* = Ankrauser 4 (Wild Lion*) Roze 4 (G-Decide*) Angel High Low* = Cuo 4 (Sealing Bind) Shell 4 (Ascend to Heaven*) Catastrophe = Naiz 4 (Genesis Drive) Scarface 4 (Heaven & Hell) Flare Circle = Cuo 4 (Sealing Bind) Fredrika 4 (Pheonix Blade) Southern Cross = Choco 4 (Rainbow Illusion) + Mick 4 (Spiritual Guidance) True Hell?s Thunder Blaze* = Hiro 4 (Hell?s Thunder Blaze*) Roze 4 (G-Decide*) Soul Eater* = Naiz 4 (Genesis Drive) Shiro 4 (War Dance*) Tenma Kill* = Scarface 4 (Heaven & Hell) Yunellia 4 (Flying Claw Slash) Supreme God of Wind and Thunder* = Tal 4 (Lightning Conquers Dark*) Nagi 4 (Storm Bringer) Event Horizon = Choco 4 (Rainbow Illusion) Vanilla 4 (Aurora Illusion) Full Burst = Iglaine 4 (Final Impact) Max 4 (Final Strike) Prominence Hole* = Vanilla 4 (Aurora Illusion) Nell 4 (D-Code*) True Hell?s Thunder Flame Slash* = Yunellia 4 (Flying Claw Slash) Hiro 4 (Hell?s Thunder Blaze*) Last Shot = Yunellia 4 (Flying Claw Slash) Max 4 (Final Strike) Dragon?s Howl = Wage 4 (Ridge Driver) Klause 4 (Destructive Flash) Rune Fear* = Nell 4 (D-Code*) Levi 4 (Tribuness*) Rankal Nation(?)* = Ankrauser 3 (Lion?s Roar) Roze 3 (La Delfis(?)*) Eraser Strike* = Iglaine 3 (Round Shot) Jed 4 (Genocide Blast) Max 3 (Arc Shot) 8

Genocide Circle* = Yunellia 4 (Flying Claw Slash) Hiro 4 (Hell?s Thunder Blaze*) Roze 4 (G-Decide*) Stardust Fall* = Mick 3 (Canyon Climb*) Vanilla 3 (Atomic Bomb) Choco 2 (Seraph Storm) Severe Disaster* = Hans 3 (Dark Secrets*) Jed 4 (Genocide Blast) Levi 3 (Diamond Dust) Tenma Final* = Scarface 4 (Heaven & Hell) Hera 4 (Creation) Meu 4 (Tenma Meteor) Tenma Curse* = Cuo 4 (Sealing Bind) Shell 4 (Ascend to Heaven*) Fredrika 4 (Pheonix Blade) Nightblood* = Garnet 4 (Sakura Dance) Tal 3 (Crackling Blade) Trevor 4 (Blade Flash) Final Spike* = Wage 4 (Ridge Driver) Kurt 4 (Aerial Dive*) Klause 4 (Destructive Flash) Force Emblem* = Leila 4 (Infinity Raid) Trevor 4 (Blade Flash) Ankrauser 4 (Wild Lion*) Dragon, Tiger, and Wolf Flame Dance* = Wage 4 (Ridge Driver) Zhang Khan 4 (Tiger?s Rage) Yen 2 (Wolf's Howl) Elemental Force* = Arthus 3 (Floral Hit*) Fredrika 3 (Cardinal Raid*) Mick 2 (Cold End) Yaku Mu 3 (Earth?s Anger) Grand Force* = Naiz 4 (Genesis Drive) Hiro 4 (Hell?s Thunder Blaze*) Meu 3 (Tenma Slash) Roze 4 (G-Decide*) Fury Dance* = Arthus 1 (Leaf Raid) Nagi 3 (Wind God?s Sword) Himika 4 (Heretic Shadow) Rosette 4 (Bloody Rose*) Heroine Dream* = Meu 3 (Tenma Slash) Hiro 2 (Raging Soul Slash) Yunellia 4 (Flying Claw Slash) Roze 2 (Hell?s Dark Souls*) Lancer's Force* = Kurt 2 (Divebomb) Klause 3 (Piercing Drill*) Nora 3 (All In) Leila 2 (Shotram Blast) Beast Heaven* Yaku Mu 3 (Earth?s Anger) Kurt 3 (Phaser Storm*) Mick 3 (Canyon Climb*) Wage 3 (Dragon's Voice) Levi 2 (L-Point*) Blood Circle* = Tal 3 (Crackling Blade) Iglaine 3 (Round Shot) Nagi 3 (Wind God?s Slash) Nell 3 (Dark Banish*) Hiro 3 (Hellfire) Roze 2 (Hell?s Dark Souls*) Note: Blood Circle is the single most damaging attack in the game! CC. SYNTHESIS 1. Divine Bokutou.... = Iron Sword........ + God Tree Branch... + Holy Element...... 2. Tsurimaru......... = Kora.............. + Baselard.......... + Lance............. 3. Blessed Staff..... = Healing Staff..... + Mystic............ 4. Bone Knuckle...... = Iron Knuckle...... + Beast Bone........ 5. Dancing Breaker... = Boomerang Breaker. + Blazer............ 6. Moon Crusher...... = Handgun........... + Shotgun........... + 9

Moon Fragment..... 7. Feather Ring...... = Speed Ring........ + Sagestone......... + Thunder Element... 8. Skanda Talisman... = Speed Ring........ + Sagestone......... + Wind Element...... 9. Power Ring........ = Beast Claw........ + Sagestone......... 10. Vitality Ring..... = Heart Stone....... + Sagestone......... 11. Speed Ring........ = Bat Wing.......... + Sagestone......... 12. Wisdom Ring....... = Contract.......... + Sagestone......... 13. Luck Ring......... = Hiyoko Crest...... + Sagestone......... 14. Sleep Guard....... = Iron Bangle....... + Pollen............ 15. Poison Guard...... = Iron Bangle....... + Poison Needle..... 16. Paralyze Guard.... = Iron Bangle....... + Paralyze Pollen... 17. Holy Symbol....... = Iron Bangle....... + Contract.......... 18. Blind Guard....... = Iron Bangle....... + Bandage........... 19. Bird's Eye........ = Iron Bangle....... + Crystal Cluster... 20. Lucky Talisman.... = Bracelet.......... + Unicorn Horn...... 21. Potent Grass...... = Grass ............ + Grass ............ + Grass ............ + Grass ............ 22. Pure Herb......... = Herb.............. + Herb.............. + Herb.............. + Herb.............. 23. Life Vessel....... = Life Fragment..... + Life Fragment..... + Life Fragment..... + Life Fragment..... 24. Beast Charm....... = Beast Bone........ + Beast Bone........ + Beast Bone........ + Beast Bone........ 25. Royal Jelly....... = Honey............. + Honey............. + Honey............. + Honey............. 26. Venom Needle...... = Poison Needle..... + Poison Needle..... + Poison Needle..... + Poison Needle..... 27. Death Needle...... = Venom Needle...... + Venom Needle...... + Venom Needle...... + Venom Needle...... 28. Flame Sword....... = Silver Sword...... + Fire Cluster...... 29. Ice Brand......... = Silver Sword...... + Ice Cluster....... 30. Thunder Sword..... = Silver Sword...... + Thunder Cluster... 31. Wind Sword........ = Silver Sword...... + Wind Cluster...... 32. Gaia's Guard...... = Silver Sword...... + Earth Cluster..... 33. Flare Buster...... = Silver Blade...... + Fire Cluster...... 34. Ice Blade......... = Silver Blade...... + Ice Cluster....... 35. Thunder Blade..... = Silver Blade...... + Thunder Cluster... 36. Wind Blade........ = Silver Blade...... + Wind Cluster...... 37. Gaia's Blade...... = Silver Blade...... + Earth Cluster..... 38. Deep Scarlet...... = Silver Knife...... + Fire Cluster...... 39. Azure Blade....... = Silver Knife...... + Ice Cluster....... 40. Lone Wolf......... = Silver Knife...... + Thunder Cluster... 41. Willow............ = Silver Knife...... + Wind Cluster...... 42. Fallen Leaf....... = Silver Knife...... + Earth Cluster..... 43. Flame Spear....... = Silver Spear...... + Fire Cluster...... 44. Ice Lance......... = Silver Spear...... + Ice Cluster....... 45. Bolt Lance........ = Silver Spear...... + Thunder Cluster... 46. Wind Spear........ = Silver Spear...... + Wind Cluster...... 47. Glaive............ = Silver Spear...... + Earth Cluster..... 10

48. Flame Rod......... = Magician's Rod.... + Fire Cluster...... 49. Ice Rod........... = Magician's Rod.... + Ice Cluster....... 50. Lightning Rod..... = Magician's Rod.... + Thunder Cluster... 51. Gale Spike........ = Magician's Rod.... + Wind Cluster...... 52. Clay Wand......... = Magician's Rod.... + Earth Cluster..... 53. Flame Knuckle..... = Silver Knuckle.... + Fire Cluster...... 54. Ice Hand.......... = Silver Knuckle.... + Ice Cluster....... 55. Thunder Baghnakh.. = Silver Knuckle.... + Thunder Cluster... 56. Air Smasher....... = Silver Knuckle.... + Wind Cluster...... 57. Gaia's Claw....... = Silver Knuckle.... + Earth Cluster..... 58. Firebird.......... = Chakram........... + Fire Cluster...... 59. Cold Snap......... = Chakram........... + Ice Cluster....... 60. High Voltage...... = Chakram........... + Thunder Cluster... 61. Wind Chill........ = Chakram........... + Wind Cluster...... 62. Soul Breaker...... = Chakram........... + Earth Cluster..... 63. Flashfire......... = Silver Gun........ + Fire Cluster...... 64. Dragon's Ice...... = Silver Gun........ + Ice Cluster....... 65. Moonlight......... = Silver Gun........ + Thunder Cluster... 66. Hurricane......... = Silver Gun........ + Wind Cluster...... 67. Crushing Fang..... = Silver Gun........ + Earth Cluster..... 68. Flare Scythe...... = Death's Scythe.... + Fire Cluster...... 69. Fire Guard........ = Silver Bracelet... + Fire Cluster...... 70. Ice Guard......... = Silver Bracelet... + Ice Cluster....... 71. Thunder Guard..... = Silver Bracelet... + Thunder Cluster... 72. Wind Guard........ = Silver Bracelet... + Wind Cluster...... 73. Earth Guard....... = Silver Bracelet... + Earth Cluster..... 74. Beast Bangle...... = Silver Bangle..... + Beast Charm....... 75. Vor Bangle........ = Silver Bangle..... + Wing Charm........ 76. Dragon Bangle..... = Silver Bangle..... + Dragon Charm...... 77. Ghost Bangle...... = Silver Bangle..... + Spirit Charm...... 78. Ivy Bangle........ = Silver Bangle..... + Ivy Charm......... 79. Ogre Bangle....... = Silver Bangle..... + Demon Charm....... 80. Double Feather.... = Hurricane Ring.... + Sagestone......... + Thunder Cluster... 81. Wind Ring......... = Hurricane Ring.... + Sagestone......... + Wind Cluster...... 82. Hawkeye........... = Crystal Cluster... + Sagestone......... 83. Beast Ring........ = Beast Claw........ + Beast Claw........ + Beast Claw........ + Beast Claw........ 84. Vor Ring.......... = Bat Fang.......... + Bat Fang.......... + Bat Fang.......... + Bat Fang.......... 85. Dragon Ring....... = Dragon Fang....... + Dragon Fang....... + Dragon Fang....... + Dragon Fang....... 86. Ghost Ring........ = Sealed Soul....... + Sealed Soul....... + Sealed Soul....... + Sealed Soul....... 87. Ivy Ring.......... = Poison Pollen..... + Poison Pollen..... + Poison Pollen..... + Poison Pollen..... 88. Ogre Ring......... = Contract.......... + Contract.......... + Contract.......... + Contract.......... 89. Spirit Charm...... = Repelling Seal.... + Repelling Seal.... + Repelling Seal.... + Repelling Seal.... 11

90. Ivy Charm......... = Pollen............ + Pollen............ + Pollen............ + Pollen............ 91. Demon Charm....... = Imp Horn.......... + Imp Horn.......... + Imp Horn.......... + Imp Horn.......... 92. Wing Charm........ = Bat Wing.......... + Bat Wing.......... + Bat Wing.......... + Bat Wing.......... 93. Fire Cluster...... = Fire Element...... + Fire Element...... + Fire Element...... + Fire Element...... 94. Ice Cluster....... = Ice Element....... + Ice Element....... + Ice Element....... + Ice Element....... 95. Thunder Cluster... = Thunder Element... + Thunder Element... + Thunder Element... + Thunder Element... 96. Wind Cluster...... = Wind Element...... + Wind Element...... + Wind Element...... + Wind Element...... 97. Earth Cluster..... = Earth Element..... + Earth Element..... + Earth Element..... + Earth Element..... 98. Dark Cluster...... = Dark Element...... + Dark Element...... + Dark Element...... + Dark Element...... 99. Holy Cluster...... = Holy Element...... + Holy Element...... + Holy Element...... + Holy Element...... 100. Unicorn Sword..... = Divine Bokutou.... + Unicorn Horn...... + Holy Cluster...... 101. Shotel............ = Butterfly Knife... + Mein Gauche....... + Khukuri........... + Baselard.......... 102. Corsica........... = Pilum............. + Lance............. + Sarissa........... 103. Lunar Wand........ = Mystic............ + Moon Fragment..... 104. Longhorn.......... = Dancing Breaker... + Imp Horn.......... + Imp Horn.......... 105. Shatterbone....... = Handgun........... + Shotgun........... + Bone.............. 106. True Emblem....... = Bracelet.......... + Lucky Talisman.... 107. White Frame....... = Divine Bokutou.... + Unicorn Sword..... + Blessed Staff..... 108. Hell's Blade...... = Long Sword........ + Sealed Soul....... + Demon Talisman.... + Dark Crystal...... 109. Reverse Blade..... = Arc Blade......... + Hell's Blade...... + Tsurimaru......... 110. Damascus Sword.... = Master Rapier..... + Damascus.......... 111. Dragon Killer..... = Conquistador...... + Damascus Sword.... + Decifist Sword.... + Dragon Fang....... 112. Decifist Sword.... = Great Sword....... + Brunac............ + Hidden Ten........ 113. Enchanted Knife... = Shotel............ + Magician's Rod.... + Sagestone......... 114. Flow Knife........ = Platinum Knife.... + Gladius........... + Fire Crystal...... 115. Lightning Edge.... = Triple Dagger..... + Katar............. + Thunder Crystal... 116. Ray Blade......... = Magic Blade....... + Holy Crystal...... 117. Mist Wand......... = Magic Blade....... + Dark Crystal...... 118. Amber Knuckle..... = Crab Shell........ + Solution.......... + Ivy Talisman...... 119. Power Breaker..... = Dancing Breaker... + V-Strata.......... + Venom Needle...... 120. Body Breaker...... = Dancing Breaker... + V-Strata.......... + Solution.......... 121. Quick Load........ = Moon Crusher...... + Shatterbone....... + V-Strata.......... 122. Beheader.......... = Silent Wind....... + Ice Cluster....... + Thunder Cluster... 12

123. Dream's Hazard.... = Platinum Bangle... + Sleep Guard....... + Fire Guard........ 124. Marine Rouge...... = Platinum Bangle... + Poison Guard...... + Ice Guard......... 125. Red Savage........ = Platinum Bangle... + Paralyze Guard.... + Thunder Guard..... 126. Moon Guard........ = Platinum Bangle... + Holy Symbol....... + Wind Guard........ 127. Guard Frame....... = Platinum Bangle... + Blind Guard....... + Earth Guard....... 128. Stone Ring........ = Heart Stone....... + Heart Stone....... + Heart Stone....... + Heart Stone....... 129. Angel Wing........ = Wing Charm........ + Heart Stone....... + Wind Crystal...... 130. Hercules' Ring.... = Power Ring........ + Sagestone......... 131. Fortitude Ring.... = Vitality Ring..... + Sagestone......... 132. Hurricane Ring.... = Speed Ring........ + Sagestone......... 133. Sage Ring......... = Wisdom Ring....... + Sagestone......... 134. Heaven's Luck..... = Luck Ring......... + Sagestone......... 135. Fire Crystal...... = Fire Cluster...... + Sagestone......... 136. Ice Crystal....... = Ice Cluster....... + Sagestone......... 137. Thunder Crystal... = Thunder Cluster... + Sagestone......... 138. Wind Crystal...... = Wind Cluster...... + Sagestone......... 139. Earth Crystal..... = Earth Cluster..... + Sagestone......... 140. Dark Crystal...... = Dark Cluster...... + Sagestone......... 141. Holy Crystal...... = Holy Cluster...... + Sagestone......... 142. Conquistador...... = Reverse Blade..... + Feather Sabre..... + Long Sword........ 143. Shooting Star..... = Damascus Sword.... + Reverse Blade..... + Meteoric Iron..... 144. Magic Blade....... = Calamity Spike.... + Lunar Wand........ + Enchanted Knife... 145. Anchor Horn....... = Platinum Breaker.. + Longhorn.......... + Dragon Fang....... 146. Illusion Bracelet. = Golden Bracelet... + True Emblem....... + Death Pollen...... 147. Resist Frame...... = Illusion Bracelet. + White Frame....... + Rune Stone........ 148. Shell Bracelet.... = Crab Shell........ + Crab Shell........ + Crab Shell........ + Crab Shell........ 149. Samson's Ring..... = Royal Jelly....... + Nectar............ + Slimy Jelly....... + Crab Meat......... 150. Magic Frame....... = Resist Frame...... + Shell Bracelet.... + Sagestone......... 151. Flambaerke........ = Mythril Sword..... + Fire Dragon Bag... + Fire Crystal...... 152. Flamberge......... = Tearfang.......... + Fire Dragon Bag... + Fire Crystal...... 153. Spirit Sword...... = Enchanted Knife... + Katar............. + Gladius........... + Feather Sabre..... 154. Mugen Claw........ = Hiyoko Claw....... + Poison Claw....... + Steel Claw........ + Sagestone......... 155. Aerial Knife...... = Flow Knife........ + Lightning Edge.... + Wind Crystal...... 156. Hidden Ten........ = Spirit Sword...... + Mugen Claw........ + Crusher........... + Quinqu Rain....... 157. Trident........... = Bardiche.......... + Partisan.......... + Ice Crystal....... 13

158. Holy Lance........ = Mythril Spear..... + Javelin........... + Holy Rod.......... + Holy Crystal...... 159. Mado.............. = Zen Cane.......... + Crusher........... + Meteoric Iron..... 160. Cat's Eye......... = Force Rod......... + Cat's Eye Stone... 161. Holy Rod.......... = Ray Blade......... + Force Rod......... + Holy Crystal...... 162. Artemis Wand...... = Lunar Wand........ + Force Rod......... + Mist Wand......... 163. Demon's Finger.... = Mythril Knuckle... + Dark Crystal...... 164. Saint's Hand...... = Gatling Knuckle... + Holy Crystal...... 165. Outrigger......... = Mythril Breaker... + Power Breaker..... + Earth Crystal..... 166. Nietzsche......... = Blue Dolphin...... + Body Breaker...... + Ice Crystal....... 167. Sonic Gun......... = Quinqu Rain....... + Quick Load........ + Bat Wing.......... 168. Blacksmith........ = Mythril Gun....... + Sonic Gun......... + Dark Crystal...... 169. Liquid Fire....... = Mythril Gun....... + Sonic Gun......... + Holy Crystal...... 170. Homura............ = Mythril Bracelet.. + Fire Guard........ + Fire Crystal...... 171. Hyouga............ = Mythril Bracelet.. + Ice Guard......... + Ice Crystal....... 172. Raitei............ = Mythril Bracelet.. + Thunder Guard..... + Thunder Crystal... 173. Fujin............. = Mythril Bracelet.. + Wind Guard........ + Wind Crystal...... 174. Mogura............ = Mythril Bracelet.. + Earth Guard....... + Earth Crystal..... 175. Wild Fang......... = Mythril Bangle.... + Beast Bangle...... + Beast Talisman.... 176. Vacuum Bracelet... = Mythril Bangle.... + Vor Bangle........ + Wing Talisman..... 177. Dragon Scale...... = Mythril Bangle.... + Dragon Bangle..... + Dragon Talisman... 178. Spirit Bracelet... = Mythril Bangle.... + Ghost Bangle...... + Spirit Trinket.... 179. Thorn Bracelet.... = Mythril Bangle.... + Ivy Bangle........ + Ivy Talisman...... 180. Blood Emblem...... = Mythril Bangle.... + Ogre Bangle....... + Demon Talisman.... 181. Beast Ring+....... = Beast Ring........ + Beast Talisman.... 182. Vor Ring+......... = Vor Ring.......... + Wing Talisman..... 183. Dragon Ring+...... = Dragon Ring....... + Dragon Talisman... 184. Ghost Ring+....... = Ghost Ring........ + Spirit Trinket.... 185. Ivy Ring+......... = Ivy Ring.......... + Ivy Talisman...... 186. Ogre Ring+........ = Ogre Ring......... + Demon Talisman.... 187. Material Sword.... = Durandal.......... + Enchanted Knife... + Mystic............ + Lunar Wand........ 188. Glacial Blade..... = Mythril Blade..... + Icicle............ + Ice Crystal....... 189. Dragoon Lance..... = Dragon Killer..... + Trident........... + Holy Lance........ + Dragon Talon...... 190. Sylpheid.......... = Aerial Knife...... + Sylph's Breath.... + Wind Crystal...... 191. Magic Hand........ = Jamadhar.......... + Clutch Knuckle.... + Amber Knuckle..... + Magic Blade....... 14

192. Dragon's Claw..... = Dragon Talon...... + Dragon Talon...... + Dragon Talon...... + Dragon Talon...... 193. Falkin's Horn..... = Anchor Horn....... + Imp Horn.......... + Demon Horn........ + Hiyoko Crest...... 194. Black Frame....... = Jade Bracelet..... + Dark Heart........ + Crystal........... + Rune Stone........ 195. Force Frame....... = Magic Blade....... + Magic Frame....... + Crystal........... + Rune Stone........ 196. Oboro............. = Mythril Bangle.... + Illusion Bracelet. 197. Dark Bracelet..... = Black Frame....... + Falkin's Horn..... + Dark Crystal...... 198. Holy Bracelet..... = White Frame....... + Holy Rod.......... + Holy Crystal...... 199. Chaos Frame....... = Resist Frame...... + Black Frame....... + Oboro............. + Evil Eye.......... 200. Heaven's Killer... = Dark Bracelet..... + Holy Bracelet..... + Bracelet.......... + Sagestone......... 201. Aura Ring......... = Unicorn Horn...... + Fortitude Ring.... + Sagestone......... + Lizard Tail....... 202. Triple Feather.... = Angel Feather..... + Sagestone......... + Thunder Crystal... 203. Hermes' Ring...... = Devil Feather..... + Sagestone......... + Wind Crystal...... 204. Protection Ring... = Power Stone....... + Power Stone....... + Power Stone....... + Power Stone....... 205. Angel Halo........ = Angel Feather..... + Moon Fragment..... + Wing Talisman..... 206. Carrot Sword...... = Hiyoko Egg........ + Gram.............. 207. Material Wand..... = Cat's Eye......... + Holy Rod.......... + Artemis Wand...... 208. Kaunodaki......... = Orichal Rod....... + Kath Yanga........ + Crusher........... + Calamity Spike.... 209. Dragon Wing....... = Falkin's Horn..... + Outrigger......... + Nietzsche......... + Dragon Heart...... 210. Magic Rifle....... = Sonic Gun......... + Blacksmith........ + Liquid Fire....... + Railgun........... 211. GOH Replica....... = Flare Scythe...... + Beheader.......... + Executioner....... 212. Purgatory......... = GOH Replica....... + Rusty Blade....... + Rusty Bracelet.... + Rust Ring......... 213. X-Frame........... = Magic Blade....... + Magic Frame....... + Cursed Soul....... 214. Crystal Bracelet.. = Force Frame....... + Royal Emblem...... + Crystal........... 215. Dragon Frame...... = Dragon Scale...... + Forbidden Fruit... + Dragon Gem........ + Dragon Gjord...... 216. Hiyoko Charm...... = Lucky Talisman.... + Heaven's Luck..... + Emptiness......... 217. Epsilon Ring...... = Earth's Rumble.... + Rune Stone........ + Dark Heart........ 218. Sylph's Tear...... = Siren Wing........ + Crystal........... + Sagestone......... 219. Mighty Ring....... = Rust Ring......... + Sagestone......... 220. Mushroom Book..... = Matsutake......... + Maitake........... + Shimeji........... + Enoki............. 221. STR Up+........... = STR Up............ + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... 222. VIT Up+........... = VIT Up............ + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... 223. AGL Up+........... = AGL Up............ + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... 15

224. INT Up+........... = INT Up............ + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... 225. LUK Up+........... = LUK Up............ + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... 226. Max HP Up+........ = Max HP Up......... + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... 227. Max HP Up++....... = Max HP Up+........ + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... + Sagestone......... 228. Hinokagustuchi.... = Heptablade........ + Futsonomitama..... + Flambaerke........ + Fiery Wrath....... 229. Kalandra.......... = Orichal Sword..... + Memory of Light... 230. Princess Sword.... = Orichal Sword..... + Princess Pendant.. 231. Air Rendire....... = Avenger........... + Venus............. 232. Demon Blade....... = Angrauer.......... + Black Soul........ 233. Soul Crusher...... = Durandal.......... + Sacrifice......... 234. Death's Will...... = Dainsleif......... + Devil's Eye....... 235. Sacri Vierge...... = Bloody Sword...... + Virgin's Blood.... + Exodus............ 236. Dynamo's End...... = Dragon Bender..... + Flamberge......... + Brunhilda......... + Devil's Idol...... 237. Abner............. = Hidden Ten........ + Magic Rifle....... + Geometry.......... 238. Chrome Hour....... = Krutana........... + Magic Rifle....... + Chronos........... 239. Brave Hunter...... = Krishna........... + Dragoon Lance..... + Dragon Bender..... + Hunter's Title.... 240. Revolver Cannon... = Orichal Gun....... + Auto Matter....... 241. Final Arbiter..... = Liquid Fire....... + Magic Core........ 242. Shiro's Glove..... = Demon's Finger.... + Saint's Hand...... + Sagestone......... + Sorcerer's Tome... 243. Hiyoko Sash....... = Hiyoko Charm...... + Hiyoko Egg........ + Sorcerer's Tome... (unsure) 244. Sword of Chaos.... = Carava Guard...... + Zoma Guard........ + Brakaum Guard..... + Pierna Guard...... 245. Meteor Tenma...... = Tenma Sword....... + Shooting Star..... + God's Will........ + Dragon Eye........ 246. Mafunshin......... = Annihilation...... + Glacial Blade..... + Memorial Hairpin.. 247. Musoufugoku....... = Orichal Blade..... + Kaiser Sword...... + Symbol of Evil.... 248. Bonten............ = Kochoumaru........ + Meteoric Iron..... + Four Elements..... 249. Augerbrick........ = Pinaka............ + Orichal Spear..... + Metaphor.......... 250. Son of the Sun.... = Dragoon Lance..... + Holy Lance........ + Mushroom Book..... 251. Rimlim's Hammer... = Yune Fur.......... + Kaunodaki......... + Carrot Sword...... + Sagestone......... 252. Rodriguez III..... = Cat's Eye......... + Material Sword.... + Carrot Sword...... + Ventriliquism Book (unsure) 253. Nemesis........... = Material Wand..... + Heaven's Gate..... 254. Rune Blade........ = Demon's Hilt...... + Demon's Edge...... + Orichal Crystal... + Sagestone......... 255. Basaltus.......... = Orichal Knuckle... + Rose Emblem....... 256. Kaiser Knuckle.... = Glorious.......... + King's Soul....... 257. Siddharta......... = Orichal Breaker... + Dragon Wing....... + Nirvana Scroll.... 16

258. Mobius Link....... = Sonic Breaker..... + Dragon Wing....... + Mobius Loop....... 259. Argemein.......... = Magic Rifle....... + Spirituality...... 260. Gates of Hell..... = Purgatory......... + Holy Maiden Tears. (unsure) 261. Demon Frame....... = Heaven's Killer... + Chaos Frame....... + Demonic Emblem.... 262. Matrix............ = Matrix Core....... + X-Frame........... + East Wind Invite.. + West Wind Invite.. 263. Lightning Guard... = Holy Guard........ + X-Frame........... + Sagestone......... 264. Princess Tiara.... = Princess Blood.... + Sagestone......... 265. Blue Water........ = Seiryu Sword...... + Genbu Gauntlet.... + Byakko Bracelet... + Suzaku Ring....... DD. MASTERIES 1. Flamethrower...... = Fireball.......... + Fireball.......... 2. Fire Attack....... = Attack............ + Fireball.......... 3. Glacier........... = Ice Shard......... + Ice Shard......... 4. Ice Attack........ = Attack............ + Ice Shard......... 5. Spark Shot........ = Thunder Clap...... + Thunder Clap...... 6. Thunder Attack.... = Attack............ + Thunder Clap...... 7. Storm Surge....... = Wind Shear........ + Wind Shear........ 8. Wind Attack....... = Attack............ + Wind Shear........ 9. Temper............ = Earth Needle...... + Earth Needle...... 10. Earth Attack...... = Attack............ + Earth Needle...... 11. Dark Flame........ = Black Mist........ + Black Mist........ 12. Dark Attack....... = Attack............ + Black Mist........ 13. Ascension......... = Purify............ + Purify............ 14. Holy Attack....... = Attack............ + Purify............ 15. Triple Slash...... = Slash............. + Slash............. 16. Burst Crush....... = Crush............. + Crush............. 17. Shadow Stab....... = Sting............. + Sting............. 18. Double Thrust..... = Thrust............ + Thrust............ 19. Rush Beat......... = Rush.............. + Rush.............. 20. Twin Shatter...... = Shatter........... + Shatter........... 21. Double Shot....... = Shot.............. + Shot.............. 22. Soul Harvest...... = Slice............. + Slice............. 23. Double Attack..... = Attack............ + Attack............ 24. High Heal......... = Heal.............. + Heal.............. 25. Attack Shell...... = Power Up.......... + Power Up.......... 26. Guard Shell....... = Stamina Up........ + Stamina Up........ 27. Speed Shell....... = Speed Up.......... + Speed Up.......... 28. Magic Shell....... = Magic Up.......... + Magic Up.......... 29. Sleep+............ = Sleep............. + Sleep............. 30. Poison+........... = Poison............ + Poison............ 31. Paralyze+......... = Paralyze.......... + Paralyze.......... 32. Darkness+......... = Darkness.......... + Darkness.......... 33. Explosion......... = Flamethrower...... + Flamethrower...... 34. Avalanche......... = Glacier........... + Glacier........... 35. Thunder Storm..... = Spark Shot........ + Spark Shot........ 17

36. Cyclone........... = Storm Surge....... + Storm Surge....... 37. Earthquake........ = Temper............ + Temper............ 38. Earth Nova........ = Ascension......... + Ascension......... 39. Black Hole........ = Extension......... + Extension......... 40. Ragnarok.......... = Black Hole........ + Black Hole........ 41. Raging Sword...... = Triple Slash...... + Triple Slash...... 42. Gore Crush........ = Burst Crush....... + Burst Crush....... 43. Blade Dance....... = Shadow Stab....... + Shadow Stab....... 44. Vorpal Drive...... = Double Thrust..... + Double Thrust..... 45. Heavy Strike...... = Strike ........... + Strike............ 46. Meteor Impact..... = Hard Hit.......... + Hard Hit.......... 47. Million Claws..... = Rush Beat......... + Rush Beat......... 48. Prison Death...... = Twin SHatter...... + Twin Shatter...... 49. Tri Cannon........ = Double Shot....... + Double Shot....... 50. Four Fears........ = Soul Harvest...... + Soul Harvest...... 51. Power Attack++.... = Power Attack...... + Power Attack...... 52. Quad Attack....... = Double Attack..... + Double Attack..... 53. Divine Heal....... = Healing Light..... + Healing Light..... 54. Clear All......... = Clear Status...... + Clear Status...... 55. Resurrection...... = Resurrect......... + Resurrect......... 56. Gravity Crush+.... = Gravity Crush..... + Gravity Crush..... 57. (alpha) Combo..... = Power Attack...... + Double Attack..... 58. (beta) Combo...... = Power Attack+..... + Triple Attack..... 59. (gamma?) Combo.... = Power Attack++.... + Quad Attack....... 60. Critical Chance... = Attack............ + Shadow Stab....... 61. Beast Chance...... = Attack............ + Double Thrust..... 62. Paralyzing Chance. = Attack............ + Hold Break........ 63. Darkness Chance... = Attack............ + Double Shot....... 64. Drain Chance...... = Attack............ + Soul Harvest...... 65. Burst Chance...... = Attack............ + Burst Crush....... 66. Burst Chance...... = Attack............ + Hard Hit.......... 67. Cross Slash....... = Slash............. + Crush............. 68. Double Burst...... = Burst Crush....... + Hard Hit.......... 69. Bind.............. = Slice............. + Hold Break........ 70. Sacred Death...... = Raging Sword...... + Four Fears........ 71. The Hunter........ = Rush Beat......... + Shatter........... 72. Darkness Shot..... = Slice............. + Double Shot....... 73. Weak Hit.......... = Shadow Stab....... + Heavy Strike...... 74. Beast's Bane...... = Double Thrust..... + Double Shot....... 75. Raging Slash...... = Triple Slash...... + Slice............. 76. Shadowy Illusion.. = Million Claws..... + Blade Dance....... 77. Muspelheim........ = Fireball.......... + Thunder Clap...... 78. Icicle Edge....... = Ice Shard......... + Wind Shear........ 79. Thunder Whip...... = Thunder Clap...... + Earth Needle...... 80. Aerial Bombardment = Wind Shear........ + Fireball.......... 81. Frozen Splinters.. = Ice Shard......... + Earth Needle...... 18

82. Incinerate........ = Flamethrower...... + Storm Surge....... 83. Invigorate........ = Glacier........... + Spark Shot........ 84. Crimson Schnell... = Crimson Edge...... + Tornado........... 85. Arc Ray........... = Holy Ray.......... + Dark Ray.......... 86. Flame Slice....... = Fireball.......... + Slice............. 87. Crimson Fear...... = Crimson Edge...... + Four Fears........ 88. Super Crush....... = Rush Beat......... + Spark Shot........ 89. Lightning Charge.. = Brandish.......... + Lightning Bolt.... 90. Wind Chill........ = Shatter........... + Wind Shear........ 91. Spiral Break...... = Hold Break........ + Tornado........... 92. Sonic Will........ = Sonic Edge........ + Holy Ray.......... 93. Shadow Dagger..... = Trick Dagger...... + Dark Ray.......... 94. Divine Slasher.... = Slash............. + Triple Slash...... + Raging Sword...... 95. Crushing Limbo.... = Crush............. + Burst Crush....... + Gore Crush........ 96. Cruel Force....... = Sting............. + Shadow Stab....... + Blade Dance....... 97. Dragoon Lancer.... = Thrust............ + Double Thrust..... + Vorpal Drive...... 98. Meltdown.......... = Strike............ + Hard Hit.......... + Meteor Impact..... 99. Berserk........... = Rush.............. + Rush Beat......... + Million Claws..... 100. Grim Servant...... = Shatter........... + Twin Shatter...... + Prison Death...... 101. Massive Artillery. = Shot.............. + Double Shot....... + Tri-cannon........ 102. Shameful Dirge.... = Slice............. + Soul Harvest...... + Four Fears........ 103. Rebellion......... = Crush............. + Triple Slash...... + Blade Dance....... 104. Smash Shot........ = Rush.............. + Double Shot....... + Shatter........... 105. Vorpal Impact..... = Meteor Impact..... + Vorpal Drive...... + Slice............. 106. Prominence........ = Explosion......... + Earthquake........ 107. Feignbrood........ = Avalanche......... + Cyclone........... 108. Vermillion........ = Thunderstorm...... + Avalanche......... 109. Zepulos........... = Cyclone........... + Explosion......... 110. Calamity Storm.... = Earthquake........ + Thunderstorm...... 111. Purge............. = Ragnarok.......... + Ragnarok.......... 112. Philosopher....... = Black Mist........ + Purify............ + Extension......... 113. Tempest........... = Glacier........... + Spark Shot........ + Temper............ 114. Turbulence........ = Blizzard.......... + Grand Veil........ + Stardust.......... 115. Tetrabolt......... = Spark Shot........ + Temper............ + Dark Ray.......... 116. Lava Storm........ = Grand Veil........ + Flamethrower...... + Storm Surge....... 117. Heavy Attack...... = Power Attack...... + Power Attack+..... + Power Attack++.... 118. Decouple Attack... = Double Attack..... + Triple Attack..... + Quad Attack....... 19

119. Vorpal Prison..... = Triple Slash...... + Shadow Stab....... + Vorpal Drive...... + Prison Death...... 120. Inferno........... = Flamethrower...... + Explosion......... + Dark Flame........ + Stardust.......... 121. Notos............. = Blizzard.......... + Avalanche......... + Wind Shear........ + Storm Surge....... 122. Elemental Attack.. = Fire Attack....... + Ice Attack........ + Thunder Attack.... + Wind Attack....... + Earth Attack...... 123. Abysmal Fear...... = Black Mist........ + Dark Ray.......... + Extension......... + Black Hole........ + Ragnarok.......... 124. Judgement......... = Ascension......... + Holy Ray.......... + Extension......... + Black Hole........ + Ragnarok.......... 125. Full Swing........ = Attack............ + Attack............ + Attack............ + Attack............ + Attack............ + Attack............ 126. A Thousand Deaths. = Quad Attack....... + Quad Attack....... + Quad Attack....... + Quad Attack....... + Quad Attack....... + Quad Attack....... 127. Judgement......... = Raging Sword...... + Gore Crush........ + Blade Dance....... + Extension......... + Black Hole........ + Ragnarok.......... 128. Retribution....... = Hermit Rain....... + Restrict Movement. 129. Venom Strike...... = Venom Shot........ + Strong Poison..... 130. North Star........ = Sand Storm........ + Shining Geyser.... 131. Aiming Spell...... = Forest Protector.. + Lightning Arrow... 132. Aiming Blast...... = Wing Blast........ + Crushing Blow..... 133. Forever Yell...... = Wolf's Howl....... + Dragon's Voice.... 134. Angel Dust........ = Seraph Pain....... + Wings of Light.... 135. Aura Buster....... = Aura Blade........ + Lightning Arrow... 136. Cardinal Mine..... = Leaf Raid......... + Cardinal Raid..... 137. Calamity Inferno.. = Crackling Blade... + Round Shot........ 138. Crush Break....... = Shotram Blast..... + Crack Shot........ 139. Crimson Raid...... = Lion's Roar....... + Aura Blade........ 140. Impact Explosion.. = Exploding Strike.. + Crack Shot........ 141. Callout........... = Aqua Mind......... + Resonance Wave.... 142. Shockwave Divide.. = Dark Banishing.... + Sneaking Magic.... 143. Stinging Rain..... = Hermit Rain....... + Shotram Blast..... 144. Claw Fang......... = Tiger Claw........ + Wolf's Howl....... 145. Chain Strike...... = Aura Blade........ + Chain Shot........ 146. Chain Mine........ = Strong Poison..... + Trap.............. 147. Divine Pause...... = Violent Focus..... + Divebomb.......... 148. White Hole........ = Earth Pit......... + Seraph Storm...... 149. Mind Detector..... = Strong Poison..... + Hermit Rain....... 150. Missing Arrow..... = Cold End.......... + Binding Rune...... 151. Mirage Magic...... = Sneaking Magic.... + Wind God's Sword.. 152. Life Stream....... = Photon Blast...... + Creation.......... 153. Leaf Banisher..... = Leaf Raid......... + Cold End.......... 154. Raging Storm...... = Binding Rune...... + Wind God's Sword.. 155. Snow Phoenix...... = Burn & Crush...... + Snowing Moon...... 156. Infinite Caress... = Aura Blade........ + Cyclone Raid...... (unsure) 157. Blooming Meteor... = Sakura Dance...... + Tenma Meteor...... 20

158. Argument.......... = Round Shot........ + Atomic Bomb....... 159. Gigantic Drive.... = Genesis Drive..... + Tenma Slash....... 160. Gravity Drive..... = Blaze Impact...... + Earth Pit......... 161. Gravity Blast..... = Blaze Impact...... + Round Shot........ 162. Satellite Bomb.... = Heaven's Anger.... + Canyon Climb...... 163. Lion Claws........ = Lion's Roar....... + Tiger's Rage...... 164. Shining Impact.... = Blaze Impact...... + Shining Explosion. 165. Gleaming Fang..... = Lion's Roar....... + Blade Flash....... 166. Zona Verde........ = Forest Protector.. + Creation.......... 167. Rising Tenma...... = Rising Light...... + Meteor Blade...... 168. Tenma Lasher...... = Tenma Slash....... + Flying Claw Slash. 169. Firebird Slash.... = Tenma Slash....... + Phoenix Blade..... 170. Demon Binder...... = Tenma Slash....... + Sealing Bind...... 171. Photon Spiral..... = Bloody Rose....... + Crackling Blade... 172. Friendly Attack... = Tenma Slash....... + Stormbringer...... 173. Frost Valor....... = Resonance Wave.... + Diamond Dust...... 174. Albatross......... = Tenma Meteor...... + Phoenix Blade..... 175. Expel Phase....... = Another Dimension. + Dimension Code.... 176. Eternal Sphere.... = Rainbow Illusion.. + Creation.......... 177. El Puzunde........ = Wild Lion......... + Outrage........... + Guilty Verdict.... (unsure) 178. Angel Cadence..... = Sealing Bind...... + Rising Light...... 179. Catastrophe....... = Genesis Drive..... + Heaven & Hell..... 180. Hell Flare........ = Sealing Bind...... + Phoenix Blade..... 181. Southern Cross.... = Rainbow Illusion.. + Spiritual Guidance 182. True Hell Blossom. = Hell Blossom...... + Guilty Verdict.... 183. Soul Eater........ = Genesis Drive..... + Hiyoko Dance...... 184. Tenma Blade....... = Heaven & Hell..... + Flying Claw Slash. 185. Thundering Rage... = Lightning Slasher. + Stormbringer...... 186. Event Horizon..... = Rainbow Illusion.. + Aurora Illusion... 187. Full Burst........ = Final Impact...... + Final Strike...... 188. Prominence Gulf... = Aurora Illusion... + Dimension Code.... 189. Infernal Slash.... = Flying Claw Slash. + Hell Blossom...... 190. Last Shot......... = Flying Claw Slash. + Final Strike...... 191. Dragons Roar...... = Ridge Driver...... + Destructive Flash. 192. Rune Sphere....... = Dimension Code.... + Tributary......... 193. Reincarnation..... = Lion's Roar....... + La Delphis........ 194. Eraser Strike..... = Round Shot........ + Genocide Blast.... + Arc Shot.......... 195. Genoside Circle... = Flying Claw Slash. + Hell Blossom...... + Guilty Verdict.... 196. Falling Stardust.. = Canyon Climb...... + Atomic Bomb....... + Seraph Storm...... 197. Sphere Disaster... = Resonance Wave.... + Genocide Blast.... + Diamond Dust...... 198. Final Tenma....... = Heaven & Hell..... + Creation.......... + Tenma Meteor...... 199. Last Exorcism..... = Sealing Bind...... + Rising Light...... + Phoenix Blade..... 21

200. Knight's Blood.... = Sakura Dance...... + Crackling Blade... + Blade Flash....... 201. Final Spike....... = Ridge Driver...... + Aerial Dive....... + Destructive Flash. 202. Emblem Force...... = Infinity Raid..... + Blade Flash....... + Wild Lion......... 203. Flaming Beast..... = Ridge Driver...... + Tiger's Rage...... + Wolf's Howl....... 204. Elemental Force... = Quarrel Hit....... + Cardinal Raid..... + Cold End.......... + Earth's Anger..... 205. Grand Force....... = Genesis Drive..... + Hell Blossom...... + Tenma Slash....... + Guilty Verdict.... 206. Fairy Dance....... = Leaf Raid......... + Wind God's Sword.. + Heretic Shadow.... + Bloody Rose....... 207. Actress Dream..... = Tenma Slash....... + Raging Soul Slash. + Flying Claw Slash. + Black Soul Rune... 208. Lancer's Force.... = Divebomb.......... + Shattering Strike. + All In............ + Shotram Blast..... 209. Lancer's Force.... = Earth's Anger..... + Feather Storm..... + Canyon Climb...... + Dragon's Voice.... + Lightning Point 210. Blood Circle...... = Crackling Blade... + Round Shot........ + Wind God's Sword.. + Dark Banishing.... + Hellfire.......... + Black Soul Rune... EE. INVENT SKILL 1. Fire Attack....... = Skill Lesson...... + Attack............ + Fireball.......... + Fire Element...... 2. Flamethrower...... = Skill Lesson...... + Flame Rod......... + Fire Element...... 3. Crimson Edge...... = Skill Book........ + Flamethrower...... + Fire Cluster...... 4. Explosion......... = Skill Mastery..... + Fire Dragon Bag... + Fire Crystal...... 5. Ice Attack........ = Skill Lesson...... + Attack............ + Ice Shard......... + Ice Element....... 6. Glacier........... = Skill Lesson...... + Ice Rod........... + Ice Element....... 7. Blizzard.......... = Skill Book........ + Glacier........... + Ice Cluster....... 8. Avalanche......... = Skill Mastery..... + Icicle............ + Ice Crystal....... 9. Thunder Attack.... = Skill Lesson...... + Attack............ + Thunder Clap...... + Thunder Element... 10. Spark Shot........ = Skill Lesson...... + Lightning Rod..... + Thunder Element... 11. Lightning Bolt.... = Skill Book........ + Spark Shot........ + Thunder Cluster... 12. Spark Shot........ = Skill Mastery..... + Radiation......... + Thunder Crystal... 13. Wind Attack....... = Skill Lesson...... + Attack............ + Wind Shear........ + Wind Element...... 14. Storm Surge....... = Skill Lesson...... + Gale Spike........ + Wind Element...... 15. Tornado........... = Skill Book........ + Storm Surge....... + Wind Cluster...... 16. Cyclone........... = Skill Mastery..... + Siren Wing........ + Wind Crystal...... 17. Earth Attack...... = Skill Lesson...... + Attack............ + Earth Needle...... + Earth Element..... 18. Temper............ = Skill Lesson...... + Clay Wand......... + Earth Element..... 19. Grand Veil........ = Skill Book........ + Temper............ + Earth Cluster..... 22

20. Earthquake........ = Skill Mastery..... + Earth's Rumble.... + Earth Crystal..... 21. Dark Attack....... = Skill Lesson...... + Attack............ + Black Mist........ + Dark Element...... 22. Dark Flame........ = Skill Lesson...... + Mystic............ + Dark Element...... 23. Dark Ray.......... = Skill Book........ + Dark Flame........ + Dark Cluster...... 24. Grand Cross....... = Skill Mastery..... + Dark Heart........ + Undead Coffin..... + Dark Crystal...... 25. Holy Attack....... = Skill Lesson...... + Attack............ + Purify............ + Holy Element...... 26. Ascension......... = Skill Lesson...... + Blessed Staff..... + Holy Element...... 27. Holy Ray.......... = Skill Book........ + Ascension......... + Holy Cluster...... 28. Earth Nova........ = Skill Mastery..... + Crystal........... + Holy Crystal...... 29. Black Hole........ = Skill Lesson...... + Lunar Wand........ 30. Star Dust......... = Skill Book........ + Black Hole........ + Meteoric Iron..... 31. Ragnarok.......... = Skill Mastery..... + Sagestone......... + Angel Feather..... + Devil Feather..... 32. Triple Slash...... = Skill Lesson...... + Silver Sword...... 33. Sonic Edge........ = Skill Book........ + Master Rapier..... 34. Raging Sword...... = Skill Mastery..... + Mythril Sword..... 35. Burst Crush....... = Skill Lesson...... + Claymore.......... 36. Impact Wave....... = Skill Book........ + Zanbato........... 37. Gore Crush........ = Skill Mastery..... + Tearfang.......... 38. Shadow Stab....... = Skill Lesson...... + Silver Knife...... 39. Trick Dagger...... = Skill Book........ + Triple Dagger..... 40. Blade Dance....... = Skill Mastery..... + Mythril Knife..... 41. Double Thrust..... = Skill Lesson...... + Silver Spear...... 42. Brandish.......... = Skill Book........ + Halberd........... 43. Vorpal Drive...... = Skill Mastery..... + Mythril Spear..... 44. Hard Hit.......... = Skill Lesson...... + Silver Rod........ 45. Heavy Strike...... = Skill Book........ + Zen Cane.......... 46. Meteor Impact..... = Skill Mastery..... + Crusher........... 47. Rush Beat......... = Skill Lesson...... + Gold Finger....... 48. Chi Blast......... = Skill Book........ + Chained Knuckle... 49. Million Claws..... = Skill Mastery..... + Gatling Knuckle... 50. Twin Shatter...... = Skill Lesson...... + Silver Breaker.... 51. Hold Break........ = Skill Book........ + V-Strata.......... 52. Prison Death...... = Skill Mastery..... + Blue Dolphin...... 53. Double Shot....... = Skill Lesson...... + Silver Gun........ 54. Charge Blast...... = Skill Book........ + Platinum Gun...... 55. Tri-Cannon........ = Skill Mastery..... + Mythril Gun....... 56. Soul Harvest...... = Skill Lesson...... + Demon's Scythe.... 57. Spinning Scythe... = Skill Book........ + Soul Sucker....... 58. Four Fears........ = Skill Mastery..... + Soul Sucker....... 59. Healing Light..... = Skill Lesson...... + God Tree Branch... 60. Clear Status...... = Skill Lesson...... + Herb.............. 23

61. High Heal......... = Skill Book........ + God Tree Branch... + Unicorn Horn...... + Potent Grass...... 62. Resurrect......... = Skill Book........ + Life Fragment..... + God Tree Branch... + Unicorn Horn...... 63. Divine Heal....... = Skill Mastery..... + Royal Jelly....... + Power Stone....... + Samson's Ring..... 64. Resurrection...... = Skill Mastery..... + Life Vessel....... + Power Stone....... + Aura Ring......... 65. All Clear......... = Skill Mastery..... + Pure Herb......... 66. Revive............ = Skill Mastery..... + Life Vessel....... + Epsilon Ring...... 67. Prayer............ = Skill Lesson...... + Lucky Talisman.... 68. Gospel............ = Skill Book........ + Luck Ring......... 69. Attack Shell...... = Skill Book........ + Hercules' Ring.... 70. Guard Shell....... = Skill Book........ + Fortitude Ring.... 71. Speed Shell....... = Skill Book........ + Hurricane Ring.... 72. Magic Shell....... = Skill Book........ + Sage Ring......... 73. All UP............ = Skill Mastery..... + Mighty Ring....... 74. Lure.............. = Skill Book........ + Royal Jelly....... + Crab Meat......... + Lizard Tail....... 75. Gravity Crush..... = Skill Lesson...... + Power Stone....... + Dead Crown........ 76. Sleep+............ = Skill Book........ + Pollen............ 77. Poison+........... = Skill Book........ + Poison Pollen..... + Venom Needle...... 78. Paralyze+......... = Skill Book........ + Paralyze Pollen... + Basilisk Eye...... 79. Darkness+......... = Skill Book........ + Evil Eye.......... 80. Curse............. = Skill Mastery..... + Sealed Soul....... + Cursed Soul....... + Skull............. 81. Death............. = Skill Mastery..... + Death Pollen...... + Death Needle...... + Rib............... 82. Gravity Crush+.... = Skill Mastery..... + Rune Stone........ + Cockatrice Down... + Slimy Core........ 83. Free Attack....... = Skill Lesson...... + Hiyoko Claw....... 84. Hit All........... = Skill Lesson...... + Bird's Eye........ 85. Dodge............. = Skill Lesson...... + Epsilon Ring...... 86. Power Charge...... = Skill Book........ + Hercules' Ring.... + Samson's Ring..... 87. Move Charge....... = Skill Book........ + Feather Ring...... + Skanda Talisman... 88. Perception........ = Skill Mastery..... + Oboro............. FF. CAPTURABLE MONSTERS & SKILLS Attacks 127 to 174 on the Reference list are monster skills. To obtain them, you will need to lower the monster in questions HP down (to < 5%), then use the skill "Capture" until the monster dies (from the skill Capture). You should then receive a Skill from the monster. Translated from the list at: 127. Fang Crush - Hiyoko Bug, Hell's Crest 03 AP - Damage 128. Poison Fang - Poison Bug 06 AP - Damage & poison 129. Power Crush - Mirra 06 AP - Damage & burst (knock back) 130. Deadly Crush - Steel Bug 10 AP - Damage 131. Triple Blow - Dogman 24

03 AP - Damage 132. Hextuple Blow - Werewolf 06 AP - Damage 133. Chi Blast - Dead Wolf 09 AP - Damage 134. A Dozen Blows - Werewolf King 12 AP - Damage 135. Numbing Needle - Killer Bee, Big Ripper 06 AP - Damage & paralysis 136. Bee Sting - Army Bee, Death Bee 09 AP - Damage & instant death 137. Power Down - Evil Spirit 06 AP - STR down (no dmg) 138. Speed Down - Wraith 06 AP - AGI down (no dmg) 139. All Down - Death 12 AP - STR, VIT, AGI, INT, LUK down (no dmg) 140. Reaper's Scythe - Grim Reaper 12 AP - Damage & instant death 141. Pollen - Hanabo 06 AP - Sleep (no dmg) 142. Poison Powder - Mandragora 06 AP - Poison (no dmg) 143. Arresting Aroma - Kodama 09 AP - Paralysis (no dmg) 144. Death Weed - Malphasia 12 AP - Instant death (no dmg) 145. Absorb - all Slimes 06 AP - Damage & absorb HP 146. Stomp - King Slime, Kaiser Slime 09 AP - Damage 147. Rust Bubble - Pincer, Big Crab 09 AP - Damage & Vit down 148. Acidic Bubble - Crustacean, Death Crab 09 AP - Damage & Str down 149. Evil Eye - Familiar, Big Eye 09 AP - Target paralyzed (no dmg) 150. Mysterious Ray - Devil's Eye 12 AP - Damage & paralysis 151. Supersonic Wave - Bat, Lesser Bat, Killer Bat 07 AP - Target paralyzed (no dmg) 152. Mysterious Wave - Golden Bat 12 AP - Damage & paralysis 153. Punch - Earth Lord 09 AP - Damage 154. Twirl - Iron Lord 12 AP - Damage

155. Beatdown - Crystal Lord 12 AP - Damage 156. Paralyzing Touch - Mummy, Master Mummy 09 AP - Damage & paralysis 157. Cursed Touch - Great Mummy 12 AP - Damage & poison, paralysis, darkness 158. Earth Breath - Dragon 12 AP - Attack (Earth attribute) 159. Wind Breath - Green Dragon 12 AP - Attack (Wind attribute) 160. Fire Breath - Red Dragon 12 AP - Attack (Fire attribute) 161. Dark Breath - Dark Dragon 12 AP - Attack (Dark attribute) 162. Holy Breath - White Arc 25

12 AP - Attack (Holy attribute) 163. Angelic Voice - Angel Knight 15 AP - Damage & target AP regen rate decrease 164. Requiem - Dark Angel 15 AP - Damage & target AP regen rate decrease 165. Hell's Gaze - Recruit Shiro (?) 18 AP - Damage & instant death 166. Gold Rush - All dolls 12 AP - Steal target's rate item (no dmg) 167. Radiating Light - Clione 12 AP - Darkness (no dmg) 168. Paralytic Breath - Cockatrice 12 AP - Damage & paralysis 169. Siren's Song - Siren 12 AP - Damage & immobilize 170. Decapitation - Durahan 08 AP - Damage 171. Gaia Crush - Titan 12 AP - Damage 172. Vampiric Drain - Vampire 12 AP - Damage & absorb HP 173. Avalanche - Yeti 12 AP - Damage 174. Rotting Breath - Zombie Dragon 12 AP - Damage & poison GG. RECOMMENDED CHARACTERS Great Swords: #1: Naiz. Why? He's the cornerstone of any team. Good STR and AGL, Abandon, Parry, Otherworld Soul... he's got almost anything you could ask for. #1 Fighter Overall #2: Yunellia. Why? She's got the best stat growth in the game. Above average in everything, double growth in LUK. She's got Genius, Reserves and Parry to boot. Incredible. #2 Fighter Overall #3: Luca. Why? He's got Anger, Genius, and Abandon. The only downside is very average stats. #5 Fighter Overall #4/5: Ankrauser / Scarface. Why? They've got Abandon, Reserves. Ankrauser has Enlghtenment and Scarface has Perfect Barrier. #8 / 9 Fighters Overall Knuckles: #1: Yen. Why? Anger, Abandon, good AGL and STR growth. Strong candidate.#6 Fighter Overall #2: Shiro. Why? Double AGL AND INT growth sounds awesome. So does Anger AND Limit Break when paired with Genius. He's got the chance to have 4 general slots, but he's got terrible VIT, LUK, and STR. You also have to make a clear choice between weapons in regard to focusing on EITHER Atk or Mag. In a game dominated by physical attacks, Shiro would have been far better served with an STR cap of 6 and average LUK cap. Best to pass on the hardest person in the game to recruit. *He's actually strong if you have enough points to invest in him - THOUSANDS. His breath can break through Parry and Perfect Barrier, which is great. Guns: #1: Max. Why? He's got Good Shot, which bypasses Parry. Anger adds solid damage, which is already good due to above average STR and AGL. He's also got Effort, which lets him level up 1.5x faster. He's so much better with the Argemein, which doesn't hit allies. #4 Fighter Overall #2: Iglaine. Why? She's a distant second to Max, but she does have Anger and Genius. Average stats combined with similar yet weaker potentials means she never gets that nod. Breakers: #1: Fredrika. Why? Reserves, and Good Shot are her main potentials, from what I recall. She's got good STR and AGL, and great range with a good breaker. Solid ranged choice. #7 Fighter Overall Scyther: #1: Hillo. Why? Well, she's the only scythe user. Other than that, she gets Genius, Anger, AND Limit Break. She's a real monster for every part of the game, and her weapon is insanely easy to make very strong. #3 Fighter Overall Short Swords: #1: Nagi. Why? Well she's got double AGL growth. That's key. She also has Anger, a strong selling point. #10 Fighter Overall #2: Himika. Why? She's got a case for #1, but it revolves around Accelerate and Parry. I prefer keeping my HP high with the Recovery auto skills, so there she goes. She also has very average stat growth. Swords: #1: Tal. Why? She's got good STR, and I'm pretty sure she has above average AGL. Anger and Limit Break are a plus. Swords in general are very jack - of - all - trades, wowing me in no particular area. This hurts them. The exception is the Futsonomitama, which adds 15 AGL at L5. 26

#2: Meu. Why? She's got good STR and AGL, and some solid potentials. She's got Potential, Reserves, and Parry. Again, though, I prefer to have high HP so those low HP potentials seem to suffer. #3: Roze. Why? Anger and Limit Break, good STR, but you get her so late that you already have better fighters. Spears: #1: Leila. Why? Anger, Good Shot, and good AGL and STR caps are good. She has no possible way of having 3 L4 general slots, though, which EVERY other weapon type can do. It's a real drag for grinding. #2: Kurt. Why? Anger, Effort, and Levitate paired with good STR and AGL are again wasted by a terrible weapon type. Magic users: #1: Corwin. Why? Ice and Lighting innate, Limit Break, and modest stats. He can have 3 Heal slots for Heal, Clear All, and Ressurect. #2: Choco. Why? Limit Break is there, as are the 3 Heal slots. She's got double INT growth, but needs a Material Wand to do damage. #3/4: Mick / Hera. Why? It's a tossup. Mick can do Tetrabolt and Tempest himself with the right weapon, and he's got Potential. Hera has Genius, Effort and an INT cap of 6. Both have Limit Break and do damage while keeping 2 Heal Slots. Your call. #5: Levi. Why? She's got Ice and Lightning, and Limit Break. You get her relatively early with Neverland, and she's a lot better than Hans. You've got better choices, though. You should have 4 or 5 physical fighters and 2 magic users. Take your pick from the above. HH. CHARACTER POTENTIALS This is a translated version of the list at: 1. Naiz lvl 01 lvl 20 lvl 29 lvl 29 lvl 50 : : : : : Abandon Parry Enlightnment (Class 1) Mind's Eye (Class 2) Otherworld Soul

2. Ankrauser lvl 01 : Abandon lvl 24 : Reserves lvl 26 : Mind's Eye lvl 47 : Concentrate (Class 2) lvl 47 : Enlightnment (Class 3) 3. Zhang Khan lvl 01 : Abandon lvl 16 : Boldness lvl 22 : Defense lvl 36 : Enlightenment 4. Corwin lvl 01 : Effort lvl 10 : Discovery lvl 19 : Defense lvl 39 : Limit Break 5. Jed lvl 01 lvl 11 lvl 29 lvl 35 : : : : Luck Thief Absolute Resist Certain Death

6. Scarface lvl 01 : Abandon lvl 09 : Boldness lvl 28 : Reserves lvl 32 : Perfect Barrier 7. Dragen lvl 01 : Boldness lvl 22 : Genius lvl 34 : Reserves lvl 45 : Perfect Barrier 8. Trevor lvl 01 : Deep Breath lvl 09 : Mind's Eye lvl 15 : Defense lvl 36 : Enlightenment 9. Nora lvl 01 lvl 32 lvl 36 lvl 48 lvl 48 : : : : : Effort Perfect Barrier Limit Break Reserves (Class 2) Enlightenment (Class 3)

10. Himika lvl 01 : Abandon 27

lvl 19 : Certain Death lvl 30 : Acceleration lvl 38 : Parry 11. Hera lvl 01 : lvl 30 : lvl 45 : lvl 60 : Effort Genius Limit Break Perfect Barrier

12. Marx lvl 01 : Effort lvl 05 : boldness lvl 25 : Reserves lvl 30 : Potential 13. Yaku lvl 01 : lvl 17 : lvl 34 : lvl 44 : 14. Leila lvl 01 : lvl 20 : lvl 27 : lvl 39 : 15. Hiro lvl 01 : lvl 28 : lvl 36 : lvl 46 : lvl 46 : lvl 46 : Mu Health Up Absolute Resist Reserves Limit Break Boldness Good Shot Certain Death Anger Boldness Anger Limit Break Genius (Class 1) Accelerate (Class 2) Enlightenment (Class 3)

16. Anderson lvl 12 : Genius lvl 22 : Certain Death lvl 34 : Parry lvl 45 : Accelerate 17. Iglaine lvl 01 : Boldness lvl 16 : Concentrate lvl 26 : Genius lvl 38 : Anger 18. Wage lvl 01 : Health Up lvl 04 : Mind's Eye lvl 18 : Absolute Resist lvl 28 : Enlightement (Class 1) lvl 28 : Defense (Class 2) 19. Kurt lvl 01 : lvl 01 : lvl 22 : lvl 33 : Float Effort Boldness Anger

20. Klause lvl 01 : Concentrate lvl 12 : Defense lvl 17 : Boldness lvl 48 : Accelerate (Class 1) lvl 48 : Mind's Eye (Class 2) 21. Tal lvl 01 lvl 18 lvl 26 lvl 47 : : : : Boldness Certain Death Anger Limit Break Discovery Boldness Limit Break Perfect Barrier

22. Nell lvl 01 : lvl 12 : lvl 31 : lvl 34 :

23. Hans lvl 01 : Deep Breath lvl 16 : Absolute Resist lvl 39 : Limit Break lvl 42 : Perfect Barrier 24. Max lvl 01 : lvl 16 : lvl 29 : lvl 44 : 25. Levi 28 Effort Good Shot Accelerate Anger

lvl lvl lvl lvl

01 01 22 39

: : : :

Luck Discovery Absolute Resist Limit Break

26. Rosette lvl 01 : Discovery lvl 01 : Thief lvl 24 : Certain Death lvl 29 : Parry 27. Roze lvl 01 : lvl 01 : lvl 39 : lvl 44 : 28. Meu lvl 01 : lvl 29 : lvl 38 : lvl 48 : lvl 48 : Potential Concentrate Anger Limit Break Potential Reserves Parry Concentration (Class 1) Enlightenment (Class 2)

29. Arthus lvl 01 : Boldness lvl 27 : Concentration (Class 1) lvl 27 : Enlightenment (Class 2) lvl 38 : Anger lvl 46 : Mind's Eye (Class 1) lvl 46 : Absolute Resist (Class 2) 30. Yen lvl 01 : lvl 10 : lvl 19 : lvl 37 : 31. Cuo lvl 01 : lvl 26 : lvl 31 : lvl 44 : Luck Abandon Deep Breath Anger Effort Potential Accelerate Highlain

32. Garnet lvl 01 : Luck lvl 12 : Concentration lvl 24 : Genius lvl 33 : Parry 33. Ciel lvl 01 : lvl 22 : lvl 30 : lvl 30 : lvl 42 : Float Perfect Barrier Potential Luck Limit Break

34. Shiro lvl 01 : Boldness lvl 01 : Anger lvl 01 : Limit Break lvl 46 : Genius (Class 1) lvl 46 : Enlightenment (Class 2) lvl 46 : Discovery (Class 3) 35. Choco lvl 01 : Health Up lvl 08 : Concentration lvl 30 : Limit Break lvl 33 : Perfect Barrier 36. Nagi lvl 01 : lvl 25 : lvl 32 : lvl 32 : lvl 36 : Boldness Certain Kill Limit Break (Class 1) Accelerate (Class 2) Anger

37. Vanilla lvl 01 : Boldness lvl 01 : Health Up lvl 26 : Perfect Barrier lvl 32 : Anger (Class 1) lvl 32 : Limit Break (Class 2) 38. Fredrika lvl 16 : Good Shot lvl 22 : Mind's Eye lvl 36 : Highlain lvl 46 : Reserves (Class 2) lvl 46 : Enlightenment (Class 3) 39. Mick 29

lvl lvl lvl lvl

01 28 34 39

: : : :

Luck Acceleration Potential Limit Break

40. Yunellia lvl 01 : Genius lvl 22 : Parry lvl 28 : Enlightenment lvl 36 : Reserves 41. Luca lvl 01 : lvl 13 : lvl 29 : lvl 46 : lvl 46 : Abandon Mind's Eye Genius Anger (Class 2) Perfect Barrier (Class 3)

II. POTENTIAL DESCRIPTIONS name - condition effect In trouble: Remaining HP is less than 1/3 of maximum HP. Near death: Remaining HP is less than 1/8 of maximum HP. Concentration - In trouble Accuracy and evasion increase by 30. Certain Death - SP rank 3 Accuracy and critical increase by 30. Anger - SP rank 3 Phyiscal offense increases to 125%. Defense - SP rank 3 Defense increases to 125%. Limit Break - none Magic offense increases to 125%. Mind's Eye - none Damage against non-human enemies increases (excluding bosses). Absolute Resist - none Resistance to all (negative?) status effects increases. Parry - Near death Evade all physical attacks (excepting specials). Perfect Barrier - Near death Evade all magical attacks (except specials). Effort - none EXP gain increases to 150%. Luck - none EP gain increases to 150%. Potential - none Gain (2?) extra stat points on level up. Health Up - none Gain extra HP bonus on level up. Deep Breath - SP rank 3 "Has a chance to vid attacks up to lvl 10" "Damage defence of Lv*10" Accelerate - In trouble AP recovery rate increases. Boldness - none SP heals every turn. Abandon - none Avoid counterattacks. Genius - SP rank 2 (yes, rank 2 and not 3) AP use decreases for everything except Move. "AP cost of skills decreases by 25% (except Move)" Thief - none "Steal" skill success improves. Discovery - none Item drop rate from enemies increases. Enlightenment - In trouble Accuracy and evasion increases by 50. Highlain - SP rank 3 30

Accuracy and critical increases by 50. Good Shot - SP rank 3 Attacks always hit. (Overrides Parry?) Reserves - Near death Offense and defense increase to 150%. Accuracy increases to 100% (?) Float - none Ignore height restrictions. JJ. INVENT WEAPON/ARMOR/RING Bangles, bracelets, and all weapons (other than scythe) starting on Iron: Iron > Silver] > Platinum > Mythril > Orichal SCYTHES Demons Scythe > Deaths Scythe > Soul Sucker > Silent Wind > Executioner > Avenger

SWORDS Fleuret > Rapier > Master Rapier > Estoc Fleuret > Sabre > Feather Sabre Short Sword > Rondel Dagger Divine Bokutou > Healing Staff Spatha > Kris Tsurimaru > Long Sword Broadsword > Quinqu Rain Flame Sword > Flare Buster Ice Brand > Ice Blade Thunder Sword > Thunder Blade Wind Sword > Wind Blade Gaia's Guard > Gaia's Blade Conquistador > Kaiser Sword Dragon Killer > Dragon Bender Material Sword > Material Wand > Material Sword Rusty Blade > Gram GREAT SWORDS Falux > Claymore > Zanbato > Tear Fang Falchion > Kora > Great Sword Falchion > Kora > Brunac Bastard Sword > Zweihander > Great Sword Viking Sword > Doublehand > Brunac Flare Buster > Flame Spear Ice Blade > Ice Lance Thunder Blade > Bolt Lance Wind Blade > Wind Spear Gaia's Blade > Glaive Decifist Sword > Brunhilda SHORTSWORDS Shield Sword > Sword Breaker > Triple Dagger Butterfly Knife > Kris Mein Gauche > Rondel Dagger Lucky Dagger > Lucky Talisman Lucky Dagger > Mystic Deep Scarlet > Flame Sword Azure Blade > Ice Brand Lone Wolf > Thunder Sword Willow > Wind Sword Fallen Leaf > Gaia's Guard SPEARS Pike > Poleaxe > Halberd Sarissa > Harpoon Flame Spear > Flame Knuckle Ice Lance > Ice Hand Bolt Lance > Thunder Baghnakh Wind Spear > Air Smasher Glaive > Gaia's Claw

> Annihilation

> Stiletto

> Kochoumaru

> Bardiche

> Pinaka

STAFF Witch's Broom > Magician's Rod > Ruby Wand > Force Rod Spiked Rod > Morning Star > Zen Cane > Crusher Spiked Rod > Morning Star > Calamity Spike Holy Sprinkler > Broadsword* Flame Rod > Firebird Flame Rod > Fire Guard Ice Rod > Cold Snap Ice Rod > Ice Guard Lightning Rod > High Voltage Lightning Rod > Thunder Guard Gale Spike > Wind Chill Gale Spike > Wind Guard Clay Wand > Soul Breaker Clay Wand > Earth Guard Ray Blade > Demon's Finger Mist Wand > Saint's Hand Magic Blade > Magic Frame* Material Wand > Material Sword 31

KNUCKLE Baghnakh > Gold Finger > Chained Knuckle > Gatling Knuckle > Glorious Baghnakh > Iron Claw > Jamadhar Guard Knuckle > Adakh > Clutch Knuckle Flame Knuckle > Deep Scarlet Ice Hand > Azure Blade Thunder Baghnakh > Lone Wolf Air Smasher > Willow Gaia's Claw > Fallen Leaf BREAKER Quick Turn > Target Lock > V-Strata Full Moon Blade > Chakram Firebird > Firebird Cold Snap > Cold Snap High Voltage > High Voltage Wind Chill > Wind Chill Soul Breaker > Soul Breaker > Blue Dolphin > Sonic Breaker

GUN Moon Crusher > Buster Gun > Sniper Shot Flashfire > Fire Guard Dragon's Ice > Ice Guard Moonlight > Thunder Guard Hurricane > Wind Guard Crushing Fang > Earth Guard Quinqu Rain > Quick Load

> Railgun

ARMOR Lucky Talisman > Lucky Dagger Fire Guard > Flame Rod Fire Guard > Ice Guard > Thunder Guard > Wind Guard > Earth Guard Ice Guard > Ice Rod Thunder Guard > Lightning Rod Wind Guard > Gale Spike Earth Guard > Clay Wand Beast Bangle > Vor Bangle > Dragon Bangle > Ghost Bangle > Ivy Bangle > Ogre Bangle Illusion Bracelet > Oboro Resist Frame > Magic Frame Dream's Hazard > Marine Rouge > Red Savage > Moon Guard > Guard Frame Magic Frame > Force Frame Three Stars > Triguard Homura > Hyouga > Raitei > Fujin > Mogura Dark Bracelet > Holy Bracelet Rusty Bracelet > Aegis KK. REGISTARABLE WEAPONS The G cost is the amount it costs to buy the weapon once registered, and the EP cost is the cost to augment the weapon from lvl 1 to lvl 5 to be registered. All weapons sell for half the price they cost to buy. SWORDS Silver Sword.................... 800G / 120 EP Rapier.......................... 800G / 120 EP Sabre........................... 1200G / 120 EP Long Sword...................... 2500G / 120 EP Platinum Sword.................. 3000G / 240 EP Master Rapier................... 3000G / 240 EP Arc Blade....................... 4000G / 240 EP Feather Sabre................... 5000G / 240 EP GREAT SWORDS Viking Sword.................... 610G / 60 EP Silver Blade.................... 800G / 120 EP Claymore........................ 800G / 120 EP Kora............................ 1400G / 120 EP Zweihander...................... 1800G / 120 EP Doublehand...................... 2500G / 120 EP Platinum Blade.................. 3000G / 240 EP Great Sword..................... 4000G / 240 EP Brunac.......................... 6000G / 240 EP SHORTSWORDS Baselard........................ 500G / 60 EP Silver Knife.................... 800G / 120 EP Sword Breaker................... 800G / 120 EP Kris............................ 1000G / 120 EP Rondel Dagger................... 1500G / 120 EP Platinum Knife.................. 3000G / 240 EP Triple Dagger................... 3000G / 240 EP Katar........................... 5500G / 240 EP Gladius......................... 6000G / 240 EP SPEARS Lance........................... 500G / 60 EP Sarissa......................... 530G / 60 EP Silver Spear.................... 800G / 120 EP Poleaxe......................... 800G / 120 EP Harpoon......................... 2450G / 120 EP Platinum Spear.................. 3000G / 240 EP Halberd......................... 3000G / 240 EP Partisan........................ 5500G / 240 EP Javelin......................... 6200G / 240 EP 32

STAVES Silver Rod...................... 800G / 120 EP Magician's Rod.................. 800G / 120 EP Morning Star.................... 2650G / 120 EP Platinum Rod.................... 3000G / 240 EP Ruby Wand....................... 3000G / 240 EP Zen Cane........................ 4200G / 240 EP Magic Blade..................... 50000G / 240 EP Crusher......................... 11100G / 480 EP KNUCKLES Silver Knuckle.................. 800G / 120 EP Gold Finger..................... 800G / 120 EP Platinum Knuckle................ 3000G / 240 EP Chained Knuckle................. 3000G / 240 EP Jamadhar........................ 4440G / 240 EP Clutch Knuckle.................. 6800G / 240 EP BREAKERS Silver Breaker.................. 800G / 120 EP Target Lock..................... 800G / 120 EP Chakram......................... 1000G / 120 EP Platinum Breaker................ 3000G / 240 EP V-Strata........................ 3000G / 240 EP GUNS Silver Gun...................... Buster Gun...................... Platinum Gun.................... SCYTHES Soul Sucker..................... 800G / 120 EP 2680G / 120 EP 3000G / 240 EP 3000G / 240 EP

SHOP WEAPONS: SWORDS Iron Sword...................... 200G Fleuret......................... 200G Short Sword..................... 500G Spatha.......................... 800G GREAT SWORDS Iron Blade...................... Falux........................... Falchion........................ 200G 200G 400G

SHORTSWORDS Bastard Sword................... 600G Iron Knife...................... 200G Shield Sword.................... 200G Butterfly Knife................. 400G Mein Gauche..................... 500G Khukuri......................... 600G SPEARS Iron Spear...................... Pike............................ Pilum........................... 200G 200G 400G

STAVES Iron Rod........................ 200G Witch's Broom................... 200G Mace............................ 360G Spiked Rod...................... 500G Holy Sprinkler.................. 600G Mystic.......................... 700G KNUCKLES Iron Knuckle.................... Baghnakh........................ Brass Knuckles.................. Guard Knuckle................... 200G 200G 440G 640G

BREAKERS Iron Breaker.................... 200G Quick Turn...................... 200G Full Moon Blade................. 400G Boomerang Breaker............... 500G Blazer.......................... 600G GUNS Iron Gun........................ Handgun......................... Shotgun......................... SCYTHES Demon's Scythe.................. LL. BEST WEAPONS PER CLASS 220G 440G 660G 500G


This is a list of the best 5 weapons per class. All the weapons are upgraded to lvl 5, and this list does not take into consideration STR or INT bonuses, or the element or slots. It only takes into consideration ATK (and for staves, MAG). STRONGEST WEAPONS: Swords: Sword of Chaos*................. 1623 Meteor Tenma*................... 1564 Soul Crusher.................... 1555 Gram............................ 1500 Death's Will*................... 1496 Great swords: Musoufugoku..................... 2113 Mafunshin*...................... 1936 Dragon Bender................... 1845 Annihilation.................... 1774 Dynamo's End.................... 1733 Shortswords: Bonten.......................... 1489 Brave Hunter.................... 1418 Abner........................... 1383 Chrome Hour..................... 1383 Krutana......................... 1291 Spears: Augerbrick...................... 1774 Son of the Sun*................. 1596 Sleipnir........................ 1543 Highwind........................ 1527 Pinaka.......................... 1420 Staves**: Rodriguez III................... 2065 Nemesis......................... 2033 Rimlim's Hammer................. 1993 Rune Blade...................... 1835 Material Wand................... 1514 Knuckles: Kaiser Knuckle.................. 1328 Basaltus........................ 1307 Genbu Gauntlet.................. 1206 Glorious........................ 1190 Orichal Knuckle................. 1138 Breakers: Siddharta....................... 1678 Mobius Link..................... 1568 Dragon Wing..................... 1518 Orichal Breaker................. 1121 Sonic Breaker................... 1016 Guns: Argemein........................ 1872 Revolver Cannon................. 1731 Final Arbiter................... 1437 Orichal Gun..................... 1373 Magic Rifle..................... 1262 Scythes: Gates of Hell................... 1917 Purgatory....................... 1597 GOH Replica..................... 1453 Executioner..................... 1263 Silent Wind..................... 835 ALL: Musoufugoku (Great Sword)....... 2113 Mafunshin (Great Sword)......... 1936 Gates of Hell (Scythe).......... 1917 Argemein (Gun).................. 1872 Dragon Bender (Great Sword)..... 1845 MM. RARE ITEMS List of all the Level 4 Spell Items and where to find them. Note that several are not available in the regular game. Fire: Fire Dragon Bag is dropped by Green Dragons. Post-game only (Floor 32 and sometimes 30 in the Otherworld Gate). Ice: Icicle is dropped by the Yeti monster, which can be found randomly substituted for the boss monster in the last battlefield of Simba Battle Point 6, or in the Forest of Light Outskirts battle.

Thunder: Radiance is dropped by a monster that is called Cleone in the JP version, and is found randomly substituted for the "Nothing" monster if you wait out 201 turns on level 22 of the Otherworld Gate. Wind: 34

Siren's Wing is dropped by a Siren (duh) which is found randomly substituted for the "Nothing" monster if you wait out 201 turns on level 23 of the Otherworld Gate. Earth: Earth's Rumble is dropped by a Titan, which is found randomly substituted for the boss monster in the last battlefield of Rozess Battle Point 4. Dark: 1. Dark Heart is a drop from Grand or Master Mummies. Post-game only. 2. Undead Casket is a drop from the Vampire, which can be found randomly substituted for the boss monster in the last battlefield of Neverland Battle Point 6 or in the Eastern Dark Marsh optional battle field. Light: Crystals are found on one particular map that is only available in the Rozess and True routes (storyline map, only playable once, two Crystals total). Also dropped by Crystal Armor monster in the post-game. Void: 1. Angel Feather is a rare drop from a Cockatrice, which can be found randomly substituted for the boss monster in the last battlefield of Neverland Battle Point 5. 2. Devil Feather is dropped by Dark Angels. Post-game only (Otherworld Gate). NN. TITLES Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



Weapon Master* Rusty Sword Fill in all weapons on Reference Armor Master* Rusty Armor Fill in all armor on Reference Ring Master* Rusty Bracelet Fill in all accessories on Reference Completist Keepsake* Fill in all items on Reference Path of Blood Skill Scroll Kill 100 enemies Destroyer Skill Book Kill 500 enemies Bloodthirsty Soul Skill Mastery Kill 1000 enemies Death Personified Fiery Wrath Kill 7000 enemies Gold Vein* Training Book* Sythesize 1000 times 10. Demander of Food AGL Up Recruit Himika

11. Forest Walker LUK Up 12. Pirate King STR Up 13. Flying One VIT Up 14. Pursuer of Beauty INT Up 15. Treasure Hunter AGL Up 16. Maiden of the Sea VIT Up 17. Avenger STR Up 18. Perplexing Angel* LUK Up 19. Wise Man* Hellgazer

Recruit Yamu Ku Recruit Jed Recruit Kurt Recruit Nell Recruit Rosette Recruit Levi Recruit Arthrus Recruit Ciel

Recruit Shiro 20. Cold-hearted* Wise Man Book* Kill 100 Hiyoko 21. Forest Hunter* Dragon Wing Kill 30 King Wolf 22. Bee Killer* Sylph's Sigh* Kill 30 Death Bee* 23. Angel of Death* Dark Bracelet Kill 30 Dead God* 24. Surgeon* Gastromancy Kill 30 Lafresia* 25. Demon Killer* Black Soul* Kill 30 Greater Devil 26. Crab Eater* Meteoric Iron Kill 30 Death Crab 27. Shatter* Hunter Title Kill 10 Golden Doll 28. Godlike* Crystal Brac. Kill 30 Crystal Armor* 29. Dragon Buster* Princess Title Kill 30 White Arc* 30. Fallen Angel* Memorial Hairpin Kill 30 Dark Angel 31. Invisible Hand* Demon Eye Kill 30 Demon Eye* 32. Descendant* M.O.E.*? Kill 30 Grand Mummy 33. Knowledge Seeker* Nirvana Scroll Kill 30 Dark Mage* 34. Slime Hunter* Ace Soul* Kill 30 Kaiser Slime 35. Lizard King* Epsilon Ring Kill 30 Lizard Lord 36. Ruler of the Sky* Shining Star*? Kill 15 Golden Bat 37. Demon Ruler* Heaven's Gate Kill 30 Ancient* 38. Immortal King* Metaphor Kill 30 Master Skeleton 39. Dirty Soul* Spiritual Defeat Nothing monster 40. Death Beat* Virgin's Blood Defeat Cursed Sword* 41. Berserker* Demon Pattern? Defeat Strengthened Dragonian* 42. Soul Release* Mobius Loop? Defeat Rune Blade 43. Feared by Demons* Auto matter Defeat Satanel* 44. Battle Champion* Matrix Core Defeat Vermillion 45. Invited* Princess Blood* Defeat Ambrosia 46. Apex of All* Symbol of Evil? Defeat Double X 47. Awakened One Samson Ring CHAIN 50 48. Hopeful One Aura Ring CHAIN 100 49. Chain Master Black Frame CHAIN 160 50. Researcher Floating Stone* Fill in entire skill list 51. Charge Master Sylph's Tear* Use all combo skills 52. Enduring Heart* Blue Water Use all special combo skills 53. Arrival* STR Up+ Clear the Otherworld Gate x2 54. False Hope* VIT Up+ Clear Warrence Castle 55. Symbol of Power* AGL Up+ Clear the Dark Gate 56. Exceeding God* INT Up+ Clear Garanas Church* 57. Battle God* LUK Up+ Clear the Spectral Tower 58. Game Master [none] Obtain all other titles OO. OTHER WORLD DOPPLEGANGER DROPS LV DOPPLEGANGER 35

54: Arthus (Brave Hunter) 55: Iglaine (Lightning Guard) 56: Mick (Demon Frame) 57: Luca (Dragon Bender) 58: Rosette (Bonten) 59: Wage (Rust Ring) 60: Levi (Dragon Frame) 61: Klause (Mighty Ring) 62: Jed (Mighty Ring) 63: Zhang Khan (Basaltus) 64: Nell (Aegis) 65: Trevor (Epsilon Ring) 66: Yaku Mu (Epsilon Ring) 67: Max (Argemein) 68: Hans (Crystal Bracelet) 69: Tal (Floating Stone) 70: Corwin (Nemesis) 71: Kurt (Floating Stone) 72: Cuo (Crystal Bracelet) 73: Choco (Rune Blade) 74: Vanilla (Dragon Frame) 75: Garnet (Mighty Ring) 76: Yen (Kaiser Knuckle) 77: Fredrika (Mobius Link) 78: Hera (Rodriguez III) 79: Ciel (Floating Stone) 80: Roze (Blue Water) 81: Meu (Aegis) 82: Nagi (Crystal Bracelet) 83: Shiro (Hiyoko Charm) 84: Nora (Augerbrick) 85: Himika (Demon Frame) 86: Leila (Sylph's Tear) 87: Scarface (Musoufugoku) 88: Hillo (Blue Water) 89: Ankrauser (Matrix) 90: Naiz (Floating Stone) 91: Wage, Klause (Rust Ring, Mighty Ring) 92: Mick, Corwin, Kurt, Yaku Mu (Demon Frame, Nemesis, Floating Stone, Epsilon Ring) 93: Levi, Jed, Nell, Rosette (Dragon Frame, Mighty Ring, Aegis Bonten) 94: Luca, Hera, Ciel, Nora (Dragon Bender, Rodriguez III, Floating Stone, Augerbrick) 95: Arthus, Choco, Vanilla, Himika (Brave Hunter, Rune Blade, Dragon Frame, Demon Frame) 96: Garnet, Cuo, Fredrika, Nagi (Mighty Ring, Crystal Bracelet x2, Mobius Link) 97: Leila, Trevor, Ankrauser, Zhang Khan (Sylph's Tear, Epsilon Ring, Matrix, Basaltus) 98: Scarface, Max, Shiro, Yen (Argemein, Musoufugoku, Hiyoko Charm, Kaiser Knuckle) 99: Hans, Roze, Tal, Iglaine (Crystal Bracelet, Blue Water, Floating Stone, Lightning Guard) 100: Hillo, Naiz, Yunellia, Meu (Blue Water, Floating Stone, Musoufugoku, Aegis) PP. NEW GAME+ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. When you finish the last battle in the regular game, it will prompt you to make a Clear Save. If you then use that clear save, you can start a new game with the following bonuses: PP in new game = total amount you end with (unused) + total of all character levels, divided evenly between each army. GP and EP in new game = total amount you ended with (unused) plus 10000GP and 1000EP clear bonus, divided evenly between each army. Items are randomly divided between the armies, and determined at the time of the clear save (so you would have to fight the last battle again to redistribute if you don't like the arrangement). The synthesis chart is filled in further as a bonus. Anything registered at the end of the game stays registered, and is available to every army. Profile and Gallery are carried over. All Auto Skills are lost but each item that comes with an Auto Skill has the skill attached again (at level 1) just like it was brand new.


You don't need to worry about augmenting until after HP 1 - I'm not even sure you can until then. Once you can, try augmenting armor before weapons. You'll last longer in fights. Ignore the allure of Bracelets in the shop - once you invent your way to Silver Armlets they will instantly be better than Bracelets. Synthesizing isn't worth worrying about until you have more ingredients and money. Sell all Ore - Silver, Platinum, etc. and all Silver, Platinum etc. Clusters or Crystals as well. Save Crystal Clusters and Crystals when you get them. You'll need to do a few runs through the OG and Battle Points before you get items to synth. Buy Synth Scrolls or use the FAQs here to find out what you need to make the items you want. Having more AP left at the end of your turn means that your next turn will come faster. Next time you're in a fight, hit Triangle. A bar will come up on the right side of the screen showing who will go next, and in what order. It's a representation of the sliding bar at the top. When you get near an enemy, do your Hold Attack (skill menu, hit R, select an enemy next to you) and slowly select skills one at a time. Notice how the number next to the active character goes down? It will go 36

down faster at first, but slower with each additional skill you select. You can use one or two skills and try to get another turn before the enemy, or unload on them all the way. The point is that you can more accurately guess who is coming up next.

Feel free to use up your PP in your first run - it helps. In new game+ mode you can begin to save it since you won't need it, and hoard it for a future post game file. AGL is a very important stat. LUK (for the main game) is not. Fighters do not need INT (with very few exceptions), magic users do not need STR ever.

HP gain is 6 x VIT at each level. More VIT = more HP, but I think it's better to have more AGL and better armor. Sticking with that, the main game is more about speed and good equips. The post game requires crazy stats and good or optimal equips. If you have a strong weapon, the next step is to find out how to hit several times. The best move (ATD) is unrealistic in the main game. The best early on team move is Full Swing (Attack x 6), and later on towards the end of the game you can have each single fighter use Decouple Attack (Double Attack + Triple Attack + Quad Attack). It takes 27 AP to move and have 21 AP left for the combo, but it's great.

Look into Wind Rings and Double Feathers as soon as you can. Bat Wing + Sagestone = Speed Ring. Speed Ring + Wind / Thunder Cluster (and maybe a Sagestone?) gives you Move +2 or Jump +2 - invaluable. Be advised that you can't Scarab out of a multiple of 3... if you're not doing well in OG 5, Scarab out and save yourself the trouble of losing. Any character that dies, you take a penalty in EP that we think is equal to that character's level. Helpful hint to prevent death: you can Chain "Heal" on your own units so that when the enemy hits them they are immediately healed. In the main game AGL is by far the most important stat. VIT for HP is nice, but speed gives you more turns, actions, chances to heal, etc. Use Charge to your advantage against bosses. Be patient with leveling. The game revolves around EP before augmenting or inventing, check to see where you're going with the weapon so you don't waste it on something that will be obsolete later. Okay, when you unlock the Otherworld Gate, train there... a lot. Melee characters can attack other allied characters for exp, and your healers can then heal them. Think the Monk - Chakra trick in FFT. Unfortunately, ranged characters can't attack allies, so you'll have to find a weapon with a Healing skill slot to grind them on other party members. Tech levels increase by how much you use the particular skill type. Also, using combo skills that are of the tech level will increase it much faster than using the individual skill (I think). The max level is 10, or full 9. Depends on where you look; during battle will be full bar 9, while in the menu screen will show empty 10. Innate skills are gained by level. Think of learning pokemon moves. At a certain level, you'll learn the innate skill. Check Swift's Supplementary FAQ for more information. As you'll see for Hillo, she has 3 options for her final innate skill to be learned. Each different option is based on her class level when she reaches that level. The preferred innate skill to learn for her (specifically for post-game) is Genius, which she learns in her first class. Her second class gets her Accelerate (good if you're just going to beat the main game only), and in the third class, she gets Enlightenment (not that useful). The purpose of the scrolls is so that you can know that initial mastery and synthesize list. However, with Swift's Creation FAQ, it's pretty much useless. There isn't a specific list of what you should have equipped or what level you should be at by such and such point. It's all up to how well you are doing against your opponents. Going through the OG and BPs (which you can repeat multiple times as you wish) gives you a test of what is about to come. If you feel you can't get through the monsters without some trouble, go back and try again and up your armor, weapons, or accessories. Just check the FAQs to see what you want to aim for (make sure you can achieve it in the main game) and go for that. Also, use the Equipment FAQ to see what accessory works best with whatever character. Monster skills are the least of your concerns. Monster people aren't necessarily the best for each of the armies (however, Fresh might put up an argument about Kurt being "decent"), but monster skills aren't really necessary. The only monster skills worth getting are breath attacks or Fresh likes A Dozen Blows. There aren't any weapons that carry a monster skill slot. Monster skills can only be used by monster characters only since they have the slot innately. And the only way I can potentially think of increasing the success rate of steal and capture, which I've seen work for me, is to attack enemies with a significantly lower level. Also, increasing the tech level will increase the success rate as stated in the stats of the skill itself (should be under the second "Mag" column). You should also get in the habit of destroying every box, barrel, gate, rock, etc in each battle you fight. Not destroying one of these items can and will cause you to be unable to obtain extra battlefields, characters, and or items. One last note for to keep in mind. As you should know, Marx, Dragen, Garnet and Anderson will leave in the middle of the game. You should try to level them as much as possible before they leave. You will get PP equal to 5 times their level when they leave. That is a huge bonus and worth some extra time grinding up their level.


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