Organizational Behaviour Assignment Two Topic:-Leadership: Prepared By:-Kshama Shukla Ptmba - 1 Year ROLL NO:-A046

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Organizational behaviour Assignment two Topic:-Leadership


Q:- What are the different types of Leadership Styles that you have encountered in your organization? Which of these would you use and why? Before I answer the above question I would firstly like to summarize the various styles of leadership that generally exist and what are the different characteristics about these existing styles of leadership.
The leader's Modus Operandi Demands immediate compliance The Style in Underlying EQ a Competencies Phrase "Do Drive to achieve, what I initiate, self-control tell you" Overall Impact on Climate Negative

The Style

When the style work best

In crisis, to kick start a turnaround, Coercive or with problem employees When changes Mobilize "Come Self-confidence, require a new Empathy, Change Authoritative people towards with vision or a clear vision me" catalyst direction is needed Creates To heal rifts in a harmony and "People Empathy, Building team or to builds come relationships, motivate people Affiliative emotional first" Communication during stressful bonds circumstances To build buy-in or Forges "What Collaboration, Team consensus, or get consensus do you leadership, input from Democratic though think?" Communication valuable participation employees To get quick Sets high Conscientiousness, results from a "Do as I Drive to achieve, highly motivated Pacesetting standards of do, now" performance Initiative and competent team To help an Develops Develop others, employee improve "Try people for the Empathy, Selfperformance or Coaching this" future awareness develop long-term strengths

Most strongly positive





The above table gives a brief summary of the different leadership styles and can be referred while I answer the above question. Effective leadership today is more important than ever before especially if we talk about employee motivation. Effective leadership plays a vital role in directing the employees performance to the most optimum level and helping any organization or individual to deliver their best at all times. Leadership as seen above has various styles to it is generally observed that it is difficult to adapt to just one particular style. Usually people adapt to different styles of leadership in different situations. I have personally come across almost all the existing styles of leadership in my organisation at different situations either directly or indirectly. Mr.Kazim Sayed ,who was also my first boss and the manager of my branch when i had initially joined the organisation was a gem of a human being, he was the best person you can come across as a boss as he could be reached out to at any given point of time, he would hear your woes, your concerns very patiently, acknowledge your hard work your efforts he had excellent communication skills, he also made sure that the team is aware of what is expected out of them and know their targets well .he would keep the team motivated at all times. Especially when we were low in our numbers or when our budget was steep. He always kept the atmosphere pepped up and communicated regularly within the team on all important issues. He used to take brief meetings if anyone of the team members was low in confidence or performance and would put in sincere efforts to help the individual cope with his or her short comings. Any initiative in our branch related to our daily operations or any change with regards to the routine activities carried out was discussed openly before being implemented, problem solving was always approached with methods like brain storming and the best suggestion or effort was rewarded appropriately. There was a healthy competition maintained within the team and there was co-ordination among the team members. His leadership style can be summarised as affiliative, coaching and DEMOCRATIC style of leadership and this combination was instrumental in having a positive, successful and goal oriented team leading to outstanding achievements from every individual and the team as a whole.

My very next boss after Mr.Kazim Sayed was Mr.Prashant Shetty,who was a pessimist by nature, never acknowledged any effort, could not handle failures and barred himself from any kind of verbal communication, His communication was always in the form of an order and at all times and every situation he expected quick and positive results. He always set high and unrealistic targets and never gave any suggestions or guidance helping the teams with ways to cope up with the pressure rather imposed his own style of doing things and expected the team to carry out the operations exactly in the manner he has worked out. Every morning he used to call for a brief meeting and only had complaints to share, never did he discuss or point out any positive initiative,or an achievement of any team member. Thus the morale of the team was usually low there was no driving force which led to numerous resignations and an overall negative performance. This style of leadership is Autocratic, coercive and has elements of Pace setting style of leadership to it which as described does not lead to any positive outcome. As discussed above in the two examples we can easily understand how crucial is the role of the leader in any organization or team and also the impact of the leadership style that he follows is plays a very critical role in the overall performance of the team.

According to me a good leader is the one who is commendable and exemplary, who is enthusiastic about his team and also has excellent communication and analytical skills, which is able to motivate and inspire the team to achieve their targets, goals and is able to bring out the best in their team even at the time of crises. A good leader is the one who gives his people, his team voice and direction, who is calm and composed and persistent to his goals. Different situations require the use of different leadership styles. A good leader will be able to:

develop flexibility to be able to use any of the styles recognise the different demands of each situation adapt appropriately, by using the styles that will give optimum success ensure one's own personality needs are met

So for me ideal leadership demands finding the right balance between what your natural leadership style is and what leadership style does your job demand. You also need to have an ability to adapt your style to different situations in order to

achieve the maximum effectiveness. If you lead in a manner that is solely in line with your own preferred leadership style, then you will fail to be effective. A good leader needs to recognize his maximum strengths and exploit them towards the betterment of his team. Having said that, if I had to choose between any style of leadership I would prefer to have leadership styles that have positive traits and outcomes like DEMOCRATIC, AFFILIATIVE & elements of COACHING which would benefit me and also the team I lead and the people I work with because of the positive attribute attached to above mentioned leadership styles.

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