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Typical examination data sheet

NB: The Foundations of Energy is a 2-hour exam which is a closed-book exam.

Apart from an approved calculator and writing utensils the only permitted material is a
standard dictionary for those whose main language is not English. All dictionaries will
need to be presented to the invigilators for checking.
However, this data sheet (or a modification thereof) will be provided as part of the
exam paper.

Prefixes and conversions

kilo: 103, mega: 106, giga: 109, tera: 1012, peta: 1015, exa: 1018,
1 toe = 42 GJ; 1kWh = 3.6 MJ

Fluid and fuel properties

Water at 5 to 20°C : density 1000 kg m ; specific heat 4.2 kJ kg– 1 K– 1
Air at ground level and 0 to 40°C: density 1.225 kg m – 3 ; specific heat at constant
pressure 1.01 kJ kg– 1 K– 1, specific heat at constant volume 0.72 kJ kg– 1 K– 1,
Name Composition Molecular weight Energy content
(MJ / kg)
Methane CH4 16 55
Ethane C2H6 30 51
Octane C8H18 114 48
Cetane C16H34 226 48
Anthracite >~80% C 12 ~30
Lignite ~ 60% C 12 ~20
Biomass ~ Cx(H2O)y ~10 – ~20
Carbon dioxide CO2 44

Typical ranges of the heat transfer coefficient

Type of convection h W/m2/K
Free convection of gases 2 - 25
Free convection of liquids 10 - 1000
Forced convection of gases 25 - 250
Forced convection of liquids 50 - 20,000
Boiling and condensation 2,500 - 100,000

Useful equations
Ideal gas p = ρ RT with R = Cp – CV
Isentropic processes
p2 / p1 = ( ρ2 / ρ1 ) γ ; T2 / T1 = ( ρ2 / ρ1 ) γ −1
; T2 / T1 = ( p2 / p1 ) ( γ −1)/γ
with γ=
Cp / CV
Stefan-Boltzmann law: Q = ε σ A T 4 with σ= 5.67×10 – 8 W m–2 K–4
Hydraulic power PH = ρ g H Q
Fluid current power P = ½ ρ A U3
Nondimensional specific speed: KN = Ω (P/ρ) 1/2 (gH) – 5/4

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