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Lesson Plan in English IV I. Objectives: 1. Distinguish reality from fantasy 2. Show enjoyment while reading a poem 3.

Answer specific questions about the poem Subject Matter Grade Level: Grade-IV Topic: Distinguishing Reality from Fantasy Poetry: The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly Reference/pages: English for You and Me/page 171 Materials: pictures, visual aid Procedure A. Daily Routine - Prayer - Classroom management B. Pre Reading 1. Motivation Picture parade (Teacher presents picture of animals) Who among you here have seen a cat? a bird? a fly? Do you have those animals at home? 2. Motive Question This morning children, we will going to read a poem. Lets try to find out what happened to the old woman. C. During Reading- Reading Aloud The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly SOLO: There was an old woman who swallowed a fly. CHORUS: Oh, my! Swallowed a fly? Poor old woman, I think shell die. SOLO: There was an old woman who swallowed a spider. Right down inside her, she swallowed a spider. She swallowed a spider to catch the



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