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Financial Ratio Findings 1. TOI 2. EBIDTA 3. EBIDTA/TOI (%) 4. Interest 5. Depreciation 6.

Operating Profit (OP) (Sales - Excise Duty) + Other recurring income incidental to main business (1) Minus (Operating Expenses excl. Interest, Depreciation & Amortisation) EBIDTA


7. Non-operating Income 8. PBT 9. PAT 10.PAT/TOI (%)

Interest on borrowings Depreciation for the year EBIDTA - Interest-Depreciation In case of any special item like lease rentals, amortisation etc., between EBIDTA & OP, it need to be calculated appropriately Income not from normal course of business net of non-operating expenses OP+ Non OP PBT - Tax (incl. Deferred Tax) (OP+ Non OP)/ (Sales - Excise Duty) + Other

recurring income incidental to main business 11.Net Cash Accruals PAT + Depreciation - Dividend + Non-cash charges+ Deferred Tax Provision 12.Net fixed assets Net Fixed Assets 13.Tangible Networth Paid up share Capital + Reserves - Revaluation (TNW) Reserves Intangible assets (patents, goodwill, prelim. Expenses, bad / doubtful expenses not provided for etc.) 14.Exposure in Investments + Loans and Advances subsidiaries /Group Cos. Investments Investments in subsidiaries / group companies Loans and Loans & Advances subsidiaries / group advances companies 15.Adjusted TNW (ATNW) TNW- (Investments + Loans and Advances) 16.Long term debt (LTD) Debt greater than one year (term loans, debentures, preference shares, DPGs, other term liabilities) excluding installments due within one year 17.Short term debt (STD) Debt due within one year (includes demand loans, unsecured loans etc.) but excluding

Working Capital Finance as given in (18) below 18.Working Capital Bank Secured and unsecured working capital Finance availed from the Banks (include, Bills discounted / purchased, Cash Credit / WCDL, Demand loans, Export finance etc.) 19.Guarantees Guarantees in nature of financial obligations 20.Total Debt LTD +STD +Gauantee 21.Total Debt /TNW Total Debt / (Paid up share Capital + Reserves - Revaluation Reserves - Intangible assets (patents, goodwill, prelim. Expenses, bad / doubtful expenses not provided for etc.) (Debt greater than one year (term loans, debentures, preference shares, DPGs, other)



(Paid up share Capital + Reserves Revaluation Reserves - Intangible assets (patents, goodwill, prelim. Expenses, bad / doubtful expenses not provided for etc.) (Total Current Liabilities + Total Term liabilities +Deferred Tax Liability)

(Paid up


share Capital + Reserves - Revaluation Reserves Intangible assets (patents, goodwill, prelim. Expenses, bad / doubtful expenses not provided for etc.) (Total Current Liabilities + Total Term liabilities +Deferred Tax Liability)


(Investments + Loans and Advances) 25.Total Current Assets All assets with maturity less than one year 26.Total Current Total liabilities with maturity less than one Liabilities year, including installments of term liabilities / DPGs due within one year 27.Net working capital All assets with maturity less than one year Total liabilities with maturity less than one year, including installments of term liabilities / DPGs due within one year 28.Current ratio Total Current Assets / Total Current 29.ROCE (%) Liabilities {(OP) + (Interest) + Lease rentals} / {Net fixed Assets + Investments + Total current assets -

30.Interest cover

Provisions - Sundry creditors + Outstanding lease rentals} {(PAT)+ (Depreciation) + amortisation + (Interest) + lease rentals + deferred tax provision} / {(Interest) + lease rentals} LTD +STD +Gauantee Dividend + Non-cash charges+ Deferred Tax Provision)

31.Total debt/ NCA

(PAT + Depreciation -

fr 32. DSCR

(OP+ Depreciation)

Deposit/Installments of

Comments on financials

term loans /DPG/Debenture etc(due in One year) Comment on financial include Trends in Total income, Profitability, Sustainability of non-operating income, Losses on account of derivatives facilities, Current ratio Net working capital Leverage Non current assets and contingent liabilities Foreign currency risk Status of implementation of project (if any)

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