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1. Double armed dead hang on front three fingers open handed.

(hold 5) Hang for 6 seconds, repeat three hangs resting 2 minutes between each. 2. Double armed dead hang on middle two fingers open handed. (hold 5) Hang for 6 seconds, repeat 2 times resting 1.5 minutes between each. 3. Hang open handed on three fingers on one arm, decrease resistance as required until hang can be completed. (hold 2 or 5) Hang for 6 seconds, repeat 3 sets for each arm, resting one minute between hangs on alternative arms. Rest 5 minutes. 4. Double armed hang on full crimp position, on a first joint edge. (hold 1 or 5) Hang for 6 seconds, repeat three hangs resting 1.5 minutes between each. 5. Double armed hang on full crimp, this time slightly smaller than the last set, i.e., _ of the the finger tip. (hold 3 or 4) Hang for 6 seconds, repeat three hangs resting 1.5 minutes between each. 6. Single arm hang on 1st joint edge, decrease resistance if required until hang can be completed. ( hold 1, 5, or 4 depending on level) Hang for 6 seconds, repeat 3 sets for each arm, resting one minute between hangs on alternative arms. Rest 5-8 minutes (and prepare for some arm and body work!) A. Single arm lock off at 90 degrees see pics. If required use the assistance of a bungee cord or pulley system. Try to stay as open as possible rather than twisting your body in to lock off. (hold 1 or 5) Lock off for between 8 and 10 seconds. 3 reps for each arm, resting 2 minutes between each rep. B. One armed pull ups, again assistance may be required using a bungee cord or a pulley system.(see video here). (hold 1) Keeping your body as open as possible Try to complete 2 one armed pull ups for each set and complete 2 sets for each arm. C. Leg lifts/ Front levers. Depending on your ability either do front levers or leg lifts. (hold 1) If doing front levers, complete three sets of front levers holding each set for 5 to 8 seconds. If doing leg lifts complete three sets of leg lifts. For each set lift legs up to chest level 6 times.

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