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Insulin Table Insulin Types Duration Characteristics of Action Rapid-acting: 3-6 Patient should Lispro hours eat within

5(Humalog) 15 minutes of Aspart injection; also (Novolog) used in pumps Short Acting 30-60 2-3 hours 4-6 Clear solution. Regular minutes (within this hours Gove 20-30 (Humilin R, time minutes Novolin R) hypoglycemia before eating. most likely) Can be mixed with other insulins. Only one given IV. Intermedieate- 2-4 6-12 hours 16-20 White and acting hours cloudy can be Isophane NPH given after Lente meals Long acting insulinUltralente 3-5 hours 8-14 hours 18 hours Onset Peak of Duration Action 5-15 One hour minutes

Very long acting Glargine (Lantus) Ultralente

1 hour

No peak

24 hours Maintains glucose levels regardless of meals; cannot be mixed with other insulin; given at bedtime

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